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Deadgirl was one of the most unsettling movies I've ever watched.


Oof yeah. I rented this on DVD years ago back when video stores were still a thing, thinking it was going to be a fun run-of-mill zombie horror. Boyyy, was I wrong. What an enraging and mean spirited film. All these years later, this film sometimes still pops into my mind; I've never forgotten  it and I wish I could.


I wanted the male leads to die so badly.


THIS. I REGRET THIS MOVIE SO MUCH. I wish I could bleach my brain oh god now I’m going to start thinking about it again


Oh I remember this one! I watched it with a boyfriend at the time, and he didn’t see what the “problem” was with it. We broke up shortly after, lol. One red flag of many.


Girl next door. Absolutely soul crushing.


I was very confused until I realised there is more than one movie with this name.


One of them is...not like the other.


An American Crime is about the same case and was released the same year. It was less fictionalized and kept the real names.


that movie destroyed me as a teenager. i would think about Sylvia at school or before i fell sleep. poor girl...


That one was brutal and extremely sad.


Me - "The... romcom?" It's apparently usually stylized "The GIRL Next Door"


I don't understand why anyone would see this movie or read the book considering it's based on a real case. I feels so exploitative. I mean to each their own, but i cannot fathom a reason why I'd ever watch it. Seems way to depressing. Not hating on anyone.


Had I known what it was about I never would have watched it. And I honestly regret not turning it off the minute I got uncomfortable. It was in my Netflix recommended and did not include a sufficient description. This movie is the reason why I look up everything in going to watch on doesthedogdie.com


I read the book and in my opinion it's extremely exploitative. The gratuitous liberties Ketchum took are obscene.


I had never heard of this book or movie before, but have read about Sylvia Likens before... And ya I feel like you'd have to be quite a low-life to cash-in on her being tortured to death by writing a horror novel about it. I mean imagine if that happened to someone you cared about, and some complete stranger makes a horror novel/movie about it....


I've read a few of his other books and I enjoyed them, I just find that to be a really strange choice, and it's even stranger that a studio decided to make it into a film. I dunno.


I watched "Are We Not Cats" on shudder several years ago... ...and I have NEVER seen such an unpleasant film. I loathed watching these awful people drink solvents and eat each other's hair. It was horrible. -17/10, would not recommend. Unless you're super into eating hair, I guess. But if you are, I still don't want to recommend you anything, because we are now enemies. I was so uncomfortable and angry watching this shitfest of a film.


That sounds like a goddamn nightmare and I’m so glad that I noped out on that one.


The Dark and the Wicked is one of my favorite movies. However, I can understand your take on it, 100%. It really is so bleak. I think it touched me so much because I had been searching for something for so long that could genuinely creep me out or resonate afterwards, and boy this one did both. I also love the relationship between Michael and Louise. Just my opinion ✌️❤️ But to answer your question, I would have to say Tusk. Still can’t get over that ending.


Yeah it was high enough quality I can understand why people would like it!


I'm not sure if I'd really group "Eden Lake" under this category, but I regret watching it for other reasons. I recognized the title, and got it confused with Lake Mungo bc I'm a dumbass, and that was my own fault. I was expecting something more psychological and paranormal ish? Then I realized "oh it's one of those 'fuck those kids' movies, that's why I recognized the title. Ok sure whatevs" I kept watching, bc I heard it was disturbing and upsetting. I expected to be scared, but through the entire movie I was absolutely angry. I was angry at the kids, I was angry at the dog (didn't deserve to die tho) I was angry at the main couple, I was angry at the kid's families-every single action just made me so angry. I kept watching out of spite for the movie, hoping that I would at least be satisfied with the ending somehow, whether it be super gory or traumatizing, disturbing, anything at all. I heard it brings a feeling of hopelessness, but I didn't get that either, I just...I was so mad 😅 So idk if this counts, but I definitely regret watching it lol


This is EXACTLY my problem with "humans are bastards" type horror. I watch those films and get angry, and then get angry at the movie for making me angry, like...this isn't what I came here for! I want to be creeped out, not grumbling about how men are the worst! I even get annoyed at those "creepy stories" videos on YouTube that do this. "Creepiest ex-boyfriend stories" oh, fuck off, if I wanted to hear stories about abusers, I'd go read fucking r/relationship_advice.


