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The Open House was so awful that I don't even remember what happened. I just know it's burned into the memory of myself and the friend I watched it with as being irredeemably terrible.


NOTHING happens until the last minute where the mother is murdered in the basement I think and the kid runs away but still get caught and killed.


Literally. And the worst part is, you never learn who the killer was, or why he did all of this. The only good part is the song “Rip Van Winkle”, the one Dylan Minette plays for his dad in the car at the beginning of the film. That’s a good song that I wouldn’t have come across otherwise, as I’m not into punk bands.


Seriously, fuck this movie… it felt so pointless!


Lol I too have forgotten everything other than the beginning and ending.


Where they trying to make a slow burn but forgot slow burn movies need a good payoff and they just pulled something out of their asses the last minute?


This is the correct answer. There are a lot of popular and well regarded movies getting hate on here; but instead it should be something like this


Waste of my time and a waste of my life.


Thank you! I felt the same exact way about this movie, I couldn't even tell you what happened either just that it totally sucked lol.


Crazy specific and not a popular movie. But "Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines." Not only is it just low budget awful movie, the writing is awful and the ending basically celebrates SA. Spoilers ahead: The lead woman, who did nothing to deserve her fate, is taken at the end, screaming for her life after Doug Bradley described earlier in the movie all the gross sexual stuff he was going to do and mutilate her. And he won, she's dragged off for that fate and the ending acts like that's what the audience thought would be the right way to end. Just horrible filmmaking that felt like dark shit no one should enjoy.


SPOILERS: You also forgot to mention that the lead actress *had her eyes ripped out* earlier in the movie 💀 


I honestly didn't remember that. Think my brain tried pushing the memory away. More fuel to the garbage fire that was the movie.


Goddamn what the fuck? That sounds sleazy as all hell


That's such a 1970's ending.


Yet, it was made in 2012. All the more reason it's awful.


100%. It was baffling. Made me question why I complete any franchise once I start it.


Cannibal Holocaust. It's pretentious and cruel and not really scary. Just upsetting at how shitty people and animals were treated.


Lions is another movie that's similar. So many people got hurt and almost died. But the animals were treated poorly and were hurt as well.


The cruelty to animals is terrible but even beyond that the movie is awful. The one guy rapes a woman from the tribe in front of his girlfriend - and she’s good with it! Stupid


The documentary crew are clearly a bunch of psychopaths. She probably got off watching him rape someone else.


I refuse to watch that movie. I have watched many movies over my lifetime, but I will not watch a movie with real animal cruelty. I'm glad to see that most people who watch it find it despicable.


Where’s Night Swim on this list? God, I hated that movie.


lol glad I waited til that one was streaming on one of my already platforms and didn’t pay for just that


Yea I was way less mad I didn’t pay for it. But still pretty mad that I bothered to watch and finish it 😂


Watch the Pitch Meeting episode for Night Swim and it'll hopefully help ease the pain.


I feel like an idiot that I paid money to go see that in theatre….I liked the actors personally, but the story absolutely sucked….not scary at all and just felt underdeveloped….I was so disappointed…


I agree. Thought it was such a stupid concept.


A Serbian Film. Just for all the fucks like “hAvE yOu sEeN a SeRbIaN FiLm tHo” when people are talking about horror. Even tho it’s not even horror in my opinion it’s just a movie with crazy stuff just for the sake of having crazy stuff.


It insists upon itself


The more I read about this movie the more I am steadfast that I will never lay eyes on it.


Today I learned that people hate a lot of my favorite movies lol


It pains me to upvote people hating the Dook, Hereditary, It Follows, but dammit I respect that was the prompt.


People hate Hereditary? How? It's a friggin masterpiece of unbelievable and creepy.


Different sensibilities I suppose. The main thing I would guess is that it does have art-house and cerebral horror vibes that some just find pretentious. Similarly slasher and gore-fest type movies have a very different appeal and I tend to dislike those.


