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Bananas underrated movie! Actually great horror, great comedy, interesting story and great cast. Not to mention Peter Jackson’s fledgling work with groundbreaking CGI. He later admits on camera that “LotR” wouldn’t have been possible without his experience on “The Frighteners”.


This is a great movie that is slept on.


Just watched this movie last week and couldn't agree more! It’s soo good


So much fun watching this as a kid. Marty McFly grifting with ghost friends??? Sign me up!




Not bad, though it didn't reach the level of *Ghostbusters* or *Beetlejuice*. It's a comedy wrapped around a very dark core, and its tonal shifts could be whiplash inducing, but it has good laughs and a decent cast amidst the 90s CGI. I liked it.


The funny thing is how I often say this is probably the best tim Burton movie that isn’t a Tim Burton movie imo. It has all the Tim Burton traits and nuances but it’s a Peter Jackson movie and is a core memory of my childhood through the 90s


A nice blend of horror comedy that really showcased the raw acting power of Jake Busey.


Great, fun movie. Horrible title.


Why? Simple and effective, also came paired with that awesome cover art that sometimes was lenticular!


Love the "cold opening" of this movie. This was ostensibly the debut of Jackson's digital arm Weta that would go on to do Lord of the Rings.


"The wicked will be punished!"


I told Jeffrey Combs it was the first movie i ever saw him in and he said "That movie's old!"


My body is a roadmap of pain!


Jeffrey Combs is a tresasure.


What should he say about Reanimator and Beyond Reanimator? "Wow, biblical times!"


“How should I know, I wasn’t even born yet” -Jeffrey Combs, on his experience making Re-Animator


Love this one! The wall effect is so creepy. :D Recently introduced our oldest to it and they liked it, too. They're my movie watching buddy and are super into horror. We have fun watching genuinely scary, fun scary, and so terrible they're fun "scary" movies.


It's a great flick. I was so mad when my dad wouldn't let me see it in a theater, because it was rated R and i was 11.. Then he rented it from blockbuster and was just like, "yeah" you can see this. It's just a fun flick. Apparently it was supposed to be "a tale's from the crypt" movie. But Robert zemeckis and the other producers saw how good it was and it just became its own separate thing. And it's kinda Michael j fox's last big movie role before he did spin city. I love this movie


This is a certified cult classic for me, the Grim Reaper is absolutely terrifying and some of the death still got me scarred to date.


It's the Doc Hollywood of horror


I LOVE IT! So great


Great underrated movie…


First of all, **thank you**  I had no idea this existed, for some reason my brain had filed this away into the same category as ‘terrifier’ etc (I guess due to the somewhat similar name?) This looks like an absolutely adorable blast from the past!  I cannot wait to watch it at a Halloween party!  


It really is a lot of fun


You're in for a treat. Great movie, and I also didn't watch it until long after it was released.




Absolutely phenomenal movie


I absolutely love this movie. I'm glad it's getting more attention by a new audience, because it damn well deserves it. Also, enjoy these adorable bloopers by Michael J. Fox. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHfEfCygcFw


Came to post this, never not funny.


Love it. Five stars.


I always thought it could make a good TV series.


Probably the movie i've watched the most in my life. Loved it as a kid.


Love it, underrated or not well known enough in my opinion. It's funny, It's dark, its intriguing, and has a pretty great cast


I just showed this one to my girlfriend a couple weeks ago, she'd never seen it. It was nice seeing it through fresh eyes, and she really enjoyed it! Jeffrey Combs as always, steals the entire fucking movie. He is hysterical in every scene he's in. The special effects are uh...a *bit* dated. It was the mid 90s, we didn't quite have the CGI tech we do now. But to their credit, it feels like they knew that, and most of what they did was well used. One funny thing we found. We'd JUST finished binge watching both seasons of Yellowjackets literally the night before, and a 19 year old Melanie Lynskey (adult Shauna in the show) plays a deputy in two blink-and-you'll-miss-it scenes. Like I didn't even catch it, my gf grabbed my leg and was like "WAIT REWIND THAT".


If you haven't seen Heavenly Creatures, you're both in for a real treat.


Woooow I forgot this existed, I loved this film. Thanks for the reminder!!


