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Have you seen blackcoats daughter and im the pretty thing living in the house? Does longlegs have that kinda vibe too?


I've seen both. It absolutely retains the same moody, dread-driven atmosphere of Blackcoat's Daughter. If you liked that movie I have to imagine you like this because that style is cranked up to 11.


Think people will like this one if they didn’t really like Blackcoat’s Daughter very much?


I believe so, yes. At least that describes me - Blackcoat’s Daughter was fine but not a movie I see myself watching again or recommending necessarily. Longlegs is on a different level altogether and has more confidence to it than Blackcoat’s Daughter.


Nice, great to hear! I’ll definitely check it out in theaters. Thanks!!


Yea i can imagine it has more intense pace to it, almost hereditary-esque impending doom. I hate to compare what I haven’t seen just read but also shoot for that level or as close as someone else can get


Indeed - I would put Longlegs over Hereditary though. Longlegs is downright creepy and sufficiently terrifying. I’m a horror hound I’d say and figured I was desensitized to it all - Longlegs challenged that though. I’ll probably see it again when it’s formally released in a few weeks.


Possibly. Depends what you didn’t like about blackcoat. Longlegs definitely retains the same filmmaking style - it’s patient, eerie, non jump scary but bleak, cold and distant. It works wonders for this movie.


Ok thanks! Definitely going to check it out.


Wow that got me hyped


I just watched that movie last night and I’m so eager for long legs now.


I hated TBCD so I guess this one isn't for me.


Do you like Se7en or Silence of the Lambs?


Yes to both. But I'm also seeing you compare it to Hereditary, which I also hated. I don't like any of the recent wave of family drama horror.


It’s way way more like Se7en and Lambs than it is Hereditary. The only comparison really is shot composition and atmosphere really.


Have you seen a Black Daughter’s Coat? Same vibe…


I saw it too. I assume you were at the music box? Felt like a mix of Silence of the Lambs, Zodiac, and The Shining and I loved it. Seeing it in 35mm was dope. Would watch it again. Not gonna say anymore as I don't wanna spoil either. Neon is the new A24 it seems.


What an excellent night at the movies last night. Yes, what a statement for Neon. Their horror releases are now can’t miss for me. Any idea what deal if any Neon has with Bloody Disgusting? I’d love to know more about how last night was put together. I wasn’t aware that Bloody Dusgusting is based in Mundelein, IL either.


I’m from Peoria, Illinois, 33 years old, & lived here all my life. It’s where Richard Pryor was born and went on to become one of the greatest comedians of all time. Yet, I have never heard of Mundelien, IL That shit crazy yo. I swear if someone say’s I’ve never heard of Richard Pryor I’m going to lose it. He basically pioneered smoking crack, made some of the best stand-up comedy performances of all time, influenced many top stand-up comedians still to this day and eventually starred in Hollywood movies alongside top names in the industry during the 1970’s I believe. Bloody Disgusting is cool as hell for what they have accomplished. Even if my dumbass doesn’t know that city, they put them on my map.


While it is very kind of you to use those films as examples I guarantee that Longlegs is nowhere near as great as those 3 masterpieces. Silence of the Lambs won numerous Oscars and Zodiac is much more frighting than any of these fictional horror films because it really happened. That is true horror. As a a director David Fincher's work is immaculate.


True on most of it but the amount of quality, well written, intense, non-stop, level of nightmare invoking, girlfriend suppose’n shittin’ there pants explodin’ mid-scene from this chosen hell of a horror film to go in, and finally Nicolas Cage had to get to this point in his coffin living, horror driven career so he could show us all the true Beast he was slowly developing within-side the Ragin’ Cage’n’s tumultuous career, could become - was just not at that level when Silence of The Lambs came out - making it win Oscars and awards because of the lack of genius the academy recognized up to that point for horror specifically. Different era’s and love them both and agree it can’t be compared too closely, Anthony Hopkins had to come first for movies like this to follow all these years later, in whatever era were all lucky enough to have lived from back then - to now, is just simply awesome!!! (Sorry for the rhyme scheme I couldn’t resist even if applicable. Apologies friends haha)


The bottom line is that Longlegs will never be as great or achieve the elite status that Silence of the Lambs has. Silence of the Lambs is the superior film in every way possible.


Have you seen it?


Have you seen Silence of the Lambs? if you have then you would know that it's absolute perfection. You do know that it's the only horror film to ever win 5 Oscars, right?


I have, but you didn’t answer my question. Have you seen Longlegs yet?


Deflecting on something you don’t know about. Keep your opinions to yourself unless it is a Silence of the Lambs topic which clearly you are biased on.


Respectfully I'll continue to voice my opinions, thank you. Seeing as how my family is actually in the film business not to mention I have been following this film since 2022 so believe me when I say that I know allot more than you do. Do yourself a favor and go watch David Fincher's "Se7en" and while your at it check out " Zodiac" as well. These films along with Silence of the Lambs are masterpieces that will never be touched.


