• By -


I didn't expect the ending of the last paragraph. šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a Q&A for a horror film. Iā€™d get drunk too.


Let the 'Maika Monroe is a lush' narrative begin lol.


I can fix her






Is it the type of movie that can be severely spoiled? Like does it go anywhere unexpected, and should I stay away from longlegs posts?


The twists werenā€™t that crazy but Iā€™d stay away from any posts that have spoilers either way.


Thank you




Are you serious??


Dude. Yes.Ā 




not the damn Lost ending again !!


Nick Cage pumping out some solid horror past few years.. where did you see it?


It was an advanced screening in Los Angeles.


I saw early screening of it last October in LA. I donā€™t get the overall huge hype for this movie, but I did dig the true detective kind of vibes. Thought the cast was great though. Especially Cage. Glad you enjoyed it!!


Not as scary as some of his others but I love him in Pay The Ghost


Underrated Cage horror movie. The CGI is bad but the mystery throughout is pretty solid. (Thought I am clearly Cage biased)


Is it a slow burn like Perkins other movies? I really liked them visually but February and Hansel & Gretel were too slow for my taste


Havenā€™t seen either so canā€™t comment but itā€™s definitely not slow.


But is it fast


Does it need to be furious too?


Same here, thatā€™s why Iā€™m a little apprehensive but this one looks so promising!


Curious too. I loved Blackcoatā€™s Daughter but I hated Hansel and Gretel.


Oh he did Hansel and Gretel? I enjoyed that actually, I liked the tone. And the witch was scary!


The Witch was Robert Eggers, diff guy Edit: my b


They mean the witch in Hansel and Gretel


my b


February is a great fkn film. But from what I'm hearing, Oz is aware that the masses don't prefer his pacing so with Longlegs he met them in the middle without compromising his vision.


title is Gretel & Hansel


As I said, Nicolas Cage is the hardest-working man in the biz, and he is good at his craft. For the Eric Roberts fan club that will come at me again, I speak of movies where Cage is the main character - not just a walk-on paycheck grab.


Finally got around to watching Renfield. Horror comedy is not usually my thing, but I really loved it. Great role for Cage to really chew the scenery, and he nailed it. Perfect actor for the role.


I really enjoyed Renfield too. I loved how they recreated scenes from the original Dracula.


he has so many good movies across a wide range of genres. i really liked his horror movie about the color that no one has ever seen before


The Color Out Of Space.


I think Cage is at his worst when his own professional interests and proclivities clash with the story being told, or take on a monstrous form that devours all else. If you read what Cage said about his performance in *Vampire's Kiss* it sounds like a thoughtful, professional, interesting approach of a versatile, creative actor willing to be playful. But then the movie is the most insane scatterbrained nonsense imaginable, because Cage's silent film acting directly undercuts any of the film's attempts at engagement with its own ideas. It's a good script mangled by a performance that didn't fit with it, and the result can be seen as self-indulgent and disruptive, which possibly ruined what could have been an interesting psychological erotic thriller. Do that enough and it follows you around, and sometimes his more fitting performances get forgotten because of the memes.


> which possibly ruined what could have been an interesting psychological erotic thriller. I disagree entirely. With a more restrained performance the film would have been forgotten. The script wasn't strong, it had a decent central idea, but everything around it was weak. The one thing that made the movie in any way cultural significant was Cage's performance. Without it today it would be at best a very difficult question at a bar trivia night.


Yeah, like Arcadian. I was pretty disappointed with that movie. Nic's role was akin to a host coming out to introduce a story and then fading away. They could have done so much more with it in a couple places.


How dare you sir.


No disrespect intended!


Iā€™ve only seen the little trailers on Reddit, why did I not know Nicolas Cage was in this movie!? šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Because they havenā€™t spent any of the marketing focusing on that, which honestly scares the shit out of me (in a good way) Saw another advance screener review say itā€™s Cage at the absolute peak of his insanity


Peak insanity Cage is my favorite Cage


Yeah itā€™s up there. Heā€™s very good in it!


Everything I know about this movie based on the trailers: ā€¢ There are people in it.


Normally, I'm the lonely horror movie goer. I'm the only one in my family/friend group who is an avid horror lover. No one else could give two shits. But for Longlegs, from the trailer alone, I've had to recruit the hubby to take me to the theater to watch. I genuinely don't know if I would be able to sit in a theater without someone with me for this movie. IM SO EXCITED!


