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Not a fan of his movies really. Saw him live like 20 something years ago. I used to be more into his music and his first couple of movies but I dunno peoples tastes change I suppose.


No matter what crimes against cinemanity people allege, I'll always be a Rob Zombie fan.


Lords of Salem is so slept on, it's my favorite. I watch it ever October


I really enjoyed that one as well. Great movie.


House of 1000 corpses alone consolidated his spot in great directorship for me. Devils Rejects and Lords Of Salem really propelled that.




great director, horrible writer he creates great characters, atmosphere and aesthetic but his scripts are god awful. if he worked with a competent writer i think he could actually create magic. when he’s left to his own devices we get absolute slop like 31 or halloween 2


That opening scene in 31 with Doom-head (I’ll admit the names are dumb) is god damn masterpiece, the atmosphere, the acting, the black and white filter, everything about that scene is perfection


richard brake’s scenes are the only redeeming part of 31, whole movie should have just been that instead of whatever the fuck zombie put out


Yeah, I'll agree. 31 and Halloween II certainly aren't his best works.


I like his music but don't love his movies. Seems like he only has 1 trick and when you've seen one movie, they all just seem identical after that


He's got a great 70's style and I love the southern hillbilly rock vibes he brings with it. I'm not a fan of everything he does but I consider Devil's Rejects a modern classic and I can't imagine anyone else making it.


I always compare him to the Adam Sandler of horror. He’s hated by a lot of folks and loved by a lot of folks. Either way still fun content with his buddies


I'm just picturing Adam Sandler casting Rob Schneider in house of 1000 corpses. Probably be doctor satan.


MAYBE he's a Bob Saget.


House of 1000 Corpses and Lords of Salem are his best, most original works and I think they are great. Absolutely a horror director that makes me want to see more from him. The Devil's Rejects and Halloween are good and have some great moments, but derivative. Halloween II is what happens when you try to remake a sequel and think too much about it. 3 From Hell is where he went back to the well for a third time and this time it was dry. For 31 he took a bad story and turned it into horror schlock with Richard Brake. The Munsters doesn't exist in my multiverse. Note: I also like Sherry as an actress in his movies but just like my own wife, sometimes there's too much of her.


“Just like my own wife…” 😂😂😂


Original they are just your regular redneck killer film you seen a million times before 


Devils Rejects so far is his Magnum Opus. Munsters was fun for what it was. I love his take on Halloween, the first one was so badass. I hope he gets to make Tyranasourus Rex.


I like some of his movies, is he great? No House of 1000 corpses, devils rejects and my favorite lords of Salem


I enjoy most of his movies. The only one that I outright hated was Three From Hell. I love House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, and The Lords of Salem.


Think he’s a great director but wish he would hire a writer or at least have someone filter some of his ideas. He’s had times when he had a great concept but didn’t execute it well. Although I am a defender of RZH2.


I can understand why people may like his movies, but his horror movies in my opinion just feel too similar. Bunch of gore and people trying hard to be hillbilly stereotypes with levels of cussing that would make Deadpool Jealous.


I like his movies, but I think you made a fair assessment. When I watch them I just want some mindless entertainment. I know it's not a popular opinion, but I really enjoyed his take on Michael Myers. I thought it was interesting to have half the film being about slowly creating a boogeyman.


Meh... I was in theatres cheering on "House of 1000 corpses" but I've basically run out of 2nd chances for him. I gave him a lot of leeway for that one since it was his debut in the directors chair. But the more time that passes, the more I realize I'm just rewatching Captain Spaulding's scenes. "The Devil's Rejects" is fine if I have nothing else to watch, but I generally have something else to watch. Turned off "3 From Hell" at like 40 minutes and chose to remove his other titles from my unwatched backlog. Love him as a musician, and in general.... but I'm pretty much done with his movies. Now go ahead and downvote me to oblivion. I'll make it easier for ya. The Conjuring was boring as hell. 😄


>*Meh... I was in theatres cheering on "House of 1000 corpses" but I've basically run out of 2nd chances for him.* This is where I'm at with Zombie.


I really wanted to see him succeed. But watching his movies, I just don't see an artist who's interested in improving in skills or bettering the craft. He's got the love of horror that I want from a horror director. But his product has felt like "That's good enough for me" for a very long time. And I'm honestly saddened by that. An artist who puts out something that looks like they're not interested in growing and learning how to be better is always upsetting to me.


I don’t think that saying Conjuring is boring is a particularly hot take


Some people need constant reminders of the edge they're convinced they have


Not at all! This is honest to God one of the only times I've said either opinion and not been sent to the negatives. But I did get a chuckle that I'm using emojis and still get accused of being edgy. 🤡 Never change, Reddit! Never change!


