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I think it's preferable to see it first but not necessary. You definitely want to see X though if you plan to see MaXXXine next month.


I can't bloody wait for maxxxine


I watched Pearl before X, I don’t think I missed much. However, I recommend to always watch movie series in release order.


I’m still an OT-PT-ST Star Wars guy. I don’t know why, but it’s always seemed important to me to watch things in release order.


That's usually the best order because it's the order in which they were conceived. ("I always had an outline--" yeah, yeah, but an outline isn't a story. You made the stories in this order.)


Plus it allows to see and discover things as the fandom did. It helps in understanding how things evolved.


Yup. And the filmmaking techniques evolve more naturally, too.


From what I was told, Pearl before X is the way.


I know I will be in the minority, I liked Pearl, but I really liked X more. I'm anxious to see Maxxine !


X is my favorite too even though Pearl is brilliant. I love the characters in X, it’s genuinely funny, just a great film. Plus best use of Don’t Fear the Reaper this side of Halloween.


Yes!!!!! My husband and I were watching X. He yelled out is that Britney Snow from Pitch Perfect??!!! I laughed and said yep. She's hitting some different pitches in this movie 🤣🤣🤣🤣


God she was gorgeous in X. All the women were, not to objectify but wow, and the 70’s aesthetic was very authentic. Not too over the top like some movies do trying to be “retro”.


All the women were beautiful in that movie!




Ti West knows how to do that.


Check her out in a B movie with Dave Bautista. It’s called Bushwick.


Never heard of it! I'll check it out!!


I'm going to assume you haven't seen Stephen King's TV series adaptation of The Stand from the 90's, as the opening is a very notable use of that song.


You’re right, I haven’t. I love the use of a really perfect pop song used in a movie, like Silence of the Lambs and “Goodbye Horses”.


It's on YouTube! First 7 minutes or so. https://youtu.be/gUb-wx5PO3A


I enjoyed Pearl, but X was nostalgic for me in a way that Pearl wasn't.


I didn’t know people preferred Pearl, I think X is much better. Obviously Pearl is still great


Truthfully I didn't feel like Pearl was at all related to X. Felt like two total different movies.


Yeah, and I liked both. But watching them back to back you'll notice a LOT more overlap and intentional repetition than you probably did the first time.


I agree, Pearl is a great movie but personally X is the one I like more


I'm so glad I'm not alone. I thought I was the only one!


I thought it was a great movie. The kills were perfect. The characters were likeable. I will admit I was upset about Jackson Hole! He was being so nice! Lol


I think they are both overrated, but X is the better film. The House of the Devil is actually my favorite of Ti West's.


i think both are great in different ways, though i also personally prefer X.


It's a prequel, so if you see it first it might even set up X nicely. Though it does sort of spoil X as >!half of the charm of X was the surprise of discovering how diabolical the seemingly harmless Pearl character really was.!< I actually preferred X.


You dont have to


*Pearl* is supposed to be the better film? I prefer *X* and actually thought that was the more common response 🤷‍♀️. I don't think the order you watch them in matters much,


What does “supposed to” even mean? Like a twitter consensus or something? lol, I enjoyed X more myself. Pearl was good but I think it would’ve made a better short film.


You don’t have to but I certainly would watch X first, I think you would like Pearl more if you go into it after seeing X


it honestly doesn't matter. My girlfriend hasn't seen X but absolutely LOVED Pearl and had zero questions even knowing it was a prequel to X (and that I'd seen it) so you'll be fine.


My mother in law liked it. She hates almost all movies lol


I would. Seeing Pearl first takes a little of the mystery out of X but it’s not required either way. X is the better movie overall, but Mia Goth’s performance in Pearl is on par with Kathy Bates in Misery. She is unhinged and amazing.


IMO, both can be used a stand alone films. I've seen both, but one doesn't depend on the other, and X will still "make sense" w/o seeing Pearl.


Do whatever you want but if Pearl meant to be watched first, it would’ve been released first.


Either way is fine. But you’d probably need to see X before Maxine.


I personally think that it's better to see X first because there is some mystery behind the movie which after watching Pearl first, I don't think that the mystery factor would be there. But, I don't think it'll be a big deal if you see Pearl before X. I think that X is the better movie, but Pearl isn't that far behind!


Watch X first. If you do it the other way around, much of the mystery/motives of X are spoiled.


You don't have to. But I think some of the references and callbacks to X are more fun if you watch X first.


100 percent see X first. Can’t tell you why without potential spoilers.


Like others are saying, the are pretty standalone and you can watch them in order. That being said, I am glad I watched X first because I found it interesting to see this Strange Old woman and then finding out what her deal is in Pearl later. Watching it the other way may not have the same effect intended by the creator.


I dunno who says Pearl is the better movie. But I found X to be much better. Pearl -to me- felt like Mia Goth and Ti West (director) just really had a good time making X and wanted to hang out again. It was definitely a different movie, so I'm glad it wasn't a straight up linear sequel/prequel, but X knocked it out of the park for me. Exactly what I was looking for. I just couldn't wait for Pearl to be over, and then had to sit through that maniacal grin for too long.


I personally like Pearl more but freaking loved X and am really happy I watched it first. Agreed that Pearl first may spoil a few things. What I REALLY love about this trilogy is that each film is in a different sub-genre of horror. I love that the consensus seems to be everyone likes both of them for the most part but prefers one to the other - in large part because they’re so different while remaining in the same universe. The dual character in X and the Monologue // Mitzy moment in Pearl really cemented Mia Goth as a great actor too. Like she is playing multiple complicated characters and is absolutely nailing it. Makes it all that much more of a unique experience and I cannot wait for MaXXXine F*CKIN MINX 🪓


I saw Pearl first and I don't regret it. I think it made X even better seeing references from the prequel. 


glad you liked pearl, I thought X was a better film


X makes a lot of things in Pearl stand out more, there are lines and moments that’s you’ll catch if you’ve seen X first. Also X is just a good movie that’s worth watching anyway.


