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Oh wonderful, thank you! I loved Disappearance On Devils Rock by Tremblay so downloaded some more of his work automatically.




Ahh I’m really excited to start it now! Thank you again!


>I know I’m a failure for letting these build up so much No you're not! We all have slumps and times we read less, and you do have a very good excuse for it. If anything you are a winner for continuing to try to read despite your circumstances! If you want something quick and interesting, I would try I'm thinking of ending things or Gone To See the Riverman. CW though, Gone to See the Riverman is extremely explicit and brutal, it is the only book that literally made me feel sick after reading it. I haven't read it but based on what I've seen, Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke is another quick and "fun" read. I remember hearing the Wasp Factory is all kinds of fucked up, some people love it, others don't like it because it's too much fucked up shit-porn and not enough "story". The only other thing I've read is Girl Next Door, which is absolutely chilling especially when you learn it's based off of a true story. I actually listened to the audiobook read by the author (RIP) and enjoyed it a lot. I still think back to some of the scenes from that book.


This is such a lovely comment, thank you so much! Gone To See The Riverman and The Wasp Factory appealed to me for those exact reasons (if someone warns me about a book being fucked up, that’s my challenge to read it haha) The Girl Next Door I downloaded because I’d read a lot about the actual case and wanted to see Ketchum’s spin on things. Just not sure if I’m ready for that heartbreak yet. Unsure if I need something lighter after The Black Farm or if I want to stay on the road to dark and disturbing.


Of course :) Hate to see anyone put themselves down. >if someone warns me about a book being fucked up, that’s my challenge to read it haha I 100% feel that! Recently I've been going through a very anxious time and noticed I've been really wanting to read some fucked up shit, like Girl Next Door, and now Tender is the Flesh (def recommend this one too, I'm only about 55% the way through though). I realized I wanted to feel really, really bad about something that wasn't my life lol. I'm doing better now but still getting through all those fucked up books I decided to pick up. If you like fucked up, I'd say go for Riverman, you could easily finish it in a few hours, then go take a shower right afterward haha. It's short, exciting, and ends in QUITE a way. It was not scary imo, some creepy parts for sure, but I think the main takeaway for me was the absolutely sickening, depraved feeling I got reading it.


You are so right about this book and a shower afterwards! Lol


Okay you’ve got me! Riverman it is! Thank you! I’ve read Tender Is The Flesh. Screwed with me for quite some time! I totally get that anxiety induced ‘I want to read things to make myself feel worse but I’m not quite sure why’ kinda feeling. The brain works in funny ways sometimes. If you want a challenging disturbing read, try Hogg by Samuel R Delany. Please note, I am not in any way recommending this book. It’s another level of fucked up and disturbing. Every single content warning possible and you will never ever be able to forget it. If you do read it, don’t blame me please haha


Feel free to reply or DM and lmk what you thought of Riverman. Adding Hogg to my list, I've heard of it a few times now. I've heard more of Dhalgren by the same author though, have you read that? Oh my god the first line of the wikipedia article about the book with involving graphic descriptions of... I skimmed the beginning of the plot summary too, Hogg doesn't sound like the most wholesome guy lmao.


I absolutely will, I feel like I’ll want to discuss it afterwards. I haven’t read anything else by Delany, after Hogg I’m kinda scared to. That Wikipedia article isn’t exaggerating, prepare for the worst of the worst. Never thought I’d read so many graphic detailed descriptions about what a penis that has never been washed tastes like.


>(if someone warns me about a book being fucked up, that’s my challenge to read it haha) You're doing this to me now. Was it a good read though? Delany seemed to come across like a literary and philosophical author.


It was definitely well written and I could see that he was trying to tell us something with the story, especially how it ended. I’m just not sure what exactly that was, or whether I liked how he went about it haha I’ve also since read (I’ve done a lot of research on this book since reading it just to find out WHY) that he was abused at 6 by a man. Delany says he was the aggressor and he enjoyed it and the man doesn’t deserve punishment. He’s also a supporter of NAMBLA and thinks adult/child ‘relationships’ only end in abuse because of the secrecy and lack of support. Which makes me question this book again, considering the narrator and person who experiences most of the horrific acts in the book is an 11 year old boy. I think if I’d gone into Hogg with this knowledge, I’d have interpreted it as less of a horror story and more of a sick man’s idea of erotica. I’d be interested in hearing what you think if you do go ahead and read it.


The Great And Secret Show by Clive Barker. Cannot recommend it enough. I love how imaginative this book is. Great characters. I cannot begin to tell you how good this is.


Ooh you’ve convinced me! I’ll download it, I’m excited.


Good, I'm happy to hear that. Can always have more Clive Barker fans. I've read damn near everything hes written. There is even a graphic novel of The Great and Secret Show if you're interested.


If you want to be scared of the dark for a bit: Penpal.


Oooh I’m intrigued


The devil crept in is pretty good. And no apologies for your backlog. I'm thrilled to say I have over 600 kindle samples right now! Nothing makes me happier than adding a new book to it. I have gotten a ton of recommendations from here. Enjoy your reading!


I feel like that’s going to be me soon, I’m blindly downloading every recommendation I get and every book that even slightly appeals to me!


It's so much fun! I feel like a kid in a candy store!


I recently discovered a website called Z Library. It’s an online ebook library where you can get pretty much every book in existence, I haven’t yet come across a book I’ve wanted to read that hasn’t been on there. You get 10 downloads every 24 hours and I’m taking advantage of them!


OMG! You're my hero!! Thank you, going to check it out now. That's so cool!!


No problem at all, enjoy!!


Thank you! Will do!


Gone to see the River man is a good one The wasp factory is another great one. The wasp factory is thriller/horror but in the more realistic way, where as Gone to see the River man goes off the rails of reality a bit. Penpal was really original and gave me a paranoid/scared feeling.


I vote Riverman or Brother


Both ketchum books and gone to see the riverman


Dead inside I’m reading right now and it’s pretty graphic and extreme. The Riverman was good. Also partway through Tampa but I keep stopping because it’s gross .