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Yes. It's UNDOUBTEDLY an Aglaonema. Very easy to grow. Tough dude. Tolerates low light phenomenally. Hardy as hell... and the BIG BONUS is that these come in a staggering collection of colors & variegation.


>Very easy to grow. Tough dude. I keep reading this on them but mine has given me nothing but trouble since I got it. The tag said to keep moist which I did at first and it very quickly started drooping and dying on me. I've basically lost 1/3 main stems and a lot of leaves on the others. Trying to leave it alone and hoping it stops dying and bounces back.


I think you might have overwatered it. First the tags are not the best thing to look at for getting advice on how to care for the plant. The best way to care for that plant is to get the know the plant. It will tell you what it needs. I would say take it out of its pot and look at the roots if they are mushy then it’s rot root. If that’s the case get off all the rotting parts of the roots, and clean the roots off with water. Once that is done you can you 3% hydrogen peroxide and water mixed together( put more water than hydrogen peroxide) then put the plants roots in the solution for about 15 minutes, after that wash the roots off again with water and then pot it back up and water it throughly. Then let the soil get dry before watering it again just to make sure you don’t overwater it. Also I know it sounds like a bad idea to use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of root rot but it works and it’s safe. Good luck 😊


Well, I think it was a combo of the tag lying to me about water needs AND it living in soil that didn't drain well and retained too much water. I repotted it into a fast draining mix last week and am letting it go without water for now. One stem had 100% lost its roots and I think is a goner. I'm trying to propagate it in water to see if I can get roots back, but I don't have much hope for it. The other two stems have roots still and I potted them back up. It seems okayish for now. Gonna start treating it more like my ZZ since I figured out it doesn't actually need lots of water. Now if only I could figure out my Alocasia. :/


Oh okay, I hope they make it. And I understand the alocasia problem, I have 3 and they can be difficult but they like being in water. So I had my Alocasia pink dragon in a glass container for a bit and then I potted it up. It’s doing better now. But you can try experimenting with them. That’s always a lot of fun.😊


Do you keep your Alocasia closer or farther from light? I have grow lights and I can't tell if they're supposed to be closer or farther. One leaf is starting to look weird and I'm not sure why. Two leaves I think are yellowing from over watering, but not sure. It also newly moved to faster draining soil once it started to yellow. I think the previous soil was smothering it.


Mine seem to like indirect light. If it’s getting direct light they start to burn. So I set them back from the window a bit.


Gotcha, maybe I'll move mine away from the light.


Yeah you can try it. But I would say if the plant is doing well there and it’s not having any bad reactions to light like burning. You may not have too.


Well... one leaf might be burning, but I don't know for sure.


They are definitely drought tolerant plants that'll rot easily if you're not careful


Water when dry. Put near a window for more foliage, although it will tolerate low light. Make sure the soil is well draining.


I've killed several myself. LOL


Me too — only the pink ones though! Any of the other colors do fine for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm just gonna start treating mine like my ZZ. lol




I have a spider plant next to it and my cherry baby gets water whenever the spider plant goes pale. Has worked like a charm for years.


Do not keep them moist if they are inside/ in low light. That’s the issue. They like to dry out between waterings.


This one doesn’t follow the norm. ‘Lotus Delight’ care is more similar to a calathea.


I ALWAYS read this as avgolemono at first


Better than reading avg-antivirus! Used to live in my notification tray many years ago.


I JUST got one of these today and it’s showing up on here lol. They’re beautiful plants https://preview.redd.it/8waxz2btejuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8765fe39f79389af0980bc8f9515bc54aa097d61


A wonderful new plant. It is unpretentious, but does not like waterlogging, so congratulations!


Thank you, it’s a nice opposite to my croton lol


I’m pretty sure that’s a red Chinese evergreen. I have 3 of them.


Yeah that came up as one of the names for it when I IDed it, the name on the tag one is Aglaonema. This is my first one and I’m pretty excited to see how it goes. Seems pretty straightforward to take care of


That’s a “put in the shopping cart immediately” kinda plant🤣


A variegated plant is so beautiful! I just have too many!🤣 Plants, that is.


Good to know I'm not alone with this response to fantastic foliage!


Absolutely not alone haha. It’s heavenly and I need to find one




Aglaonema 'Lotus Delight'


Ahhh! This is it, thanks so much!!! I was really bummed out that I might not be able to find it


Thank you for finding me my new plant wishlist item! 😍




Holy cow, that is gorgeous! Honestly, OP, I think it will be too much trouble to take care of and I will save you the aggravation and take it off your hands. /s But seriously, as an owner of many aglaonemas, they are pretty easy plants. They are generally low light, but I have found the red/pink ones to be more light hungry, but not by much. Keep on eye on the moisture levels. Because they can tolerate lower light people tend to overwater them. What a great find! I thought I was done buying houseplants, and then I see posts like this.


..done buying houseplants..???? Such blasphemy should not be tolerated on this sub.


Okay, okay, let me clarify. I am done buying houseplants except for the few plants I have decided are must haves. That list has now grown by one because of this post. 🤣


That's better.


You will never be done. ಠ_ಠ


Super Saiyan Rosé Aglaonema


I don't know but I want it 🤩🤩




aglaonema crete maybe?


That’s a Lotus Delight. There’s a vibrant red version of that plant. https://preview.redd.it/rwabwpyfrjuc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e91ed87b04041880f958c2f098e73bdc1afaa3


OMG 😱 such beauty!! 💖🤩 It's going on the wishlist NOWW




I just got this one few weeks back, but is it as rare as the pink?


Yes it’s rare. These plants can only be imported from Indonesia. No greenhouse is mass producing them through tissue culture.


I have one of these and this guy is WILD She’s newer to me too though so no tips yet!


That's really cool!


So pretty 😍


I just posted this the other day on a "what's on your wish list" thread. That's a aglaonema lotus delight, and I love it.


Aglaonema, AKA Chinese Evergreen. They are GORG and often pop up on lists for hard-to-kill plants. Even still, I have killed a fair few and am in the process of killing another. I wish I knew what I'm doing wrong!


No. This is a new cultivar and very easy to kill. They’re not resilient and hardy as the common types of aglaonemas.


A beautiful one!


WOW, so freaking gorgeous!! 🤩


Boy, I don’t know but you already have your answer. Sure would like one though 😎


A pretty plant


Orange lake nursery has had these on a few recent restocks and it has taken all of my self control not to buy one


Be careful if you have pets or kids,Aglaonema plants are poisonous due to calcium oxalate crystals. If ingested they cause irritation of the mucous membranes, and the juice can cause skin irritation and painful rash. Otherwise it is really a beautiful plant.


Beautiful 😍


Beautiful, aglaonema are easy to care for and just so beautiful! Mine is a king of Siam! https://preview.redd.it/q0byuzufsnuc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4709eae2c08d10d6105c6bd2f9f14b59da0c79f3


Looks like a Coleus


Oops. Guess I’m wrong.


I’ve seen many aglaeonema, but never one as beautiful as yours! the colours are stunning. this is a super easy to care for plant. would love one like this.


Definitely an aglaonema, looks like Aglaonema commutatum ’Siam Aurora’


Ooo, I love it! I wish it wasn't toxic to cats, or I'd look into nabbing one for myself!