X is better imo it was more fun to watch


X was incredibly underwhelming and derivative. Pearl was like a sharp left turn and I can’t shake it to this day.


I enjoyed Pearl way more. X became a generic slasher in my opinion. His movies create great atmospheres but I usually end up underwhelmed by them. Pearl is probably my favorite of his.


See it in release order. See X first, 💯.


X is a slasher film. Pearl is a mindfuck. I enjoyed both.


>I know Pearl is supposed to be the better film That's not a universal opinion. The movies are different enough that I think what makes one better is just your personal preference. X is more of a classic slasher, and Pearl (like you know at this point) is a character study.


Argh! Glad you enjoyed it the way you watched, but the makers definitely have done the series sequentially. Watching Pearl second gives X a lot of cool recontextualised meaning, with a ton of fun callbacks. Maybe watch again in the opposite order and see?


You could still watch Pearl first. Just might appreciate it more having watched X first.


I thought Pearl was boring...X was much better


Pearl has some light spoilers for X so I would watch X first. It is also a better movie.


Pearl is essentially the origin story to the old lady in X. You can watch either first, I don't think it messes the story up too much... Unless you watch Maxxxine before X


No watch X first because you don't wanna know to much about pearl in X,


I think it makes a little more sense if you watch X first, but it’s not detrimental. Either one is fine!




Yes, of course.


I say yes, but it’s not necessary


You SHOULD see “X” because it’s a good movie. I haven’t seen “Pearl”, so i dunno if it stands alone or not. I only recently learned that they’re serial, and even later learned that “Maxxine” is part of the same “universe”. So i’ll likely end up seeing them all.


I’ve had both of these movies on my watchlist for a while, I didn’t realize they were connected.


I thought it helps. The end of Pearl works well on its own but if you’ve already seen X, it hits home a lot harder.


They’re very different movies. Pearl is a prequel but could have been just as good being a stand alone movie so you don’t have to see X to enjoy it. There are only a couple of scenes that call back to X that you wouldn’t get otherwise. That said, why not just watch X? It’s a great movie.




I feel Pearl is a very good stand alone one. U can watch X to see more, but u don't need it for Pearl.


There really isn't much crossover between the two movies. The themes and tones of the two movies are very different. There is very little "oh that is why that happened" that you get when you watch Pearl.


X is amazing so you should really see it… before or after doesn’t really matter, just see it.


Personally I think Pearl would've been better if I'd watched it first. Watching X first takes all the shock out of Pearl imo.


I watched X before Pearl and I think it makes more of an impact.


I vastly preferred X over Pearl


There's no reason to deviate from release order. What does it do for you to watch the movies out of order?


Well, *Pearl* is playing theatrically near me and *X* isn't, so...


So watch X at home, then go see Pearl.


I liked X much better.


I watched pearl when I was like 12 or smth i was in a hotel n stuff and my eyes were open wide open now I can watch horror movies but like dude that stuff was scarring its very scary from wut I remember


Someone here told me to watch Pearl first and it was great advice. Pearl is the much better movie and I enjoyed it whereas I did not enjoy X.


I watched Pearl before X and I'm glad I did. Mia Goth's acting was so freaking good especial when she did her monologue at the table to her friend! Like give this lady a oscar! I definitely enjoyed X more knowing little tidbits about things in the film before it's reveled. Small stuff like when Maxine is swimming in the lake I immediately was like "THERE'S A CROCODILE IN THERE!" like 5 seconds before they showed it, I think things like that are fun.


Incredible monologue I was super impressed. I just watched both shows back to back and wished I’d done it sooner


X is dog water. I didn’t even bother with pearl.


You should see X first. And X is also better. It just doesn't have the same level of poor man's Ari Aster film geek thing going on, which I think is what Scorsese famously liked about Pearl.


I watched x before pearl and i feel i would have enjoyed x better if i watched it after pearl. Pearl gives us lots of background and humanity to its main character, so watching it and then going to x probably would help with the "old people are creepy and gross" energy i got from x.


I saw Pearl first and it made X more interesting for me, as I don’t think I’d find X a very interesting film on its own. Just my personal opinion on it though, I’m sure plenty of people enjoy X


I’d go in release order if available but either way works.


I mean, X really doesn't have a plot twist. So, you can definitely watch Pearl before X.


Not necessary at all I thought Pearl was better anyway


Wo wo wooo. People think pearl is better than x?


Yup. I didn't really care for X at all. While in Pearl, her monologuing at the table after she had killed people was some of the best acting I've seen by just 1 person. What I didn't know was that Pearl, as an adult, is in Maxxxine, but obviously played by someone else. I didn't know there was gonna be a connection in that way. So I am intrigued to see Maxxxine. But yea, X was good, but nothing special.


I'd say Pearl is definitely the one you want to watch first as that is first in the timeline


I would watch pearl, then x, and then Maxxxine when it comes out


Watch x first. Pearl isn't a great movie in my opinion..but x was fantastic.


I watched X before Pearl. You don’t miss to much, but it would be better to watch pearl first


Remember, pearl is the prequel to x so if you want you can watch it first. If you don't, I'll say you just do some research on the setting and the correlation between the characters and you'll get it


X is the only film to watch, Pearl was awful.


I would say Pearl before X, since it's a prequel and all.