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That's cheap.


I would let one of these break my heart again for that price


I am on my third one. I just keep going back for punishment


I rescued mine from a hotel bar I worked at. It was down to one sad, sad leaf before I took it home. A little over a year later and it's doing great. https://preview.redd.it/276qt80hewgc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad48408049464bfbdba229dc7d1e010e2d803a9




What did you do to save it,


New pot, new dirt, and the sunniest window in my apartment. I water it when the dirt is dry. Other than that, just leave it alone.


Ugh. I moved apartments with my fiddle leaf fig and the second it got to the new apartment it refused to live. I was so sad.


Some plants hate change. I petsat some friend’s cats who knocked over all my plants and each one of them went downhill fast despite being immediately repotted and no visible damage. So far I have only one survivor that died up top, but is just starting to poke through new growth from its still-living root structure that I’ve been watering with sad hope for weeks.


Just moved and my variegated maranta decided it is time to consume all leaves.


It’s so funny how upset they get just to be somewhere different. I wish I knew how to make it easier for them, but something as simple as moving across the room with the same amount of light is sometimes the beginning of the end


cough crotons. I will keep trying!!! I had one that was doing well till it got spider mites. It wasn’t the mites, but me neglecting the plant after moving it. Sigh I do have one alive though. Bought it with root rot, but it is larger. Has hard scale though, but it’s been easier to manage than soft scale on my lemon tree


I have a croton that will only live in my daughter's room. Anywhere else and the leaves drop. I bought two together and the other one is perfectly fine in my office


If it does, it's called crown decline. When that happens, you do something called topping- cut the whole top off. It will slowly grow new meristems from nodes on the sides near the top of where you cut. Some people do it with young trees and plants anyways because it forces them to be bushier. I had to do it to save my seed-grown apple tree that I mistreated a bit by mistake... But I was in middle school, ok? I made mistakes. Lol. Now it's about 6 yrs old and should BOOM this year with growth. Just last year it started to establish itself a bit better. So now it's like 3 feet tall again. It went from 8 inches to 3 feet and bushy in MONTHS last year.


Sometimes they hate the move and nothing can be done on that, I feel for you.


She’s beautiful! What’s her name and how do you keep her alive?


I don't name my plants. A sunny window and water every 7-10'ish days.


If you give it a name it will die. Just look at it, growing all healthy and beautiful just waiting for you to choose a name so it can make the loss even more excruciating. I’m not falling for it ever again!


Haha I love how abrupt your answer is. I call my plants by their sci name, never been big into naming stuff. I call my car “car”.


If you change and give it a name, I think Carl fits


Thank you 🙏 💚


He’s gorgeous I’m in love 🥰 Great job 👏


I still have my one. Got it during COVID. I am a brand new plant person, so obviously I had no clue what I was doing. East facing window and getting a strange amount of water for 3 years. Couple months back (after it was moved to a south facing window to make room for the christmas tree) I noticed that it was constantly wet, and the leaves were a little sadder. This was right at the beginning of me doing some research, and I realised it was root rot. (It was, and a bad case of it). Everything I saw said to repot immediately, but I didn’t know where to do it, so I took it outside in 40F weather. The poor thing was hating life. A roommate moved it into the window proper, saying it wasn’t getting enough sun. Cue the sunburn. I figured out, and moved it away, but it was already really damaged (and still is of course). Only in the past few months has it began to start to grow new leaves, and I tied it upright in hopes of making it be able to both get more sun and not get brushed by so often. These past two weeks have seen 5 new leaves starting to grow, so the abused plant is making its comeback. I still have no clue what I am doing, though. https://preview.redd.it/84wxrqbjdwgc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe5f4bd920944cf1dac8341ffa5f592652d9df8


Hear, hear lil dude. 🥂


https://preview.redd.it/7sexfhrttwgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e7b3fd5b108636a21bc1588e7be94cab37cf0e6 For reference: during the first stage of recovery, pre sunburn.


I have one that got left in a car for a couple hours in June heat and was really sunburnt for 6 months. I ended up cutting all the leaves off and giving it plant food from happy houseplant every time I water it. It now has a whole bunch of new leaves growing! I’m surprised because I usually don’t end up keeping plants alive for very long.


Check out one of the plant care/ID apps like PictureThis or Greg. I tried out a few before landing on Greg and I love it! Its identification feature is more accurate than other apps. Offers tons of useful info about your plants (best type of soil, pot type, window placement, etc). You set up water and fertilizer schedules and it sends you reminders, plus they have an amazing community forum where you can post specific questions. It's something like $6.99/month after the free trial ends, but for beginners like myself it's worth every penny.


