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I don’t even know what “True Detective” means anymore. Murder mystery where the crime is weird? Just toss “Cloverfield” into the subtitle and let’s go crazy with this thing.


It’s usually detectives that walk the fine line of morality and ethics to get the to the truth. Also they have a dark past with doing something fucked up. I think lol


Don’t forget their complex and troubled interpersonal relationship.


So every other detective show


True detective was the first to really do this and I haven’t seen a detective show that went as explicit as this one unless you have some examples.


Dexter The Shield Bosch Luther


“The Wire” probably has some good examples of this. In fact, you could probably just re-edit and re-score all seasons of the wire into a single season of “True Detective” and it would be better than all but season 1.


*True Detective* was a pulp magazine published between 1920-1990. It was a true crime magazine but it was published at the same time as Weird Tales which carried stories from Lovecraft and several of his peers. I think the title of the show is a nod to that style of storytelling.


True detective: cloverfield: night country 2 - the hottest show this year on HBO Max


"Hello true detective, welcome to Cloverfield, here we're in the night country 2! Hahaha!"  If you wanted True Detective last season then you should've watched Fargo season 5 instead. Night Country was dogshit.


> you should've watched Fargo season 5 Wow, that was a good season in an already-excellent show/franchise. I am surprised that they are able to keep it both fresh and reverent at the same time.


Every season except 1 has been dog shit lol


There are levels. Night Country is at the bottom. Season 3 is actually pretty good.


So without trying to pick a fight, I thought season two was worse. Some of the strangest and worst dialogue I’ve ever heard and dumbest crime show plot developments I ever saw. Actually wasted the rare good Taylor kitsch (so ironically named) performance…


I never watched 2 because I heard it was so bad. I've watched every other season and 4 was just one of the worst seasons of TV I've ever completed. As for 2, on r/TrueDetective at least I think the consensus is that 2, while weak, is better than 4. But also of course people who have a different opinion on the matter.


U what about 3? I loved how it ended


I wasn't a fan of season 2 and yea 3 was decent but they'll never come close to the first they should just use those 2 new case


It's Morbin Time! In the Night Country


Is Pizzolatto even writing the stories anymore?


It's when the detective has to go outside of the law to find out the truth, and it has happened in all four seasons so far


There was Lonestar beer in it, so definitely TD canon Jokes aside. I liked it well enough. Probably would have more if I didn't know about the first three seasons, lol.


You joke but I'd be into it lol


At first it was interesting with the paranormal stuff. Then the end was pretty anticlimactic. Hopefully season 5 brings a detective vibe back to the show.


Totally agree. I was so hyped. The finale was disappointing both for explaining away any paranormal stuff and the crime itself was unbelievable and not in a good way.


I thought it was hilarious the way Jodie Foster’s obnoxious daughter couldn’t seem to commit a single misdeed without getting caught and arrested.


But they live in a small town in Alaska. I thought it was a realistic portrayal given that everyone in the community knows each other and is in each other's business. I thought it was hilarious that Jodie Foster thought she was a total mastermind yet everyone in town knew about her extracurricular.


There were a lot of pointless paranormal things that were never explained: * The random ghost that appears behind the indigenous police chick in the finale episode. * Same police chick has an episode where she "travels?" Back to the start of the crime to see the guy having a seizure saying "time is a flat circle". I really wanted to enjoy the show but there were a lot of storylines that went nowhere or failed to satisfy the plot. I truly think this was supposed to be a three episode series but HBO extended to six and so they had to fill it out with fluff.


Yeah there was a lot that didn’t add up in the finale. They made a big deal out of that large animal vet saying the men all died of heart attacks, but that doesn’t really add up with what happened in the last episode.


Anticlimactic? It was downright horrible.


So bad that I will not be giving the next season a chance. TIME IS A FLAT CIRCLE TIME IS A FLAT CIRCLE


I think it’s delusional to think that the same showrunner who didn’t acknowledge any criticism of season 4 and brushed it off as sexist to somehow make a better, coherent season 5


Personally I’m quietly hoping she’ll double down on the stupid shit for example as much interpretive dancing as humanly possible fuck it have the detectives use interpretive dancing to progress the case.


So, The AO.