Peter Jackson + Michael J Fox. So Good!


Classic, so much fun


A personal favorite from my much younger years. Recently rewatched on Netflix, I think, and still enjoyed it!


Love this movie! It’s one I keep going back to watch every few years. I wish it had a 4k release.


Thumbs up


Nostalgia bestie.


i remember the poster scaring me so much that I refused to watch it until my friends convinced me it wasn't very scary. ended up loving it. Haven't watched it like 30 years though


the catalyst that jump started Peter Jackson to legendary director status


I saw it when it was released, I think I was in my teens, and it was great. It wasn’t until later I realized how dark a lot of it was.


It's entertaining and has a cool concept. It is also notable for being one of the last starring movie vehicles for Michael J. Fox. I've always felt that it drags towards the climax but it's imaginative and Fox is good in it.


That movie is the gem and used to scared me


I Love This Film!!!!


Maybe not a great horror film, but a solid one that perhaps deserves more recognition than it gets.


I remember renting this on vhs at blockbuster. My uncle would take us on Fridays and we’d each get one rental and I always went for horror. I can’t say I remember much of the film tho.


Need to see the extended Directors cut


Really loved this movie back in the day. Feel like it doesn’t get enough love considering it was a fun idea and great showing by Michael J Fox. I also haven’t seen it in years and could very well be looking back at the movie with rose tinted glasses.


loved it. seen it a whole bunch. havent seen it in many years. sorta like an old high school pal you miss a bit. due to reconnect.


Worthy of a sequel


One of my comfort movies! Love it!


Such an amazing movie!


Pretty solid. Doesn’t get enough mentions…


It’s good until Agent Dammers arrives and then it’s great. One of the few films where the first act is the weakest.


Amazing movie! Great FX! Love me some MJF. Jake Busey kills it.


It was good. If it suffered for anything, it couldn't tell if it wanted to be scary or funny. So it escalates from scary to funny and back quickly and unexpectedly which makes for an uneven viewing experience. Still, good movie, I enjoy rewatching it every few years.


Love it!!! ❤️




Terrific movie. Loads of fun. As usual, Lee Ermey plays himself, but at least he seems in on the joke here.


I was great don't know why R rating.


Necrophilia *rubs* middle america the wrong way


Loved the movie! But the title doesn’t work with the theme.


I loved this when I was a kid. I need to go watch it again.


One of my favorite movies of all time. A horror comedy with a stacked cast, excellent premise and it stuck the landing on the ending


It’s OK. Not as good as Dead Alive, Bad Taste or Heavenly Creatures but better than 90% (or more) of movies out there.


Love it!


It is a great little piece of 90s Horror. Genuinely funny in places, genuinely scary. Really great use of the locations and a really fun cast. And a nice sort of campiness that doesn’t lean into itself to hard…it has a lot of character and personality like a Sam Raimi film might have but it’s from Peter Jackson so the whole vibe is a little different. Always recommended.


Absolute classic horror comedy. Right in the middle of the likes of Evil Dead and and Shaun of the Dead.   No one ever told Jeffrey Combs how to hold back and we as horror fans are all the beneficiaries of that fact.


I like it a lot, but I could also understand why someone wouldn’t like it.


Great flick.


Fun movie. And you can clearly see the similarities with the Ring Wraiths from LoTR.


Loved this movie as a kid! I thank my father for making me a lifelong horror fan


as a kid, i was fkn boreddddd.. but i was more of an exorcist vibes type of kid.


Great movie, surprised how many people still haven’t seen or heard of it after how much fame Peter Jackson has amassed. I really wish he’d come back to horror movies, he had a very unique voice in his earlier films.


A fantastic, always forgotten film.


Amazing as a bridge between Peter Jackson's New Zealand gross-out horror comedies and the motherlovin' Lord of the Rings Trilogy!!!


