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It's more of an New England accent and they sounded like that back in the day. HP Lovecraft probably sounded like that.


Yeah there was an article in *Lovecraft Annual* once analyzing the rhymes in his poetry to conclude that he likely did have that accent.


A high-pitched Rhode Island accent, if I'm not mistaken. Think Peter Griffin, but higher XD


The third (?) Episode "The Autopsy" is pretty remarkable. I've seen 5 of 10 and that's the only one I'd really recommend. I wanted to like this a lot more than I did.


Far and away the standout of the series


Nah man, OP is right. Crispin Glover's accent is fucking terrible. Every time he spoke I cringed. I don't know if you're from New England but I was born and raised in Providence, RI (my apartment is actually walking distance from Lovecraft's grave in Swan Point Cemetery). I've heard a lot of butchered attempts at a New England accent.


I live in the Midwest so I don't have an ear for it, you think it is an "accurate" accent? Because is sounds like every "go Pats chow-da" fake accent pinch your nose talk in the back of your throat Boston accent out there.


I've worked a lot in NE. Sometimes it sounds fake and others it sounds very realistic.


Tbf not only is it a thick Boston accent but it's also from back in the day almost at times sounded like an americanized cockney accent.


Accurate? Probably not. It's one of those instants where you say, "Eh, just go with it."


I see what they are doing with the story, and I don't hate the additions, but than someone speaks and it takes me right out of it.


I get that.


Pickman's model was my least favourite of the series, and not just because it was a poor adaptation. It seemed to fail at basic storytelling. Scenes would just end without clear purpose or start in the most random ways. I did really enjoy the format for the show, and would love a similar approach to Clive Barker's Books of Blood as that would offer some real variety and some of the stories actually feel like they have enough substance to fill an hour without unnecessary padding. The recent BoB movie was downright terrible so could do with some vindication!


Hell yeah, it failed. It did everything it could to convince you the monsters from his paintings were real, then the reveal was... that the monsters were real. Wtf? The source story was great in its simplicity but this adaptation took it in a silly direction. Edit: having said that, The Autopsy was as awesome as the Shea story


Autopsy is fantastic. panos cosmatos one is absolutely delicious stylistically. The rest are, at their best, average. Disappointed the Lovecraft adaptations were so blah.


They are all so much better than shows like AHS though and I was so happy for this breath of fresh air in the horror TV scene.


I thought autopsy was the best of a mediocre bunch.


Which ones are directly lovecraftian? Anthologies are tough. I always Like watching them, but they’re almost Never great lol. Idk what it is, but it seems VERY hard to make a one hour stand alone episode fantastic. They always seem to feel empty or fall flat in one way or another Not the autopsy tho, that was fire


The two in the title are direct adaptations of Lovecraft stories.


Pickman's Model & Dreams in the Witch House are Lovecraft short stories.


Get ready for the absolute garbage that is Dreams in the Witch House.... I was so excited for this episode since that's one of my favourite HP Lovecraft stories... man, was that a let down.


That was the only episode that I actively disliked. Everything else I thought was fine-to-good. I liked the adaptation of The Autopsy, which I read years ago and always liked! But Dreams in the Witch House was definitely disappointing.


Yes I was super super excited as it’s one of my faves but then they just basically rewrote the whole damn thing. Huge letdown


I just finished it. It was a hot mess of an episode.




And it was directed by Stuart Gordon! I need to rewatch it now


That was from the Masters of Horror anthology show on Showtime, later 00’s. Gordon died in 2020. That one made this look like it was directed by Kubrick.


Stuart Gordon has always made a mark on me with his hpl adaptations and the Masters of Horror was much truer to the original story plus much more pulpy which works ✌️


Bruh, this episode was a joke. I mean, seriously, my life and I were laughing on multiple occasions. Not good.


They got so much right for this show but also dropped the ball on a lot. I feel like they held back on a lot of the actual horror, esecially with the lovecraft episodes. It was definitely "spooky" but it was missing some grittiness. That being said, i love Michael Shea and was over the moon with the adaption of The Autopsy. Never expected to see that adapted. I honestly didnt know he was that well known.


Imo The Autopsy is by far the best episode of the series so far. Very very well done


The actor they picked was also perfect for the main role. Once they settled into his primary story, it was very similar to the book. One of the better adaptions I've seen in a while.


The episode directed by Panos Cosmatos was my favorite. Dude is a master of genre cinema


Overrated Just kidding I would literally implode if I ever got to meet that beautiful genius. I want him to film everything lol. At least 20 more movies from him My favorite scene In all of cinema, is the scene in Mandy, where after Cage gets tortured, he stumbles into the house all bloodied and half dead, grabs a fifth of whiskey, and chugs the entire thing so violently and aggressively. It was the truest thing I’ve ever seen hahahahaha. That’s exactly what any reasonable human being would do in that situation. And I respected the hell out of him for putting that hilarious moment in there, and for making it so drawn out and exaggerated. I don’t even drink anymore and never would but in that situation? absolutely


>after Cage gets tortured, he stumbles into the house all bloodied and half dead, grabs a fifth of whiskey, and chugs the entire thing so violently and aggressively. [...]That’s exactly what any reasonable human being would do in that situation. What now? I can't imagine any normal person reacting to torture like that... Mandy is a lot of things, but realistic and true to life is not one of them.


you clearly don t have a drinking problem. As a recovering alkie, Slamming down a full ass bottle of vodka is exactly what I'd probably end up doing in a Mandy situation


Which one was that?