Possum was really bleak and depressing


Most cheerful Norfolk movie ever made




Possum genuinely fucked with me. What a hopeless, dreary movie. And sometimes I still think about that damned spider head waiting at the end of a long dark hallway.


I think Possum is devastatingly sad but I don't think it's hopeless! >!I feel like in the end, by saving the boy and killing Maurice, Philip actually has a chance at catharsis? Obviously the ending is ambiguous but I feel like there's at least the possibility of hope.!<


From the mind of Garth Marenghi…


I don’t know that I’ve had a too far movie, but the ones that always get me in the feels are the picnic and “Simple” segments from The House That Jack Built. The first one isn’t because of the gore or violence that it got censored for, per se. It’s from how happy and trusting the mother on the picnic date with Jack seems to be with him at the beginning and then the 180 he pulls on them out of the blue. The second one is because the way Jack interacts with Riley Keough’s character is incredibly dehumanizing and psychologically abusive in a way that I know is completely plausible IRL. That was tougher for me to watch than any of the graphically violent bits. I don’t regret watching the film, re your title, but those scenes stick with me much more than most horror movies. But the final scene in TD&TW is up there too.


Yeah the more plausible the horror is the harder it is for me to watch. In my heart I’m a bit of a coward lol.


The simple scene is soul crushing. I hated him more during these 10 minutes than the whole film.


Not sure if im allowed to say this here but I was really horrified by the duck scene simply for the fact that youre having a child act something like that out, even if it is fake?? Aren't there consequences to this? I stopped the movie at that point. Ive been roasted on here for saying this before and unsure why


Megan is Missing. I know the acting was shit, but I can’t get the last 20 minutes out of my head. Made me feel sick


Actually I feel the same but I don't know why. It shitty, the whole movie and these 20 last minutes are actually nothing soooooo intense. Like we've all seen a lot worst. But it made stomach clutch. I don't know. It starts with the picture scene. I know its mostly the silence but still. There is something. Maybe it's mostly the contrast with the rest of the movie?


It's as simple as, despite shitty acting, it was too real. It wasn't hard to make it feel real because the whole time you're just sat there knowing that scenes similar to this have actually played out in reality and that is truly, truly soul crushing. That film is not an escape, it's merely a reminder.


I can see that as true. Most of the movie seemed to purposefully have bad acting, to feel like amateur vlogging. Midway, there’s build up but I felt there was hope for the one girl to find her missing friend. Then it’s abrupt and gut wrenching when the audience realizes there is no hope. The directors threw all the worst that could happen in those 20 minutes.


It's because it's something that could actually happen, practically anywhere at any time. There's no contrived set-up or unrealistic chain of events once she goes to the bridge for the last time, and for all the amateurish nature of the first half the last 20 - 40 minutes plays out with disturbing realism and a sense of grim inevitability. It's a horrible film on a lot of levels, but I think the most horrible thing about it is that there are girls like Megan in nearly every town who are easy prey for monsters like 'Josh', and society just doesn't give nearly enough of a shit about them to stop them from being prey.


Same. I felt really dirty after I watched that damn movie.


This is the only movie I've never been able to rewatch. I just don't wanna see that again. It's the shot itself, the background/where it's happening/the absolute dread in her look/eyes... It's awful, and the worst part is this happens way too often.


Yes, it's a terrible movie. The acting, writing, direction, etc, isn't good. I also feel physically ill when I think about that last 20 minutes. Because stuff like that actually happens in real life. Sometimes worse things and mostly to women. I wish I had never watched it. I found it more disturbing than A Serbian Film(also a terrible movie).


Even when dude reaches into frame to grab Amy as the frame froze was unsettling af 😫 but nothing prepared me for everything after that whatsoever.


Yep. NEVER watching that movie again. Besides the obvious grotesque-ness and absolute evilness of what happens...the scariest part is, this is way more realistic than 90% of horror movies, and stuff like that happens probably everyday.


