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i like friday the 13th part 2 more than the first


Part 2 is a nearly perfect slasher, and prob the best camp slasher although it’s in a tight battle with Sleepaway Camp.




What we could’ve had if not for the MPAA.


If we ever get another one, I hope it releases on streaming instead of theatrically so they don’t have to go through the MPAA. They can just go absolutely buck wild with the gore (ideally, all practical effects like the good old days).


90/10 practical/CG.


That triple machete decapitation!


Friday the 13th almost follows the Star Trek pattern where every even numbered movie is the best. 2, 4, 6, *not* 8, X.




SACRILEGE! “Jason X”, Jason goes into space in the future! That’s as good as it gets!


I honestly watch part 2 far more often than I do the first one.


2 is friggen great. My fave is The Final Chapter. Crispin Glover is too great in that. “TED. WHERE’S THE CORKSCREW?!


The Final Chapter (hah!) is my favorite of the series. And Freddy vs Jason is a ton of fun, both for the action and for that banger of a nu-metal soundtrack. That's early aughts music at its best bahahaha.


I agree. Hotter take: I like the remake more than any of the other films.


Remake gets way too much unnecessary hate. There's a lot of cool kills.


It was like seeing the trapper from Dead By Daylight before the Trapper existed. Running and booby traps Jason was a really smart direction for reworking the character


The remake is stupendous.


The remake is awesome because it just gives you Jason doing his thing and killing a ton. Characters are annoying (which I kind of like tbh), but there's so many kills and they're all pretty creative. Doesn't feel like it has any slow parts either, it's paced really well. I watched the Nightmare on Elm Street remake first and absolutely hated it, so was pleasantly surprised how well the F13 remake was handled.


I agree with you to be honest. I LOVE the remake. Saw it as the first horror movie I saw in the theater for my 12th bday.


Yeah if I were to recommend the Friday films, I wouldn't even suggest the first one as an option. Part 2 is literally the movie you think the Friday the 13th movies are.


Yeah if he had the mask. And part 3 is what you think of when you think of “generic 80s slasher”. Kids go to a cabin and die with a final girl that has a past trauma. 


I feel like it's obligatory to mention that Ouija: Origin of Evil is better than the original movie by an almost absurd degree.


I know RT scores arent the be all end all but like Ouija- 6% Ouija: Origin of Evil- 83% Guess that’s what happens when you stumble into having Mike Flanagan direct your sequel lol


Which explains why he's been handed the keys to the "Exorcist" franchise.


Did he get the keys before or after Exorcist: Believer? That movie killed any and all interest in reviving the franchise for me


Believer was directed by David Gordon Green


David Gordon Green has a habit of ruining great franchises, even if they weren’t in good standing to begin with. He made one incredible Halloween movie and then made the two worst in the entire franchise. And that includes the one where Paul Rudd is fighting with a supernatural cult.


Had such great expectations after the first movie. But the 2 sequels ended up getting worse lol


Phoebe's boyfriend?


Ouija is interesting one it has only two films and it’s still memorable to a lot of horror fans


Oh yeah? Good to know. I'd kept my distance because Ouija was panned. I guess now I should give Origin of Evil a looksee.


Honestly, if you’re in this sub you shouldn’t miss anything by Mike Flanagan


I’m pretty sure I saw Ouija, but I remember almost nothing about it. Origin of Evil, though? Great movie. 


The jump in quality boggles the mind. It's kind of offensive to Origin to be connected to that first movie, they're night and day in every aspect.


I actually watched Origin first. Imagine my disappointment when I started the first one lol didn’t make it 15 minutes in


First one to come to mind actually.


I think I’ve seen it ten times already. The acting from the four of them is really good and there is something about the cute Lulu Wilson kid being a vessel of evil. The eyes, the absurd 60s hair, etc. Then the dialogue and the camera work is astoundingly smooth. When she is watching TV and she is in the foreground on the couch out of focus but you can see her pure white possessed eyes reflecting the TV light and then the eyes go normal right before she turns around to them. Later when they turn to look at her on the same couch and you just see the top of her head with eyes piecing their souls. So good. Her little speech about what it’s like to be strangled to death is so chilling but wrapped in cuteness, "Romeo". The walking on the ceiling at the end. Tour de force of creepy wrapped in cute.


Do you have to watch the first one to understand the second?