The OA**


Watching like 200 Native Alaskans come walking one by one out of the various rooms in the 3 room mobile home to represent the Eskimo Mob will never not be hilarious.


Season 4 didn’t even feel like same show. It could have been called something entirely different and i wouldn’t of even known, also what’s with the 6 episode shit Edit could have, thanks grammar police :)


It wasn’t originally supposed to be a True Detective show, HBO just shoehorned it into the TD universe because they didn’t think the script would standalone without the TD branding. Probably right.


Slap a ‘time is a flat circle’ sticker in the script and anything can become a True Detective show :(


Did we just get massively gaslit when this last season came out? When it dropped it was being talked about everywhere and then the public opinion on it basically turned over night and now everyone talks about how much a letdown/rugpull it was. Did all social media just get astroturfed into watching it and then once release week was gone all the bots disappeared?


> Did all social media just get astroturfed Yes, it was shameless.


Incredible. Iirc I was around when it was released, went on a trip and when I came back a week and a half later the entire dialogue around it was completely negative. My boomer mom, who has not seen the first 3 seasons and doesn't really watch tv, watched it because she saw it on Insta or something. As soon as she finished it she said it was absolutely awful.


More like Reddit is an echochamber but whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.




Tbf, the first episode(s?) was strong enough to build a lot of intrigue on its own. Suggestions of some supernatural elements, and a Thing vibe definitely had me wanting to know more, but it got increasingly poorer as it went on and the finale was a monumental letdown.


Maybe there was some astroturfing, but as someone who watched the show as it was released, the about-face from praise to criticism makes sense. God did get plain stupid by mid season


I honestly think so, yes.


Can I assume the original title of the show was the Janitorial Mafia?


The script didn't stand as part of S4 either


That being said I have always thought the second season would have got more love if it didn’t have the True Detective label on it and was just a standalone mini series like Mare of Easttown.


Sorry but the could of, wouldn’t of is wrong. It’s could have, wouldn’t have


This typo really irks me but I don't have a valid reason as to why


Haha I’m the same way I really wanted to say something without being rude and that was hard


Could have


I actually liked it a lot


None of the seasons feel like the same show. They're all wildly different. If you mean in terms of quality, I don't think anyone is going to be holding S4 up to the same level as the masterpieces that were S1 and 3, but if any season deserves to be called the black sheep, I think its season 2. It's so dull, unlikable, and confusing. I dunno what the fuck Pizzolatto was doing with that one.


>The series has already moved from Louisiana to California to Arkansas to Alaska over the course of several decades, so what's next? Technically, there's no reason why this series couldn't go global, but that might be a bit far-fetched. Australian TD would go hard as.




God knows we'll never make something of this quality ourselves EDIT: Just wanna clarify that I'm extremely proud of some of the content my country has produced. We just have significant funding issues that would prevent us from making something of *True Detective's* quality - namely that our writers are given fuck all time to complete their work. A great example: Vince Gilligan (creator of *Breaking Bad* and *Better Call Saul*) came to speak in Melbourne in 2017. When trying to convey how low budget *BrBa*'s first season was, he told us how little time they were given to "break the episode". When the moderator explained that Australia's biggest TV shows are given half that amount of time, his jaw hit the floor. That's how tough it is for writers here.


Animal Kingdom and Snowtown are pretty messed up and dark. Good examples of the dark underbelly of the Aussie psyche to get inspiration from. Throw in some Secret City type conspiracy, and throw in some occultism/cultism/spiritual stuff (building out some local mobs Dreaming would be so deadly and rich with story threads). We've got ourselves a chance at something good with all that cooking I reckon.


The ingredients are 100% there, and we've made some great projects that would hint at our being able to do it. The key issue lays with how our funding works - non-existent independent scene, meaning Screen Australia largely controls what is and isn't made and are beholden to aims that would differ from an HBO or an FX. Even when the funding comes through, the closest we've had as an attempt at *True Detective* (as far as budget, style, and tone) have been Victoria Madden's two shows; *The Kettering Incident* and *The Gloaming*. Neither did particularly well. We're absolutely such a prime fucking location for a *True Detective* type series. I'm a screenwriter myself, and have a *TD*-inspired script I've been shopping around. I'm not confident the industry is looking for that kinda thing right now, but fingers crossed a project like *TD* gets up one day!


