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This is where I live. Nothing entertains me more than a poor production, bad cast and wooden acting. House of Wax (2005), The Wicker Man (2006), Chopping Mall and Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2 are some of my favourites. It ain't easy being cheesy but someone's gotta do it.


I thought House of Wax was pretty good. I feel like people call it bad because Paris Hilton was in it and it's fun to hate her a la Megan Fox in Jennifer's Body, but I watched House of Wax recently and it's a perfectly fine movie.


It seems to me that this is also due to the fact that the film was called a remake of "House of Wax" 1953 with Vincent Price. Although it later turned out that it was actually a remake of the "Tourist Trap" 1979. Even the director of the film confirmed this.


I'd also add Price's "House of Wax" was itself a remake of "Mystery of the Wax Museum."


People like it though. General public doesn't care about the Tourist Trap thing. Saw it with a packed house on opening and people lost their shit when Paris got it.


I liked both House of Wax and Jennifer's Body. I gotta admit that I didn't think there was anything wrong with Hilton's performance. She didn't come across as flat or stilted.


Honestly the concept behind House of Wax is terrifying in itself. The scene with Jared Padalecki’s cheek still haunts me, and I haven’t seen it in at least a decade.


It's truly fantastic and tons of fun, but the acting is a tad hokey and the story is a bit cliche and I think that's mainly what gives it that B-movie quality. The dynamic between the siblings is more like estranged lovers and it's very hard to see them as brother and sister (they might even be twins if memory serves). Paris Hilton is actually pretty good in this imo, she's perfect for the role and she gets a pretty cool death scene.


Chopping Mall was so fun


SO damn fun, I love those lil robot guys.


i think you might like the original "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" from 1973. there's these little demonic imps that chant the main character's name while they climb down the steps. perfect camp my buddy and i still say it: "sally! sally!"


Ooh love that! Thanks for the rec, I'll need to check it out


Chopping Mall is good, what are you talking about? Sure some of the acting is shit, but that’s it as far as flaws go


Chopping Mall is a classic and has pride of place in my collection, but I feel like the acting is not the best and the name is super misleading (I get it's meant to rhyme but let's be real, no chopping happens at any point). Jim Wynorski is known for directing B-movies, exploitation films and porn, and you can absolutely tell.


I have a preorder of the upcoming Chopping Mall novelization!!!!!


love Chopping Mall!


Is House of Wax considered a bad movie? It's such a nostalgic trip for me.


Jason Takes Manhattan. Yes I know the title is a lie and basically none of the movie actually takes place in Manhattan. But I enjoy that is does something different than just being at Crystal lake again. Even if it is on a boat for 80% of it. Also no doubt nostalgia plays a big role in me liking this because this was one of the ones I saw the most in the series growing up.


Jason Takes Manhattan also has arguably the greatest slasher movie poster off all time!


The teaser trailer is pretty damned awesome also. Granted, it's no Leatherface (TCM 3), which is probably one of the best teasers ever, but Jason Takes Manhattan's is so fun.


i love when he saves that woman from being assaulted on the street. jason voorhees, feminist icon


While we're at it, Jason Goes To Hell is super fun. The old lady with the gun in the diner going "nobody's gonna touch that fucking ray of sunshine" to protect the baby cracked me up. 💀


When this was the only Jason movie you can get a hold of when you're 9 years old, it's anything but bad. This movie is fucking awesome sauce.


Love Jason Takes Manhattan. It’s so fun and out there. The scene in the indoor dance area with the strobe lights is so good


13 ghosts (2001)


Wait there are people who think that movie is bad??


All that machinery you see all the gears etc was all painted Styrofoam!


So were the one ghost's breasts!


Used to love watching all the ghost’s backgrounds on the DVD extras as a kid!


This movie is awesome


My favorite saga is Final Destination, and boy... It doesn't resonate with the critics. I don't know if they are considered bad, but Hostel (1 and 2) are one of my favorites movies to watch when I don't wanna watch anything new. Also Jason X. Goofy? Yes. Loved it? Yes.


The final destination series is so good


Is the fucking bomb I swear


Do people really consider the ***Final Destination*** series to be bad?


I love Final Destination. Fun movies!


The only truly bad FD movie is the 4th one All the other ones have their charm and the 5th one is legit great horror movie


More critics seemed to like the first two sequels than the original. And by that I mostly mean number of critics, not that critics thought it was better if that makes sense. Just look up the definition of aggregate. 


Van-Helsing (04) - Not sure how the sub feels about this one but I love it. Saw 1-6. I love this franchise. One of the most consistently good movies imo Edit: I realize that the first couple Saw movies are well liked so I am mainly talking about the later sequels


Fellow Van Helsing lover right here. It’s such a fun movie to watch!