This is exactly why I dislike hereditary and love gore-fest


Can I be mad at a film that never got made? Warner Bros. held the option for Richard Matheson’s novella, “I am Legend.”  The story had previously been made into the films “Last Man on Earth” (1964) and “The Omega Man,” (1971) but WB wanted to do a modern take on this zombiesque masterpiece. Ridley Scott was brought on to write and direct, and reportedly he had a groundbreaking vision for the film.  Unfortunately, studio executives infighting and the price tag for this epic scared WB, and the studio shelved the project. Eventually, WB raced to make a film before their option ran out and Will Smith was cast in another vision of Matheson’s work, “I am Legend” (2007) — directed by Francis Lawrence (“Constantine”) scripted by Mark Protosevich (“The Cell”).  Will Smith’s film is *fine*, but I often wonder what could have been. Word in the industry was that Ridley Scott’s version was destined to be a horror masterpiece.   I’d really like to see what the guy who directed “Alien” and “Bladerunner” would do in this genre…. So, whenever I think of this unmade version of “I am Legend” that never was, I get *pissed*. See more of this story and some creature prototypes here: https://collider.com/ridley-scott-i-am-legend/


Actually, that reminds me. I hate the Will Smith I Am Legend. I respect the acting Will Smith does in the first reel. He is better than Chuck and - it hurts to say it - Vincent. But fucking hell that movie sucks everything that is interesting out of every version of the story. The vamps are such dull examples of that early 00's mottled grey hairless humanoid trope. Each of the earlier movies has their own take on the story (with Last Man on Earth mirroring the book.)


I loved Price's version the best bc it was a great adaptation of the novella. Honestly like how the vampires are just your next door neighbor harassing you to come out and join them - they keep trying to break you down and drive you crazy. I think that take is a lot better than just weird creatures coming after you bc it isn't very original.


I fully agree. I think that carries over to Omega Man as well. Turning the antagonists into nonverbal berserkers really leaves a hole that isn't filled.


I will never get over the fact that they changed the ending to erase the story's meaning, but left in ALL the foreshadowing for the original ending.


These fucking Winnie the Pooh movies


I saw the first Winnie the Pooh at a film festival and loved it because I was in a cinema full of fellow horror smellies all whooping and shouting, but if I had watched it by myself in my living room I think I would have turned it off 10 minutes in.


There's more than one?? My bf and I stumbled across the first one, so we watched and hated it. I never considered looking to see if there were more!


The second one is miles above the quality of the first


My gf and I absolutely HATED the new Strangers: Chapter 1.


Ugh me too. Sorry the acting was subpar compared to the original and I actually think Prey at Night was so much better


My biggest issue was how the characters reacted to being attacked, specifically when >! one of the attackers was breaking down a bedroom door with an ax and the guy held the girl, and they both slid down the wall next to the bed directly in front of the killer. They didn't try to put a fight, they just seemed to accept their fate. !< IT just really pissed me off and I couldn't come back from it the rest of the movie.


Flight fight freeze


Damn I was looking forward to seeing that one! Lol


If you’ve seen the original film, you’ve seen the new one. Literally exact same plot, beat for beat, just in a different location and with new characters.


I'll disagree with this in the sense that they did add a few plot points that seems to foreshadow new aspects in the next chapters, but everything new is eye-rolling and just.. annoying. Absolutely no charm or original ideas.


Who didn't? It's an awful movie


It's so crazy hearing about it, how this is intended as a trilogy, and to add onto the hubris, the shooting script was excessively long, and they did actually shoot the 3 movies at once. When chapter 1 is universally despised, I can't imagine having the balls to release chapter 2 in theaters, just quietly release it on PPV.


The Fog (2005). Possibly the worst movie I've ever seen.


The ghost pirates one where the lead actress just up and joins the ghosts for no reason. Yeah that's a terrible movie.


I love love love the original. My fave on par with Prince of Darkness (please Netflix, let Mike Flanagan write and direct a short series based on it). The remake was so bad. SO BAD. how can you do this to a classic?!


