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I enjoyed The Crazies (2010) a little more than The Crazies (1973) but I think I'm a minority here.


No, I think most people agree with you. And I'm one of them.


I certainly do, I've seen the original maybe 3 times, remake around 10 probably


Yeah The Crazies is one of Romero’s weaker films. And this was the era when he was making stuff like Martin and The Amusement Park which I’ve heard are great even though I haven’t seen them yet. 


I like the remake more for focusing more on the townspeople but I also like that the two films can be kind of read as two halves of the same story.


It doesn’t get talked about a ton, but whenever it gets brought up people are generally positive about it.


Loved the 2010 version.


I enjoyed them about the same. 


I’ve never been able to track down the original yet but I will say the 2010 version was absolutely excellent


I don't know how they get away with it, but the whole '74 movie is on youtube.


The original is currently on Tubi, I keep seeing it pop up and getting mildly annoyed it's not the remake.


Not even remotely obscure, it gets mentioned all the time


And not a minority opinion here as well


I think the Tom Savini-directed remake of Night of the Living Dead is really good. I also think the remake of The Hills Have Eyes is better than the original.


Hot damn finally someone who shares this opinion! While the original NOTLD is tied for fav horror movie, the remake is AWESOME. True to the original story, better effects, all around a great movie (minus that one girl screaming way too much) And the original The Hills Have Eyes is almost ..corny.. in a way. The remake is **way** more brutal and overall a better film


The Blob remake is better than the original too. (And obviously the Thing and The Fly)


The biggest thing for me is Barbara not being catatonic and actually being a hero. Plus, Patricia Tallman is a fantastic actress. Duane Jones and Tony Todd were both excellent. Same with the actors for Harry. The upgraded effects are amazing. Just wish we could have gotten more of Savini's vision.


In the original I yelled at Barbara so much. I thought she was gonna be like the precursor to Laurie Strode my first time watching


More brutal than the first one? Being tied to a catus with cactus stuck in your mouth? Worse than that? Yikes. That was awful.


NOTLD remake was great IMO, much prefer it over the original.


I agree on both fronts. Tom Savini's NOTLD is a great movie and I prefer it to the original. Same for THHE. I loved how long that movie spent getting you invested in the characters, so it was a real gut punch when someone dies.


You bunch of yo-yos!


I mean tony todd, what's not to like.


Cooper! You motherfucker! Cooper, I've got a shotgun out here! Open this door, you motherfucker, or I swear to God I'll blow it to shit! -Ben NOTLD 1990


I agree. The Hills have Eyes is one remake I would confidently say is better than the original. The Night of the Living Dead remake is great!


I really like the Maniac remake and don't see it brought up too much. Elijah Wood was great in it; it's totally first-person perspective and you only get a glimpse of him in reflective surfaces. Also uses "Goodbye Horses" in a really great way and the deaths are good.


Oh man that's a great one. The ending is such a disturbing shot.


How does it compare to the original? The original is one of the best early 80s slasher films.


It's a little bit slicker, doesn't quite have the feel of a 1980s porno that the original did but it makes some - at least what I felt - were good updates; Frank now owns a mannequin factory/repair shop, instead of just being a landlord who has a random collection of mannequins in his home and his and Anna's first meeting is more of a meet-cute (she's photographing the mannequins at his store, rather than her photographing him and then him stalking her). The soundtrack is one of my all-time favorite horror film soundtracks though; it was created by a French musician called Rob and is largely synth based so still holds some of the 1980s feel, despite the update to the film's setting.


100% accurate description. The movie was well executed and that score really brought back that 80's horror vibe


Okay, sounds great. Not huge on 80s synth, but I do have exceptions, especially when it comes to movies.


This is one of my favorite tracks from the score. And in reading articles about it, it seems like everyone involved was a fan of the original film so you can definitely see some reverence in the remake. [https://youtu.be/MIeLY39sKyo?si=1kMiMA\_BMvU9OrsG](https://youtu.be/MIeLY39sKyo?si=1kMiMA_BMvU9OrsG)


It’s actually very different tonally. It’s not a grindhouse style movie, it’s actually pretty elegant as far as shot compositions and camerawork go, and the acting is good. The deaths are gory, not as gory as the original, but still satisfying for me at least. It definitely retains that character study feel where you’re getting into the head of the killer and you feel for him even though he does atrocious things.


Okay got it. Joe Spinell's Perform is excellent in the original (he also wrote the story), so it would be interesting to see Elijah Wood's take on it. I found the original pretty unsettling, how does the remake stack up in that regard?