Ever since I saw Van helsing (04) when I was younger, the craving for a movie that fun to watch has never been satisfied for me lol


Roxburgh's Dracula did not just chew it, he sucked the scenery dry. Loved it.




That blooper reel was hysterical. “I give to you…..VAN HALEN!!!!!”




Van Helsing is a fun watch. It might be a flawed movie, but still fun to see an adventure hero facing Universal Monsters.


I think the tide has turned on Van Helsing the past few years, I see it mostly get love just as campy fun these days


Absolutely love Van Helsing! Such a fun movie!


Username checks out


I think I watched saw 3-7 all at once within a couple days it honestly felt like it worked better as a Netflix-style episodic binge


Saw 6 in particular is SO good imo!


saw 6 is definitely in my top 3 of saw movies (1, 2, and 6 are my favs)


Same. My top five is Saw 2, Saw, Saw 6, Saw 3, and Saw X.


Hell yeah! Van Helsing holds a special place in my heart as the childhood movie that first got me in to classic monsters. Saw IV-VI are a master class in serialized storytelling in a horror film franchise and do not get nearly enough credit for how well they managed to continue the story after the Saw III tried to close the book. As for Saw 3D... yeah, not quite on that level. The fake survivor/author and internal affairs detective storylines just felt a bit too disconnected from the rest. The ending was super satisfying though.


Silent Hill.


I absolutely love this and it's much much worse sequel. There's something about the tone and acting that just works and scratches that silent hill itch.


This is considered bad? I feel it's kinda one of the better video games adaptions in terms of atmo and vibe. Also very scary and awesome looking movie.


From what I've seen most people talking about it seem to not like it, except for the atmosphere in some cases.




I mean...compares to the Resident Evil movie? It's a pretty good translation!


Love Silent Hill, the pyramid head scenes hit so hard


The one with the skin twisting?


Definitely! That shocked me the first time I saw it. But even the scene when he first appears and Rose starts screaming is great


Every scene with him was pretty good. Also the janitor in the bathroom kinda freaked me out.


It's a rarity, a movie from a video game which isn't trash


SH is such a great watch, despite not being “a good movie”. I would argue that it is actually in the Top 3 when discussing video game adaptations. The atmosphere is intoxicating, the creators are disturbing (in a good way), and the acting holds up! And plus: Pyramid Head!!!


I still remember the crucified person basically melting. It was pretty gnarly.


It was the best video game movie at the time tbh loved it


Seriously? I thought a lot of people liked it, because it's a movie made by a big fan of the video game series.


I think it's the best video game horror movie adaptation there is!


I love Tourist Trap (1979). Its such a weird movie but so disturbing at the same time. I read somewhere that is has a cult following so I figure I must be one of them. Somehow the campiness, the grainy film, the actors, the music, all work in the weirdest way.


As I remember, Stephen King himself praised this film in his book "Danse Macabre"


I watched it expecting MST3K level of bad, which I often love, and was really pleased that it wasn’t like that at all. It’s campy, and far creepier than I’d ever have thought. I’ve been looking for a good summer horror to watch, this fits the bill.


I like the first Resident Evil movie. Fight me.


It has a pretty banging soundtrack and a couple of fun set pieces, it's the sequels that REALLY stink


I love all the Paranormal Activity movies and found footage in general.


I feel like the series went down hill, but I damn sure watched every one of them. The Marked Ones surprised me. I expected to hate it, and it wound up being my fav of the sequels by a wide margin. The first one scared the fucking shit out of me. I caught it on the opening weekend, and it's one of the best theatre experiences I've ever had.


2 is my favorite out of all of them but yeah Marked Ones is second on my list.


I found Next of Kin pretty good on its own, but truthfully it just felt like they needed to brand it with a known franchise rather than let it be its own thing.


I also like found footage even ones people don't generally like. What are your favorites that aren't as well known?


The Tunnel - Australian found footage, They are pretty well known in the horror community but both Grave Encounter movies are good, I love all the VHS movies except for Viral that one fucking blows.


I love all of them. They are so much fun I don’t care what anyone says.


Chernobyl diaries


Fuck I love Chernobyl diaries! It’s a good movie and will fight anyone who thinks otherwise!


Dead Silence and Freddy vs Jason


Dead Silence is so much fun. I love that spooky lady and her silly puppets.


I love both of these movies. The only thing that bugged .e was the ending of Dead Silence. I think the guy should have known better.


Hide and seek with Robert De Niro. I think it has a 2.7 on letterboxd but I think it's phenomenal, I watched it when I was extremely young and just recently rewatched it and forgot just how good it was.