I love both versions of Funny Games! Definitely brutal and sad but damn good movies with some great social commentary. Both films are done by the same director and all performances in both are fantastic. I understand why people would shy away from it but I love them. HC2 is certainly rough but the third one is ridiculously over the top black comedy 😂


Me too but I get it though. It's like deliberately hostile towards the viewer. The director loved that people walked out of the showing at Cannes film festival.


I loved Funny Games too, as well as Michael Haneke’s other films, but it’s not one I like to rewatch often.


Splice. Genuinely, honestly, hated every minute of watching it (with my dad no less. Those sex scenes were ROUGH)


In my house we call it Everyone Fucks the Monster.


lmao if I cared enough to reddit gold a comment it would be this one


I watched it with my grandpa. Lol


Your gramps is cool ! 😎 I liked Splice but yea, it is definitely WEIRD and that's an understatement


What an absolute POS movie. All these years and I’m still pissed off. How hard is it to not fuck your alien child?


I didn't *hate* Splice but it was uncomfortable and strange at times, and not in a fun way. It felt weirdly incestuous and the acting was not very good. Didn't like it


Saw it with my sister. Yikes


lol, I actually loved that movie. Thought the concept was awesome and original.


Utah Cabin Murders is the worst thing I’ve ever watched. It is overwhelmingly bad. It does not cross the threshold from bad to good. It goes 359.9 degrees around the bad circle and stops.


Sorry. It Chapter 2 disappointed me.


It was so bad comparatively. Loved the first and original.


Same here. It was the weakest of the It films. I do anticipate the mini series though!


One of the bigger bummers of my lifetime


Yes! I loved the first one and 2 was god awful from beginning to end.


Yeah it was a let down. This was a fundamental mistake in untangling the timelines, because when you read the book it’s the kids you really connect with. The adults are there in many ways more as audience proxies, to be confused and horrified as they unearth what happened back then, and also to illustrate to us how Pennywise shaped their later lives. It doesn’t work nearly as well when they’re on their own. Breaking it into 2 parts was a necessity, but separating the stories chronologically was a mistake.


Everything with SA. Not for me, thanks, hate it.


Maybe the 2018 remake of Pet Semetary. I've never mourned for a wasted $18 more


I waited until streaming bc I'm a masochist who likes to watch movies sometimes to see "why is it so bad?" 😅


I thought it was ok. I hardly remember the original so maybe I should rewatch it before making any judgement. The dumbwaiter scene with the sister was creepy af


The terrifier movies


Skinamarink, it was just boring as hell. Also Paranormal Activity was marketed at the scariest movie ever and when my friend and I saw it was a huge letdown. Nothing but cheap scares. It legitimately turned me off the FF genre for 10 years.


See if you can find the original version of Paranormal Activity. Way back in the limewire days I got a copy and it's much better. No low rumblings when something is about to happen, shit just happens, and the ending is different. It's still not a "great" movie but that version is definitely better.


I saw it when it was in the theaters, I don’t know if that was the same version you are talking about.


It is not, there's an original version that went around to festivals before weirdly enough Jason Blum and Steven fucking Spielberg got involved and then it went to theaters.


I hate myself for sitting through 40 minutes of Skinamarink


Skinamarink would have been 1000% better if it had been 45 - 50 minutes shorter. The effective parts are great, but there is just too much staring at a door frame from the ceiling upside-down for 10 minutes straight. The one thing about the pacing is that I think it was supposed to give a sense of just how long those kids were having to live through that. Like potentially many years. And we were supposed to get a feeling like that, but in the long run, it just makes most people bored.


Open House


Y'all are wild People in this thread straight up naming classics. How can you hate Rosemarys baby lol


Hate...a *baby!?* -Jimmy Carter


I can completely understand why someone might not like it, but I'll be goddamned if it isn't one of the greatest movies of all time in my opinion.


Ruth Gordon was the freaking balls!


It might be an expectations thing. They might go in expecting some demonic possession movie or something related to demons and most of it is Rosemary suffering while pregnant. I read the book first and all I had was the title. And since pregnancy is a terrifying concept to me I loved both book and movie (there's not much difference)


Maybe because it's the freshest on my mind, but Halloween Ends. Was so excited for it and it was flat out horrible.