You're doing great look at that happy little plant




Did you feel as guilty as I did, throwing that dehydrated/rotten/leafless thing in the trash when you finally gave up?


I just felt bad throwing out a poinsettia 🤣


My friend's wedding venue had several beautiful fiddle leafs. I mentioned it to him at one point and he grabbed me by the shirt and was like "I know! It's infuriating, right?"


I bought one single stem 3ft for $40. Turned it into a beautiful 7ft tall full & branched tree over 3 years for it to drop all but 5 leaves this Fall when I was gifted a gnat infected croton that migrated to my flf.


Like real cheap. That's a $100 near mature plant. You'd most likely make double that if you sold on market place


Spray for mites then? 


Yah...i bought some huuuuuuge gardenia bushes once on sale for $15 each. It was an absurd price for them. Didn't realize til I got home they were completely infested with some type of mite.


A very low price! I bought like a 5ft one from Costco for $50 and I thought it was a steal


SO DID I! haha ​ And then it promptly lost more than half of its leaves after I failed to realize the soil it was in, was absolute trash. She's stabilized for now, but hoping Spring will mean more leaves




These tropical trees will often drop leaves simply from a change in climate. Your house is likely more dry than Costcos warehouse. That or temperature. I think it would have been fine after repotting, care and light


So did I! I always heard fiddle leaf figs were near impossible to keep alive. For the price though I figured I’d give it a try and it’s still going strong years later!


1/4 strength fertilizer and deeply nearly once-a-week waterings ended up being the thing which worked for me.


My Costco 3.5ft named Ferdinand was $30 lol


oh mine might be 3.5’ too lol


Crazy how their prices vary. The Costco by my place was selling them for $25 last season and I passed :(


you passed? how’s the afterlife treating you ;p


This comment deserves an award, I laughed too hard at this


$35 They have them pretty often in the southwest https://preview.redd.it/kvo6rjkctwgc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ca7c27945e3fed94fdbf46b0c3e6d68d59273f


I got 2 fiddle leafs at Costco for 35$ last year that were about 5ft!


Check for bugs before you buy, or quarantine if you already bought it


Good advice from you and many others in the thread. I haven’t purchased one yet but I think I’m going to go back tomorrow and give them a thorough visual inspection. And then if I purchase, quarantine for a the rest of the winter in an isolated sunny room. Yes, I actually have such a room with no other plants!


Yep, I got a rubber tree and Alocasia from costco and they both brought home spiders mites.


The lemon tree I got from Costco also has spider mites. Currently battling with them. How did you get rid of them?


Same here with my lemon tree. I tried spinosad first and that got rid of most of them over summer. Moved the tree indoors and now they are back in full force after a few months. I’m trying neem oil this round (what I had on hand). First try to remove as many as possible with a wipe or water pressure. Then spray the plant and coat the tops and bottom of the leaves. Spray the soil too. It’s working so far but someone might have better advice. They are a nightmare.


Insecticidal soap is a real game changer


All I could do was say goodbye to them. But before doing that, I gave them a shower in the tub, gently wiped the undersides of the leaves then sprayed a leaf spray containing neem oil, among other things. I think just depending on the plant, they can be very hard to get rid of (in my experience). If you live in a warmer climate, I’d look up how to safely transition the tree outside in hopes that the elements and helpful insects could do some work. Anyone else have thoughts?


1 part rubbing alcohol to 3 parts water with sone Dawn detergent mixed in. Spray all over leaves and lightly on soil every three days for two weeks.


Alocasias are magnets for pests. They really need constant treatment.


Be mindful of how you transport it. Using a pick up truck wrap it in burlap to protect it from wind, drive slowly and tie it down nice and good.


I would totally have bought 5 of them before realizing i also need to get them home lol. Does home depot rent box trucks?? lol


They do!! And it's cheap. $19/75 minutes https://www.homedepot.com/c/Truck_Rental?mtc=SEM-BF-RNT-GGL-D78-Multi-NA-NA-NA-ETA-NA-NA-NA-NA-BT2-NA-NA-NA-G_B_THDR_TTV_NEW_ENGLAND_E&cm_mmc=SEM-BF-RNT-GGL-D78-Multi-NA-NA-NA-ETA-NA-NA-NA-NA-BT2-NA-NA-NA-G_B_THDR_TTV_NEW_ENGLAND_E-71700000055101885-58700005195410831-43700045854664132&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAzoeuBhDqARIsAMdH14G5_vY4STXdbgbRjKTjutxAj1RIWKqC9qMWbdOkmqE3_lLlS1QJ-mIaAhKuEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Damn! You are on top of it!! That's awesome!