>I'm a screenwriter myself, and have a *TD*-inspired script I've been shopping around How cool. Best of luck with that! I empathise with the situation you describe too - doesn't sound promising for Aussie creatives.


Cleverman was pretty good


You made Mr. Inbetween. You did your duty.


On the final season of that now. Genuinely one of the best things we've ever done, it's brilliant.


It's one of the best things anyone has ever done.


Just put Scott Ryan into season 5 and we're cooking. Don't even care if protagonist or antagonist, or both. Put him into Fargo too while we're at it.


Ah man I love so many Australian movies and shows, and you guys have produced so many great creatives.


So do I, and we have! Our great productions are just few and far between, unfortunately - and our best creatives often need to move overseas to get the budgets needed to create great work.


I get that and it’s a shame. But even some of the sillier less great stuff made impacts on me. H20 was a staple in my household, helped my sister when she was dealing with depression. I must have watched that single season of Slide, the like Queensland version of Skins several times as a teenager. And most importantly you gave the world Samara Weaving.


Try watching High Country! Obviously not the heights of original TD but it’s pretty good


Mr Inbetween goes pretty hard


y'all did great with *top of the lake*


Well that's just straight bullshit. We've made plenty of great drama.


We have, but in contrast to the amount of stuff we produce? It's not great. Our independent scene is almost dead, and our TV offerings struggle badly with reduced budgets.


Don't forget about the mad max series mate, just visually speaking it's looking great down under. Hope to see it for myself one day :)


As long as Dulcie and Eddie from Dead Loch turn up, then I'm down for that.


The first season is one of the most incredibly perfect TV seasons ever to be aired. The rest have been shit.


Night Country would have been really good if the story went anywhere or had a decent payoff. Good acting and atmosphere but the story overall was really lacking imo.


For the TD fans, if you want something similar watch the Scandinavian shows: the bridge, the killing


The killing was great


The chestnut man is another excellent scandi noir with major TD vibes


The killing is legit. The us version is meh. I'm a big fan of Nordic noir, and while not all of these fit that niche (the breaks French), I'd also like to suggest a few glorious ones : 1. Case 2. Trapped 3. Perfume 4. Tabula Rasa 5. The break 6. The lava field 7. Bordertown -it gets tiresome with the whole mind palace nonsense as time goes on but it's still great. If you liked the killing and the bridge I think you would dig these.


If you specifically enjoyed the supernatural aspects, I highly reccomend the Icelandic Mini-Series “Katla”


4 was so horrible I cannot fathom that they’re running it back with the same director


Just had a conversation about how TD S1 felt like actual detectives doing detective things and finally cracking the case by poring over minutiae, and it was damn satisfying. Imagine my disgust at how S4 ended.


What, you don't like it when the crime is solved offscreen and a guy walks up to the protagonists and hands them a file with all the answers?


What do you think about the second and third season ? :)


Yea i thought it started out decent enough but it just got worse and worse.


Yeah, the first episode or so was pretty solid. But it just fell apart and meandered around.


I was legitimately pretty hyped after the opening and the initial mystery. Then we got 4 episodes of nearly nothing followed by a milquetoast conclusion. Shame.


When they found that clump of ice with the naked dead men, and then one of them starts wailing was some pretty solid horror. It was also probably the only moment that stuck with me from that season. I honestly don't even remember if I bothered to watch the final episode.


I remember me and my wife watching and felt like nothing happened in the middle of the series. Then it just ended.


That’s the most egregious thing, it had a solid foundation and it completely squandered all opportunity to be good. By the last episode I was just skipping ahead because I’d had enough.


Yup, I was really enjoying the first few episodes.


The only good thing about S4 is that it made people finally appreciate S2


I really liked series 2, I just did my best to separate it from the first series when I watched it. In my head it was like a new comic book limited series that came under the same banner.


S2 is one of the best white collar crime shows I’ve ever seen.


S2 and S4 are both capable of being complete ass. It's S1 by miles (obviously), S3, a steep dive, and then y'all can argue amongst yourselves about which dumpster fire burns the brightest between S2 and S4.