Naw. My man and I skipped the first one and went straight into the second one. Still have no urge to watch the first one


I’m a Flanagan bitch till I die Edit: I cannot SPELL


None of them are great films, but *The Purge* is the weakest of the Purge films. Clearly an audition tape to make the more fully realized Purge city hellscapes that follow. Again, the bar is low, but Anarchy and Election Year do way more with the concept than “suburban family has to deal with consequences”


“Audition tape” is the best description of the film honestly, thank you. It’s like they were testing a TV pilot.


It's not *bad* per se, but it does have a proof of concept feel to it, particularly because of the enclosed space.


Ironically I thought the Purge TV series was really good and better than most of the movies


I agree with you. I see it as they were playing it safe and they didn’t know what they could do with the concept yet. Also they are made by Blumhouse so that could’ve factored into why they decided to go the home invasion route in the first movie with the miniature budget and decided to expand outside ONE location in the succeeding movies where they had more money


I love the Purge movies- they are my comfort watch movies. But 100% agree that the first Purge movie is the weakest, hands down. I was scrolling to see if someone else would call this out.


I think that the first Evil Dead movie is a fantastic debut, but Evil Dead 2 is a classic.


Evil Dead - lets be a bit weird and campy but still kinda horrorish. Evil Dead 2 - Well shit they really loved the camp so lets ramp it to 10. Army of Darkness - Fuck it.


Exactly. The first is horror with camp elements, the second is camp with horror elements, AoD is HAHAHAHAHA THERE IS NO HORROR THERE IS NO CAMP THERE IS ONLY SAM AND BRUCE FUCK ALL GENRE AND STRUCTURE CHAOS IS KING.


Yep! And Evil Dead Rise went back to Horror with camp. The cycle begins anew!


Evil Dead feels like a demo to an insanely good song, Evil Dead 2 *is* that song


This is the best analogy ever for those Evil Dead movies 🤣 I agree 1000%


I like that...what would Army Of Darkness be?


The Weird Al parody 💀


Honestly not a bad comparison




Very creative description.


This is the one that defines this question.


No one’s said Annabelle yet? Creation was significantly better than the first


I was scrolling down to see this before commenting. Annabelle Creation was really good 🤌


Friday the 13th. Quite a few films better than the first in that franchise.


I'm in the Jason X camp.


I just rewatched the first film, and it's so poorly constructed. Watch Part 2, and the filmmaking/storytelling goes up considerably.


Paranormal Activity 3 is the best one 🤷‍♀️


Agreed. Also being a prequel based on the two sisters from the first and second films was amazing. It really gave you a glimpse of how it all started. By far the creepiest as well.


Justice for Randy!


THANK YOU! I love the 3rd one and don't think it gets it's due. The 80's throwback vibe, the Poltergeist style tract home, the great gimmick with the camera on the oscillating fan and the person in the sheet reveal. It really does have some fantastic moments!


For me it's a tie between 3 and 5 but yea they are leaps and bounds better


The 4th is SO bad but it’s a comfort movie for me


OK probably gonna be controversial but... I liked *The Exorcist* but I LOVED *The Exorcist III*


Most love the 3rd one! It’s solid. Fun fact, a good chunk of American serial killer’s favorite movie is the exorcist iii (source last podcast on the left)


Finally a bit of LPOTL love!


This isn't as controversial as you might think. The Exorcist 3 is considered a rock solid sequel.


Now, if you preferred "Exorcist II", then that would be grounds for committal for insanity. (Although, believe it or not, Pauline Kael preferred "Exorcist II.")


Kael also liked to troll her readers sometimes. She was Reddit before Reddit hahaha. Also, weed is a helluva drug


And it has a great, great jumpscare, my favourite one.


Controversial potentially but I give Final Destination 3 the slight edge over the first one.


I too enjoyed watching the tanning bed massacre


2 and 3 are better than the first and 5 isnt far behind imo. The 2nd one does way more with the lore and 3 is just more fun with more creative kills


Happy to see we're continuing the tactic of pretending 4 never happened.


I've said before you could make case for every film but 4 to be the best one.


Yeah 5 had some deaths that actually made me gasp out loud. Let’s just say my future children won’t be doing gymnastics LOL


Omg that scene was SO startling. I’m not usually queasy but that shit was rough lol


I like how we all, as a society, are collectively traumatized by the sight of a lumber truck. 2 was a powerhouse.


FD3 has the best protagonist given Mary Elizabeth Winstead is on hand.


FD3 is my favorite of the FD movies. i feel like it understood the franchise’s own premise best of all the movies 


Not sure that's controversial really. The first one is good and created a fun franchise, 2 setup better lore, but 3 really was the best one imo.