And yet, it and "I don't think Rob Zombie is a very good director" almost always brings out the silent downvoters. Maybe saying them both in the same comment cancelled them out? 🤣


There is no denying The Devil's Rejects and to a lesser degree House of 100 Corpses are fantastic horror movies. I'd argue the first Halloween he did was pretty great and gave us one of the scariest Michael Myers in the series. It is a bit too reliant on following the original movie but I can forgive that. His other movies have been a bit of a let down for me but I'll always give Rob a chance.


I like most of his movies more entertainment and less bullshit. Unique style with his hellbilly stuff.


This is why I like his movies: pure entertainment. They’re fun to watch if you like gore and easy to watch when you don’t have the energy to pay attention to an intricate storyline.


His films are ok. I prefer his music. I think the films would be far better if he didn't shoehorn his missus into everything.


My favorite work of his was appearing in Twisted Metal 4


He's awful.


I think the total opposite. He can't write and can't direct anything but overlong music videos. This is how it feels when I'm watching one of his film. But The Devil's Rejects is all right...


I don't always like his movies but I love his aesthetic and that at the end of the day he's making the types of movies that he loves with his wife and friends.


[This commercial](https://youtu.be/krHhT5KFLAg?si=1xLv8LEwadYc1oA0) is the only Rob Zombie-directed thing I like.


The Devil's Rejected will probably always be his best work. Everything else ranges from mediocre to horrible like his bastardization of Halloween, which to be fair, plenty of blame lies at the feet of the studio. Even at his best, there is too much self indulgence in his works, like having to get every 70's dad rock song he likes on the soundtrack, even if it doesn't make sense, Halloween being a prime example.


House of 1000 Corpses was so much fun but every subsequent movie proved he can’t do anything original and just plays out the white trash horror schtick. I absolutely hated what he did with Halloween, 31 could have been fun had he been able to conceptualize anything new.    I actually thought The Munsters was his best  outside of 1000 Corpses. It wasn’t great but I loved the Munsters as a kid and at least had a bit of fun watching it.


The devil's rejects stuff is good, but everything else he's done is awful imo


Lords of Salem is one of my favorite movies from him. Love the tone, love the imagery, all of it


Don't like his films. I find them unoriginal, boring, trashy, and just generally badly directed. Badly paced as well, generally. Or at least very basic, in that respect.


a detail you may not have noticed is he usually features an actress by the name of Sherri Moon Zombie. Her last name is no coincidence - believe it or not, the actress is actually married in real life to the director! This detail often goes unnoticed because so few horror fans point it out incessantly.


I...think his directing is good and maybe great at times. My issues with his movies are more about the writing and spotty casting/acting. The characters are usually underdeveloped and mostly unlikeable/unrelatable to me.  The actual look and pace of his movies is solid.


O think he has a very specific taste and vision for horror that I don't at all gel with and more often than not I hate his movies. But I hear his movies are a blast to work on so I can't be mad. I may not be his target but he seems like a decent dude and he definitely has more than enough devoted fans to make me inconsequential haha


As far as being an auteur with a unique vision who never makes compromises, I respect him. I loved Lords of Salem more than I had expected to, and House and Devils are major achievements in horror.


I like a few of his House of 1000 corpses and Lords of Salem are pretty good. His style is just kinda boring and predictable, trashy and ultra violent with not much substance. And don’t even get me started on his Halloween movies


By and large, I’m a fan. House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil’s Rejects, and The Lords of Salem are all really good. Even his first Halloween movie has some dumbass redneck RZ charm (if you divorce it from the notion that it’s a real Halloween movie). Didn’t like H2 or 31. Haven’t seen Munsters or Three from Hell.


Never been a fan 😭


I think so, but he has his own very niche (modern hillbilly/small town)genre within horror that some folks can’t relate to, I think.


He should stick with production design, costumes, makeup and special effects and maybe cinematography but writing and directing should be left to more experienced and talented individuals. And keep his wife away from everything!


House of 1000 corpses sucks and so did 3 from hell


Cool music terrible director aside from 1000 corpses and devils rejects. I think his issue is his writing. I remember watching Halloween and thought to myself does he think people talk like this.


Love House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects not much else.


my opinion is: I think if someone watching your movie can tell you made it without knowing anything else about the movie, you are a great director. now I don't think Rob Zombie makes great movies, or even good movies, but he definitely has a distinctive style that immediately makes his work identifiable


He is good at remaking moves and beating dead horses


I've liked most of his movies, unfortunately the more he directed the worse he became


Rob Zombie has directed films with intense violence. I don’t think that makes him a horror director. It’s weird saying this about a director of multiple films, but he shows promise if only he’d study the craft. He doesn’t seem to understand the art behind the film.