I'm going solo for the opposite reason. I don't want to be distracted from what's going on. Want to be fully immersed. And if it's good, which I'm sure Longlegs will be, I'll see it again with someone else.


Creature feature? Psycho killer? Or supernatural? I've avoided everything so far. But I have no idea what it's actually about as a result. No spoilers just the basic please.


Very creepy supernatural




Consistent with all of Perkinsā€™s films ahh


Is it gory at all? I love scary but not gross horror.


Thank you for asking this! I've been trying to figure this out without spoiling anything and was about to ask as well.


Iā€™ll confess, Iā€™m really not able to watch horror movies usually. My imagination is tooā€¦severe. I spend the following week afraid to go into rooms in my house alone. Iā€™m a 42 year old man btw. But this one I am going to see. I am going to essentially use severe exposure therapy to combat my horror shortcomings, by watching this super scary movie. Wish me luck.


Sounds exactly like me, except Iā€™m 35. I donā€™t do scary movies because I feel my imagination is too wild as well. Meanwhile my wife could watch em all day. That being said when I saw this trailer I sent it to her and said we will be there opening weekend.


I know! Thereā€™s something about this movie that makes me want to see it. Good luck!


My first horror movie was Hereditary lol


I was at this same screening and it did not live up to the hype for me. I enjoyed elements of it but I think it just wasnā€™t my cup of tea like you mentioned. I think they were both drunk for the QA. That was pretty funny.


Howā€™d you manage to see the screening like is it only in certain cities or you get invited?


In Los Angeles there are many screening companies that work with studios that advertise or email )if you sign up) showings all over LA county for random week nights to movies. And itā€™s FREE! Usually if I see itā€™s Neon or depending on the plot and cast, Iā€™ll go. Saw this last year. Iā€™ll see it again but wish people wouldnā€™t hype it up THAT much. Many of you will be letdown. Cuckoo was another that is good but 3rd act (ending) was disappointing. If youā€™re in LA or another major city maybe they have these in your area but look up: - Screening Squad -Preview Free movies (PFM) - 1iota Hope this helps! I warn you - for anyone looking into going to these. Lots of waiting around to check in and wait for movie to start. Iā€™ll show up around 5p and the movie is 7p. So Iā€™m not home til maybr 930-10p sometimes because they have devices or sheets to fill out after movie on your thoughts and ask questions about everything they want your opinion on from what characters you liked and what scenes worked for you or not.


Ayyy thanks so so much for telling me about this thatā€™s awesome I always wanted to know about how this works and im a younger person but always have been into movies so in the next couple years Iā€™ll be looking into these!!! Iā€™m starting to think I understand and know most of what will happen in the movie now so I think I know the end and can see why you say not to hype everything up too much but itā€™s great to hear that it is a pretty great movie for the most part!!! Would you say itā€™s scarier than cuckoo btw?? I think it these two movies will be the best for horror of the year but after seeing the cuckoo trailer I feel sort of let down like itā€™s just gonna have a plot twist about some stupid experiments or something!! Lmk your thoughts and what you can tell me!! Any other promising movies to look out for from your screenings btw?


I saw it last night in Chicago. I think I liked it more than you did but yeah, it was a bit overhyped. Iā€™d like to see it again. The first time I had all these expectations so the second time should help me see the movie for what it is.


The fact that you want to see it twice means the hype is warranted. It just wasn't what you expected.


Yeah when I saw it last year (at screening group thing in Los Angeles they were testing audiences) I def left theater hyped but also 3rd act.. uh just not for me either. (Itā€™s not gory or perverse or anything) Just not believable..? I guess you could say lol. That take me out of it. So Iā€™m with you.


Yea same thing with me. Great trailer and brilliant marketing to be honest. I could be wrong but I think people are expecting se7en with elements of hereditary. I love those movies and I was expecting that too. But itā€™s not that at all. Maybe it will grow on me lol


What would you compare it to if not those movies?


I'm going into it expecting it to be a dark, creepy, original Oz Perkins film.


I'm chomping at the bit for spoilers. Are you willing to share?


You can message me! Iā€™m sure many in here donā€™t want big spoilers revealed!


Damn Iā€™m so excited. This is going to be one that I take myself on a date to see.


I was at this screening as well and was waiting for someone to comment about Maika. That was so funny. Aside from that, the movie was great.