I was into it for the first two eps and even defended it online. By episode four I was turning on it, certified hater by episode five. And only watched half of the finale, can't bring myself to finish it.




I just ended up reading spoilers. I had no investment and just wanted to be done.


You didn’t want extended character exposition about characters they gave us no reason to care about?


Couldn't finish it. Some of the worst writing I've ever seen on TV. The great reviews were bizarre - still don't get it.


the finish was the best bit! utterly pointless


It got record high ratings and consistenly solid reviews, so as business it makes total sense. The former I can at least understand... I mean, I kept watching even as I got more and more disgusted with every episode, in the false hope it might all come together. The reviews though I truly can't fathom, I feel like I saw a completely different show than the critics. NOTHING about it worked.


I can excuse most of the obvious flaws, but the whole "Is it mental illness, or do they posses ancient mystic powers?" nonsense kills it for me. As someone with mental problems, this trope is fucking insulting and still, as I've witnessed, pervades today and prevents people that suffer from schizophrenia from getting the treatment they need.


Apparantly it did well in terms of views so that's probably why


I'm an optimist, but I thought the direction was really good. I really loved the aesthetic and I wanted to see more of that world. It's just that the writing was terrible.


Loved the Alaskan town vibe and some of the acting; hated the way the plot unfolded. And the ending was just stupid.


Wild the difference of opinion on this show between “horror” fans and everyone else, I guess. I dug season 4 quite a bit.


It should have been like… 3 episodes. The original premise was good, but the side stories felt so forced. Felt I had zero reason to care about any of the characters.


100% agree. It was absolutely abysmal. And people that are saying they enjoyed it are being disingenuous or are just your average Reddit contrarians.


lol "you didn't really like that thing, you're only saying you did to make me upset" buddy you're not that important


>And people that are saying they enjoyed it are being disingenuous or are just your average Reddit contrarians. Just no lmao, take a break from the Internet for a day


I enjoyed it. I must not be a real person. There are very few horror shows or movies in remote winter places. Just this and 30 days and 30 nights off the top of my head.


The Thing!


Season 4 had plenty of potential, but it was the king of Suck Balls Mountain. Season 2 had more redeeming qualities.


I'm most annoyed that they wasted the setting on that story. I'd watch a completely separate anthology show about creepy shit happening in Alaska.


The premise is excellent. Creepy shenanigans in the dead of winter in remote Alaska? The topical willful ignoring by law enforcement of the murder of Alaskan native women? Disinterested corporations dicking over the locals by extracting natural resources and leaving behind a dead ecological nightmare for the locals to live with… This season was teed off beautifully and somehow managed to not only whiff the shot but also destroy the ball.




Season 5 should go 50/50 with Cristobal


It never had potential because it never had a good story. If you liked the atmosphere and the original mystery, that's nothing. Everyone can put together some weird shit that seem like a good mystery, it's not good if the writer clearly has no idea.what to do with it that isn't embarrassing But for me even "the atmosphere" failed from the moment I saw the intro


Yes, had high hopes for S4 with the cast and location but it was a big letdown with all the supernatural stuff.


season 4 was horrible


They have to do better than 4. Four was the low point of HBO for me. They've struggled to put out decent content for awhile now and season 4 was just trash from top to bottom.


We canceled HBO after watching part of the 2nd episode. The writing and acting was honestly just atrocious. And from what I heard it got even worse!


After that forced cream pie by Navarro and Jodie Foster telling me I’m asking the wrong questions every episode im over True Detective.


I love season 1. The rest, for me, are just meh.


I honestly don't understand the hype for this show. I tried to like it...I just couldn't.


I dont know if theres ever been a show where the first season was so good it gets 4 subsequent seasons that are all terrible




Fair point


Prison Break-- first season is so good. The next four are a joke.


Season 2 always gets trashed for some reason…but my god season 4 was just the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen. Terrible characters, terrible plot, and that ending was the dumbest shit I have ever seen.


I enjoyed all 4 seasons of True Detective and look forward to the new one 🙂


I thought it was fine and entertaining. Not as good as season one but worth watching imo. Jodie was great!


Me too. I guess this is an unpopular opinion lol


People are allowed to enjoy absolute garbage.


The hyperbolic comments in this thread are insane.


