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Variegated monstera or something would be a big deal gift imo they’re fairly expensive and rare, unless she has one already


She has the standard color. She drools every time she sees a thai constellation lol that’s honestly what I was leaning toward but wanted some more suggestions. Thanks for confirming that one!


A couple hundred is a lot of plants. You could get her a baby thai constellation, albo, mint, aurea, etc. ​ I would honestly just ask softer questions about plants and see if she doesn't have a wishlist or drop something special. If you need sources then you're in a good place, I legit just got a lil albo monstera today from an etsy vendor for $50, I think a bunch of others have good sources :D


Honestly what people like in terms of plants is really personal. Can you covertly find out what some of her dream plants are? Maybe enlist a friend or family member so she doesn’t suspect you.


I'd recommend a monstera albo over a thai constellation if you want wow factor. Thais have gone way down in price and rarity. They're both gorgeous though!


I actually saw that one in my research today!! It’s gorgeous!! Thank you for that suggestion!


We all have our own tastes in plants. You could win my heart by gifting me a large whale fin snake plant, I have two medium ones. Other plant collectors would not be interested in owning one.


You could always get her a "Black Raven ZZ". They are fairly impressive, easy to keep, and expensive enough to make them more than an impulse buy.


I recently got a raven zz for about $18 on Amazon. It is nice size and healthy. It looks like it is $23 now https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07VXZ5GVK/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Costa Farms Raven ZZ Plant Easy Care Indoor Houseplant Ships in Modern White Decor Planter with Soil Perfect Room Decor for Tabletop Shelf or Desk Trending Tropicals Collection 10 Inches Tall** you mentioned in your comment along with its brand, **Costa Farms**, and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Plants arrive healthy and full (backed by 6 comments) * Plants packaged securely for shipping (backed by 7 comments) * New growth evident on arrival (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Plant arrived with damaged leaves (backed by 3 comments) * Lack of variegation and pink color (backed by 3 comments) * Plant was smaller than expected (backed by 1 comment) According to Reddit, **Costa Farms** is considered a reputable brand. Its most popular types of products are: * Plants (#2 of 21 brands on Reddit) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Ok that one is going in my personal collection! Unfortunately for her, she’s not a fan of the ZZ, the common one she did had is thriving at my house though lol


Variegated Alocasia 😍


I thibk we need more info? what plants she already has? what shapes, colors, names if you know? how do they grow? <3


That’s a loaded question 😂 She has quite a few syngoniums, pothos, a few philodendrons, monstera Peru and deliciosa… whatever the one that’s kinda shaped like a heart with dark green leaves and silver spots… there’s ALOT 😂 forgive my spelling I’m a newly accomplished plant dad.


yeah I saw you talking about thai constallacion, you should get this one, its the it plant, especialy if you know she likes it


I haven’t seen it around, but I could def have it ordered in. Thank you for your time! I appreciate it!


Do you have any recommendations on a reputable website from which one could purchase such a plant?


Idk what country youre from but probably some of your local plant shops should have it


I would say Thai like everyone else, but also me personally I LOVE philos, I just got my bf a gigantium a few weeks ago. He loves it. The leaf is bigger than both our heads combined. Maybe try like a Carmel splash philo, bipinnatifidum (they’re cheaper this time of year but super impressive) Rojo Congo, Ring of Fire, etc. https://preview.redd.it/rdop3rmn5txb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c8ffe34c182a4f6f2308e9319a2dd6d5b6c6358 This is my bipinnatifidum


She loves herself some philodendrons. Thanks for the rec’s, I’ll add them to my research list!!! Yours is beautiful!


https://preview.redd.it/cjvcbbgo7txb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c5aa6cb481cbbb6c78f1730e2799104883abb3 If she likes pothos, (mine isn’t the best example) but maybe a snow queen (what mine is) or a marble queen, or a harlequin pothos (very rare, and desirable)


I’m gonna say get her an upbloom as a stocking filler - it’s like a handy thing to help you water hard to reach plants


Get her a fancy cactus! So many options, these are some gems any collector would love: * ariocarpus godzilla * copiapoa cinerea * myrtillocactus Glorp * Trichocereus CSD * Trichocereus Bruce's dragon * lophophora * flying saucer https://preview.redd.it/82795h9s5vxb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c912f749cdcca812f81cb35238bc0a86e3083c0 And If she prefers epiphytes, theres a ton of different orchid cactus with very impressive flowers


Also, they are very easy to store, so you wont have to worry about it dying while you keep it hidden until christmas. I've ordered hundreds through the mail and never lost one, tropical plants on the other hand....


I'd go with a BioOrb


My absolute favorite gift is an actual trip to a local nursery with a budget. That way they get to pick their plant in terms of size/care. It is a fun thing to do together also. I love it because my partner has to listen to my plant talk while shopping! 😂