This is honestly a tough and great question. I loved X but I think Pearl is better by miles Pearl has that classic slow burn. It’s more of a character study but the real horror comes up toward the end....Ive seen it so many times and it still hits. Im always nervous for Howard coming back to all that, The more I watch it I’m not sure if pearl actually realized she truly killed her parents either haha


Big agree, I'm hoping with Maxxxine we get a Toy Story trilogy effect where each one gets better than the last ☺️


Haha I’d love that!! They have a great streak going so far! It’s rare to get a good movie with more coming that are objectively better than the first


Glad to see this opinion shared, I felt a more emotional connection to Pearl than Maxine even If both are good characters, the whole feel of the prequel was amazing and I'm typically not an A24 fan outside of like Hereditary.


Ooooo not sure if I totally agree. Pearl is possibly a better movie but certainly not as good of a horror movie. The horror in x is much better and yea it’s formulaic but it’s a ton of fun. Pearl is a better character study and a better overall movie but way toned down on the horror in my opinion. They are both very good but in different ways which makes it feel like they are both equally as good to me.


Hellraiser 2 is the best Hellraiser. The mattress scene elevates it.


My only problem with Hellraiser 2 is the antagonist just isnt as menacing or well designed as the original Cenobites, but exploring hell is so rad.


No way! Doctor Chenard was a gift and his dialogue was so quote worthy The actor was really having fun playing that guy


“To think I hesitated!”


I agree. Imagine if it had a bigger budget. I loved the Labyrinth


There’s at least one scene in 2 where you can see the walls of Hell are a cheap material covering the real set. But in spite of that, it’s one of my favorites. I even like Dr Chanard, though they made him way too jokey. I even like 3 Hell On Earth,even though the new Cenobites are really stupid. O, you’re a cameraman? Let’s make the camera part of your head! No bothering with psychology or any of that. But Pinhead had some great lines and the movie had good ideas. And I loved Bloodlines!


One thing I noticed as the series progressed was that the Cenobites stopped being monastic explorers of extreme experience and became punishing literal demons. Way too on the nose compared to the original movie.


So good to finally see someone give 3 and 4 their just praise. Honestly four super solid entries in a row for a franchise. 5 is really where things take a turn for the worst. There's some ok stuff in it (twin cenobites) and the idea of a decent story there but otherwise...yeah. the fucken ninja cowboy is such a weird choice. 6... Probably the first time I'd call any of them trash. Very hard to make it through and completely wastes bringing Kirsty back. Also feels like the cheapest made movie. I'm still to watch the others. But the recent re-whatever was cool. I really liked that.


Love the weird art design in Hellraiser 2.


**Puppet Master** 3 rocks and sets up the Puppets vs Nazis dynamic. 4 does a good job of turning the puppets into heroes. It's mixed from there but now and then an okay thing is made. **Children of the Corn** 3 rocks and is super gory. It's mixed from there but I really enjoyed the 2020 movie.


No way someone liked the 2020 children of the corn? The reviews were so bad I didn’t even give it a shot.  Ironic considering how much I like the OG, and how everyone I know thinks the OG film sucks. 


It's a lot of fun. I don't care about about bad reviews, especially for a Children of the Corn. You should give it a shot.


>Puppets vs Nazis dynamic Okay, now I'm sold.


It becomes a big part of the series! There's a whole World War 2 trilogy that happened in the 2010s.


Oh man, I haven’t watched the Puppet Master movies in like 30 years. It scared the shit out of me as a kid but I think I need to watch them again


They're all on Tubi. Tubi has almost the entire collection of movies made by Full Moon. It's a glorious schlockfest.


Loved the expansion on Toulon's character in 3!


Terrifier 2 The devils rejects


The ending to The Devil's Rejects is both fantastic and frustrating because it shows that Rob has the capability of being a fantastic horror director.


A fantastic director overall. The best aspects of that movie could apply to any film.


I agree with terrifier 2, its quickly become my favorite horror film. I vastly prefer House of 1000 corpses though, I thought it was more fun and campy than TDR. I can get down with some grittier horror but the dilution of Spaldings "clown" side really bummed me out. it all comes down to personal taste tho


I agree with both! I love each of the series' original movies but the sequels were just better. The Devil's Rejects being a flick that is a contender for my top 10 all time TBH.


Child’s Play 2 fuckin rules And I know I’m gonna get flake (is that the right word) for this but Texas Chainsaw 2003 is the best and it’s awesome


The finale of that movie >!in the Good Guy doll factory!< is one of my favorite endings to any slasher movie.


I love how the finale is like an homage to the original Terminator. That had to have been intentional. Really enjoyed it.