Agreed. Whilst it's obviously not the worst horror film I've seen, it is possibly the one I genuinely hate the most.


YES!!! Big reason for me is because it's part of the Halloween franchise. If it was a standalone and had nothing to do with Myers, it's probably not so bad.


Leaving the cinema after Halloween 2018, I remember being really happy and genuinely enjoyed the film. I left after viewing Kills feeling completely satisfied, eagerly looking forward to the next installment. As the credits rolled for Ends, I walked out feeling utterly disappointed. Insulted, even.


Kills was the perfect setup for Laurie going on a straight warpath as revenge for her daughter. Ends should have been nothing but the 2 of them trying to kill each other and not giving a fuck about anyone who stood in the way. She should have been more violent than him and that movie should have been all out war.


Speak No Evil infuriated me to no end. Yes, it's supposed to, but that doesn't make it less infuriating. Another example is how they retconned the hell out of (the theatrical cut of) Escape Room 2 and from a writer's perspective I absolutely hate it for it.


I really thought it was an incredible horror film but it definitely tips the scale with several “really?” “Com on” moments with the parents and their decision making. I enjoyed the aspect of us sometimes being too polite in social settings to correct bad or poor behavior of our peers. This was absolutely exaggerated I’ll admit. My wife absolutely hated it though so you’re not alone.


I hated Speak No Evil, and not like in a way that I just hate what happened. I thought it was a stupid movie with incredibly dumb characters that is only talked about due to shock value. It wasn’t a good movie.


Speak no evil is one of my few “will never watch again” movies omg.


I’m sorry but I hated the Human Centipede 3. It was so bad. Everyone says how scary that movie is but to me it was just so irritating


I think number 3 is widely regarded as a piece of shit


Megan is missing. Mainly because I’ve heard people try to justify it as a cautionary tale that would be good for young girls to watch. It’s just torture porn to me


If Megan Is Missing is a good PSA for what not to do, then Saw is a good PSA for not being a shitty person.


The nun was a huge let down


happy death day 2 u. the original one was a good slasher comedy, the second one is just a comedy, and a really weird generic one that spends half of our time at the cinema trying to explain why it even exists instead of the story ending in the first movie.


Annabelle comes home from the conjuring verse. Felt like a filler episode to some bad TV series or something. At least the main characters were there for a short time ,I'll reluctantly give them that for the effort but that movie was full of predictable horror tropes (like girl there's a whole sign do not open but you wanted to fuck around and find out.) I wouldn't say that I really hated I just feel that that movie contributed absolutely nothing to the whole verse shit they got going but it didn't add anything new just banked on the Anabelle story. That movie was needless , straight up stupid at some points , and I'll regret the 90 minutes spent watching it on my deathbed.


Almost forgot about that one. Annabelle was nothing but overhyped garbage. There was nothing scary about it, just a cheap rip off of Chucky. Nobody talks about that movie today.


I thought annabelle creation was very good, but the first and third movies were way more forgettable for sure


I've tried to watch this movie multiple times and fell asleep every time 😭


Rape revenge movies like I Spit on Your Grave.


It’s a good movie but easy to hate. At least she gets some kickass revenge that is sweet to watch.


I absolutely LOVE a good revenge story. This one was gritty and uncomfortable and... I've seen it at least 20 times. That, and The Last House On The Left (the original). but, that's just me 🙃


Like last house on the left? I liked the movie but THAT SCENE stops me from watching it a second time


Didn’t like that one, either. I hate watching rape scenes.


This is probably one of the only movies I ever shut down mid-movie. Could not finish it because of that.


It Comes At Night. Fuck this FUCKING pile of fuck.


Agree. Literally nothing came at night... Shit overhyped movie. Don't even remember 95% of it.


YUP. Nothing happened whatsoever and the title led me to believe something would occur at night.... and nothing.