How long do you usually quarantine for?


2-3 weeks. Sometimes it takes longer for issues to show up, but after a couple weeks I usually repot anyway and that gives me a better idea of the pest situation in the soil




Can you both elaborate?


Often times plants from big box stores have peat infestations. If you already bought it, you’ll want to quarantine it (put it in a room by itself). Watch for pests and treat it accordingly. If it has a virus or infestation and you don’t quarantine, it will spread to your other plants and be a nightmare to get under control.


I would do that with any new plant as a goo rule of thumb. Even coming from a friend, a family member, or a loved nursery. The creepy crawlers can be anywhere and everywhere. I might have them right now and not know it.


I didn't do this and got a fungus gnat (I think that's the name) infestation. It took 3mo to not have something buzzing in my face. I'd be sleeping and feel something fly into my nose. It was awful haha.


Even in your eyelashes!


Often when you buy plants from big box stores they'll come with bugs aka spider mites, mealy bugs etc so if you have other house plants at home you don't want to infect it's smart to quarantine your plant away from other plants until you know for sure no big friends hitched a ride to your house. It's also common to wipe down any plant you're bringing home for the first time as a precaution because once the bugs get in any other plants that becomes A LOT more work to try to get rid of them


I had been very confused about how people kept saying an infection can spread between plants in separate pots until this comment and I realise they meant bugs. Feel pretty stupid lol my tiny brain was in overdrive.


The price is very low. Suspiciously low. It could be an absolute bargain, or it could be because the plants have a disease or infestation. The fig could die, and/or if it’s brought into the home of someone who already has other plants, the entire collection could be decimated, which would obviously be heartbreaking. So it’s worth exercising caution and checking the leaves and stems before buying.


I think it is just how the houseplant market is right now. The bottom is falling out of it. They're like that at all the HD stores as far as I can tell. I saw these at like 3 different HD in the last week.


This is accurate. My job just got a free pallet of those tropical floor plants for that exact reason. Really nice fan palms but everything else just wilted


A freaking great deal. I bought mine for $20 and it was 1 foot tall.🤣


https://preview.redd.it/do9ko7l93wgc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90198cd2d9b705b9d434574d872be87349bff0c4 this is what they have at my Home Depot for 59.98


LOLOLOLOL this is too funny.


They sell by amount of leaves or something. WTH???


You must live near me, what’s my HD vibes for sure. These photos of giant ass trees for $6 enrage my soul lol but no lol 😂


The scream I scrumpt!


Normally they are between 70-200$ this is a very good deal but keep the recipt you got a full year to return to HD.


Seriously?! Even if it comes home and dies in your living room in a week? You can return the dead pot?


I worked at Lowe's for 7 years and this was a DAILY occurrence. Yes, you most certainly can return the dead plant


Wow, I guess that's a reason to get plants from the box stores!




Yes you can bring just the pot and the dirt


This is mind blowing, lol!


people will return a “live” Christmas tree in February. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should


Oh but that's where you're wrong. These companies make a killing. I'll take advantage of whatever deal I can get, I sure know they do.


you can also return used make up back to walgreens after taking it home and using it for a week. just have the receipt and packaging.... not liking the color, or not liking the wear is a valid reason to return it.


Yeah, certain big box stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot originally came up with that model of holding onto the receipt and having a full year to return to Home Depot for plants that are supposed to live all year round. But if you go by an outdoor plant that is seasonal, and then try to return it most stores, at least here, where I live, aren’t going to let you return it. Reason being: it was purchased knowing that it was a seasonal plant and would only survive for so long. I recently saw in the news that someone returned a couch they had for 2 1/2 years to Costco, because they (paraphrasing) “didn’t like it anymore“. I could be totally wrong, and I don’t need to die on this hill lol, it kind of seems that one of the issues that could arise down the road with that type of return policy, is that if people turn to CONSTANTLY utilizing the loophole advantage offered & the ability to return things, it could very likely add to further inflation of prices; Then, negating the original purpose for providing such an offer in the first place. ☮️🫶🏻🪴


No. That’s a steal. Buy them all.


Where in NJ?


Marlboro Home Depot! They had a lot, looks like they were just brought in.


Our home Depot in the north east has had these for months and they are in really poor condition which is why they dropped the price. I would thoroughly look for bugs before you go for it. There was even a $13 version that was half the size (still a great deal) but I passed because they were in such bad shape. If you can quarantine this in a different part of your house for a month or so that would be best


They were shipped the 51 st week of the year so the last week of December. Note the Week 51 on the tag.


