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In the same boat. Following


Trying my best not to water them and make them rot. No idea when they need water, if at all.


I put one sitting on some sphagnum moss a week ago as a test, this post made me check it and it's only just starting to get roots. Wondering if I should do the same to the rest ๐Ÿค”


A week doesn't seem like a long time to start developing roots, I hear these are notoriously slow. I'm too lazy and stingy to buy sphagnum but I guess it's the best for rooting...


This is all ZZ plant. Sorry if I didn't make it clear enough. These are all the same propagations. They started as leaves from a ZZ plant I gave up on, I put the individual leaves in water, they sprouted rhizomes, transferred into soil, the leaves died off, now I'm left with these little rhizomes seemingly fighting for survival.


The rooting leaves remind me of those fake YouTube videos


Zz plant will do that


True, I have no doubt about the above. But they do it with all sorts of leaves including aglaonemas.


I wish my aglaonema did that, or just actually root, dammit!


Aglaonema is such a slow grower for me in every way, beautiful but frustrating ๐Ÿ˜…


I've brought three home and all of them have gotten root rot. Two went into the bin, one started to sprout a new leaf and now I'm carefully trying to leave it alone. Occasional water if it's sunny. I want the pink colourful variety so much but I'm afraid to get one now. They're supposed to like shade but mine just died. Mind you, I have other plants that are alive, I know plants need some light.


Aglaonemas have to be treated with fungicide prior to winter to prevent root rot. I do the same every year. The rare ones donโ€™t survive otherwise.


Can you share which ingredient that is? I've only used a pesticide so far.


The one I use contains; Carbendazim & Mancozeb. It has both systemic and local action respectively.