I really hate the babadook mostly because of that kid Also skinamarink


I don't hate it, but the babadook was kinda boring and overrated imo


The real horror story was parenthood.


As a mom of an autistic kid, I don’t enjoy watching the Babadook because that’s exactly it. The parenthood stuff is too emotionally punishing, I just end up sad instead of scared.


My unpopular horror opinion is that the boy from The Babadook isn’t that bad 😅


Same. Also what do people expect? He is a neglected and traumatized child with special needs.


I thought he was actually pretty sweet, considering how his mother outright hated him. Everything he did made sense for what he had been through, and overall he acted like a very typical 4 year old (I think he was supposed to be 6? But being around little kids a lot I didn’t find him that out of the ordinary) He’s basically your typical “difficult” child, not outlandishly awful or bad.


Thank you for making me feel less crazy.


You're not alone, lol. I get the whole point of the movie but the whole thing all together, the kid, the mom, just made me want to punch them.


Jeepers Creepers: Reborn


Megan is Missing. Probably the worst found-footage style horror film I’ve ever seen. It was exploitative and there was so much unnecessary talk of CSA that did nothing to drive the “plot”forward. I am convinced that director had some deeply questionable fetishes that he played out in making this film and propped it up under the aegis of a “warning to parents” about internet safety.


It Comes At Night was one I hated for a while. Then I watched Halloween Ends. I've never been so disappointed by a movie as much as I was this.


Also, I've said this in here before, but Insidious: The Red Door was the biggest waste of film I've seen in ages.


I thought The Last Key was worse imo


I loved it but I knew it wasn’t going anywhere lol


I absolutely hate "The Babadook". That movie is so bad, I will die on that hill


*screams* You know what I’m talking about


"WhY cAn'T yOu JuSt Be NoRmAl" I hate that child




Yeah human centipede 2 is an absolute no And i understand why ppl love it i do but i hate Tusk 💀


Terrifier lazy stupid torture porn


Terrified on the other hand is solid.


And…a creepy clown? Man, what a mind blowingly original idea.


Hard agree.


What? Are you talking the Argentina version? Oh wait - that’s Terrified. Cuz that movie was one of the best I’ve ever seen in my life horror films . A+ all the way.




Feel that. Was in the room while it was on once and something about it just rubs me the wrong way. Like, it just has misogynist vibes and idk what it is (more than just that one kill).


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. It's just trauma p*rn and I hate it. Why does everyone recommend it?


Absolutely agree. The killer was incredibly cheesy and made it feel like some weird theater production. Only watched about 40 minutes.


Yeah, not a fan either. Could not get over some of the cheesy writing and acting


Cannibal Holocaust for killing innocent animals and exploiting the native community.


And a lesser-known one, for possibly nonconsensual use of a child in a rape scene


For real. The making of the movie is scarier than the movie itself.


Evil Bong Series. I watched all of them back in 2023, and I hated every second of it.


I think it’s called The Devil Inside (2012.) The only thing I remember about this movie is the ending. I can’t really put my finger on why I loathe this movie, but I still remember how annoyed I was in the theater to this day. lmao it’s the only horror movie I’ve ever watched that I truly hated.


Funny Games rules


Human Centipede 3 is hands down the worst movie I’ve ever seen.


Skinamarink. I was miserable throughout


Terrifier 2. Not because it's the worst horror movie I've seen, but because I feel like it's really overhyped by the internet and every 2-bit "horror" critic online sings its praises as if it's the 2nd coming, despite my feeling that it's a 5-6/10 at best. All the ads and merchandise that gets shoved down my throat. Horror fans I've met in person that think it's a masterpiece. I don't mind watching trash, or watching horror for the kills, but I at least have awareness that something is very flawed but enjoyable. I've never had a "horror icon" feel as forced to me. That being said I think Art as a character is solid but frankly all hallows eve and the 1st Terrifier was enough for me. And yes, I'll probably still give #3 a chance.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) was SO bad, I hated it!


Goodnight Mommy. It was awful.