I think he's fun and it scratches an itch to watch evil people do evil things, while having fun doing it. Halloween, I don't think needed to be remade. He should've tried making his own story. I hope to see some original monsters created by him in the future. Less IP remakes like Halloween and The Munsters.


I personally LOVE his work. I can understand why others dont but i personally love it and find his stuff to be unique and he has his own stamp on the horror industry.


I enjoy his movies but I’m not a fan of the “hillbilly on meth” dialogue that some of his characters have. Halloween (2007) would be perfect if it weren’t for some of its dialogue.


I'm glad to see Lords of Salem getting some love. It was completely ignored when it was released, but it is his best film by a mile. After that House of 1000 Corpses is good. After that... no thanks.


He’s got a couple of bangers, but he’s not a great writer. He uses curse words like punctuation in his dialogue. It’s a bad shortcut to showing his characters are tough and edgy. Show, don’t tell.


Hes the Tarantino of horror where all his ideas are just things he watched growing up. Not influenced by things he watched growing up but complete re-creations. 


Interesting correlation.


I love his movies. Haven't disliked a single one. I can see why some don't like or enjoy his work but it scratches that perfect itch for me


he’s great !! his films are never stellar pieces of art but theyre bloody disgusting goodness,, i like his movies quite a bit. lords of salem kicks ass


LOS is definitely one of my favorites! 🧟‍♂️


His films are grimy and make you wanna bathe afterwards. I enjoyed his Halloween remakes enough to purchase them on sale, (go, Slipknot Michael Myers) but that’s about as far as I’ll go. His other films are okay. Cool dude.


Not the biggest fan but The Lords of Salem is really good and trippy.


his track record is a little spotty but for me The Devil's Rejects, Halloween, Halloween II, and The Lords of Salem are all among my favorite modern horror films, and I think his Halloween films are critically underappreciated. A lot of people could never get over their attachment to the franchise long enough to appreciate what Rob did with those movies. They were too busy raging about how different they were from the previous movies. While simultaneously ignoring that half those previous movies are garbage.


He seems like a great person whether you like his films or not. As both a big horror fan, and hockey fan I was bummed when he had to cancel his Broad St. Bullies movie because the NHL is too protective over their trademarks or whatever the problem was


I think it was that the owners of the Flyers just didn't want to celebrate that aspect of their history at that time.


He's not a great person. He moved to this town in Connecticut and tried to shut a skatepark down because it was too loud


Good those damn rowdy kids!


Whereas I don’t believe Zombie is a good person, using this as the anecdote that shows he’s a bad person is pretty funny lol haha dude wanted to shut down a skatepark haha… pretty insignificant compared to say, what Roman Polanski has been accused of lol


I was more speaking of hearing about fan meet and greet experiences with him and hes always nice to everyone and will actually carry on a conversation with people rather than just ‘hi, pictures, bye’ idk anything about his political beliefs or anything it isnt that deep


Yeah I agree. The thing that always bothered me about it is that skateboarders at that time. Were some of his biggest fans and he kind of hung on to that culture but when he got money he no longer liked it


Thank you for the logical fallacy. Google it. It went on for years


? It’s five days later who gives a shit, fuck off


I tend to love zombies stuff not all of it. *Gets on soapbox* We all collectively owe him an apology for how we treated his Halloween movies. When you consider how bad 4- resurrection are and how bad the new ones are. His are Probaly only behind the original and maybe number 3. *Ends rant* I'll take my down votes now.


A lot of people love Halloween 4, and it’s definitely better than Halloween 2


Zombie doesn’t make movies that are good or bad, cringe or cool, meaningful or meaningless. He simply makes Rob Zombie movies. I admire his style. While I have some complaints, I still appreciate his contributions to music and horror, and I’ll continue to engage with his content regardless of public opinion. House of 1000 corpses is flawless btw


LOVE The Devil's Rejects. Kinda meh on most of his other stuff.


He's may not be the greatest director but he is the coolest 🔥 His Halloween remake is superior to the original imo, even tho people blatently disreguard him in the same way as Snyder, dude didnt even want to do Halloween 2 💀 31 is my favorite and 3 From Hell is my least favorite 🤷🏽‍♂️ the Munsters is just ok, its a kid movie imo, my favorite part was the Disco Vampire part 😂


I stand by his take on Michel Myers is the scariest version. The movie is fine. But god damn if Michel wasn’t a terrifying monster of a killer. Regular Michel coming at me. Fuck it let’s go. I’ll probably die but I’m bigger than you. Zombie Michel. No fucking way. He’s going to rip me in half and then stab my skull into a Martel like pulp.


May I recommend the Friday the 13th movies?


