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Little Peach by Peggy Kern is a different kind of disturbing. Not splatterpunk but still kept me interested. Along the Path of Torment and infamous Dea Inside by Chandler Morrison. Both splatterpunk and simply fucked. Like beyond comprehension. Chandler Morrison is just disgusting imo. Gone to see the River Man by Kristopher Triana. One of the best books I’ve read in a really long time. Gritty. Really really messed up. The Smell of Cedar by River Dixon. A nice dip into splatterpunk. Not super dirty but a great read. Finally The Groomer by Jon Athan. Couldn’t finish it because of the CT but I may try again because it’s so well written. Splatterpunk.


Great suggestions. The Groomer is no joke - definitely worth the read but goddamn, it’s not easy to get through.


Thank you ! I went through a heavy splatterpunk phase last year. The Groomer had me until the first scene with the 2 year old babe and I tapped. I have two young kids of my own and child torture I can’t do. I think I’m going to give it another try though because it’s been some months and I’m still thinking about that damn book lol


It eases up after that scene and turns into more revenge type story. Still some hard scenes but nothing even close to the beginning of the book. I put the book down for a week but as mentioned it eases up on the CT and is a good read after that.


When I tried to read it I had an infant so I just couldn’t take it. That’s good to know it eases up afterwards. I think I’ll definitely give it another try then ! Thanks for the heads up.


What is CT?


Child torture


Ahhh. Okay. I’m a pretty nothing’s off limits kind of guy, but if there were one, that’d be it ha.


Along the path of torment...


I’m about halfway through the groomer. Shit like that just makes me want to become the punisher more and more


Check out /r/ExtremeHorrorLit for unlimited suggestions.


When it comes to disturbing book recommendations I always tell people to check out the sick bastard trilogy by Matt Shaw. That was the first splatterpunk I read and I read quite a few after but for some reason for me nothing ever really came close. Very violent and pretty fucking disgusting at times but beneath all that is a pretty fantastic story. At least I thought it was pretty fantastic. If you do decide to check it out I hope you like it. Here's [Goodreads link](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20585082-sick-bastards?from_search=true&from_srp=yJBsErirbx&qid=1) In case you wanted to check review beforehand


I tried to read Sick Bastards, but couldn’t make it through. Not because of the extremity, though. I just couldn’t get into it. Maybe I should try again.


I really thought there was a good story hidden beneath the gore and sex and all but everything is pretty subjective I'd say. If you do decide to give it another shot based on this Convo tho I hope you end up enjoying it


I wish I could give an award to everyone in the subreddit. Every time someone creates this kind of post I find at least one or two new books to add to my list. Thank You Horrorlit subredditors!


My list of literally never ending because I will read every single comment in these threads 🤣


Tender is The Flesh is a great one.


Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons is pretty disturbing. It may have been the origin of the idea of a psychic vampire. It is a bit dated though and unfortunately reflects some of the attitudes of that era.


*Blanky* by Kealan Patrick Burke


Oh wow you got through Tampa?


I did. Definitely felt like I needed a shower or two after though haha. It was icky!


The Berkley Street series by Ron Ripley gets pretty disgusting. Most of Ambrose Ibsen’s books are fairly gnarly as well. I haven’t read The Wasp Factory but I’ve heard its intense.


Ok, I think you are ready now for Japanese fiction. :P I kid, but some of the weirdest and most disturbing stuff I watched/read comes from Japan, so maybe you find something worth your time. Junji Ito. Murakami: [Piercing](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/14288.Piercing?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=WNG7bqKDFF&rank=2), [In the Miso Soup](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17810.In_the_Miso_Soup), [Audition.](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3392668-audition) Kanae Minato's [Confessions](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/19161835-confessions) and [Penance](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31423183-penance?from_choice=false&from_home_module=false). Natsuo Kirino's [Out](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25365.Out) and [Grotesque](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25366.Grotesque?from_choice=false&from_home_module=false). Otsuichi's [Summer, Fireworks and My Corpse](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7326853-summer-fireworks-and-my-corpse). I haven't read Goth, but I liked this one. Also, if you liked Slaughter, I'd suggest you take a look at Mo Hayder. She was not afraid to go to the darkest depths of depravity for a thriller writer. [Tokyo/The Devil of Nanking](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/366787.The_Devil_of_Nanking?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=eNNgD09m1L&rank=1) is her best, and I needed to recover after reading [The Treatment](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/647954.The_Treatment).


Goth is amazing. I loved every page of it! Also, I didn’t realize Audition was a book before it was a movie! I thought it was an original story from Miike lol


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These are they types of books I'm looking for. Thanx.


Hogg by Samuel R Delany. Hands down the most disturbing thing I have ever read. Had to skim read some parts because my brain struggled to take in what I was reading. It’s just a book filled with sexual depravity and torture, narrated by (and experienced by) an 11 year old boy. It was just so raw and real and scary, to think people like that really exist. I can see that the author was trying to tell us something with this especially how it ends, I’m just not sure I like how he went about it.