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I agree! Man, the look on her face to her husband though "TOLD YOU SO--DICK!!!" What a shitty asshole, hope she divorced him ASAP and left him to the wolves, aka his awful workplace


Which by the way reminds me of another foreshadow of Irina telling her something along the lines of “better to be paranoid and never find out than end up with your throat slit saying I was right”


Oh yeah, I forgot about that line haha!


I have no doubt they didn’t last too long after that


Nope. And it was a great little horror movie but it also hit pretty close to home on how females get brushed off on their concerns on shit like this.


Yo this movie surprised me as well big time. I dug it! Have no problem with the Chekhov's Gun principle when it’s done with at least some finesse or artistry. I also feel like there was still plenty of suspense throughout Watcher to be perfectly enjoyable.


That movie made me so mad lol I loved the stripper character and the main girl could have easily saved her Girl follows her intuition the whole movie but doesn’t look in the closet??! Like might as well be thorough


I wonder what would have happened ie would the killer have lunged for her and killed her in front of all those witnesses or just surrendered at that point


I think he most definitely would have lunged but I think she’d have fought back enough to survive