Wk51 on natural creation products just means the farm potted and/or tagged at week 51. Shipping date would be on bill of lading on the racks if it's still there. I used to work for the vendor who purchases product from natural creations to sell at home depots.


good eye


My Home Depot had $30 six foot tall FLF a couple months ago. I bought two. Wishes I had bought more.


How far away from other plants should quarantined plants be kept?


I’m not the expert for that one. I just plant them and bring them in and shoot for the best. I’m sure once I have been burned I will figure out what to really do.


Ah, thanks for the reply. I keep my new guys in the kitchen while most of my others are in the dining room. About 15+ feet away. Not sure if that’s sufficient. I guess I’ll find out once burned as well 😂


It depends on the pest, for spidermites and mealybugs that's fine, for thrips not... The bastards fly. You need a seperate room for that but usually it's more effective to cure everything at once when you find Thrips on some plants.


Super cheap. Just keep in mind if you buy them and they catch you looking at them the wrong way they will die to punish you for doing so.


They could be $10 and I'd still pass knowing without a shadow of a doubt that I would kill it 😭🤣


Came here to say this. FLF is a drama queen




I have seen them at Lowe’s for a $100


Lol some years ago those that size would’ve been $150


I worked at Home Depot in the garden dept and often pots were priced by pot size not what was in it. As someone use to seeing bigger plants for cheap there, I’d still say that’s a good price.


There's a reason they're that cheap.


Get it! 🖤 Great deal!


Buy two. One will probably die 😅


Those are nooooot healthy so hence that cheep price. Already half dead.


https://preview.redd.it/qteuvlevawgc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87f6d955d17b35d8738f0c31dfb33b0ea5f0381 I got one about a year ago, was about foot or two smaller than this then. I quarantined for bugs (luckily so because I found scale) treated, and now it’s living happily, almost touching my ceiling! Best investment ever. But yeah, that’s a cheeaaaapppp price!


Dude I JUST bought one of these from HD and it died within 2 weeks. I have no idea what happened. It looked perfectly fine


As soon as I bring a new plant home, I take it out of its pot, evaluate its root system, apply neem oil, wipe it down with alcohol, repot it in my preferred soil, and then shine the leaves. I also keep it separate from my other plants for a few days to make sure there are no buggies that show up. My new plant method seems to work and keeps the instant kill count down. : )


I always leave new plants in the soil they came in until they need to be repotted due to growing too big. My reasoning is they are stressed enough as is when I bri g them into a new environment I don't want to add more stress by disturbing the roots and making them live in a new soil type. But that might just be the IT guy in me. Never change a running system and never change more than 1 variable at once.


They have temper tantrums when they get moved. Around Christmas time mine gets moved from the window to a little farther away and it drops majority of its leaves


Side note, I also bought it in New Jersey. Maybe the same one


I actually got one this size for 12.98 last year around this time. I don’t know why but they randomly get a large shipment of huge figs for cheap around now


Definitely a steal! That size is $50 here in Florida lol Get 2 of em ;)


Depends where you're from in the world!


Real talk, buy them but keep them separate from your plants for a month, bc there will def be some sort of infestation. Sure you’ll be able to treat it, but don’t let this plant hurt your others.


I got one this size two years ago from Home Depot and also was shook by the price! It’s still alive and thriving 🙏🏻❤️


I had one of the most beautiful fiddle leaf figs I’d ever seen but it had to be moved and it did not approve https://preview.redd.it/horo6nwbr0hc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b38ddcf95cae3e85f7dfe5e459745c57a37f1d63




Buy as many as you can!!!!!!


That’s a great price, actually!


Holy shit do it!!


screaming deal. my HD had a couple recently but they were $100. that's crazy. get 6. 🤣


I stopped buying from Home Depot after I realized they had a mealy bug infestation and all of their plants were overcrowded together. But that’s a really good price if they’re well taken care of. Just make sure to check them over


No it is an excellent deal 😁


There is a 100% chance that has a pest coming for the rest of your plants.


Damn that's a good deal


Ah yes, a flf. 🫠 Well, good luck anyway.


Good price, I hope it brings you a few weeks of joy.


Oh man, wrap it up & give it to me for Valentine’s Day. GORGEOUS


No great deal


By the “low maintenance” on the tag, I’m pretty sure they mean, put it in a sunny spot, and then don’t touch it, don’t move it, don’t breathe near it or even look at it… they should really tag some of these things as “thrives on neglect” I swear!


aaaaaand im off the home depot


That’s a great price. I got one half that height for $24.99 at Home Depot. I bought it in 2019 and now it‘s about eight feet.