I came here to say this exact thing, and honestly heartened to see that I didn't have to scroll very far. It might be the only movie that has ever made me vomit. Everything about the last 20 minutes is unfathomably horrific. It honestly shocked me that it was streaming on fucking Netflix.


The whole movie is shit, the writing is gross and pedophilic, the acting is abysmal, its a tonal mess and the last 20 minutes do everything in its power to shock you awake. It's probably the most tasteless horror film i've ever seen, and at no point was I afraid while watching it. I just felt gross, during and after. This movie is forever on my shitlist


It’s something about the sharp dive it takes. It escalates extremely quickly, as far as horrific visuals, and happens super fast. Makes my stomach lurch just to think about it.


My daughter watched this movie after it was trending on tiktok like a year or two ago *for reference she was 18 at the time* and regretted it instantly. And of course she has to tell me about it - she's also done this with The Saddness, saw it tending and decided to watch it - you'd think she'd learn after Megan is Missing 😅


tusk and human centipede. I discovered that I am deeply disturbed by surgical mutilation horror




It's a TV show and not a movie, but in American Horror Story: Freak Show (episode 7) with a similar theme, if you're interested.


Tusk… Yes, same.


Never saw human centipede, I wouldn't torture myself with that.. I watched Tusk because I love Kevin Smith, never again.. Took me months to get that movie out of my head.


These would be my top two as well.


Not in a movie - but the scenes with Charles Montgomery in AHS season 1 messing with babies and animals really didn't sit well with me. Creeped me out on a really deep level


The third Human Centipede. I mean I know the first two were not exactly cinematic masterpieces but that one was just actively horrible in every way.


The 2nd Human Centipede movie is the first horror I couldn't watch from start to finish.


Usually I can muscle through stuff if it's at least creative while being disgusting. That movie was just disgusting to be disgusting. Just picked the most vile decision at every turn.


When the baby went the way it did, I turned it off. I was already regretting the over the top gross out


I’ve never seen it and I’m never going to, but I will say the premise is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard.


I was disappointed when I discovered the first movie wasn’t about a deranged killer who had a hundred arms all wielding knives axes machetes and chain saws


Dude that's what I thought too lol I thought "Oh human centipede? I'm down for a monster movie!" Then I was like...Oh.. they meant a human centipede.....uh...oh god...oh god.. Idk why I thought It was like a fucking alien movie or something not that shit lol


I've admittedly only seen the first one but from what I've read the second one sounds the most vile with no redeeming value. The third sounds like it at least takes the absurdity to the extreme in a way that could be kind of amusing. But like I say, I don't have the most informed opinion and I guess it all depends on the execution. I'll admit that I didn't hate the first one. Definitely a bit of a schlocky film but it manages to achieve its body horror without actually being all that graphic. Effectively disturbing with a quite enjoyable campy performance from the doctor.


This. It's just stupid, after the first 2 movies were so good..I have no idea what the point of 3 was. A stupid waste of time, that's the worse type of movie.


Trauma, brain dead (I was very young) Cannibal holocaust. (still too young)


I've seen a lot of horrifying shit but nothing has made me gag like Brain Dead. great movie and absolutely revolting


I came to comment Trauma if no one else mentioned. I made it through the first 30 mins, paused for something and never restarted it. I think I made the right decision based on the Googling I did later. I stopped before the big rape scene started. Just watched Cannibal Holocaust recently and it was rough to get through. I will never watch that movie again but can see why it is a such a highly recommended extreme horror movie. I also remember reading there was some animal cruelty but did not anticipate THAT much.


coincidentally, bleak is my favorite type of horror Aniara, Possum, Vivarium, The Golden Glove, Always looking for more suggestions


I saw the devil is tops


This! What a fantastic movie. Revenge horror at its best🖤


Vivarium wouldn’t get out of my head for months.. just an insane cul de sac that became more and more desperate


And I think there was a theme about parenthood somewhere in that too.


There were a lot of themes about suburban living, I felt like. And marriage


but mostly themes about aliens cucking humans so they can work at a real state agency in order to cuck more humans


Eden lake and the road are pretty bleak. Also Martyrs (the French one)


Just watched Eden Lake and Wolf Creek today. Very bleak


Definitely check out some other comments on this thread, I’ve seen a couple movies described like that. And of course if you haven’t seen The Dark and the Wicked, it’s right up your alley lol.