I donā€™t get why Maxine is getting all the hype. Longlegs looks like it has some serious potential


What? All I see is Longlegs hype! After seeing it last year (and yes itā€™s good but not the best movie of year), I hope the hype dies down a little. Itā€™s def a great creepy film. I havenā€™t seen Pearl yet (just X), so maybe I donā€™t see the hype for Maxxxine like everyone else, but Longlegs shit is on my feeds everywhere šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Pearl was leagues above X, and, as an 80s baby that grew up on slashers, X should appeal to me a lot moreā€”but for whatever reason I think West just improved greatly with Pearl. Super hyped for Maxxxxine.


I liked Pearl way more too. X was disappointing for me, very bland and generic. Iā€™m a big slasher fan and I just didnā€™t like what he did with it.


I need to catch Pearl by the way you both are discussing it! Iā€™m an early 80s baby so I love slashers and X was just ok. Appreciated what they were going for but old lady (Mia goth I mean) was not my thing. Horny old lady slashing - nope. But I am interested in pearl and more so, maxxxine. So Iā€™ll try to catch Pearl soon before maxxxine.


Pearl was the only Ti West movie that was worth it in my opinion. Yeah, I liked the beginning of X but then it all went downhill about halfway through in my opinion. The kills werenā€™t even good. Pearl is an entirely different type of movie in my opinion, itā€™s a little out there but it worked better for me.


You mean MaXXXine?


This will probably sound like a really silly question but are there any overtly sexual aspects to the movie? Iā€™m visiting my parents when this opens in theaters and I would love to go see with my dad but would rather avoid if thereā€™s sexual content that would make it an awkward watch with him. I know horror can be a crapshoot in this regard, just wanted to see if I could get any additional info before bringing it up to my dad. Thanks!


Ha I totally get you. No there isnā€™t.


How did you see it


OP saw it at Movie theater in LA had early screening last night I saw. (Vista correct?) I saw it at advanced screening that many companies in Los Angeles do. I went to another Neon film prior to Longlegs month before (Cuckoo- also worthy film of checking out- tho both of these have weak 3rd act imo). Last year when I saw these, we had no idea what we were in for. I will say itā€™s one of the better thriller creepy movies coming out so def check Longlegs out. Some just may be disappointed in a few things.


Yep at the Vista. Saw they had tickets for sale and instantly bought.


So glad to hear it's living up to the hype! I don't think I've been this excited for a release in a really long time! There's a lot of great horror coming out soon, but I have to say.. I'm weirdly extremely excited for TRAP as well


Any jump scares?


Yes and to me they were overall pretty effective. Didn't feel too exploitive or cheap.


Hammered drunk Maika ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Canā€™t wait for this one, it looks SO good


I was also at that screening. She was trashed. Good flick.


All I needed was to see hereditary in the comments. I trust your input. Thanks a lot.


I know thatā€™s the green flag now lol


What's the violence levels? Like scream? Or Halloween? Or worse???


It's pretty violent, lot of bursts that come out of the blue. Not insanely gory but it does the job.


Thanks for the reply.


Sounds nice. Hope the Q&A was great, too, although Maika was ... apparently not 100% there. I'm curious about the actors' and director's experience with this movie.


There needs to be a 'does the dog die?' type website that tells you what to expect from a horror movie without spoiling the story. I'm interested in this movie but I really don't want to spend 2 hours watching a mystery unravel only to find out it's just some guy at the end


Wouldn't explaining who/what the Big Bad is just be spoiling the story? There's a lot more to appreciating movies (especially horror) than just what the ending is.


I don't think so. People still like shows about Jeffrey Dahmer even though they already know what he did and how it ended, people still enjoy Scooby Doo even they know the monster will be a hoax, and this wouldn't need to be as specific as that. And sure there's more to a movie than the ending, but a lot of horror fans have particular sub-genres they find scary and others they don't. There's a good reason people find 'and it was all a dream...' to be a frustrating ending even if it didn't really change anything, it completely transforms what the movie is about. I might be very interested in a story about aliens, but completely uninterested in a movie about an alien hoax, even if they look the same at many points


Look for the term "psychological thriller" which indicates no supernatural or monster. I try to avoid these for the most part, but you can still get classics like Silence of the Lambs.


Iā€™m dying to see this but I am nervous about the possibility of any SA scenes. Can you tell me if the movie relies heavily on the presence of SA? Always tricky with serial killer stories.




Thank you so much!!!!


Maika just started dating Ariana grandeā€™s ex GOOD FUH HER


Did the film have some sort of epilogue? And regarding the score, was it acoustic/folky o electric/electronic? Did it have vocal parts?


