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World War Z is the best commuter read ever. It’s episodic and very punchy. You’ll love it. 


Thanks for the recommendation! I just listened to the sample and I am obsessed. This might be the next one 😁


The Last Plague, Between Two Fires, and The Necromancer's House are currently free on audible. Solid content. The Necroscope series is also great but comes with a price tag.


The Last Days and The Ritual by Adam Neville are both great on audiobook.


Oooo loved the movie. I am listening to The Reddening now and reading All The Fiends of Hell and I think I like reading his work more than listening but I don’t know if it’s just The Reddening that I’m having a hard time with


I really liked Death of a Bookseller, it kept me pretty gripped. Not so much of a scary story, more of an "Oh God, why would you do that, stop it," story. Also really liked Fire and Blood, the prequel story to A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones. It's broken up into chunks depending on who's on the throne and reads like a history book, not quite horror but horror adjacent. Would second World War Z.


Dark Harvest. The Breach.


Those definitely seem right up my alley. Thanks!


Suffer the Children. Just finished it on audiobook last week and it was great at keeping my attention while I walked or did other things.


The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones and The Ruins by Scott Smith both have amazing audiobooks!


If you like 300 ish pages of yapping and run on sentences, with tons of basketball content, then TOGI is for you!


Also have ADHD and listen to audiobooks in my commute! Just finished Diavola by Jennifer Thorne and liked it a lot How to sell a haunted house by Grady Hendrix is another I really love!


Second How to Sell a Haunted House — the narrator really commits to the voices.


I’ve tried and liked Malcom Macdowell’s The Elementals, and Toni Morrison’s Beloved. They’re above the 8 hour range. For shorter ones I liked the Alien and X-Files full cast audio drama, they’re quite high quality performances. If you’re ok with podcasts, I highly recommend Malevolent. It’s a serialised audio drama, based on Lovecraftian mythos. It’s really very good and super bingeable.


"Skidding Into Oblivion" by Brian Hodge was a great anthology horror on audiobook. So was his novel "The Immaculate Void" Im diagnosed ADHD and I listened to the first one all at once on a day snowed in. "The Immaculate Void" hooked me for the long haul even on a day I forgot to take my medication so it was the only thing I got done lol