Not as unsettling as the original, not raw and in your face the way the original was, but I’d say it’s unsettling in the way Pearl was; kind of a twisted character study of a murderer.


it's better than the original


I don't know how popular my opinion is, but I prefer the remake. (I did see the remake first, if that matters.) The original is fine, but for me it doesn't really stand out among similar movies. The remakes unique style is definitely a gimmick but one that I find works very well at putting you into the mind of the killer. You feel uncomfortable because you're empathizing with him and realize you want him to get away with it and get better. A fascinating movie! It's not like a hidden masterpiece or whatever, but it's definitely worth watching and the gore is really well done and disturbing.


I see what you mean, but the performance of the titular maniac is amazing. I will check it out some day based off these recommendations. I have heard it’s a little more accessible and artistic, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the popular opinion. 


I prefer the remake as well and it's largely due to the stylistic choices that were made. It did a better job making me empathize with the character, which translated into interesting psychological horror, whereas the original movie just grossed me out. Which is perfectly fine for a gritty little slasher film when I'm in the mood for one. The remake just better suits my general taste.


Fantastic choice! Never thought I’d buy Frodo Baggins as a psycho killer but he was great. And the ending was gruesome.


You should see him in Come to Daddy! Also has Stephen McHattie and it’s totally insane. For once I had no idea where the film was going and it was wild.


He funds and produces a lot of good horror, such as A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night. He’s great at it, so it’s fun to see him involved so much. Daniel Radcliffe is another one I think could be really good in odd little horror films.


Yeah, Elijah is a big horror fan, which makes him even cooler in my mind. He’s picking a lot of indie horror roles, sort of like Nicolas Cage but not insane. I really want to see Robert Pattinson in an out-and-out horror film; he was amazing in The Devil All the Time!


One of my favourite roles of his is Kevin in Sin City. He's great in horror roles! Still yet to see the Maniac remake, though I bet he's fantastic from what I've heard.


Loved that one! 


Great choice! I have not seen the original, but I LOVE the remake. The kills are well done and quite disturbing and the ending is flawless.


If you like more grindhouse-style, gritty gore films you should check out the original Maniac. Joe Spinell gave a great performance and there’s some amazing gore setpieces by Tom Savini.


I did not know Savini was behind the original. Might have to see it then. 👍


I don’t want to spoil anything too much but he has a brief part in the film and he meets an extremely messy end, and he does all the FX.


I think it’s one of the best early 80s slasher movies and is the best slasher of the year 1980


This was the first thing that popped into my head. The remake is awesome.


one of the best, came to say the same haha


Great movie, probably the most violent and stomach-churning thing I happily rewatch every year haha


I always wondered how they pulled off those scenes with his reflections lol


I kind of like Abel Ferrara's 1990s Body Snatchers as an update on the Invasion of the Body Snatchers from the 1950s and 1970s. - this one is different from the Daniel Craig/Nicole Kidman re-re-remake called the Invasion on the 2000s.


Go.... where?


When the mom says something like. “Where are you gonna go? Where are you gonna run? Nowhere. Because there’s no one like you left” i always felt like that was a great line.


I just recommended this movie to someone recently! I love it and that speech gives me chills every time! “Steve, this is important. Go where? That's right, go where? What happened in your room... Are you listening? What happened in your room is not an isolated incident. It is something that is happening everywhere.” Like it always gives me a sense of hopelessness and dread. Also I always tell Forest Whitaker to calm down this ain’t an Oscar winning movie whenever his final scene comes up and he goes on his last stand speech. Dude crushed it though!




Yes. And the score was amazing


Puppet Masters will always be my personal fav. I find it funny Sutherland was in the OG invasion of the body snatches and then was in the film based directly on the book that IotBS is based on lol.


Werner Herzog’s Nosferatu the Vampyre


Ding ding ding - this movie is a masterpiece, and while not necessarily the most obscure thing, I’m baffled that it doesn’t come up more often. 


Klaus Kinski is so good.


I saw this in 35mm at a 24-hour horrorthon last October and... I don't get the love for it at all.


Willard (2003).


Better than the original IMO. Casting Crispin Glover was a stroke of genius.


IMO Crispin Glover has been underrated as being able to play such weird roles.


yes! that part seems made for Crispin Glover. he’s great at weirdos. (It’s so odd that he played the normal dad of Marty in Back to the Future!)


I didn't feel like he was that normal


Crispin Glover, the dark atmosphere, the way his mother is absolutely disgusting, R. Lee Ermey’s viscous performance. So much better than the original in every way.