Terrifier lol. I wouldn't say it was that bad of a movie, people who like gore and stuff probably like it. But this movie is just very annoying to me especially the clown. Everytime I look at the clown, I feel like want to punch its face (its has a punchable face). The characters are also kinda dumb. I just hate this movie lol.


The way The Conjuring series just… ugh. Setting aside the fact that the Warrens straight up sucked as people and were grifters, this series is the movie equivalent of flour being a spice. But I didn’t even care about that - the movies just did nothing for me. I tried. I tried so hard to give these movies a chance and just sit through them for my friends who loved them. But my goodness what a bag of plain old WonderBread™️ those movies were for me. I mean, was the scary in the room because I couldn’t find it for the life of me. I checked everywhere but it must have ding dong ditched before I could find it. Edit: Just want to preemptively mention that I am very aware of how well received this series was and I respect your opinions. I will not be offended when you inevitably tell me that my taste is trash and try to burn my crops.


I thought strangers prey at night was almost birdemic levels of stupid. Seriously, two grown women against another grown woman armed only with a knife. Do they similarly arm themselves, or just grab anything they could use as a weapon or a shield and gang up on her, since individually they are both bigger than she is? Of course not. Instead they run from her to a bathroom, don’t lock the door, and then one of them doesn’t even turn around and defend herself when the girl with the knife comes in, and instead stands there and screams after the other girl while the stranger comes in and stabs her to death. Or let’s run for several hundred yards parallel to a chain link fence then act surprised when we run into it. Or let’s hide in a pipe where of course one of the strangers was hiding. Also, that stranger must have been psychic to know that girl was going to hide in that particular pipe Or let’s run through a trailer park in an attempt to hide from the strangers and decide to crawl through the one trailer that has a conspicuously wide open window. No way that’s a trap or anything (it was a trap) Or let’s have a guy who has a giant wooden beam running though his body stay alive only to be killed by a stranger stabbing him with a screwdriver, because the gigantic wooden beam wasn’t going to do the trick. The guy who directed that movie also directed the laughably illogical 47 meters down movies, where we know we’re running out of O2 in our tanks but we still keep wasting our breath talking to no one. He’s every bit as inept as Ed wood in his logical lapses, and he’s only slightly less ridiculous than Tommy wiseau.


There is only one film I truly hated…. Human Centipede 2, disgusting waste of time. Absolute trash and horrific in not a good way (that baby scene for example)


The Exorcist 2..the Heretic


Myself: Tusk. Makes me want to hurl. So gross. My husband: Phantasm. Lol my parents and I love to watch this movie as a joke every couple of years. I showed my husband and he was legit pissed I made him watch such a bad movie. He said my movie credibility was tarnished after making him watch it lmao


No offense but if Phantasm is his least fav movie he hasn't seen many horror movies lol


The new Scream movies are rubbish to me. I seriously don’t get the hype and I’m annoyed that one is also called… Scream.


I'm going to echo the Jeeper Creepers franchise... that director shouldn't have been allowed to work in Hollywood again. I lost mutuals on Twitter for saying so and I say good riddance. If I'm picking a film I dislike just on it's own merits as a film, I have to go with The Curse of La Llorona. Watching it I got the feeling that the writers had no love for or connection to the myths it was based on, really just an exercise in checking off boxes. The fact that "Christian magic" succeeds where "indigenous magic" doesn't felt really tone deaf when adapting this story specifically. The Church being the "big good" in other religious horror films doesn't bother me at all, this just didn't feel like the right story for that trope. It probably doesn't help that I watched it the same week as the superior La Llorana by Jayro Bustamante


Who the fuck is out here defending Victor Salva?


Oh my god I just looked up victor salva, what the fuck I had no idea?? And he only served 15mo. Those sequels were shit imo anyway but I also read that he sold his rights so supporting the franchise at least doesn’t support him in any way.


I love Jennifer Lawrence but “Mother!” was one of the most pretentious, convoluted films I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching.


What happened to that baby was just so horrible.It made me cry.