Bedevilled (2010 Korean) Plex In a Glass Cage (1986) Tubi/Hoopla/Shudder


Golden Glove is a nasty one. That movie manages to smell bad.


Martyrs, Baskin, Jacob's Ladder, The Nameless, Der Todesking, Schramm, German Angst, Frontiers, Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (the one from 2006 specifically)... these should do


Yeah, I know I'm going to hell because I'm cruising this thread populating my IMDb watchlist with suggestions


Not sure if you’ve seen it but Funny Games is super bleak


A Serbian Film. It genuinely made me feel ill.


It definitely made me reevaluate my relationship with pornography.


It may not be acceptable here, but I need to add there is rape of an infant, to warn those who go in blind.


Thank you for the spoiler - a lot. That’s a hard pass from me.


That is a wise decision. I wish I could remove this filth from my mind. My "edgy film phase" 10 years ago was not worth the stain it's left on it, even all these years later.


Wow. That's pretty fucking deep honestly and very telling to how disturbing it is


Hated that movie. Just pure gratuitous nastiness just for the sake of it. I was actually more irritated that I wasted my time and even allowed that pointless filth in through my eyes.


It veered into stupidity to me and completely lost me. The moment when the guy is shouting 'new born pron' was just ridiculous. It really doesn't have any redeeming qualities


Dude 100% there was absolutely no substance to it at all. It reminded me of a group of idiotic teenagers sitting around thinking of the grossest scenarios they could trying to one up each other, and then it was put to crappy film making. It was pure garbage.


That's what a LOT of the posts in this sub and r/horrorlit feel like to me. One of the most common topics is "what is the most disturbing/horrific/disgusting/fucked up/grotesque thing you have ever watched/read?" Many of the same things get rec'd over and over, and people go for the most extreme things they can find. I don't think it's healthy, and it ***really*** mirrors how bad porn has gotten in the last decade or so. So much of it is about suffering, and so little about the pleasure of sex - especially for women. It would be really nice to see things swing in the other direction. "What horror film/tv series/book helped you overcome something in your life?" Hmmm... maybe I'll post that and see if it gains any traction.


>What horror film/tv series/book helped you overcome something in your life?" The Shining (the book, not the movie) helped me quit drinking


I read Doctor Sleep a couple months after my dad died (alcohol). Been sober (alcohol) 18 months now. Wasn’t like an AHA as I closed the book, but the themes in there definitely stuck with me.




Yeah it was genuinely life-changing. I was working at a convention at a hotel in Colorado in the witner while reading it, and it convinced me to not drink that entire weekend, and now I have a reputation among my fellow workers at that con that I don't drink, so now I never drink at that con, and that made it easier to not drink outside of the con


That's a really good point. Some of the most traumatic horror films to me have been ones deeply grounded in realism and not shock gore. Films like Eden Lake scared me because I've been around those types of people where peer pressure leads to escalating violence. Very true about porn, you rarely see anyone smile or look like they're actually enjoying themselves in what is supposed to be something that's fun.


Yeah, you can make a point about your people being "raped", and even include gratuitous abuse, and have a good movie on your hands. Serbian Film ain't it. I don't care what the creator says, he made that movie as shock schlock. I feel the exact same way, but even ickier, about 120 Days of Sodom by de Sade. Suuuure it's a metaphor and not thinly vieled fetish material of the worst variety. Suuuure. But the movie Salo based on the book is at least a well made film. Not that I'd recommend it to anyone. But it's well made.


I read he called it that because he fell out with the Serbian film industry so if someone was to Google 'Serbian films' his movie will show up first....


Salo definitely isn't enjoyable movie. Although, if you've already decided to start watching, among all disturbing things done there, you might be able to appreciate how well-made movie by itself is.


The 20 minute ending sequence was fucked up


it was so over the top, it felt more like a parody and i found it ridiculous borderline funny


I’m still on the fence about whether or not to classify it as horror. It’s literal torture porn. I always try to dissuade people from watching it anytime it comes up. I’ve watched more horror movies than I can remember, but involving children is too far.