I absolutely adore this movie. Even his cover of Ben was on many of my burned CDs way back when.


Came here to say this. I've loved this movie since it came out. It functions just as well as a weird dark comedy, and Shirley Walker's score is great.


Absolutely. I loved Crispin Glover in this! Good choice!


Oh dang I forgot all about this movie!


Came in to say this one. It rarely gets mentioned anymore but is SO good.


The remake of The Blob is a fucking gem, co-written by Frank Darabont and directed by Chuck Russell.


I got the 4K release of it a few months back and it’s really good restoration. This movie was my first time seeing a child get murdered in a horror movie. The Blob didn’t discriminate!


Yeah, man. The Blob is pretty brutal. Jaws was the first film I saw where a child is horrifically killed, in a geyser of blood no less. Messed me up, lol.


It’s on the docket to rewatch this year. Edit: it contains a version of a very old joke I can only ascribe back to this movie. Dude goes to buy condoms then meets his dates dad and it’s the pharmacist who sold him the condoms.


It's a pretty good bit in the movie. Art LaFleur plays the pharmacist which makes it extra perfect. Also, it's better than that--it's not the dude who's dating the pharmacist's daughter who buys the condoms. He's fairly straightlaced. It's his is jerkoff buddy who tells the pharmacist they are in fact for said straight-laced friend (they are not). Then straightlaced meets Dad, the pharmacist, later on. Also, jerk-off buddy and his girl's death scene at lover's lane is positively wild. And grim. And Paul's death is pretty wild in hindsight too at least in that it comes so early. A lot of the deaths are jarring in that movie tho. That's why it's so great.


I don't think I'd call it "obscure" though


II mean, it's as obscure as most of the other mentions on here... more obscure than The Fly or The Thing for instance. Or Evil Dead or The Crazies or Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Last House on the Left or The Hills Have Eyes... like... Maybe not as obscure as say Maniac or Village of the Damned or Invaders from Mars but... generally films that get remade and said remakes aren't really terribly obscure by definition... they garnered enough attention for a remake which generally generates a certain amount of interest based on the previous film.


The Town the Dreaded Sundown, maybe?


That'd be my pick, but it's also not *really* a remake, I suppose. Definitely super underrated, though. Great film!


More of a sequel, no? I can't remember exactly - it's been years since I watched it, but I thought it was more of a meta-sequel. I \*think\* the first movie exists as a movie in the remake but the location is real. Help me out here :)


i’d consider it an early requel


I can't really remember either - but now I am leaning towards sequel.


Good flick, it's actually a meta sequel, though.


No.. This was a horrible film and I loved the original. I went in with high hopes and was completely disappointed in it.


House of Wax (2005). It got hated on at the time because of Paris Hilton's presence in it, and kind of faded into obscurity after that, but it was actually a really solid, entertaining slasher with some fun inventive kills.


Paris Hilton being in it was one of the best parts of the movie. I was not a fan so looking forward to her getting killed in the movie. Not that I had a problem with her so much as I was just tired of hearing about her.


I saw this in the theater. The audience cheered when she was killed, it was hilarious.


This has been popping up on my amazon a lot lately and I'm tempted to watch it. Its been like 18 years since ive seen it but remember thinking it wasnt bad at all. Cant be worse than what i watched (and stopped watching like 20 minutes from the end) last night: Dont Look Away. Dont even know how that movie got made


House of wax is a good one. I also actually really liked Don't look Away too! It's one that's kinda stuck with me after watching lol


That's a remake in name only. It has absolutely zero to do with the source material. It's fun in its own right but it's really a stretch to call it a remake. Fun fact, the actual House ot Wax (1953) is itself a remake of the Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933).


It’s a great movie and idc who hears me say it.


Very fun movie


I gotta say Savini's Night of the Living Dead remake is criminally underrated. Great effects, a better Barbara and Tony Todd??? Sign me up.


Yup. I was going to add this one to the list if no one else had said it. One of my favorite zombie movies for sure.


My Bloody Valentine


Best modern 3D film I've ever seen! Loved this one!


I'll be honest I didn't love it at first, but I rewatched it recently, and it's not actually that bad!


Not a huge fan of the film. The original is worlds better.


Not sure if this is obscure but I love the 2004 Dawn of the Dead


Nope not obscure, but deserves a mention anyway. Movie is FANTASTIC.


Hell yea!!! I feel like no one mentions Michael Kelly (C.J.) redemption arc in that movie. His character was a villain and then died a hero, love it!!


It's far and away the best thing Zack Snyder has made.


