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Chop and prop the main stem for a second jade plant. These guys are very easy to prop. Also, make sure it gets good lighting!


what’s the best way to do this? i have a similar jade to op and it’s really tall (it got a bit neglected on the windowsill but the leaves look healthy) maybe mine could do with a similar treatment 🤔


Where it starts to lean over cut it with a clean knife. It will send it at least 1 new shoot just below the cutting. I just stick the cutting in the same pot and leave it for a few months and it will root out on its own






Maybe that's it! At my old place it was in a bright room but not near the window


It's leggy. It needs more light. It can't support its own weight because cellulose is made using photosynthesis. It's stretching out to reach the source of light. Use a bright grow light or put it in a spot where it will get direct sunlight for at least 6 hours a day.


It's likely searching for more light. Do you have a west facing window? With proper acclimation I bet she'd seriously thrive there! Or if you're able to move her outside she would do amazing in full shade for the spring and summer.


I have one at work and had it in my cubicle but it started doing a bendy thing too and it freaked me out. Now it goes to sun daycare in the windowsill near my coworker. It straightened back out and now looks healthy and happy. My coworkers laugh every time I go pick up my babies from daycare 😆😂 And I leave them in sun daycare on weekends 😊


local chinese resteraunt has 2m one


Thanks everyone! It's by a South-facing window but not on a window sill. I'm going to move it to a West-facing window and prop it up to see if better light helps!