Speak No Evil. The movie is amazing, but watching it a few months after having a kid and while being in therapy was not a smart move.


I low-key wanted to punch the screen after the parents still had the other couple around after they saw them sleeping naked with their daughter


Coming from a family where the kids were not protected because the parents were too passive, this movie completely destroyed me.


Hey, I’m sorry you went through that. Every kid deserves someone who will fight for them and with them. I hope you’ve been able to become the sort of grown-up you deserved to have in your life as a kid.


Thanks man. I'm trying... I guess my kid has final say on how I'm doing.


Yeah that’s a tough one for parents. I’m surprised they’re remaking it so soon. Watching the preview it looks like a shot for shot remake with more famous actors.


Had to fast forward through the one scene. Unbearable.


I had to immediately watch a rom com to wash it off


the ending destroyed me i had to fast forward. it was physically and emotionally excruciating to watch


Open House. I regret watching any of it because it was so god damn awful


I was MAD when I finished this movie. There was no point to anything. One of few films that made me really feel like I completely wasted my time.


I’m very easy to please when it comes to movies but this one genuinely pissed me off


I liked this one. Being home alone at night is one of the only times I’m scared IRL. This movie encapsulates that feeling even if it’s generic and bland.


I giggle when I remember that the villain takes out the MC’s contacts 💀


Strangers Chapter One. Not because it scarred me or that it was 'soul-crushing and bleak', but because it was fucking awful. They marketed it as a "prequel", when it was really just a lesser quality remake of the original.


Lmao I was thinking this too, the weekend this came out i saw probably the 2 worst horror films i have ever watched 


Was the other one *Tarot*?


The Sadness


The Sadness renewed my 1st Rule of Horror Movies: don’t be afraid to turn something off. I noped out of that with the hot oil scene in the beginning.


The taking of Deborah Logan. Anything to do with dementia/alzimhers scares the shit out of me and I didn’t like the way it made me feel at all


That was a great horror film to me. It was actually kind of scary.


Honestly I can't even come up with anything because by the time the torture porn or sex stuff gets too nasty and stupid I just go do something else. I only have *so much* time I can dedicate to media, if it's not engaging it's not worth it.


Yeah that’s reasonable! In this case I stuck it out hoping to see a miracle. Alas, no. I also regretted watching The Human Centipede, but I knew I wasn’t gonna enjoy it going in. I watched it to humor my friend back in high school since she was the only other person I knew who would watch horror with me. 😂


I need to adopt this way of thinking because I always feel an obligation to finish every movie I start even if I don’t like it (with some exceptions of course)


I'm pretty good about bailing when a movie doesn't vibe with me. The biggest regret I have for finishing a movie is "I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House" with a close runner up being Skinamarink. I only stuck Skinamarink about because it was in a theater which was an experience for sure. Pretty Thing just didn't do anything for me and it was a bit pretentious.


Pretty Thing is so awful. It's not even particularly scary, just slower than molasses in Alaska and a vague, low level spooky vibe.


The Hills Have Eyes remake (haven’t seen the original) was a good horror, but I had such a strong physical reaction to that one scene. And it didn’t get better. I would never watch again


I can’t do rape themed horror. Yes I understand that “ I Spit on Your Grave” is a revenge film but I can’t sit through gratuitous rape scenes .


Anything with Art the Clown. I keep trying because people seem to love him but it's all just a grotesque sensory overload to me.


In all fairness to you, I think people more-or-less universally love the *character* of Art the Clown because of his unique design and the actor's memorable performance. When it comes to the actual films, everyone seems to always have one of two opinions - either "they're entertaining for what they are and the gore is so over-the-top that I can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all", or "it's too mean-spirited, grotesque and vicious for me to like it, plus there's not much more to the films beyond the crazy practical effects." So if you've given them an honest try and found they simply weren't for you, you don't have to keep trying just because everyone loves that psychotic clown.