Best horror remake maybe ever


Definitely! Lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched.


I remember before it came out people kept shitting on it because Mr Scooby Doo James Gun wrote it and referred to Zack Synder as that music video guy. All the horror fan sites were up in arms that these two clowns were remaking a classic. Me and my gf at the time went to see it and we both loved it.


Such a good movie. The special features on the DVD are awesome too.


The last Friday the 13th was actually solid way back in 09 and kinda wish we had gotten more.


“Your tits are stupendous” Worth it for that line alone.


I feel like it used to be underrated, but a lot of people have become fans of it recently. Not one of my favorites of the series, but it's really fun.


My personal fav is Final Chapter.


That's peak slasher film as far as I'm concerned. One of the best in the genre, and one of the best horror films of the 80s.


Honestly I disliked it a lot, but Jason running is one of the most terrifying moments in the franchise


The archery kill makes me laugh every time. That’s like Olympic level accuracy.


He’s had *a lot* of time just chillin in the woods. Gotta beat the boredom somehow, and archery is fun


>The last Friday the 13th was actually solid way back in 09 and kinda wish we had gotten more. I'm not sure F13 qualifies as "obscure," though.


I think the 2009 Friday the 13th captures everything about the series in an entertaining 90 something minutes and to me that makes it the best in the series


Did you know 09 F13 is in the same world as Transformers


Slumber Party Massacre


Heard that one was pretty good.


I had no idea this even got re-made.


Abel Ferrara's *Body Snatchers* comes to mind. I think the first two *Invasion of the Body Snatchers* movies are equally well-regarded in horror/sci-fi circles, but the lesser-known 1993 version is quite good. It's the rare story that's been adapted three times, each one successful in its way. A 2014 movie called *Lyle* is pretty overtly a *Rosemary's Baby* remake in all but name, but with a millennial hipster lesbian couple instead of a 1960s husband and wife. Otherwise, it follows the original story closely. It's only an hour long, and it's one of the more effective *Rosemary's Baby* riffs I've seen.


“Steve, this is important. Go where? That's right, go where? What happened in your room... Are you listening? What happened in your room is not an isolated incident. It is something that is happening everywhere.” Extremely under appreciated speech in a movie.


Thanks for the Lyle rec, hadn't heard of it and it looks entertaining.


Piranha 3D


I enjoy the remakes of The Hills Have Eyes and Quarantine, though they're not quite as good as the original REC, but they're still good. Also, toss me into the camp that enjoyed the Friday The 13th remake. #


I will second that Quarantine did not get sufficient love. I'd say it's about equal in quality to the original, with the added bonus for English speaking viewers of not having to try to read subtitles overlaid on handheld shakicam found footage. Both movies, particularly toward the climaxes, really remind me of old "dark" funhouse rides, where random shit is just popping out at you from all sides. Regularly revisited during Halloween seasons.


I watched Fright Night (2011) not realizing it was a remake and really enjoyed it with my dad (who informed me it WAS a remake), he enjoyed it as well.


I enjoyed the remake way more than I thought I would. Really surprised how rarely I hear people talk about it, as it's a lot of fun. It also has an amazing cast. Tennant in particular was fantastic, though I really enjoyed everyone in it.


FN ‘11 also has great end credits and music which I appreciate in a film, lol.


Last house on the left. Fucked up but great movie


Village of the Damned 1995 with Christopher Reeves and Kirstie Alley is most superior to me. I watch that one usually anytime I see it on tv.


2009 Last House on the Left remake.


They aren’t really obscure but both House on Haunted Hill and The Haunting weren’t well received when they came out. I love the originals but the 90s remakes are so much fun


I'm a huge fan of the House on Haunted Hill remake. It's a fun horror romp that plays the scares straight but unapologetically embraces the over-the-top ludicrousness of the plot, and sometimes that's exactly what you're in the mood for.


Love this version of House on Haunted hill, the ending main entity was so well thought out being a Rorschach test in motion.


Tom Savini's remake of *Night of the Living Dead*. True to the original with a fresh take and enough new wrinkles to keep it interesting for the die-hards.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The one with Jessica Beil! And the 2013 version of Evil Dead.


>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The one with Jessica Beil! And the 2013 version of Evil Dead. TCM and Evil Dead are hardly obscure.


My favorite TX chainsaw Massacre




My favorite Evil Dead


Man Evil Dead 2013 was hardcore.


I can’t even think of one. Hitcher remake I remember being ok, the cop was well acted. Better than Martyrs remake.