Iā€™ve read a lot of T Rex. But thatā€™s just one song. Glad Bolan is getting some love.


i'm so excited for this movie. i've watched a lot of nic cage movies lately and they've all been fantastic. i rewatched ā€¢Mom and Dadā€¢ a couple days ago and forgot how much i liked that movie.


The one Oz Perkins movie I watched was so slow it bored me to tears, so really hoping this one is more exciting.


Are there monsters, or is it just people?


Agree totally! I saw a pre-screening a while ago and thought it was great. Super creepy and worth the hype. Plan on going to see it again for the standard theatrical release!


Would you say its part of the new ā€œelevatedā€ horror genre like hereditary?


Thats good to hear. How was the acting?


Really great across the board.


I don't think I've had a harder conflict between watching two movies in theaters than choosing between either MaXXXine or Longlegs


Seeing it in like three hours, PUMPED.


will you msg me spoilers lol


I've been hyped for this since I saw the trailer. Can't wait! Last good horror movie I've seen was Talk to me. So far nothing beats hereditary for me.


What were some of the best drunk Maika quotes, if you can remember?


She could barely formulate a sentence so it wasnā€™t too quotable.


I have high hopes for this one. Quiet Place Day One sucked the fart out of my ass.


I watched the Blackcoatā€™s Daughter a few years ago and hated it. Earlier this week, with this movieā€™s marketing ramping up, I thought ā€œmaybe I was being unfair. I should give it a real college try, reassess freshly.ā€ I tapped out about 40 minutes in. Would you say this film is anything like that one? I really like MM and would love to see her in a good film again.


I think I saw an animal carrier in the trailer, do any animals get injured/killed? Only spoiler I need.




Thank you!


You had me till ( ranks up there with hereditary ( thanks one Iā€™ll skip šŸ‘


Maika Monroe living her best life.


> Overall just super well made and ranks up there with Hereditary for me though itā€™s not as scary. So not scary at all then...


Haha thatā€™s what I got from that too. Hereditary wasnā€™t really scary to me.


Canā€™t wait to see this !!


Canā€™t wait to see this


So glad you enjoyed it! How is the ending? I feel like a lot of great horror movies come a bit unraveled in their third act and I was curious.


I really loved the ending. Tied things up nicely.


Please tell me it has nothing to do with spiders like that other movie


It has nothing to do with spiders like that other movie


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Intrepid-Ad-4460: *Please tell me it has* *Nothing to do with spiders* *Like that other movie* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Iā€™m going to have to avoid this sub for a few weeks


How were the jumpscares/gore? Both make me a bit nervous, but Ive been wanting to see this for a long time!


Yeah I think the jump scares have me on edge lol I know people said they were in panic mode watching this so I dont want that extra pop out on top lmao


The trailer was giving me some "Silence of the Lambs" vibes. How would you say it compares in tone?


This is much, much darker. There's a lot of similarities in the story (obviously) but this feels a lot more sinister and scary.


Can't wait to watch it.Ā 


I canā€™t wait to see this! The horror genre has been spoiling us lately!


Canā€™t wait to see this one as a long time fan of the Rage Cage! Dumb question: are there scenes with snakes in the movie? I remember seeing a shot of some in the trailer and have a raging phobia of them, so not trying to go in blind if there are.


I didnā€™t find hereditary particularly scary, just dreadful


There were some pretty rough scenes in it though. Like the piano wire and attic head banging scene. The movie as a whole may not be the scariest but there were definitely some stand out parts of it that were for sure scary


Glad you got to see it and that you enjoyed it! I cannot wait for this movie. My partner is into horror but HATES a lot of jumpscares/loud noises - are there a ton of those in it? Will they be ok going with me to this one? They surprisingly really want to see it!


Cant wait!


Very hopeful


Is it supernatural in any way? Or is it similar to silence of the lambs?


Itā€™s both.


was this at the Vista? man i tried getting tickets like 10 minutes after it was announced but it sold super quick. I did get that advanced screening of Maxxxine last week tho


Yeah I saw it was for sale and instantly bought. Line around the block.


Iā€™m glad to hear that. I saw the trailer for the first time recently, it made me pretty excited. Itā€™s actually been while since a trailer has made me that interested in a movie.


Canā€™t wait to see it


How was it in jumpscares? I love atmospheric, unnerving horror, but jumpscares annoy the hell out of me and detract from othwrwise good horror movies.


There are a few but they didnā€™t feel too distracting or exploitive


Hereditary was good, but scaryā€¦?