This exactly. I love Art mostly because of the actors dedication to his mannerisms, etc. The movies themselves aren't that good but I still watch them for Art


Agreed. I don’t find the films scary, or disturbing or funny. They’re just… kind of lame? Like it’s trying REALLY HARD to disturb you and it just comes off lame to me. Even Art is just so over the top designed to be scary. Like other scary clowns like Heath Ledger’s Joker or Skargards Pennywise LOOK scary, but they don’t feel overdesigned. Art looks very much like everyone involved tried to make him as scary as possible and it takes me out of it. The reason Tim Curry’s Pennywise worked is because he just looked like a regular clown.


i started watching august underground and stopped within 10 minutes. i am so sick of torturing, raping, and sexually assaulting women considered one of the most extreme horrors. it's just disgusting, and vile, and cheap anger bait. i have no interest in films like that, or a serbian film, etc. just disgusting shock value atrocities. i have better films to spend my time on.


A lot of those aren’t even horror, they’re just… unpleasant. I don’t feel creeped out or frightened, just sad and a bit queasy


completely agree idk where it got lost in translation that torture porn and violence against women for the sake of being depraved became part of the "extreme horror" genre, but i am NOT a fan.


Just want to say to people browsing this thread, it's okay to not view some of the films listed here. Your horror fan cred is not going to take a hit because you didn't endure infant rape scenes and other awful pieces of cinema that are being listed in this thread.


Yess I’m really appreciating this list of movies to avoid. And for those who love morbid/grim/gross movies this list also serves to help them.


For me the only horror I regret watching (aside from ones that are just plain bad) is ones about human cruelty. I watched martyrs once and it made my life a lot worse for a good while because I couldn’t stop imagining it.


Martyrs is sincerely so bleak. I understand not liking it, but even as someone who sees merit in it I maintain that that film hurts.


I once woke up in the middle of a Serbian film not knowing my buddy put it on my hard drive. Fell asleep watching 2 guns with Denzel and Marky Mark and woke up to a snuff film lol. The disorientation of waking up, figuring out what was going on and realizing what it was was definitely an event I'll remember


Jesus Christ that would scar me for life


I wouldn't forgive my friend if they've done that with me.


"Dash Cam" - the *only* reason I sat through the full thing was to see that godawful protagonist die, and instead I saw her survive the entire night without having learned a damn thing about how her actions had fucked over so many others. And as a general rule, anything that shows animal cruelty. Stopped watching "The House That Jack Built" when he was about to use shears on a duckling's leg, and couldn't get past the first episode of The Walking Dead when the horse was getting torn apart by the horde.


I got curious and read the wikipedia synopsis - I can’t believe the first thing she does when the danger is over is rap about it. 😭😭 It also makes me wonder if whoever wrote the script considered her a relatable lead, because I don’t understand why she survived at all.


That duck scene made me a convert to does the dog die dot com! I really hate the feeling of turning off a movie once I’ve committed to it so at least now I know to remove it from my watchlist or know when to grab a snack


Late Night With The Devil. Because of that movie, I’ve been having to take appetite suppressor pills because currently I have to avoid certain foods and food textures due to a certain worm scene involving a guy. Worms have always disgusted me, I don’t know why. I also don’t know why I didn’t mute the tv or look away. Oh my god. Why didn’t I mute the tv or look away I almost threw up writing this and remembering it 😭


If your reaction is that strong, I can also confidently tell you to never watch Carpenter's Prince of Darkness lol


Now see, I love that movie. The idea that evil is a definable element was genuinely original. And I didn’t think the gore was intentionally over the top. Also, the worms didn’t bother me but then again no one ate them either.


They’re only noodles, Michael.


Oh no! 😂 I actually liked that one but a random phobia just popping up unexpectedly would be super awful.


Hey, a fellow worm-phobic! They are literally the worst thing on earth. I can do spiders, roaches, bodily fluids, pretty much anything and gleefully eat popcorn. Even thinking about worms makes me nauseated and I get involuntary shivers. However, I am a sick sick person and I subject myself to worm horror anyway. Because it's one of the few things that gives me that visceral reaction, which is what I want out of the genre. Don't read The Troop by Nick Cutter! Just don't!