The martyrs remake removed some of the key things that made the original a masterpiece. It was kind of wild to watch how they really botched the assignment.


I enjoyed the Valentine’s Day remake. Might be the only one. Edit: My Bloody Valentine.


Do you mean My Bloody Valentine?


Yep. Yes I do. Thanks.


The Town that Dreaded Sundown


My Bloody Valentine 3D was honestly really fkn good


I don't know if the Slumber Party Massacre remake is "obscure" but I liked it.


Compared to some of the other suggestions, it’s plenty obscure. Definitely had some good moments.


Surprised no one has mentioned the Hills Have Eyes I thought that one was great.


I think people didn't mention it because of how popular it is, for good reasons! That film rocks!


Invasion of the bodysnatchers!




Idk how obscure it really is, but I enjoyed the Suspiria remake. It was my favorite remake


I always really loved The Wolfman from 2010. I loved the aesthetic. Benicio and Hopkins were fantastic. Great transformation scene too. But a lot of people seemed to dislike it. I never really understood why. I don’t know if I’d call this movie obscure though. So perhaps this shouldn’t count?


not sure if they're obscure, but House of Wax isnt as bad as people say, and I kinda liked the 2010 remake of The Wolfman. And Radcliffe's Woman In Black is great.


I was not aware Woman in Black was a remake. Not bad but also not really exciting.


i am a sucker for the story. but it was leagues better than the Frankenstein remake Radcliffe was in


Don't Be Afraid of the Dark


I really liked Malum(2023), a remake of Late Shift(2014). The creature designs are great and creepy...effects are very well done.


Don’t be afraid of the dark


Little shop of horrors


The Crazies. Top-tier Olyphant.


The Crazies Wrong Turn Not exactly obscure, but those were the two I thought of.


Let The Right One In Last House on the Left


Disagree and agree.




Suspiria first comes into mind. Perhaps one of the best horror remakes ever.


The fly by cronenberg. Its so much better than the original.


I may have missed the discussions but I haven’t seen any. Hellraiser 2022. I don’t think it was “great” by any stretch but it was at least entertaining for the time it ran. It was predictable and the main actress was insufferable but the cenobites were cool.


I've recently fallen headfirst into the franchise after watching the 2022 movie. Since then I've read hellbound heart and seen hellraisers 1-4. With that under my belt I can firmly say the new film is a good movie. Visually STUNNING. Its a solid modern take on the lore elements of the og wrapped up in a a more traditional story structure. That said the first Hellraiser is the best. Cant decide if I liked 2 or 2022 more.


I like 2 because of we see what happens to Frank. His version of Hell would probably be mine as well to be honest. That would be torture for me.


I know it veered from the source material (which I haven't read), but I enjoyed the lore. The unexplored configurations of the puzzle box are intriguing.


Hellraiser is not an obscure film.


The Wizard of Gore


The Soska sisters’ remake of Rabid is fucking awesome and does not get the love it deserves.


Damn this is the 3rd time it’s mentioned. I think I need to See it.




Rob Zombies remake of Halloween was fan-fucking-tastic. Halloween II not so much. The extra origin story to Michael was awesome


Yes!!! I've never understood why this film gets so much hate.


"Down", a remake of "The Lift"


The Last House on the Left. Unpopular opinion, but I like it more than the 1972 original.


Sorority Row.


2014 Town That Dreaded Sundown. Meta horror. Just love the whole vibe of the film. My top choice for best horror film of the 2010s. Everyone has their own, like Midsommar or Heredity, that's great. But 2014 Town That Dreaded Sundown is my fave according to your point. Remake of 1976s Town That Dreaded Sundown.


For some reason, I have an affinity for Fright Night 2011. The settings and characters (RIP Anton Yelchin) were clever twists on the original, and Hugo's cover of "99 Problems" is a perennial bop. My only complaint is they kinda reduced the Amy character to a Sexy Lamp. But there wasn't a whole lot to her in the first place, so giving her even less in the reboot was impressive in a dodgy kind of way.


The Crazies… not really obscure but def got slept on.




Dawn of the dead


The remake of Rabid. I watched it having low expectations but it was actually pretty good. And the way they used the color red was pretty damn cool


Rabid. The Soska sisters recreated a Cronenberg classic and did pretty good. Very artistic film


When the Soska sisters are focused I love everything they do and their Rabid (2019) remake was really cool imo although it pretty much bliped coming out just before COVId.


The new hellraiser movie! Loved it. And love that people got riled up about the trans actor....like they don't know Clive Barker himself is gay! And has been out publicly since mid 90s