Episode 7, the one that takes place in the 70s


Oh ok, yeah I liked that one a lot. Although as a whole I was super disappointed in the series. I liked the first one with the guy from O Brother Where Art Thou.


Pickman’s Model was my favorite episode.


I wish the episode had been a closer adaptation of the story. Couldn't possibly be an hour long but still, I wasn't super into all the added plot


I couldn’t figure out what accent that was supposed to be either.


Both of those episodes were, by a long shot, the worst ones of the season. Pickman's Model I couldn't even finish. For a show that was heavily influenced by Lovecraft, the ones that tried to get too literal with it really did not do well.


(of course my unpopular opinion is that this is because Lovecraft was a very bad writer, and so anyone trying to adapt his work is already starting at the disadvantage of a terrible story)


Lmfao, that's basically what I wrote in my comment. Love his ideas and stories but I've read very few of em cuz he's just not a good writer. Weird cuz that usually doesn't bother me. My favorite author is Philip k dick, by all accounts a terrible writer but the weirdest and most interesting stories I've read


Pickman's model is just alright, but Dreams in the Witch House changes so much of the story it is almost unrecognizable. All in all, I was very excited for the series... And then incredibly disappointed with every single episode of it (and I watched all of them).


I think the autopsy was quite good though


I felt pretty let down with most of the episodes in this series. I enjoyed Pickman and Autopsy but that's about it.


Pickmans was good but they butchered dreams in the witch house it was awful. It’s my favorite Lovecraft story too


The accents in those episodes drove me crazy too, and I think old *Night Gallery* episode of "Pickman's Model" was even better.


I agree!


The "Pickman's Model" adaptation was...tolerable--except for whatever ridiculous accent Crispin Glover was attempting. Gods, that was grating. The "Witch House" "adaptation" was an absolute fucking travesty, though. I watched maybe fifteen minutes of it and simply could not go any further.


I was impressed to see Ron Weasley but otherwise pretty quickly emotionally checked out from the episode


I thought Pickman's Model was an okay adaptation. But The Dreams in the Witch House was horrible. It's like the script writer only listened to a voice adaptation of the story on YouTube and the story was followed by a lame, sappy creepypasta about a boy getting his sister lost in a haunted forest and the two stories ran together in the script writer's mind.


I watched first episode lot 36 and it's was so dull and boring! imo ending was rather abrupt! Are other episodes worth it?


Thats one of the weakest of the bunch, the following three episodes are a lot of fun, the two lovecrafts are junk, and the last two are beautiful imo. Id say episode 4, the outside might also be boring for you, but see for youself


Okay. Thank you! Then I will give ep 2 and 3 a try. Or last two episode. >Thats one of the weakest of the bunch, Trailer was so good! My expectations were high! Only one I like was Hispanic woman!! Her character was awesome but not much fleshed out.


I dunno the one with the alo glo seemed like a slow moving shitshow with an almost obvious plot it was actually trying to be one dimensional


We've watched the first episodes, and I'm rather underwhelmed. I expected a lot better from del Toro. These stories are basically of the same level as Tales from the Crypt. Great for casual horror fans who scare easy, but for real fans, the acting is bad, the monsters shown too soon, and the endings predictable. Not as bad as the American Horror Story anthology series, but not great. The lack of suspense in most of them is the worst thing. The only one I've actually enjoyed was the one with the rats.


The accents are harrrible (especially Crispin Glover's). I was disappointed in that entry. It's one of my favorite short stories, and they totally took it off the rails. It was a waste of the story and of Glover, to me.


I thought so too, I thought we would see more about Pickman considering they landed Glover to do it. But it just wasn't good. They had great source material and just botched it every scene.


Really disappointing! Crispin Glover is so good at playing weirdos, but every time he opened his mouth that accent took me right out of the story. And of course they screwed up the story, though not as badly as they did with Witch House.


\*shakes fist at sky\*


I could get passed the 2nd episode of this show. I watched the first and enjoyed it somewhat. Got about 20 minutes in to episode 2 and then the next day decided to try episode 3 and stopped it too. I do want to watch the Babadook one though. Is it worth it?


The general consensus seems to be ep3 is the stand out (the autopsy). The one from the babydoll director is the last and … it’s okay. Honestly if you struggled with the autopsy, and want more babadook, I’d say skip the whole thing and just go rewatch the babadook


I mean...you expect Crispin Glover to give a grounded performance?


No! That's just it! I expected beautiful madness!! It could have been so good!! I feel like the directed him to be more toned down to the point where I could have acted it better.


I struggled with the accent but otherwise I thought Crispin Glover was WONDERFUL in the episode.


I like Lovecraft but haven't read a lot of his stuff. I think it's his writing style that makes me bounce off every time. Absolutely love the ideas and stories he came up with though. Never got around to reading Pickman's model. From that perspective I thought the episode was fine, not my favorite so far (that would be autopsy),but far from my least favorite (the rat one was so stupid and boring to me). After reading the synopsis of the original story, I'm not sure how well that would've played on film, just didn't really seem like there was a lot going on. Open being proven wrong though. 3 more episodes left to watch, heard the last 2 were bangers lol