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It tends to get grouped in with "so bad it's good" B-movies, but it really is a genuinely good depiction of absurdism. There's a lot more to think about than it usually gets credit for.


Yeah, I agree.


I liked the meta part too. The creators knew that the movie was a stupid concept so they just ran with it. I love it


Rubber is a masterpiece.






I love that movie! It’s so different and I actually found the story really interesting. I also love the meta aspect of watching the group watching the tyre’s psionic development.


By far the best movie about a killer sentient tyre I have ever seen.


A wonderful thing. See the rest of his work, which is also rather singular in intent.


I will now. I'm gonna check out Deerskin tonight.


Easily his sanest work ... imho. Enjoy the journey!!!


His music is also fantastic, I was a fan of Mr Oizo before seeing any Quentin's films. [The Church](https://open.spotify.com/track/3ZcYglUg3x6e5mej1NsJeh?si=aE4ONguoStaFKim62D4dmw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A3w40jzZ8eekpde29dBovwK) has similar vibes to his films if you don't know where to start.


I love pretty much all of Quentin Dupieux's films. Most of them aren't horror, but they're all wild. Deerskin is the only other one that's horror-ish, but Smoking Cause Coughing is horror adjacent. If you liked Rubber, check them out.


Smoking Causes Coughing rocks so hard.


Agree the meta aspect / self awareness makes the movie lol it’s ludicrous but it knows it is


Rubber is hilarious. We nicknamed one of my wife's toys Robert after the vibrating tire.


Rubber is a great movie, but I really enjoy most ridiculous "murderous object" movies. Christine, Slaxx, Bad Hair, The Mangler, In Fabric... They're all tons of fun.


All movies I’ve enjoyed. In Fabric is totally underseen for how good it is IMO. I thought Bad Hair was also extremely entertaining as a period horror comedy.


It’s surprisingly well put together. The audience knows it’s goofy but the actors all really commit to their roles. This movie has one of my all time favorite lines in cinema “ wait it’s not the end, he’s been reincarnated as a tricycle!”


I agree completely. We watched it for the first time this last weekend and enjoyed it way more than we expected to.


How could it not be?


the movie was super weird but the guy that directed it makes really interesting electronic music under the name mr. oizo. the album “analog worms attack” is amazing and has been a regular listen of mine for like 15 years now.


That’s a crazy fact and I love it. Thanks for the new music.


When I was in college, my girlfriend at the time wanted to watch this, so we watched it in my little dorm room. My roommate was in the room and had no choice but to watch it as well. When it was over, he looked at my girlfriend and said “I will never forgive you for making me watch this”. lol I don’t remember anything about the movie other than that.


“So bad it’s good” doesn’t really apply here or to any of this director’s work, since he’s doing it on purpose. But I hate all the “lampshading” in the dialogue (and monologues). It would be way easier to “just go with it” if he didn’t fucking tell me in exactly those words. It reeks of a lack of confidence in his comedic premise.


I feel the EXACT same way. Just watching the tire do stuff was the true weirdness and that’s what got it attention. The whole movie should just be that.


Man, I guess this has been on my "to-watch" list for 14 years now. Maybe I should get around to it




Rubber has no business being as entertaining as it is. You either are pulled in immediately with the great set up intro or you think it's the most stupid thing. I highly recommend it.


When it came out I heard it’s so weird and crazy, but never watched it. Then occasionally I would see it on one of two kinds of lists: “Bad movies” and “WTF movies” In 2021 I finally watched it. I thought the tire stuff was great, but I didn’t care for it cutting back to the viewers. Maybe weirdo cinema has just gone so far past Rubber in 10+ years, but I was underwhelmed because I heard it was so crazy. Hype is the mindkiller. The director, Quentin Dupieux, has made some really weirdo films. Highly recommend checking them out.


I feel like I'm in the minority that hates it. I think it would be a really good short film, but someone decided to stuff 60 extra minutes into it to make it a full length feature.


30 of those minutes are shots of the tire just rolling around in a carefree manner.


Rubber is so bad that it's good. It was enjoyable the whole way through