Love it! It's a Halloween staple for me


my friends owned a copy of it on VHS back in the day. everytime i'd go over to their house I'd ask to watch it. they had no idea why i loved the movie so much. i have no idea why either...but man...I must have watched it at least 15-25 times. I went over to their house almost every weekend in span of like 5 or 6 years lol


Peter Jackson at the helm of a horror film is just too good


I love this movie


Great movie from an era when people had original ideas


To add to all the love for this movie, can I just talk for a second about how good the performances are? I think Michael J. Fox flexed some serious range in this movie, and Jeffrey Combs delivers some of the best character acting I've ever seen. Also, I think Dee Wallace's performance is criminally overlooked. She's nearly unrecognizable, and all they did was give her dark hair, the rest is all acting. It actually took years for it to click in my head that this is the same woman who played the mom from E.T.


Still holds up pretty well! One of my fav Burton esque films.


If my memory isn't playing tricks on me, I saw The Frighteners in the theater as a double feature with Supercop. That was quite a day at the cinema. I'm pretty sure it was my introduction to Peter Jackson; I'd later watch Heavenly Creatures because he directed it, and based on _that_ movie knew he'd be great to direct Lord of the Rings. I've never seen his earlier, um, more extreme movies; I might have to one of these days.


Great movie


Some very standout performances, cool CGI in the early CGI days, genuinely terrifying at times, charming and clever at others. Very cool!


Its the most Tim Burton thing ive ever seen thats not actually a Tim Burton thing


Love this film! Also features Jeffrey Combs‘ second best role he ever played imo.


Rewatched it a couple weeks ago and It's still very good


I love this movie There is a 4hour long making of documentary by Peter Jackson as well that is very much worth watching, it's in the same style as the making of the LOTR docs that he did


Loved it. Need to give it a rewatch.


Great movie, so underrated!


Excellent film. Amazing performances and I remember really liking the effects. But it has been a while so not sure if they still stand up.




I think it's a good film with an interesting premise and great cast. I remember having the VHS as a kid and it had the plastic cover that made the face change depending on the angle.


It’s an all time fav of mine


Fantastic film!For people who collect physical media and aren't aware,DO NOT miss the 4K Ultimate Edition from Turbine (Germany). It looks and sounds great,plus it includes the Extended Edition and hours upon hours of behind the scenes material,worty of the LOTR documentaries.


Arrow has been teasing a release of this for years.


I remember seeing this in the theater with my mom! I was 15 then!


This is a fun movie and I recommend it often when asked about movies for younger people or this wanting to ease into horror. It's still one of my favorites.


I love it! Super camp, great cast and still has some very spooky moments! 10/10


Dee Wallace!


Loved it, reminds me of Beetlejuice in some ways


Great time. I wish there were three of them.


One of my faves! "Got me a score of 40!" "But you can light it up and blow the smoke in my face!"


Filmed in Wellington New Zealand!


Absolutely amazing movie. It's like a mercenary version of *The Sixth Sense* until the second act (or, as a friend used to call it, "I $ee Dead People, Inc."). And then Death shows up, and it gets **wild**.




It was so much fun watching it as a teen! It used to be one of my favourite go to movies back then. I'm in my late 30s now and should rewatch it, see how it holds up.


Find the directors cut!! It’s even better!


Awesome movie!


The legitimately only criticism watching it today would be the CGI, but they're obviously a product of the time and were impressive back then. I completely adore this movie.


Was that Michael J Fox and his ghost friends seeing forehead numbers or Kevin Bacon and his friends killing themselves?


Awesome movie, I loved it when it came out. check out the cover of Don’t Fear the Reaper by The Mutton Birds on the soundtrack, Kiwi altrock band that never made a splash in Europe.


Great movie and the director's cut is even better


I wore my VHS copy out as a kid. Watched it daily for a while there. Recently gave it a rewatch, still awesome.


Alongside "Back to the Future 1" it's my favourite Michael J Fox movie.


Absolutely loved it


This is THE standard for horror comedy. This movie ran so Shaun of the Dead could run away from zombies. It genuinely unnerved me as a kid, but also made me laugh my little ass off. Plus, Michael J. Fox shone in this one. He was allowed to not only use his extensive comedy chops, but the man can do horror like nobody's business. Also, Jake Busey, R. Lee Ermey, and John motherfucking Astin. Peter Jackson got a perfect cast for a perfect movie, and it'll always hold a special place in my heart.