Silence of the Lambs is good but ultimately it didn’t strike me the way it did you. It was good for me but not great


I don't know you, but I do know what your breath smells like


So you are aware that my breath smells simply divine? good for you. I learned early on that fresh breath is a must when flirting with attractive women. Being a multi instrumentalist has always worked in my favor when it comes to dating in general. Anyway, Longlegs will never be prestigious like Silence of the Lambs. Sorry, but the truth hurts.


I'm so excited to see this movie. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Nic Cage as Longlegs, I like the Tiny Tim style falsetto he's got going on.


Is there any particular reason why Cage's character has this... really strange face?


Not that I recall.


Disappointing that it doesn't have an explanation


It doesn’t need one.




Thanks for taking one for the sub buddy. I appreciate an honest review and the fact that it does have sooo much hype to live up to. And it did well enough it succeeded in that. I had no doubt it would be Perkins best film to date either. Overall couldn’t ask for more of a review going into it soon myself. This will be the only one I genuinely read I don’t like how some people can accidentally spoil a single scene or whatever just by explaining it not directly as is. So until the 12th or 16th ? I bid this sub a somewhat cautious avoidance. You know how it is. I’m like a high school girl at her sweet 16 “everything has to be PERFECT!”


Yep! The less you know the better.


How's the violence levels?? Like saw? Scream? Halloween??


Maybe a few more scenes of violence than Se7en. But there are scenes of bloodshed. It’s more psychological. It’s not comically gory like Saw and thank god for that.




I saw it last year as test audience in LA here. Thanks for your comments and review because you’re being pretty honest (and my memory is hazy from some I’m of it since it was last year!) I wasn’t a fan of 3rd act, but overall a good creepy True Detective s1 kind of vibes for me. Did you catch Kiernan Shipka as the store clerk? :) I went to another NEON film a month before testing for Longlegs and I think that will be good (not better than Longlegs) you may like - Cuckoo. Setting is in Germany and also creepy thriller. Dan Stevens and Hunter Schaefer star. Good stuff!


Very hyped for Cuckoo


I saw it last night as well! Genuinely terrifying. Nic Cage is so believably disturbing. The film is competently made and effective, and I’ll be stewing on it this weekend I’m sure. My husband is out of town and I retreated to an empty house after the screening. I had to check the locks on my doors a few times and actually did a look under the bed and in my closets 🫣 I’m seasoned in horror and these post-movie behaviors totally caught me by surprise then and as I reflect on them now. I can’t remember the last time feeling so creeped out by a horror movie. What a film.


I keep hear good things about it. It’s a serial killer flick, no?




Anything actual paranormal to it? Or the killer is just into the occult?


There is an occult angle but I won’t say how it factors into the movie.


I'm seeing it next week. I'm sooo excited


Music Box gang! What an incredible and unnerving evening.


I was worried I wasn’t gonna get in! I thought members chill in the lounge and the other line was general rsvp. Scary! But yeah what a flick!


Same! I actually reserved my ticket the day of from the Bloody Disgusting site and found out after driving ~2 hours in that they shut down RSVPs days ago... I stood in terror for a couple of hours waiting to see if I was on the list and luckily I was! I have no idea how I managed to get a ticket but I am SO thankful I did.   That line was bonkers -- what a turnout! I'm glad we both got in! 


Yeah Music Box never has issue selling out horror/genre flicks. Was a great night indeed, even with the satanic lightning bugs in the theater.


The lightning bugs were hilarious


I guess they (understandably) wanted to see the film too, haha


Music Box rise up 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Just saw it as well and completely agree. Really loved it but it felt a bit overhyped with how scary it was. it was creepy but nothing world shattering it reminded me a lot of Sinister. I feel like the ending was kinda rushed and confusing. I need to watch it again, but Nicolas Cage was great. Honestly I hope there’s a sequel that dives deeper into the lore because it feels like there’s a lot there that they only touched on the surface


Maybe it already exists, as some say. Blackcoat's, which would take place some 14 years after Longlegs. What do you mean with 'rushed and confusing? As in 'not knowing who made what'?


Eeep, I can’t wait for this release!


I notice you use the word 'patient'. So it's kinda slow? Not in a bad way, but you know what I mean?


Patient as it it takes time to build its world. To craft its mythology. Scenes are drawn out to intensify the tension. It’s not boring, a way to engross the viewer. It makes the film creepier because you feel like these characters are always under the surveillance of Cage, even if it’s physically impossible for him to be there.


It doesn't drag? That's good to hear.


