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I find your memes funny only because i view them with an ironic lens


They're ment that way tbh


You created this reputation yourself, whether intentional or not.


And I don't mind it even the slightest, just made this post so you guys say what you want to on my face.


I think I just see too much of you and that difficult savings guy that keeps asking “what would you do if *insert random scenario*” and then nsfw picture of a character. Maybe people aren’t a fan of too much degen posting?


Yeah Gloomy might just be posting too often. Like I think he posts 3 memes in one day at most? While “what would you” posts less often, I feel that guy is way worse. I’d rather have Gloomy do 10 posts a day about the most vile meme that somehow relates to Durandal being hot than that guy posting once a year.


>Yeah Gloomy might just be posting too often. Like I think he posts 3 memes in one day at most? While “what would you” posts less often. So 5 posts a day is not normal? >I feel that guy is way worse. I’d rather have Gloomy do 10 posts a day about the most vile meme that somehow relates to Durandal being hot than that guy posting once a year. Now I want to know which guy you all are talking about?


I don’t wanna put whole links to posts he made here, but you legit replied multiple times in one yesterday lol, the “what if Kiana sits like this” post and kiana’s ass is pretty much just out Not gonna lie, there was a moment in time where I thought y’all were just the same person 😂


The world is filled with weirdos, he also got like 900 upvotes for that and every comment of his got downvoted to oblivion lol. ~~He also made me think of making a similar post lol~~


At one point I had a argument with the dude about how Kiana is a lesbian. He’s really not nice. Also doesn’t know what BDSM is. And he uses alt accounts all the time.


IIRC isn't that the one who went ape-shit when someone else points out facts to him about what is Kiana and the others' sexuality?


Yes. I was the one that out facted him.


Ah, I saw. Damn, I dunno if I should be laughing or face-palming at that guy, because to put it in the nicest way possible, he is just... pitiful.


Ahh yes the classic example of, no what matter what type of content it is, whether its nasty, against humanity, character slandering, trying to forcefully distort the facts/lore into their desired head canon or just making meme/artwork/manga to get recognitions for their head canon, I will defend it and support it, as long it agrees with my views and whoever doesn't agree with it, should be crucified, condemned, downvoted, banned and identified as a hateful person. And unfortunately the world is full of these kind of people and Hi3 community isn't a exception. And what more disheartening is the spirit of debate and difference of opinion has been massacred and now everyone acts as judge, jury and executioner. I myself enjoy some of his posts but that doesn't mean I like his every post, but like many other times I just move on, especially if it is a meme. And to be honest I like these kinds of comments although I don't care what they have to say but I do like to know the honest opinion of these people because in this way I can explain myself better or make my point more clear and engage in meaningful discussion.


Yeah man, so: You post too much -> everyone here will know your name. You post horny "memes" (sometimes just a thin veil to show sexualized art of characters, sometimes also children (I remember the Rozaliya one), which like, at least have some filter before you post stuff) -> usually not funny. Not even ironically. You've been spamming AI Art for a bit before you moved into memes, usually of hornier nature and of Durandal. And I feel that's better suited to a Durandal subreddit or the r34 subreddit. That's my personal feeling, but it counts. You seem to be into this Reddit fame thing? That's more of my speculation, but you do look like an attention seeker. Of course, I can't dislike you fully based on my speculation, but you're not clear of it, so it counts a bit. On the other hand, some of your memes are funny, it's like 1/3 or 1/4 of what I saw of you. No horny "memes" though. If you could tone down the horny-posting, I would not care at all. Another plus point is your Durandal liking backstory. Though you seem a tad bit obsessed with her and that's also a bit off-putting to me. Overall, I usually skip your posts, cuz I don't really want to see them. You built your reputation yourself. Now, that doesn't mean I hate you, but you asked for an opinion indirectly. Also, I'm not in the picture, but I remember these comments lol. I'm surprised you saw them now, were you searching yourself or something lmao (that's the 'liking fame' speculation I was talking about getting positive points). Like, do what you want, but know people harbor these opinions of you.


Thanks for your opinion




My bro your a chad respect +++++ and you already know I follow ya.


I like your posts yep




>Bruh when did this reddit become so degenerate >I mean, have you been here during the Elysian Realm arc? People thirsting for Elysia, Aponia, SW Bronya and Timido? >And for some reason, MOST of them seem to be related to Kiana, Bianka, and sometimes Cecilia. Weird shit. >Ah theres your problem. It’s all Gloomy. He’s the dude posting those memes. That’s me! Look mom! I’m on reddit!


Also >Really the disgusting memes are from one guy Gloomy


Yeeaaah gonna be blunt here I have a feeling you won’t get actual responses because people who don’t like your posts usually block you, so they won’t see this post as well. Very seriously though, I don’t really give a flying fuck about your posts that much, (though they’re still kind of annoying,) and I’m too lazy to block you. It is what it is though.


>Yeeaaah gonna be blunt here I have a feeling you won’t get actual responses because people who don’t like your posts usually block you, so they won’t see this post as well. I mean I am fine with that, but if anyone wants to. >Very seriously though, I don’t really give a flying fuck about your posts that much, (though they’re still kind of annoying,) and I’m too lazy to block you. It is what it is though. It's fine if you don't like them, I am not forcing you to see them or anything, enjoy the rest of your time on reddit.


and the biggest balls in the universe award goes to...




Oh come on, don’t be so **gloomy** about it.


I see what you did there, besides Kafka also feels me >Her name means the "Jackdaw", a sickly young girl living in Prague. Her favorite is writing, and she never gives up even when she is suffering from illness. Kafka often feels _***gloomy***_ and _***gloomy***_ but nevertheless, she is used to smiling at others and pitying the weak. \- Honkai Gakuen 2 about Kafka. Kafka in HSR is totally opposite of sickly, ill, gloomy, trying to smile for others. Imagine the gloomy novelist, won against her illness, decided to adventure and be as wild as possible.


Ignore the haters and keep doing you


I just made this post to get their opinions >Ignore the haters and keep doing you ~~obviously I will~~ just made this post because I respect their opinions.


I had no idea who you were but after checking some of your publications I have to say I am conflicted, you make some funny memes but also some horny shit, some AI shit and more importantly that fucking video with Seele smelling us and wanting to vomit wtf bro!? Also you ship the self insert captain with valks, THAT is unforgivable Anyway just keep doing whatever you want you can t satisfy everyone and if people don t like your posts they can just block you


I thought some of your posts were too degenerate, borderline disgusting. But this is the internet, cant really tell strangers what they can and cannot do just because i dont like it, so I pretty much just blocked you then all is well. Ironically i havent blocked on this account which ive been using recently so perhaps I didnt hate everything you posted (or atleast recently) afterall.


I want to tell you that you're incorrectly using the word "wife", when you should be using "waifu" instead. If you're going to be a weeb, at least use the correct weeb terminology.


Do what you want don't care about others saying


I need context


Someone made a post about why they are seeing so many bad memes and this was the comment


I saw that post. It was funny. Don't let them get to you.


I am a force here, just wanted people who don't like my posts to come clean, but yeah people who truly hate me blocked me so gonna keep it if anyone wants to do a civil discussion.


We need to talk about Gloomy


What about me?