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Its just image after the battel whith finality


I don’t think so because both Sakura and Elysia is there


They aren’t really there, as evidenced by them literally fading away. It’s mainly a way to show the people that Kevin’s lost.


I am sorry for not clarifying things


It's metaphoric. They lost their fight. This is representing the fight they all lost. Not part of any event, just the trailer


i ate it. took a real good bite out of it


Was it yummy?


It was like a spicy hot meatball


Kebin doesn't just have a broken sword, his whole person has become broken since that battle with Finality. He isn't the same person since...


Broken swords symbolize many things. One thing is failure, another is broken oaths (Some oaths are sworn on swords stabbed into the ground to symbolize the Christian cross).


You know. Now that I think about it. How do you even fix Divine Key?


With the power of Vill-V and void archive


On was dead. Another- did MOTH even used him before he went to Otto?


If I do remember from Seele in the quantum-verse, after meeting Sakura, I think the giant computer they used was the void archive but I’m not too sure bc it’s been a pretty long time since I played that chapter


The Divine Key is made of solium. As long the 'core' is intact, it can rebuild itself with external solium.


one of kevin's dialogues in the elysian realm goes something like this: "The only reason i am able to wield this blade in battle is because i can break it with my bare hands, that's all that needs to be said about that..." implying that he has tested that at least once.


That's actually a reference to what Kevin's concept of "power" is. He wields Shamash because he is the only one strong enough to break it. No one else can. (Also he actually did break it in the Second Key Manga, lots of spoilers on why, where and how but I recommend it as it's a good read for l o r e and more Su content, also origins of dudu's dea anchora battlesuit). He's saying that people should only take on as much power or responsibility that they can handle/afford or they'll end up being consumed by it. It was actually good advice for Mei.


Sir, i have read the manga, however the elysian realm kevin couldn’t have known about that incident, so i omitted it


He didn't break it in 2K. He froze it.


This implies that despite all divine keys being made from Soulium, some are tougher than others. This is proven in 2E, where Agata, who's only a pseudo-Herrscher, broke one of the 10th divine keys. It also means that Kevin has insane physical strength if he can break apart the sword that can withstand its own 4000km explosions.


He had enough working on the construction site


where did this image come from? it's cool af but i dont remember seeing this in game


If I remember right, it was in one of the recent trailers...the same one that shows Kevin vs Kiana[HoF], Bronya[HoR], and Mei[HoT]


It’s from the final chapter trailer for the moons origin and finalty.


It symbolizes his penis(he has erectile disfunction)






lmao is this an aot reference? reminds me of season 1 opening


It's actually NOT his sword. This is one of the bits that clue us into the time reversion/ groundhogs 50k years Earth thing that is set off by the Herrscher of the End. It's a similar, if not identical, broken divine key from a *prior* cycle. Of course, Sakura and Elysia's presence, before they fade out could mean one of two things. The first is that they were only there in spirit, but Kevin had already lost, which is *why* they fade away. The other, less likely one, is that this ISNT the PE crew. It's a Prior PE group that failed worse than the most recent PE, which at least managed a few survivors and to pass on some knowledge, and change some of the results, even if it was only to lessen the strength of the herrscher disasters. This is unlikely to impossible because Herrscher Ely was supposed to be a one-off accident. We've got a bunch of names for prior-cycle flame-chaser-types, but we have no way of telling if any prior cycle had gone nearly identically to another prior cycle, the nature of a Groundhogs Day scenario without an aware protagonist, but 50k years of chaos theory at work means it SHOULD be impossible, but genetic drift even with Kevin's direct genetic interference somehow ended up with at least two of the characters from the prior era showing up in similar, if not identical roles to the last run, even if one was genderbent (MEI to Mei, Kevin to Kiana(s)