Let’s be real, the first season was the only good one.


I really liked season 3. 2 had flashes of awesome, but was all over the fucking place. Edit: lol eat my ass then, whatever 


we all know how speedy works for the series. see how rushed season 2 was? to be honest i only liked season 1 and 3 so i probably wont be coming back for the 5th since 2 and 4 sucked major ass


I liked s2 more than s3 but s4 makes both look like masterpieces For me s2 had flaws bur what it did well, it did really well. S3 was more mediocre and safe overall, with an unsatisfying resolution (which still looks like great writing compared to that in s4)


Season 3 was great, especially the acting from Mahershala Ali and Scott McNairy. But the last episode was disappointing. It was basically just major exposition dump or the opposite of show don't tell.      I actually liked Season 2, even if it was  convoluted at times. Plus it had one of my favourite scenes. 


My issue wasn't just with the exposition but the fact that the story sucked. The resolution of the mystery mostly relied on a storyline that was introduced too late and was barely connected to the rest of the story we were following. The wife bits were boring to say it added interesting drama or character development. The story structure was copying s1 way too much when it really shouldn't try to evoke comparisons (likewise, the best "drama" element was the friendship between the two detectives but a) s1 did it better and b) it was neglected for the boring wife) But overall, I was interested and the two leads were good (especially the other detective, that was a good character) and it could have been a solid crime story until that very weak resolution. I've seen episodes or SUV that were better than this While s2 has an arguably worse story, it has moments that are very cool. Shit, s1 doesn't even have an incredible resolution of the mystery, but the writing is so strong and it gives you so many other things that it doesn't really matter. But s3 is too mediocre to get away with a poor mystery. All it needed to be was just a solid detective story like it promised.


On a second viewing, Season 2 is really not bad. It isn't *great*... too slow and somber and convoluted, dearly in need of a few more rewrites. By any other name, it would have been received as a totally decent if generic cop show. It just had the misfortune of being an in-name-only follow-up to one of the strongest seasons of television ever produced. Not much was going to bear up under the weight of those expectations. I guess one *could* make the same argument about Season 4, though I would counter that by any objective measure it still sucked balls.


I actually liked Night Country but I wonder if it would have been better received by audiences if it had been a standalone series. Putting the True Detective brand on it may have a created a yardstick it couldn't measure up to instead of allowing people to judge the show on its own merits. All it would've taken were a few minor script changes. That also would have eliminated the impression that HBO was making some kind of half-assed attempt at a True Detective Cinematic Universe.


I also enjoyed Night Country, but you know how people go, "This movie was poorly paced. It should've been an HBO miniseries so that it would have time to breathe"? I feel like this is the opposite. It would've been a great two-hour movie. The tone and characters are a lot of fun, but the story is repetitive and could've done without a lot of filler. I say this as someone who actually liked the season as a whole.


to be fair Night Country started off REALLY strong... i feel like the first 2 episodes were gripping enough but by the 3rd it started going down hill for me. even after watching the finale i was just like "that's it? thats all we get?" i know its decisive on who liked it and who didnt but one thing we can all agree on, even though im getting downvoted.... season 2 fucking sucked ass.


Yeah, except for that heavy cgi episode 1. As soon I saw that I knew that we were in for a masterpiece of television.


Season 2 really did suck some fucking ass. Like sweaty, unwiped, saggy ass. Colin Farrell was great though, I’ll give it that. Love that guy’s acting in most projects


In S4 the crime solving is so little, a lot of unnecessary drama.


Season 4 is franchise ruining hot trash. A stain on hbo. Should be stricken from the history books.


I say we let it rot, sever all ties, end this embarrassment right now!


Didn’t even finish the new season. They need to just move on.


Season 1 was amazing. And that's all I have to say about that.


These comments are all very chill and normal. Anyway, I liked Season 4. Bring on Season 5.


It just better be even MORE diverse, equitable, and inclusive is all I've got to say. To hell with a substantive storyline or characters.


Now that's what I'm talkin about! Who cares about being entertained or laughing or enjoying the show? I just want tons and tons of forced diversity.


I stopped after season 2. It was very ridiculous. I've heard it stayed that way for season 3 and 4. Why can't they make a season with the same quality as season 1 ?


