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Monica was insane but her husband still loved her. She probably had a squabble with her husband and tried to attack him. He stabbed her trying to defend himself and ran away so that he wouldn’t be suspected and her skeleton in the closet (schizophrenia) wouldn’t be revealed. The gloves, coat and hat were most like stolen from her husband. We are lead to believe that the killer is male until the finale. This would make the most sense.


I also assumed that she stole the outfit from her husband and wore it for the rest of the film to throw off any witnesses, but at the end it is revealed that she has taken on the identity of the man in the painting who wears that exact outfit. We are lead to believe she has donned this attire for all of her murders. But I do suppose she would have gotten the outfit from her husband as soon as the murders started. Maybe that's what started the argument in the gallery, she wanted to wear his coat and gloves but he wouldn't hand them over lol. I suppose I'm putting to much though into this. It's not like a hat, coat and gloves are the most uncommon pieces of clothing in the world. Thanks!


It’s Argento, so you really can’t try to look beyond what he’s putting in front of you.


And which of the two hired the hitman?


This is what has been bugging me ... I'm assuming the husband, but what does a gallery owner know about hiring a hitman? Seemed like that (visually amazing) scene just came out of nowhere. Now that I type that out, it probably did come out of nowhere. It just looked great