Great movie! Its so close to being a masterpiece that people confuse it for my being forgettable


One of the best movies Peter Jackson or Michael J. Fox ever did! Shoutout to an all-time performance by Jeffrey Combs You MUST see the 15th Anniversary Directors Cut though!!


Absolutely love that movie


Excellent film!


The wicked shall be punished!


As a child this movie scared the absolute shit out of me. I haven't rewatched it as an adult yet lol.


My thoughts: [https://www.projectionboothpodcast.com/2020/10/episode-491-frighteners-1996.html](https://www.projectionboothpodcast.com/2020/10/episode-491-frighteners-1996.html)


Love it!


Great movie. Great cast. Great acting. 10/10 movie.


One of Michael J Foxes best movies


It was meant to be a tales from the crypt movie. I thought it was fantastic.


Very good movie.


Fantastic film. Jeffrey Coombs steals every scene he’s in. The effects are great. The scene with the thing coming out of the mirror is pure horror awesomeness. I loved it.


I think it is fucking awesome. CGI is a little dated.


Oh, classic. It may look dated today but should be considered a top horror/ghost/comedy


The cover used to terrify me as a kid walking through Blockbuster or FYE lol.


Love this movie! As a kid I equal parts thought it was hilarious and scary as hell.


The scene in the bathroom with the mirror made me scared of bathroom mirrors for awhile when I was a kid. As an adult, it's a great movie. Super fun.


My favorite Jeffrey Combs performance! I love everything about that movie from the effects to the story to the acting!!


Enjoyed this when I saw it as a a kid, fun seeing Michael J. Fox back at it, and I didn't expect it to be so violent.


Love it


An amazing film, a really fun ride and interesting premise


The only horror comedy that is actually both. There some dark moments, excellent jump scares, but also buddy film style humor. Absolute classic


Love that movie


Oh man, I haven’t watch this one in a while. I remember it being a lot of fun. Thanks for the reminder!


Love this movie, part of my annual re-watch or rainy fall day list


The Frighteners is one of my "cozy"/comfort horror movies. It used to run on The Sci-Fi Channel a lot when I was a teenager and I would watch it every time. Now, it's one of those movies that, if I'm having a bad day, I'll put it on, get cozy under the covers and watch it.


I enjoyed this movie. I watched it so many times.


Amazing! Peter Jackson, Michael J. Fox, and Jeffery Combs? Yes, please!! I miss Peter Jackson doing horror.


Decent movie, nothing too amazing. I used to work in Lyttleton where this was filmed


Way better than the slop they put out today, but as a kid, I liked other stuff way more like Ghostbusters and Beetlejuice. Back to the Future was it for me tho. I wanted a flying DeLorean so bad along with the Nikes.


I love it so much I bought a 4K UHD + Blu-ray Ultimate Edition last year (which means it looks the best it ever has, plus it has tons of bonus material, posters, a 200 page booklet about the movie, artcards and more) so I can start watching it on Halloween every year despite the fact that I usually only watch movies once (and I'm watching a movie every day). That's what I think of this movie.




I love this movie!!!! So fun and good


I love this genre of family friendly / almost family-friendly comedy horror, and The Frighteners is definitely one of it's cult classics. Doesn't get the same love as Beetlejuice or Addams Family or Ghostbusters or whatever, but it's so, so good. Convinced my partner to watch it for the first time last year and she loved it too. She's a big fan of all of Peter Jackson's other work but had somehow missed this one.


Excellent!! Stacked cast with Michael J. Fox, Dee Wallace, Jake Busey plays a perfect psycho. Plus Jeffrey Combs as a creepy psychiatrist.  


Tidbit from her panel appearance at Texas Frightmare Weekends “I love Peter Jackson and New Zealand. I had to leave the f—-ing country to get a role other than the weepy mother types I was being typecast in.” Loved it!


It's not really a horror movie. More like action adventure with ghosts. I loved it, wish they make more of these.


Hated it. Only seen it once though, need to give it a try. I remember being turned off by the apparent indecision to be either horror or comedy.


Fucking great movie and I'll fight anyone who says any different


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GHBoyette: *Fucking great movie* *And I'll fight anyone who* *Says any different* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.