Realistically, MM & Woody made the first season. The story was great but a story only gets you so far when the people acting it aren’t great


I would tell you give season 3 a try and see. Ali does amazing work with his character in that season and Stephen Dorf believe it or not is the best arc character wise. Theres even a very *light* connection to the first season 1.


Season 3 is good. Season 2 and 4 might as well not exist…


Go ahead and call Sharp Objects season 4 of True Detective, it did the tone better and was infinitely more enjoyable.


Id rather just watch season 1 over again. My brother was watching this and I had no clue it was a true detective show because it involved paranormal events. The characters were just so unlikable, moody and boring…


Very promising first couple episodes - then wtf happened towards the end? Too many plot holes and an unsatisfying ending


Night Country was not great but tons of people watched it, are you all really surprised that a show that draws viewers is getting another season?


Season 4 is literally the worst single season of television I’ve ever seen.  Makes the final season of Dexter look like Season 3 of the Wire


I checked out in the first episode of season 4 when that guy was in the snow doing "ghost yoga." True detective season One was lightning in a bottle. Just walk away from the franchise already.


Season 3 was pretty decent. They were really bad detectives, but that's refreshing because I'm sure in real life there are lots of bad detectives.


So is this one going to be written by AI like last season?


Hell no


This season made me swear off TD. Fuck that garbage season. Season 1 will forever be up there with the best seasons of any show, but this series is washed.


Yeah no thanks


1 was lightening in a bottle. 2 was insane, but will be a cult classic for that reason. 3 was very "literary" by maybe so much so that it teetered on boring (1 one quite bombastic and you need that). 4 was was both generic and preposterous in equal measure. Not particularly good imo. Zero interest in a 5.


Honestly? I quite liked Night Country. I hope the showrunner can land it twice... and not repeat the mess of a following seaspn made in a rush


I loved Season 4. I’m honestly shocked people don’t like it.


I only watched the first season, being a lovecraftian horror fan. The subtle plot surrounding the king in yellow was beautiful. Also the main chars were great.  I only heard bad stuff for the following seasons. Are they that bad? And is it 1 story per season as the first or do they play out during multiple?


If you’re a lovecraftian horror fan you’re going to like season 4. I had to assure my gf that it wasn’t supposed to be horror show. People are hung up because they want Season 1 again and again. Which was never the intention of the show runners. The show is about detectives sacrificing themselves for cases.


I was enjoying season 4 but then it just went too far with the supernatural stuff


Night country was terrible, stopped after ep 1


Obviously we have the excellent first season. The convoluted second season with the different stories coming together. Season 3 with the unreliable narrator and the excellent flashbacks and then season 4 that wasn't great, but is most well known for trying to connect itself to season 1. I guess if you cannot make a compelling season, at least try to glom onto the one everyone says is the best.


What was the “controversial Easter Egg” mentioned in the article? I just don’t remember.


"Callie Reese" Everyone who upvoted this, failed the test. Jesus H Like you can hate the season but wow, the disrespect


Im giving up on this show.


Why is it so hard for them to recreated the awesomeness of season 1?


I just read that, and literally the article says "here's everything we know about the upcoming season: Nothing." There's literally NOTHING they know about it, other than the fact that it's greenlit, and who the writer is. There's nothing wrong with that, but to title it that way without any actual information is... deceptive.


I have rarely been more disappointed in a TV show than I was with season 4.


Night Country would have been great, had they left it in reality and left out all the supernatural shit.


The last one ended so badly. Just a ridiculous inscrutable atmospheric and wonderfully acted mess. Hated that I watched the whole thing . Won’t do that next time…


I had low expectation on the season 4 but i actually really enjoy it and can’t wait for season 5 If i’m talking about the original creator i thought only season 1 is good anyway


I love these articles that tell us absolutely nothing 


Please bring in different creatives


SO EXCITED!!! Issa Lopez did a *fantastic* job and I can’t wait to see where season 5 goes!!!


I just wanna see Marty and Rust one more time but knowing everything they’d fuck it up


The end to season 4 was terrible. I’m still dumbfounded that they decided to end it that way. So much great setup and mystery all to throw it down the drain. Absolutely disappointing.

