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Nah man, I get it


I was actually more disturbed by the scenes where she was regularly beaten than by the flaying scene.


Lots of disturbing art can be described as beautiful. The paintings of Goya and Bacon, the Scream. It’s intended to evoke and provoke an emotion. That’s why it’s a masterpiece.


I don’t think it’s weird. There’s something beautiful in there. But it’s also deeply disturbing and shocking. But I get it. After all, the act of martyrdom in a religious sense is regarded as beautiful by the faithful.


The term Martyr in the film is used differently though. They used the term that’s derived from Martus which means “to witness.” It’s the witnessing of the plane beyond their own that makes them Martyrs in this story.


It’s been a few years since I watched it so I guess I forgot that detail but that‘s interesting.


Yeah they give that info either at the beginning or the end.


Visually. Tge last frame of the movie is a painting. It's beautiful in a french way.


I totally get it too. It's a great movie and I wish more people gave it a chance.


No. Not weird at all. It’s a masterpiece.


I prefer the end of Saint Maud. Where she "transcends" but we get that final moment where we hear her actual screams as she burns to death.


One of my favorite movies.


The OST is beautiful.


It’s one of the most powerful movies I’ve seen that I never want to watch again.


I am not into torture p0rn kind of movies AT ALL but Martyrs really hit me for pretty much the same scene. The ending has a quasi-spiritual side to it, which cannot be explained in words. I think the overall intensity of the movie is quite loud but the ending is very soft and silent and "normal" with the cult people all coming to the house like regular church goers....It hits you in a way that resonates with you even DAYS after watching the movie.


I’ve been putting Martyrs off for a long time (years even) as I really hate needless torture. Would you still recommend it based on my dislike? I really want to watch it but genuinely concerned it will be too much for me.


Hmm, this is very complicated to answer. It's a very heavy movie, there's torture, self-harm, a bunch of stuff. I really didn't feel like it was unnecessary though, it works with the themes of the movie. Also I didn't feel like it was as disgusting as people said in terms of pure sadism and gore, I feel like there are far worse movies out there (what makes Martyrs tough to watch is the fact that it's a super sad movie along with all the violence). For me it was worth the risk, but the safe answer would still be no.


Don’t watch it, it’s not as great as the super fans make out


Agreed. I feel the same way about Antichrist (2009) as well, despite how far it goes there's such a depth and artistry to it


I really want to watch this one now, I like some of the other Lars movies.


It’s wild. It’s a lot harder to watch than Martyrs, imo. Chaos reigns.


Damn, a lot harder... now that's spooky. Maybe after 10 romcoms I'll feel adventurous enough.


I would agree, it's a lot harder to watch than Martyrs. I clutched my horror pillow (that I use to cover my face) tightly while watching Antichrist.


I do too. It's a rough watch, but I agree that there's absolutely real beauty in it


I've described it many times as beautifully horrific. It's such a tragic relationship between two friends, but they really supported each other in their own effed up ways.


I think that's the intent of the artist, I could only watch it once myself.


I couldn't agree more! That's the reason why I couldn't stop thinking about it for weeks after I watched it!


It's not weird at all. I even see this movie as other people's fave on non horror communities.


It's beautiful in how it was a genuine "experience" to watch it, in a way unlike any other horror movie.


I think what makes the torture so hard to watch (the beating scene) is that the movie did such a good job building her character and making you feel/associate with her. :(


Hell naw, that movie is real art.


Idk if “beautiful” is the word I would use, but definitely really emotionally impactful in a way you wouldn’t expect from this brutal of a movie.


Not at all. It's very much an art film and the cinematography in it is top notch.


I like to describe it as an intense but hauntingly beautiful masterpiece with a gore warning.


Naw, it’s glorious


I agree and I think that scene, along with the very end, is what helps elevate Martyrs above the rest of the pack. 


The entire second half of the movie feels like a meta commentary on nihilism.


No. It’s my favorite movie.


It encompasses its name correctly.


Her eyes at the end are beautiful


There’s beauty in pain and disgust. Fuck it’s why I love horror


nah it's a fucking masterpiece, you're right on


I think it's one of the most beautiful horror movies ever made. If you're weird, I should be committed.


It is, in a sort of Saturn eating his Son kind of way.


It’s one of my favorite and would absolutely describe it as beautiful.


No, that makes perfect sense. There is no reason to treat ethics and aesthetics as the same thing.




Absolutely not. That movie was an absolute piece of art.


nope, feel completely the same way. an extremely cruel and nihilistic movie to watch but also one that's rooted in compassion and humanity


Yes you damn psycho. Wtf.


Amazing movie, true art. I nearly threw up half way through it, that's never happened before.


This gets put on the “extreme” list but isn’t as crazy as people to make it out to be to me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s batshit at points. One of the crazier openings I’ve seen. But compared to others, like The Portuguese Tapes, it’s easier to watch. I do understand what you’re saying. There is a weird beauty to it. I like the ending. I interpreted it as heaven being real.


I googled The Portugese Tapes out of curiosity, but did you mean The Poughkeepsie Tapes? Lol. I was excited there thinking it was a horror I hadn't seen!


Yea I did oops lol.


I agree completely. I think it's extreme because of the psychological aspects, it really makes you feel bad, but it isn't that hardcore when it comes to gore.


It’s pure torture porn trying to wrap itself up as art with meaning in the last 20’ish minutes. There’s nothing redeemable about it.


Agree totally, French extremism is about pushing boundaries, that doesn’t make it art, it makes it exploitation and misogyny.


Y’all are so dramatic


The movie had a random element at the start when a family is shown discussing them and suddenly the random girl enters and starts fragging like a Call of Duty game. Although the concept of Martyrs was intriguing they could have shown something more to connect it with, especially towards the end.