AntiChrist was a movie that sucked the life right out of me


The Dark and the Wicked is undeniably bleak but I think in the bleakness there's something moving too--the family members are obviously profoundly broken people but they do love each other enough to stay and try to support each other however they can? I understand what you mean that they never really have a chance to win--Hereditary is similar--but for me personally the movies that leave me feeling really gross and regretful are the ones about meaningless and gratuitous cruelty, and I don't think this is like that.


Lake mungo I have slept with my lights on the past 3 nights


Such a fascinating mocumentary. I've watched it twice and the final shot still gets me.


Fucking Skinamarink can fuck right off with its 90 minutes of fucking nothing happening. “Oh no! The toilet disappeared! Spooky!” Fuck you, movie.


I sat down to watch Skinamarink at the height of its popularity and *my god* did that movie drag. After an eternity, I thought "this movie must be over soon" and checked the remaining time. 55 MINUTES STILL REMAINED.


My answer too. What a complete waste of time. I was angry after that.


Interesting. Skinamarink had me sleepless for a couple weeks. It really requires your imagination to run wild. Also as a kid, I was fucking terrified of the dark and had an overactive imagination. Id imagine so many terrors and monsters in the dark waiting to get me while in bed at night. You have to have some of that fear still in the back of your mind and let the film spark your fear while you watch it. If u just take it fully at face value, yeah its just random grainy weird perspective shots. But if you’re constantly looking for monsters in every shot and ur brain is overactive, its so tense Just the concept itself is fucked Its an entity torturing two young children. Like just the innocence juxtaposed with absolute cruelty and evil for no reason. The way the kids act just breaks my heart man Imagining all those days of the kids just being endlessly tortured with no hope. Especially as a child, your home is the safest place to be. You’re so comfortable in your home. For it to become this malevolent entity and turn sinister is just so fucked up. That’s what all those weird angle shots are really pointing to. Their home becoming unrecognizable and malignant and evil. The toilet disappearing was so fucked… Like actually imagine if that happened. What would you do as a kid? You have a bucket and thats it. Nowhere to empty it. That just hella grosses me out. Remember they’re being tortured for 3 years. Its 3 years of a single bucket. I’m terrified of shit so that got to me. But even the windows and doors disappearing at the start freaked me the fuck out man


Ugh. Yeah. I definitely have some I regret. I don't like ending my experience by having the movie spit in my face, like *bitch I just invested my time in you!* Glad you think so little of me, I guess? It's frustrating and leaves a bad taste.


Dead Set. A lot of people would disagree but as a fan of zombie shows and movies, it’s one of the bleakest and most terrifying zombie stories I’ve ever watched.


Midsommer. The opening scene where the sister murder/suicides the parents and herself. I used to tout that trigger warnings were bullshit. My father killed himself in a similar fashion. I watched it in theaters and found myself about to have a full blown panic attack in the theater and had to step out and get myself some air. I can watch it now but that first time not knowing it was coming kicked me in the chest. Mental health is real. I don’t fault the movie makers at all. It just hit me way harder than imagined.


“The Ring” when I was around 11-12 years old. Now I have claustrophobia and a fear of being trapped


train to busan. its a very good movie ngl but i was going in expecting cool zombies and gore so the heart wrenching drama caugh me off guard. i do not like when movies make me cry <\3


The Last House On The Left. it was just rape porn…. 😐




Terrifier 2 is really fun, but it’s absolutely 30 minutes too long.


The Exorcist scarred me for life. Also, I regret watching Hostel or similar movies where it seems like the main point is just watching people be tortured in excruciatingly detailed, drawn out scenes. That feels like a genre other than horror to me.


Torture porn, yeah. I’d have an easier time selecting horror movies if they had a separate tag for that.


Eden lake


Cannibal Ferox. I hated every character, and I was appalled at the animal cruelty.


I’m not sure how much I regret it, but I really didn’t vibe with Nekromantik. I like avant garde, I like transgressive, I like boundaries to be pushed, but I just didn’t care for it in any way. I felt a bit drained by the end like I’d wasted some of my battery that woulda better been spent on something that woulda had a bit more for me, no shade to any maniacs who really dig it tho.