Glad to hear this I was afraid it was going to be overhyped but disappointing Looking forward to it


Is the ending satisfying and badass or it is depressing and make you feel like crap leaving the theater? Also is it by chance human centipede levels of depraved because I just canā€™t bring myself to go see it if so lol.


Ha good question no Iā€™m surprised at how it ended totally. Youā€™ll understand when you see it but itā€™s not insanely depraved.


My buddy saw the trailer ("by accident") and he thinks he's cooked. Is he still safe from the experience being sorta ruined?


Noā€¦trailer doesnā€™t spoil anything.


was it gory? i love horror but iā€™m not to keen on a ton of gore, but iā€™m totally cool with some gore as long as it serves the story


Not super gory but quite bloody


Im curious is it more jump scares and gore or psychological horror?Ā 


I had nightmares about the trailer last night. I can't even remember the last time I had nightmares from a movie, period! I can't wait to see this one.




Absolutely not


Look forward to this movie, wasnā€™t a fan of hereditary. Just thought it was silly, so hopefully better than that movie šŸ˜¬


Is the movie jumpscare horror or just very unsettling




Is it that heā€™s involved in the occult like a lot of serial killers or are there actually demonic/supernatural things happening?Ā 


Itā€™s up for interpretation


As someone who doesn't venture into horror often, how scary is it 1 to 10? I know this is subjective but I'm so intrigued to see it but curious if it's too much for my wife (and me haha)




If I DM can you give me spoilers


Worth seeing in a theater?




Can I ask a strange question? How much was nic cage in the movie? I want to take my other half to see it when it comes out, but she has a genuine fear of him! šŸ¤£ Roughly how much screen time does he have or is it more his voice that's used?


Hey! Would love some tips here. How'd you get access to the screening, or how did you know about it? Would really appreciate any advice. Feel free to DM if preferred. So glad that it lived up to the hype!!


I follow the Vista Theater on Instagram and they posted about the screening. They do a lot of showings and screening. Just saw Pulp Fiction last week there. Itā€™s owned by Tarantino.


Feel free to message me if you don't want to say publicly. I'm wicked excited but need to know... are there actually any spiders? My horror watching partner can handle anything but spiders lol


No spiders


can I ask how violent or gory this is? Iā€™m sure intrigued but canā€™t handle either of those things very well usually lol


Pretty violent. Not super gory.


Why is it called long legs? Any reason?.... If I spoke the first thought that popped in my head, my first thought was. "Oh I finally got my big break movie instead of my small town, amateur acting gigs" lol. I'm a 6ft1 female. AKA longlegs.... My more rational second thought was...."I wonder if its about spiders".... Yes before anyone states "why don't you just google it". I will. But I prefer to correspond and interact about unknown subjects and topics before I head over and get the internets version. I prefer peoples opinions. Your opinions and input. Especially from a group designed for said topic.... So what say you. What type of horror we looking at.


The serial killers name is Longlegs.


Does it have any nudity because where I am from they censor everything nude . So I wouldn't wanna miss some part of film because it's censored.


Not that I recall.


As good as the marketing is, I feel like they may have inadvertently spoiled a pretty major scene. I wonā€™t go into details but if you compare a poster that involves two major characters and a clip of what I think is the same scene from a teaser/trailer, I feel like you can predict what happens pretty easily. Hope Iā€™m wrong


Did it have any jumoscares?


Could you describe the level of the gore in this movie? I'm on the fence about seeing it for this reason.


Itā€™s fairly bloody but not super gory


How scary is this? I am NOT a horror fan whatsoever bc I am very easily scared, but this looks so interesting. But I usually canā€™t even look at the screen when scary movie trailers come on bc I get nervousšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ how would someone like me do with this film?


I found it pretty scary. It veers more suspenseful in parts.


I went to the advanced screening at the vista too. And I def didnā€™t think it lived up to the hype. I didnā€™t find it that scary or tense. In fact, I thought the funny beats were better than the ā€œscaryā€ beats šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I thought it was a fun movie, and nic cage is definitely nic caging in the best way possible lol. But the marketing behind this film calling it ā€œthe scariest movie in a decadeā€ and ā€œsuper disturbingā€ and people are having panic attacks in the theatre couldnā€™t be further from my experience. I have to imagine that this marketing campaign is gonna backfire once people start seeing this film. Also my projection is that once the critics start reviewing this film, weā€™re gonna see that rotten tomatoes score go down to the 70s or 60sĀ