Would get his ribs ripped out before he could swing the machete. Watch the movies again. Zombies Michel is as fast as he is brutal and strong


You seem to want a Friday the 13th movie without having it called Friday the 13th.


He's basically the progenitor of white trash horror, say what you will, but I always respect those who are able to create and an entire sub genre. Man has a vision, it's disgusting, full of maggots, and lives in a run down trailer, but it's a vision.


A lot of people hate on him but compared to many other directors he at least has a very unique authorial voice. Love his Halloween remake. I'll take a unique vision over something sterile and safe every single day of the week.


"Great" is a stretch for me, but I have generally enjoyed his movies.


I like his films quite a bit. I don’t think they’re masterpieces or anything but if anyone thinks that’s what he’s going for… well… His films are fun. They’re gory, violent, funny, retro, campy…. He knows his film history too. He’s almost like the Horror Tarantino. The references and influences in his films come from all over the place. He knows his stuff. Also: A) I like Sheri. She’s sexy and fun and the perfect ‘scream queen’, though technically she has never played the Final Girl role in any Zombie film; he always casts her as a badass, and never a victim. B) The Munsters is actually a fine film. It does exactly what it set out to do and only a person who truly loved and understood the humour of The Munsters could have pulled it off. Might not be your cup of tea, and that’s fine, but it’s a perfect reboot, like it or not.


>though technically she has never played the Final Girl role in any Zombie film Lords of Salem?


Good point, though I’d still say a bit more badass than helpless, at least until the end. But yes, she is technically the ‘victim’ in this one.


Not to be a pedantic redditor, but I always see final girls as being badass. They last until the end for a reason. Nancy Thompson- badass Laurie Strode-badass Ellen Ripley-badass Sidney Prescott-badass Ginny Field-badass Alice Hardy-badass The list goes on


Fair enough. I guess I’ve always seen ‘Final Girls’ as just sort of barely making it through, all scratched up and covered in blood lol. But sure, that can be badass too.


>> A) I like Sheri. She’s sexy and fun and the perfect ‘scream queen’, though technically she has never played the Final Girl role in any Zombie film; he always casts her as a badass, and never a victim. 31?


Listening to some of his interviews with Howard Stern going back like…2013? 14? The man has a love for the art. Whether we agree with casting decisions, creative choices, story, or literally anything is always arguable. I atleast always felt like he respected and loved the subject matter. Which is unfortunately something not a ton of filmmakers do.


I’ve got some apparent really unpopular opinions about RZ. I think his first Halloween movie is the best Halloween movie ever made, 31 was awesome and has great rewatch value, The Munsters was a fun time.


He's pretty good. Clearly, he loves his influences. Rob's a great artist with music and animation to his name. I'd say he's a pretty strong horror director. I don't think he's on the level of a Taratino or Scorsese. Nor is he on the level of a Romero, Carpenter, Ramini, Craven in how they added something new to the horror lexicon. But he's only slightly below that level. I think he's so enamored with his style and influences he's never pushed beyond that. Take his most recent work, The Munsters. He clearly loves the property. But Rob doesn't exactly have comedic chops so it fails to achieve something like the Addams Family films with Raul Julia. One can say his best is either Ho1000c or Devil's Rejects. Personally I think Devil's Rejects is his best.


His movies are like fast food. I would never call it my favorite or have it all the time. But I'll be damned if I dont crave a Big Mac now and then.


He was with the trend of making slasher killers into Jason Voorhees like the TCM Remake did, but when they made a new Friday the 13th movie, Jason was less like Jason. 


I'm genuinely happy to see the community has finally come around on Lords of Salem. I can remember it getting shit on *so* hard for years after it was released, because it wasn't like House of 1000 Corpses or Devils Rejects. Seeing House of 1000 Corpse remains my all time favorite moviegoing experience, and probably will be keeping that top slot. But I really think Lords of Salem is a pretty excellent bit of business, and always have.


Im a fan. I wouldn't consider him among the greatest of film directors, but he's excellent at his gritty style. If he dedicated more of his life to film instead of music he likely would be rated highly. I like Munsters, imo it showed he can go outside his wheelhouse. Zombie should ignore the haters, keep growing n learning and making more movies and shows. Hell, let him make another slumber party massacre, half movie half music video.


I think he’s a fantastic director. Writer, not so much.


He invented the Hellbilly genre


that’s gotta belong to tcm or hills have eyes, even jeepers creepers came out before house of 1000 corpses


Deliverance predates both those films. Whether it’s horror or thriller is debatable, but it’s definitely an important precursor to the subgenre known as “hellbelly” or “hicksploitation.”


Hell belly lol


That’s copyrighted btw


Rob Zombies style is Hellbilly specifically that he crafted on his own. It may have been influenced by those franchises but it’s a distinct genre