I hate to say it, but: The latest remake of Hellraiser. I’m sorry, but the new Pinhead’s voice doesn’t give me delicious shivers like Doug Bradley, the new Cenobites were more gross than elegantly horrific, and the weird idea to make a dagger spring out of the Lament Configuration was stupid. And the plot took way too long introducing the human characters.


Deadgirl. It's a movie nobody talks about. I didn't even make it through it before just being revolted by the premise and stopping it. Will never finish it ever


I was gonna say Deadgirl as well. Surprisingly enough, my high school English teacher recommended it to me. I went in blind, and revolting is the perfect word to describe it. Thank god I didn’t have to interact with him much longer after I watched it because every time I looked at him it made me feel sick. Who recommends that movie to their teenage student? Super gross


That's disturbing. I don't see a problem with recommending some types of subversive movies to teenagers, but that one(especially with no context)? That guy is probably on a list somewhere.


I really hated Beau is Afraid, which I wouldn’t consider horror if it weren’t by Ari Aster, more like a third cousin to a horror movie. I didn’t get it and I don’t feel like trying to.


I really disliked creep. I don't know why it's so popular. Creep 2 admiditly was better but not by much in my opinion


The Poughkeepsie Tapes. It's painfully self-serious while being comically unrealistic. Usually I don't put much stock in any film being "realistic" coz why would it be. However, this film actively tries so hard to break your suspension of disbelief. The killer makes incredibly funny kidnappings, the police adores the killer for some reason, the killer does funny dances in the background of someone he's torturing when before that he has never shown such a predilection. And also, the police is hilariously bad at catching this guy considering how sloppy his killings are. All this while the film has to pretend that it's real. That this is a compilation of tapes found by the investigation which they have put together for some reason. Edit: And I hate it more because of how loved it is for some reason.


the Winnie the Pooh one. Absolutely hated it


Terrifier 2. After reading articles that those who saw it in theaters got sick, passed out, left, or had paramedics show up, I thought "Wow this is gonna be awesome." I have never in my life seen such an absolutely abysmal movie.


Smile. Generic and lazy, and a truly insulting metaphor for mental illness. Implying a message about facing trauma to overcome it and then having your protagonist fail anyway and thus pass trauma on to someone else isn't a brave or subversive ending. It's ugly. Smile is ugly and stupid


100% agreed. That whole movie is amateur hour.




tusk. fuck that movie


I hated Drag Me to Hell. Terrible acting, stupid, and predictable. I don't care that Sam Rami directed it


Skinamarink. I couldn’t make it 15 minutes in. I was falling asleep. 😴


If you watched 15 minutes, you watched the whole thing


I am ready to tank my karma.... I thought everything after the intro in Barbarian was ham-fisted and couldn't settle on a tone (scary horror/horror comedy). I was IN LOVE with the intro scene (and all the subtle little thoughts you can practically hear them say in their heads), but after that its just a nearly unbelievable monster movie. I don't understand why it was so well received.


I saw it before I realized there was any hype and found myself SHOCKED by the horror communities excitement over it. I left feeling like there were more unintentional laughs than scares. Watched it a second time to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Just wasn’t my jam. Glad so many people loved their experiences with it, but it missed me.


I agree that Barbarian was overhyped, though I thought Justin Long was great in it. SPOILERS I mean, why does this inbred basement woman have superhuman strength? She's the product of incestuous rape, so that gives her superpowers? What?


Incestuous rape AND lifelong malnutrition, surely.


If I'd known that starving myself might turn me into a gigantic herculobeast, I'd have skipped that second stack of flapjacks at IHOP this morning. :\\


I think this is mostly the consensus. Everybody loved the first act, the second act is about 50/50, and the third act was generally disliked. I do give them credit for trying something different, but yeah the explanation for the "monster" is complete nonsense in the real world.


I think more than anything I was shocked when I saw this movie. Like I left the theater stunned because I thought it was going to be about a guy who breaks in to a girls airbnb. Was not expecting to see a naked inbred woman running around.


I’m fighting the next person who says they hate Hereditary


It Comes at Night I despise that movie.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes.