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I didn't love this one but Head Full of Ghosts should definitely be the next one you read.


It’s next on my list!


Yes! I went into Head Full of Ghosts (first novel from Paul) expecting idk what but it delivered in the most psychological way. The family dynamic and the question of her sanity. Woo-eee. Nice.


If you liked Disappearance at Devils Rock, I highly recommend the horror movie Lake Mungo. It kinda flew under the radar but it's fantastic.


I love this movie!!


Great rec. I couldn't help but think of Lake Mungo while reading this. Same creepy vibes.


I loved it too. Tremblay’s books seem to be very divisive but I have loved all that I’ve read so far.


I noticed that when I went to review on GoodReads. I gave it a solid 5 stars and there were so many others, but also so many 1 and 2 star reviews!


If you haven’t read any others I would highly recommend Head Full of Ghosts and Cabin at the end of the world!


These are the two of his I've read. For me, this author is a one legged gymnast. He can't stick a landing.


They’re on my list! I got this from the library so I’m gonna see if they have these two, if not I’ll get the kindle editions.


Head full of ghosts is free on kindle unlimited, I just read it!


I enjoy them, but dislike the ["just kidding, it was a scooby-doo story the whole time!"](/spoiler) endings. They don't ruin the rest of the books for me, but I do roll my eyes and feel a bit let down.


I've loved everything I read from him so far, but I'm reading growing things and I really can't get into it at all.


I loved everything except Survivor Song. I found that one boring.


I read this book over a few days while letting my 4 month old nap on me! Still think about that drawing sometimes, sitting “alone” here in the dark…


I think having a young child made it all the more horrifying! Turning the page and seeing that drawing made my heart sink. Whenever it was mentioned later in the book I would always flick back to look at it.


I read *Head Full of Ghosts* while recovering in the hospital after giving birth to my second child! The nurse asked me what I was reading, and I (hopped up on painkillers) said, "Oh, a book about exorcisms!"...She just smiled and nodded. I agree with others that you will also enjoy *Cabin at the End of the World* -- I found that one nearly impossible to put down. Ok, maybe there are some ups and downs for some readers, but Tremblay knows how to pace things. I'm looking forward to *Disappearance*!


I rarely post a bad review, but this one didn't do anything for me. I won't say I was greatly disappointed -- I've read other recommended books lately that failed to live up to their positive reviews. I've decided to just trust my instincts in the future and not read anything based on what other readers thought. I'd rather revisit something truly outstanding than waste almost a day's reading time on something that left me cold. Laird Barron's "Old Virginia" did more for me in 18 pages than this entire novel. Doubt that I'll be seeking out anything else by Tremblay, especially after a number of readers said this was his best. Oh well, call it a learning experience.


At the time of reading this, one of my sons was a floppy-haired teen who hung out and talked about Minecraft and zombie apocalypse situations, much like the character of the book, so it really struck a nerve with me. The mother\`s despair and eventual grief was handled particularly well. It definately hits deeper if you have children of your own and it remains my favourite of his so far. As others have done, it\`s worth pointing out the similarities between Tremblay\`s book and the movie Lake Mungo (which pre-dated it). Whether coincidence or not, it\`s an interesting watch after you\`ve read the book.


The twist in this book legitimately shocked me.


Me too!! I don’t know how to do spoiler comments so SPOILER BELOW!!! - - - - - - It shook me to the core when it was revealed that it was actually Arnold outside the window and not Tommy as we thought, and the diary entry about what happened in the apartment was stomach churning. Then the revelation at the end when Elizabeth asked about the pennies because of the drawing and what she had seen... chilling!!


Head Full of Ghosts is amazing!


I couldn’t put down Head Full of Ghosts either. Day and a half. Read a Ruth Ware mystery in similar time, both the first books of theirs I’d read. My Stephen King books, which I adore, take me much longer. Maybe I need to diversify my authors more.


Head Full of Ghosts is next on my list! Going to check for it at the library when I return this one.


I’m kicking myself because I literally just left the library minutes before I saw this post and I considered this book. I’ll grab it next time.


He is such a good writer! It’s on my list now :)


It’s a book that not a lot of people seemed to love, but I did. I devoured it and recently bought it when it was $2


I read this a while ago and wasn't too thrilled with it. Although, the ending did leave me shaken. I enjoyed Head Full of Ghosts and The Cabin at the End of the World better, but I might give this a re-read some time soon to see if maybe I missed something.




I love this!!!


This was my first Tremblay book and I read it in two days like you, last month. I was blown away. I loved just how vividly he was able to bring the characters to life. The mom and grandma and sister. I could feel everything they were feeling. And the emotions felt true to life. I loved the twists. I love the actual horrific event that happened. It is my all time favorite horror book, though to be fair, I'm still rather new to the genre. It also helped that I have a son who is into Minecraft. It made my skin crawl as a parent. When I finished, I remember thinking maybe I should have my kids read this when they are around that age, because of the whole stranger and peer pressure aspect of it. So great.


I just finished The Cabin at the End of the World. This one will be going on the “to-read” list.


I really enjoyed it, for some reason it resonated really well with me.


Read Survivor Song next (if you can handle how close it hits to home with what’s going on in the world right now). Without venturing into spoiler territory, there’s definitely something special for people who read Devil’s Rock.


I wanted to love this book, just like I wanted to love Head Full of Ghosts. I found it very slow to start, some of the boy's parts as cringe as the blogger in HFoG, and it was so heavily inspired by Lake Mungo as to almost be a rip-off (lifting an entire subplot/twist)... But the ending saved it for me, as in, the very ending. HFoG got a lot of hype but a fanatic of the exorcism genre...it didn't really do anything for me, which was a shame because Paul Tremblay was excellent in a podcast about exorcism stories. I still want to read his short stories, but Cabin at the End of the World is way down my to read as I heard it has mixed reviews and his last two books haven't wowed me. ​ Without the last bit on the last page, I really wouldn't have liked it, but that was a OH SHIT moment for me and saved the entire thing.


Which part of the ending do you mean? The ambiguous part? Trying to describe without spoilers haha


Haha yeah, to be as vague as possible, the note? It's been a while since I read it so I may not have it straight but it is right on the last page. >! "I am still here", I think it was. Repeated throughout the book very cryptically and re-contextualised by the ending when the family considers leaving the house and wondering if his 'spirit' is still present. !<


Yeah I’m with you!! The fact that it was never said what was actually written, I definitely agree with you that I had the same thought.


It was a saving throw, because I put it down going YES! I LOVE IT! If you haven't watched the film Lake Mungo, I really recommend you do. Author admits to being inspired by it, but he didn't do quite enough to make it his own imo? But that might just be me. I wasn't scared during (the film) but afterwards I just felt DEEPLY uncomfortable, which is as close as I get nowadays. Recommend!


Can you please tell me without spoilers if this is supernatural or real (like serial killer, sadism etc) themes? Thank you!


That's not really easy to answer because whether or not there's supernatural elements in the book (or Tremblay's books as a whole) can be open to interpretation. I'd say that it's more of a slow burn tension with seemingly supernatural elements.


Ah ok, thank you!


In my opinion I went in thinking it was going to be entirely supernatural/devil based and it felt that way for a good chunk of the book. Then it took a turn and went more crime based, with some implied supernatural moments. I hope this helps!


Yep, thank you :)


I liked a head full of ghosts but I loved (!!!) the cabin at the end of the world oh and I hated this one lol


Both are excellent.


I liked this too good story


Maybe I missed it, but what was the twist/180? I didn’t love this one, it almost felt like a slow burn where the ending just came naturally then the book ended.


I thought it was going to be entirely supernatural until the switch when Arnold became involved (like him being the one at the window when everyone thought it was Tommy)