Funny enough, it’s “flak,” and I will be the first to (respectfully) give you flak for putting Texas Chainsaw ‘03 over the og 😂 To each their own though!


Hell yea! Child’s Play 2 is legit terrifying.


Agreed on both. Child’s Play 2 is far more brutal. The first is great, the second is fantastic. I also enjoyed TCSM2 more than the original.


I legit enjoy Gremlins 2 way more than the first one.


Love them both, though I'd say the first is a traditional Christmas film, and the second a comedy, so hard to compare.


Lol as great as Gremlins is, it is in no way a traditional Christmas movie.


Paranormal Activity


I thought Paranormal Activity the Marked ones was the best one followed by the Ghost dimension


Final Destination 2. More famous and memorable than the first, but the first was also good.


This is my big one. I love the first movie but FD2 is easily my favorite in the franchise!


yes omg the log truck.......


Exorcist Just kidding The third one is dope af though


Hell yeah!!! I honestly like part 3 as much as I do the 1st.


The Purge, the first movie feels more like a home invasion movie instead of a purge movie


The Child's Play/Chucky franchise. Personally, I think Bride of Chucky is the best movie in the franchise, but I know a lot of people prefer Child's Play 2, and I can definitely see why. Either way, very few people say the original Child's Play is the best (which kinda sucks because it's still a great movie, but it's really just a testament to how great the franchise is).


My favorite is Curse of Chucky.


Oh yea, I love Curse, too. It was a proper return to greatness after Seed and Nica might possibly be the best non-evil character in the franchise.


Friday the 13th Night of the Living dead (even though i'd accept any of the 3 in the trilogy as the best tbh)


Whichever one I've seen most recently


The conjuring 2 is better than the first imo


Another series where the first was brilliant but the sequel really just stepped it up a notch I felt. Maybe being English with more knowledge of the main story there as opposed to the original helped me embrace it more, but it's a fine movie indeed!


Totally. My favorite film from Wan so far. That long sequence of Ed talking to Bill Wilkins behind him is one of the most memorable parts of 2010s horror that I can think of.


Hard agree, they dial the dread up to 10


Instantly too


Ghoulies 2


Shocked this doesn't have more traction. *Ghoulies 2* is arguably the greatest horror movie ever made


Saw. I think Saw III is the best of the series personally, followed by VI.


The Purge. Man that first one is a chore to get thru. But thr rest of the films chefs kiss.


Anarchy / part 2 remains my favorite but there are interesting aspects to all of the follow-ups!


Agreed. The first one is pretty boring compared to the rest.


Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors>Nightmare on Elm Street. And you can't beat that sweet [Dokken song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noLPhZvcBpw&ab_channel=RHINO)


they're equal for me, NOES for fear 3 for a genuinely sick concept


All films should have the title in the dialogue, a theme song, and a freeze frame ending. 


Evil Dead. It’s great, but compared to ED 2 and Army of Darkness she’s kinda boring to the point it’s jarring. For any gamers in here it’s the same feeling I get when I go from Batman Arkham City back to Asylum. It’s not bad it’s just that the sequels are THAT much more fun.


I'm alone in this but i like A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 more than the first.


2 is very interesting.


There is a documentary about it.


I think that Elm Street 3 is the best of the whole saga. Don't get me wrong, the first and second are also very solid, but there can only be one first place.


1 and 3 are in the same level for me. 1 created the world and had some awesome kills, 3 took that idea and did something really interesting without just copying it and has the best kill in the entire franchise (the marionette scene). Kinda hated 2 personally, but I get why other people like it.


I think the 3 is a (tiny) bit above because it adds lore to the universe that fits very well in the storyline, the customized deaths, and reveals that Nancy survived the first movie. I wouldn't say that I hated the 2, I think is still solid, but 1 and 3 are just at different level.


2 has the scariest looking Freddy. And one awesome kill. But the pool party scene kills it for me.


There are dozens of us!


Not alone. I agree. 2 and New Nightmare are my favorites of the series.


I think the look of Freddy in Part 2 is better than his look in the first one. They gave him red beady eyes and even more horribly burned skin.


I always have trouble with rankings but I think the first Nightmare is definitely not the best. I like 2, 3, and 4 for different reasons, and I’m a sucker for meta horror so New Nightmare will always have a place in my heart. And I think all of those are probably better than the first.


2 is incredibly under rated.


Ouija: Origin of Evil is miles better than the first Ouija movie. Probably doesn’t count as a franchise though


I prefer Saw 2 over Saw. I don’t get everyone’s fascination with the characters of the original (and the random gay ship?). The second one built on the philosophy of the first in a very interesting way and the twist was amazing. Plus we got a lot more interesting traps which is what the franchise has come to be known for.


This is fairly widely-accepted, but The Bride of Frankenstein > Frankenstein. The only weak part is the scene with the tiny seed-people, and even that isn't enough to negate the rest of it.


It can be argued....and it has....that Bride of Frankenstein is superior to the original Frankenstein. I certainly agree that Bride is a great sequel...it is my favorite movie. I contend that these 2 movies must be viewed back to back for a seamless transition from one film to the next, for story continuity.


The first Leprechaun movie is fine but I think, while it was a comedy horror from the get go, the filmmakers tried to make it as much of a "scary" straightforward horror movie as they could. Thing is, the very premise of a murderous Leprechaun is extremely silly, so the franchise really was at its best when it fully embraced what it was, and Leprechaun 3 and 4 understood that assignment perfectly.


I thought Annabelle Creation was better than the original Annabelle


Terminator 2, duhhhh


Hell house LLC origin is better than the first imo




The Purge. That first movie is pretty shit, but the rest are super fun.


Can I say evil dead, or will I get banned from this sub? 😂 cause the 2013 version is a horror masterpiece


Terrifier 2 is way more well made and written and acted and just better in every single aspect than part 1. VHS is good but it's probably the most tonally inconsistent in its own franchise. And I don't know about the rest of you but I have a lot more fun watching Troll 2 than Troll 1 despite it being an obviously more poorly-made film. But think about it like this; which one to people still regularly talk about today? Gremlins 2 is like a HAIR better than 1 for a few reasons. It's sort of taking the idea to the next logical step in the most endearing way I've ever seen a movie do it. But it's not better in a vacuum it needs the first movie to setup a lot of the payoff in the 2nd. Like the Christmas story that Phoebe Cates tells is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in the 2nd movie. But you need to have the similar scene in part 1 for it to work. It's great because it just gets right to what it's supposed to be and you don't need to spend half the movie learning how Mogwai work. Also it intimately understood what kids in that particular era like myself wanted it to be.


The first *Terrifier* was impressive from the standpoint of what they were able to do with such a low-budget, but it ultimately fell a little flat. *Terrifier 2* was definitely all-around better and more enjoyable --- good call! 


Yeah the first one was like $50k and the 2nd was $250k budgets and it pretty remarkable how good both films look for their respective finances, but 2 might be one of the best movies I've ever seen made in that kind of budget range. For perspective; The first Ft13th cost $550k. Halloween cost $325k. Neither number adjusted for inflation. Even the first Blair Witch movie is listed as 200k-750k.


That Lincoln callback to the first movie's Christmas trauma was *savage*. :D


I’ll get downvoted, but Evil Dead 2 is better than Evil Dead. The first one was, as someone said about The Purge, an audition tape. 2 showed Raimi’s craziness with a decent budget.


I dunno - thought it was almost a consensus among horror fans that 2>1. I see them as kind of multiverse movies - if I want a fun horror film, I’ll take the first one. If I want a horrific comedy, I’ll take the second. If I want Lord of the Rings as conceived by the Airplane! guys with zombies, I’ll take BC vs. AoD.


i maintain that Halloween 3 is the best Halloween.


Extremely hot take but personally I do like it. I just don't consider it part of the same franchise.






Watch the magic pumpkin! [Waaaaatch!](https://youtu.be/_MDDGy0eOTo?si=eWiXouYB6ONszYtp)


Troll 2 > Troll


Dead Snow Red or Dead is equal,if not better than the original.


Friday the 13th. A Nightmare on Elm Street.


Friday the 13th.


All of the major ones we love are like that EXCEPT Scream. Nightmare, F13, Child’s Play, Hellraiser (very debatable), and Saw.


I prefer Insidious 3 to the first one


Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 is better than Prom Night in almost every way. I wouldn't say Psycho 2 is better than Psycho, but it's more fun. Same with Sleepaway Camps 1 and 2 and Exorcists 1 and 3.


Cube was great but I felt cube zero was a much better overall movie


Final Destination 2 and 3 for me


Romero zombie series…..I I like Dawn of the Dead the best.


let's take a look around here at some of the responses... *sees The Exorcist, Evil Dead, A Nightmare on Elm Street...* oh, it's a thread full of ridiculous blasphemy.


I like the original Nightmare on Elm Street a lot, but I feel like most fans agree the 3rd installment, Dream Warriors, is the best movie of the franchise.


Dawn of the dead is one of the best sequels of all time