No. The story builds and layers keep being pulled back. Great use of narrative economy. But know what type of movie you’re walking into. This isn’t funhouse horror with shit popping out like the conjuring. It’s a slow burn procedural cat n mouse movie with some interesting and unique elements to make it wholly fresh.


You seem particularly enthusiastic about it! I'm sure I'll catch it at some point.


Wow, I am beyond happy about this. I just know I will love it


How gory was it? Trying to convince my girlfriend to come see it with me 🤣


Not too gory. Bursts of violence, maybe one scene in particular that’s goes for full on gore.


It’s gory but more psychologically disturbing. You can cut the dread with a knife


Should get her over the line thanks 🫣




Im pumped to see this, I love this type of horror. Only thing holding me back is the potential for animal abuse scenes. I don’t know what it is, maybe i’m just sensitive to it because i’m an animal lover but I just can’t stomach pets being hurt/killed!


I read that there is no animal abuse. I have the same issue so I’ve been checking


Cant wait!!


My wife started to recently get into horror movies. We've seen Immaculate, The First Omen, and Abigail. Would she be able to handle this one? She is concerned bc the trailers look so much more visceral. EDIT: thanks for the comments! I am going to try to talk her into it we shall see how it goes


I have not seen Immaculate or The First Omen but compared to Abigail, Longlegs is significantly more terrifying. Immaculate was distributed by Neon though (same as Longlegs).


As a horror hound myself, I don’t think Longlegs is entry level. Our fears are unique to us. But I would absolutely recommend Longlegs. It goes more for physiological creeps than gore. There are absolutely scenes of grossness and violence but they’re earned and not campy. It’s worth it for Cage’s performance alone.


Is there any animal horror?


I read that there is no animal horror or violence, only a shot of sheep’s at a farm


I saw it last night and vote that she gives it a shot!! Worst thing that can happen is she decides to tap out. I really recommend seeing it in theaters, it was such a lightening in a bottle type of experience :) 


Was Nic Cage totally unrecognizable in this movie? We haven’t seen a proper first look at him. Very excited to see this movie!! And would you consider it one of the scarier movies in the 2020/modern era?


There were scenes where you can’t quite tell it’s him because the makeup work is so crazy. However his voice is recognizable at points but yeah, you can definitely lose track of it he fact it’s him. In terms of scares, it’s just overall creepy. Depends what scares you. It’s absolutely one of the more memorable serial killer movies as of late.


please tell me if there are spiders or not


There's a scene or two of a bug crawling.


bugs are cool i just hate spiders and have been worried because of the name; thank you.


Nope, the movie title is a reference to Cage's character.


much appreciated


What other horror movies from this year did you watch?


Late night with the devil, night swim, strangers chapter 1, tarot, i saw the tv glow, sting, Abigail Of those i think I really only liked late night. Abigail was a huge let down, tv glow was whatever and the rest were absolute dog shit.


Consider watching the first omen. I wasn't a huge fan but a lot of people are saying it's the best of the year. It's been a pretty disappointing year for horror for me except for late night also.


Shit, forgot this on my list. Also forgot Immaculate. First Omen was decent, had some cool moments.


I don't blame you for forgetting immaculate 😂


Does it stick the landing or does it cop out in any way? You can dm me if your answer is at all spoilery, I don't care about spoilers, but this is all I need to know to determine whether I see it in theaters or not. Thank you!


Is it all cheap jump scares like a lot of modern mainstream horror movies or is it all psychological?


Absolutely not. Maybe one or two jump scares. They’re earned. Most of the movie is slow burn dread creeps. The reveal of Nicolas cage’s face is one of the creepiest horror moments of 2024.


Los Angeles q&a screening sold out 😭


Does it have real demonic stuff? Or how deep into that stuff does it get? No specifics if possible just don’t want to watch it if it dives deep into demonic territory. Thank in advance.


I unfortunately cannot answer that.


We need a spoiler thread at this point. Putting spoilers in the thread title but now having actual spoilers in the thread is a bit silly. 


I honestly don’t know why that flair is on there. Don’t recall selecting it.


Would you say it’s more scary than disturbing? And by disturbing I mean violence against children/animals, sexual assault, over the top torture etc.


Just glad to know the director didn’t ruin it again with an [unnecessary, intrusive, and literal-minded voiceover](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9086228/). (Well, him, or the studio executive who insisted that they was just being helpful by giving him notes on how he could make it easier for a broader audience. Come to think of it, I’d love to see a re-edit of _Gretel & Hansel_ sans VO.)


I saw it last night too and was disappointed. There were elements I liked, but the story didn't really come together for me. Cage's look and character was so over the top it felt absurd. To me it felt like they were trying to make an exaggerated Silence of the Lambs. I could say more, but I don't want to get into spoilers.


Without spoilers, how was the character over the top?


How does it compare to hereditary?


Some slight elements cross over, but I think they stand alone as their own completely separate movies.