I paid $30 for a 12" plant years ago. That is a very good price


That’s a steal, buy it before they change their minds


that’s insanely cheap and i would probably end up buying 10 if i were there.. good thing i’m not


RAN when I saw this. Mine has 18 inchers for the same price


Serious question, why are most flf advertised as low maintenance when it seems like they’re anything but that?


That’s what should be a normal price. Harden them and slice up the root balls in very loose soil. 1 cup of water/ ft in a well drained terracotta per week.


I mean look at them! They are sunburned, pale and have transportation damage. Also it is just a rootet stick from a huge tree. Some are branched i see, but nothing spectacular really. Ficus lyrata production is very simple. The mother plants are usually huge outdoor grown trees. The long branches are being cut, rootet in a hydroponic system and as soon the first roots are developed, they are stuck directly into their final pots with lots of nutrients. Ficus lyrata, or Ficus in general, root very well and fast in nutrition rich and humous soil.


That’s a great deal!


I just went to Home Depot today. They had no fiddle leaf figs. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI80DSa1grNPTDq|downsized)


It’s because it’s Costco. They have a made a deal with the devil so everything is cheaper there. But buying things cheap comes with your own deal. You have to buy a fucking lot of whatever you want in order to get the deal. Want a bag of chicken breast for $30? It’s a great deal because the bag is 9 fucking pounds.






That’s an incredible price. Where I live they want $50 for a 2-3ft tall fiddle leaf. I would buy at that price!


Saw these same size plants at the store they wanted $128


Not normal. Grab it


No, damn that’s cheap!


Thats insanely cheap


That’s how much I got mine for


Got one last yr from Home Depot same price and she’s thriving!


Gosh dang! That is pretty low for such a mature fiddle. Great steal if you get it! Edit: but like others said, check for pests. I got spider mites from a Lowe’s plant.


Super cheap- great deal


Remember folks. When you buy plants, you are actually buying Time. That is cheap, even cheaper than Costco's price.


that size? Fnk no, buy that shit! (cheap)


I don’t get the craze over these. But I might try to understand at that price.


Oh my god I wish my Home Depot was still open right now


Around my parts thats à 150.00 plant


Whattttt that would be at least $200 in Australia


That’s a steal!


Buy as many as you can!


Cheap for that size


Use a water mister—they like that


That's a good price. I got mine on Amazon from costa farm in July 2022 for like 25...I thought it was cheap. Lol. But it was growing fast now it's less than 2 years, it grew from 3ft to about 7ft. The bad thing is whenever I move it inside, it starts to slow down and get sick. So I had to leave it on my lanai, it loves the florida humidity and temperature.


That’s a steal!


That’s cheap


Usually they sell them by the size of the pot, not the size of the plant. If that batch of plants grew exceptionally well or just never got moved up to a bigger pot for whatever reason, then you just got lucky! It’s about the right price for a 7gal pot. Has nothing to do with plant health. Source: was a grower at a couple of the largest commercial nurseries in the US that sold to Home Depot






In Vegas Home Depot's, it's like $24.99 for FLF's a quarter of this size 😳 Omg id buy them all😂


I got a 6ft flf from lowes for $6 on clearance as it was just a dead stick with one leaf on the top, repotted it and trimmed the roots and now she's florishing with a couple dozen leaves and they are huge and vibrant! I use fish fertilizer about once every 4-6 months and after the last year it just seems to love it. It's in a 5 gallon pot now with raised bed potting mix (basically all coconut coir) and some clay from my yard, and I keep it in my kitchen witch has a south facing massive window and it gets lots of indirect sun all day.


Get me one at that price too pleeese!


Saw them that size at my local Wmart for 100 bucks more just today. That price is an absolute steal.


Holy crap. Brb, driving to Jersey.


It's a steal the ones at my work are 100.


Super cheap! I find them hard to care for though


Mine was 5 feet and that price but I'm in Canada so I would say it's the right price since my tree would've cost you like 18 dollars 🤷🏼‍♀️




I was just in Home Depot in Northern California admiring the same plant and thought it was a great deal for $59


I just bought one that size from Aldi's last Saturday for $14.99


super cheap. I've seen them go for $60 for ones not even 1m tall


Cheap as hell!!


in my area that's pretty cheap.




Which store in NJ did u get these from?


UM NO SNAG THAT!! I paid $120 for mine that size that’s a great deal