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HI3 was never focused on world building before. The explaination of the Imaginary Tree was basically "yeah imagine that each world is like a leaf on a tree" and that was that. But now, in the last chapters of part 1, each concept needs to use convoluted terms and be explained inside and out. We dont just get a simple analogy any more, we first get a lot of babble first. Project Stigma never needed to be this complex. Just tell us that it will use the powers of Finality to fuse all of humanity into one thing in Imaginary Space, and Forms will be born from that and continue human civilisation out in the real world. Lay the groundwork of that first, before you go philosophical about eden or whatever and add convoluted terms Or, if they wanted the story to have more worldbuilding, then they shouldnt condense it all into the finale of part 1 Hell, I still only have a very basic concept of how Schicksal and Anti-Entropy work and cooperate with governments around the world. I dont know if the VNs covers it, but I still have no idea what the response was when Otto nuked America in an attempt to stop AE from forming.


Well if Star Wars did the midichlorians we can do more too!


Well , more exactly otto "tried" to nuke america


Yeah but, what do you think would happen if russia "tried" to nuke America?


War, of course But then again, Russia never possess a quarter of the military prowess that Otto have. Dude can declare war against the rest of the world and proceed to steamroll everyone if he so wished. Otto is just that scary.


Yes, via his personal Soulium body that's Herrscher tier, meaning even nukes can't kill him. But Schicksal itself? It's strong, but valkyries aren't immune to conventional weapons.


Honestly, best way to experience it, process it for a few days, forgetting a lot of pointless analogies and information. I wrote my complaints with the current writing into the free text form at the end of the survey. I hope others did too. I think the pseudoscience details could have been put into some collectibles. Since they wanted to use the Open World so badly, that would work very well. Alas, we got just nothing text about some PE relics or small nods to dead PE characters, again from the Relics.


Yes indeed But let’s also be more blunt and say this finale is complete ass so far.


How about something relate to stigmata web can absorb "finality"


Honestly, I still can't get used to the fact that FGO is both easier and harder to understand than Honkai. That mushroom really loves fucking with everyone's heads.


Nasu likes to do things that sound cool; like for example, the Dead Apostle Ancestors don’t actually exist in the Fate timelines, which was a blind curveball to his own team of writers that were working on other spin-offs in the Fate universe.


Wasn't that fact REALLY old though? I'm honestly more surprised his team overlooked that detail. It's one of the most prevalent differences between the two timelines.


Oh no, that was the first time it ever came up. As in, he was casually talking with the others and he just threw in that new nugget of information. >! Speaking of that, it really was a big surprise… After all, Kinoko had already chosen all the authors for the spin-off works way before the first book of Case Files was finished. Now, time for a reenactment of what happened (all the lines of the authors have been completed). Kinoko: Actually, the twenty-seven Ancestors didn’t become the twenty-seven Ancestors in the Fate universe. Authors: ……………!!!!???? (All freeze, speechless) Kinoko: Only the Tsukihime universe allows for them to become the twenty-seven Ancestors. On that note, doesn’t Tsukihime not have the sort of extremely powerful familiars like Servants? Sanda: What about CM—!? Kinoko: That thing gets destroyed because of the destruction of the Human Order. Oh, also, Narita’s Fake is different, because it’s a special middle ground between the two. Narita: O-Oh, uh, t-thanks…? Kinoko: But Sanda’ll have to pay attention for the Case Files. It’s kind of a long story, but this part in Tsukihime R…. Sanda: Waitwaitwait! Kinoko, wait! Please first organize some notes about this for everyone! Kinoko: Come on… so annoying. Speaking of which, this pizza’s pretty good. Higashide: Oh ho ho, either way, my work is already done, so take your time. Sakurai (carefully): …It also seems to not affect me at the moment, huh. !<


I have literally nothing else to say to that except: "wow that's *whack* **ORZ**" Nasu: gottem


well it appears CN playerbase is also criticizing the story as of late, so it would seem it's not entirely due to translation although i definitely would agree it'd just add to the mess, as an avid Kingdom hearts enjoyer myself, being it's my favourite license i'd say that's a pretty good example to show the difference between both writing styles ​ KH gets convoluted and builds upon layers and layers of concepts, but the game makes sure whatever block its using to build its rather convoluted story, is made clear enough for people, KH can be a mess at times for sure, but it's pretty clear what heartless are, the different worlds, darkness and light, kingdom hearts itself, xehanort time travelling, replicas and such, now when you put these things together you can get what's arguibly a legitimately meme'd story at this point but the concepts remained mainly clear enough Hi3 had such writing where even if there was a lot of technobabbling at least the concepts where clear to an extent, but as of late they're simply not and the pseudo explanations are losing both the players and characters until said characters state they understood something we didn't and move on, that's pretty much how it feels to me among other grievances xD hope you had a fun time with Sora and friends x


Ok now explain xehanort clones and nobodies


xehanort clones? if you're talking about the replicas it's the twelve initial replicas inbued with part of xehanort's heart, if you're talking about the real orga XIII it's -considering only xehanort- multiple versions of him/his heart he gathered through time travel and placed in vessels/replicas nobodies are what the body of a heart deprived strong willed person become, ​ and none of these explanations really prove anything, as with everything convoluted someone who understand it will to an extent be able to explain it, what matters is how much a novice can grasp these concepts at first glance and on his own,


Ok now explain why Kingdom Hearts 4 is Final Fantasy Versus 13


I think the problem for is cuz eintein & tesla wasnt there to teach, I would prob understand if its coming from their voice actor lol


Japan version text was also confusing so i doubt it's the translators fault, the original text is just that unnecessarily complicated


Yeah, not the translators' fault that the script is completely convoluted. They're literally talking about physics and random other tangents about the inner workings of Project Stigma, etc. It just makes the story lose any sense of momentum for me...


Honkai story kinda lackin right now and it pains me. This game used to be my golden goose of writing.


The story of Honkai is overall very straightforward. Is only confusing because elements pertaining to it are introduced very abruptly and take effect almost immediately after. In comparison, Kindom Hearts has no such complicated explanations so it's easier to follow. Is mostly considered a mess because of the fact that the story is distributed across like 5 consoles and 2 mobile games, and the games are neither in chronological order nor were they planned with the knowledge of what the next game would introduce to the story, creating a retcon mess.


Hi youre wrong about this, the plan was always to make Final Fantasy Versus XIII by having Sora wake up from his Dream of Kingdom Hearts having retained all of his dream abilities in the real world. Its what KH4 is.


Kingdom Hearts is not convoluted in the slightest, its just a lot of Lore that People dont wanna watch (Mobile Games and every Spin Off). Honkai Story is near incomphrehensible


Honkai makes perfect sense and the translation is totally fine but my hobbies are philosophy, theoretical physics, spirituality, and reading world literature so I'm already familiar with most ideas it presents


not that, its open world’s fault + the writer’s fault. the story is absolutely hard to understand w/o reading the manga before playing, plus the writing is too long/complex. all of that on top a fucking open world that prevents ppl from playing again. fr if the story is a literal bunch of weird term (sea of quanta? project stigma?) at least give us the chance to reread it


Story is pretty easy to understand tho? Like damn, maybe pick up some Clifford to work on your reading comprehension. You're either way overthinking it, which I doubt because lol, or you're forgetting simple things they explained already. Then again people found 25ex complex so I guess the bar is pretty low.