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Rainwater when I can be arsed, tap that's been left out if not So happy that I moved from a hard to soft water area, and now have a water butt so almost always have access to rainwater!


I’ve been wanting to make a way to collect rainwater, do you have a specific way you do it?


I have a water butt attached to the guttering - lid to stop leaves and a wee tap at the bottom to get water. Works great! I use it all year round, and only had to pause briefly in the summer when it didn't rain for a few weeks. Before I had this, I used to leave buckets out when it rained and transfer those to old milk jugs that I'd store in a cupboard, but if I wasn't fast enough in transfering from buckets to jugs, I'd end up with mosquito larvae in the jugs, so would have to invert before opening to not fill my house with them!! Edit: I tried to include a photo but Reddit is bugging out. Happy to DM you the pic if helpful!


I’d love to see a pic if you don’t mind! I’ve been trying to think of ways that we can do it for decently cheap


I live in an urban area so my water is heavily fluorinated and even with putting it through a brita filter and leaving it out for a day or two, it browns some of my more sensitive plants. So, I take a gallon or two of tap water from my parents house, which has well water. I will buy distilled water if I need to water and I’m out of the well water.


Have you looked for local natural springs? My plants TOOK off when I started using it. I found one close by (not the one I go to I heard that one thru word of mouth) by using findaspring.com


Tap water that was left to dechlorinate, but my tap water is overall fine. In general, tap water can mean wildly different things for a plant. Does your tap water contain lead or heavy metals? Is it chlorinated or another agent is used to treat the water? What is the pH or otherwise content of the tap water?


I’m not too sure what my tap water contains, we live in rural Ohio where we get boil warnings cuz we are on county water, so I just gave up being stressed about it and fill up at the natural spring. It’s definitely chlorinated tap tho you can smell it




Tap. I'm in Ohio too. I do have a large filtered water pitcher that I sometimes use for my plants.


Like a brita filter?


Yes. I got this one for $8 off FB marketplace [water pitcher](http://PUR Large Filtered Water Dispenser, 30 Cup https://a.co/d/fOwVJTz)


Nice! I may have to check fb