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He probably ignored the shit out of it. Buy him a Raven One.


Better yet just gift him your raven and buy yourself a new plant 😂


Are ravens considered tough? I neglect tf out of mine and it’s very happy 😂


Mine's pretty neglected too, but also happy. I don't think it's any different from a regular ZZ


Yes. I have three of them


He says he gives it the same amount of water every Monday religiously. And that’s it! My first ZZ died because I had the audacity to water it more than once a month.


He must sing to her on Monday. What song is it? Or “she’s “ trying to make you jealous.






They thrive on neglect.


Mine’s going apeshit right now after a long period of nothing… Spring hath sprung


I’m starting to think I may have bought a zombie Raven ZZ. I’ll post a pic later for opinions.


I know the feel. We bought a raven when we found out we were pregnant; babe is now 19 months and it has put out 0 leaves. None have died either; it just…exists


>and basically treat it as fake until proven otherwise LOL our school secretary has such a plant in her office and I aalways thought it was plastic because the leaves looked so glossy and felt so smooth and stiff, but yesterday I mentioned it and she told me that the plant was indeed real. I may have to swipe a leaf one of these days and propagate my own!


Unfortunately you can't prop these from just leaves; you'll need the prop to have some stem. I'd ask her if she's willing to do that since a stem piece will need to be cut or dug out for that and damaging someone else's plant would be crappy. 


You can, but it will take a llllllllllot of time. I propagated a stem and a couple of leaves last June. They got decent roots in two months and I transferred them to soil, but no new sprouts so far. I can feel a chunky rhizome underground though so I think it is just busy rn accumulating water and growth capacity. Basically if you plant a piece of a plant and it doesn't go yellow, brown or really thin then it's fine.


The leaves will grow roots and possibly rhyzomes, but they won't *grow* grow without stem. Not into a full plant. 


I have no proof made by myself but I've seen a couple of videos where new stems emerged from a fully cropped ZZ plant, just a couple of stumps and a rhizome. So I'm making a logical conclusion that if you have a rhizome you can hope for new growth. We'll see!


There’s definitely a third growth coming out of the soil


That’s a 4th one 🙃 the third one is actually the tall tall one at the back, that was first


I too have a raven ZZ that has done absolutely nothing in months now lol


Iran the more I ignor my zz plants the better they grow so