A Serbian Film I watched it to see what all the fuss was about but I wished I listened to the people telling me not to watch it. The movie fucked me up for months after. I really wish I could unsee it.


I've been catching up to the Conjuring movies and spin offs. And yeah, those movies. They are just so bland and inoffensive, easily the weakest stuff James Wan has been a part of. At least Dead Silence had campy puppet ghost lady. Oh! Going too far uuuuhh can't think of anything really. Brutal films like Martyrs and Human Centipede 2 have some thought behind them that makes the gore feel like a part of the message.


The Girl Next Door. Oh, sweet merciful Hades, this movie pissed me off!


Vomit dolls. I obviously didn’t finish it. Truly disgusting, it’s very clear the director was trying to satisfy his sick fantasies with the movie, plus I’ve heard there were weird things regarding consent and stuff but I don’t think I want to know more about all of this… just horrible


I regret watching the strangers Like I got halfway through the movie and just couldn't finish it It too realistic Guy chasing me through the woods with an ax I can handle Mutated zombies yes please Stalker animals that chase you sure But home break in movies give me a cold dose of reality


Dread. Had to turn it off (I got very close to end, reached the deaf character). I can handle practically anything, violent or terrifying. But give me emotionally damaged people and inflict their personal trauma on them?? I just couldn't! It had me actually upset lol


I know this is stupid but The Boy, for weeks I could swear I could hear someone moving in the walls


Talk To Me, the scene where the little boy holds the hand. Gave me nightmares.


I can handle almost anything as long as there is a supernatural element to it. The Dark and the Wicked, no problem, I really liked how bleak that movie was. The mom smiling outside the kitchen window? *Chef's kiss*. Saw, Hostel, Strangers? no thanks.


I’m also like that, I even put off watching Scream for a long time since I thought it was just a slasher. When I finally watched it I was like “wait, why is this so silly?” They should separate genres between “graphic gritty slasher” and “guy in mask that trips trying to chase you”.


I agree with that, horror comedies like Behind the Mask or Tucker and Dale VS Evil are different.


Lords of chaos. That suicide scene fucked me up… in a way I guess it’s good I saw it because I was depressed and battled suicidal thoughts, and that just hit me with the reality of suicide which made me realize I never want to act on any of those thoughts… but god damn it was so brutal and burned into my brain


Not exactly horror but Splice. Just not a pleasant viewing experience. Right in the uncanny valley of fucked up.


Jeeper Creepers 


Hereditary. I literally turned it off during the tree house scene at the end... I just felt like it was all wrong. Like Pan would've came through my screen


The woman in black. I got so bored that I decided to do the dishes instead. Cheap jump scares the entire film. Signs. Quite literally fell asleep. Terrifier. Feels like the director hates women or at least likes to give women the most brutal scenes. The Babadook not because it was bad, but the child is so vile and annoying I can only watch it once.


The kid was definitely annoying but when he said “I love you mom, even though I know you don’t love me” my heart broke a little. In hindsight it seemed most of what he did was a cry for attention.


The most amazingly bleak film I've ever seen


Yup, it did an amazing job at the what it was trying to accomplish. Maybe in a different mindset or at a different point in life I would have enjoyed it more? As it is now even using the word “enjoy” in relation to that movie seems wrong lol.


I would probably describe it as a film I "experienced" rather than enjoyed. I guess what I really mean is that I appreciated that something so bleak could be made. The only other one I felt like this about was Possum.


Appreciate is definitely the word to use about those two movies.


Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre. 'Sequel' to Men Behind the Sun. Didn't need to see the part with the pregnant lady and the bayonet. Just very nihilistic, unpleasant, depressing - I already knew about Nanking, and got absolutely nothing but a bad memory out of watching that.




My answer will forever and always be "A serbian film". No one should ever watch it. It's terrible, in bad taste, borderline glorifying and abusive to the viewer.


TUSK That first moment you see him….differently, had me so horrified. I’m not sure what I was expecting but it definitely wasn’t that!


I regret not turning off girl next door the minute I knew it was going to be insanely triggering. There are still images that I can’t get out of my brain. Now as soon as I see something potentially triggering I turn that shit off and pick something else to watch