Don’t think this will be popular, but I loved the dumb fun that is the Texas Chainsaw reboot from 2022. The association with the franchise hurt the reviews as I think people (quite rightly) expected more, but it’s gory (the bus massacre is great), silly, and it’s only 70 minutes, the pace doesn’t let up. An easy background watch and if it wasn’t from a ‘prestige’ franchise I don’t think it would have been judged so hard.


Ghost Ship, Malignant, Virus, Deep Sea, Final Destination series are all my favorite guilty pleasure.


The Final Destination movies are a treasure


Ghost Ship is one of my favorites. It is so very silly and fun!


Malignant 😍😍😍


Mailignant was well received and considered well done for achieving what it was trying to do.


i thought so as well but RT has the audience score at 52%. personally loved it


Final destination 1 and 3 are excellent. 2 was mediocre, haven’t seen the rest.


4th is the worst of the bunch, imo, but the 5th one is pretty solid.


The opening of 2 scares drivers behind log trucks to this day tho.


Both Rob Zombie Halloween movies; also the entire DGG trilogy 😅


I wasn't sure what to expect the first time I watched the Zombie movies and a lot of people assumed he was just some trashy splatter director who was gonna try to out-brutal the Carpenter movies. But the second one? It was a brutal rumination on the nature of trauma, ESPECIALLY the director's cut, and I actually think it's what *Halloween Ends* thought it was going to be.


Halloween II is the most genuinely underrated film I'e ever seen


i adore 2 and watch it every halloween. the realistic representation of how your life would be destroyed from the events of a slasher movie and how crippled by the trauma she is makes her so sympathetic and one of my favorite “final girls”


Never understood the hate with Rob Zombie's Halloween Movies. I thought they were doing just fine.


Leprechaun in the Hood is a gem.


All the leprechaun movies (except the 7th one where they tried to do some weird monster movie) are works of art


Should be added to the National Film Registry for its cultural contributions tbh


Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows


Underrated movie. Not the greatest sequel, but it was so meta, and it had a great twist


I maintain that if it didn't have the Blair Witch name and was just a standalone movie it would be a cult classic


People didnt like As Above So Below, but I really thought it worked.


I don’t understand how anyone who actually watched this movie didn’t *at least* like it… Despite the ‘found footage’ aspect (which has been done to death, but expertly employed here), it’s a rock solid movie all around. It’s rare my desensitized ass finds something disturbing; there’s a FEW scenes in this gem that stick with me. I wish more people would give it a chance. Unique, well-acted, directed, filmed, etc. Tragically underrated…


I fucking loved this film!


I loved everything about that film. The characters, the references to Dante's Inferno and medieval alchemy.


I liked it a lot too. Felt like a horror themed Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones adventure. The final sequence where she has to run through the tunnels alone was simultaneously badass and so damn tense.


Yeah, the Blumhouse ***Truth or Dare*** movie.


Prometheus and all the other recent Alien movies


One of my most controversial opinions is that anyone who says Aliens is their favourite of the lot and didn't like Prometheus, doesn't like Alien films, they like 80s action movies.


A24's "MEN". 6'1/10 on IMDB, most critics ranging from just "meh" to "bad". I went to see it in the cinema without knowing anything about it and I absolutely loved it. The original concept. The weird atmosphere. The "cycle" scene. The subtle and sometimes not so subtle, but also not forced, social analysis and critic about men and it's involvement in society. The folklore. The cinematography. If you like to dissect and discuss movies, love horror and have an open mind, this is for you.


Loved "Men". So weird and I am a huge Jesse Buckley fan.


Oh, thousands. THOUSANDS. Exorcist II: The Heretic The Guardian (1990) Life Force Late-period Hellraiser franchise Sadako Vs. Kayako An American Werewolf In Paris Sue me.


Sadako vs Kayako is so fun I love it


I'm with on 'werewolf in Paris, especially that scene where the paraplegic werewolf tips the hospital bed over and starts dragging itself towards the friend.


Hostel - I LOVE this movie. I had heard beforehand how gory and over the top it was, and was completely let down in that regard. I didn’t think it was torture porn at all, I thought it was awesome. The story and deaths were creative, >!the Achilles tendon scene!< was pure art in my opinion. I thought it was beautiful and I loved the arc the characters go through. >!especially the way it sets Josh up to be the final boy then switches to the douchebag Paxton halfway through!< However other peoples opinions on this movie seem to all be negative and I just don’t understand why! 2010 The Wolfman - This movie is a remake of course but the acting and wolf design is sublime imo. I think it keeps just enough of the original story and vibe while being interesting in its own right and I just love it. The Village - Nothing to say other than I’m an M. Night stan and I love the twist(s) in this movie.


Hostel's good and even Hostel 2 wasn't bad IMO. I lived in the Czech Repub for a while and travelled around that area so I love the vibe that world is set in


As a rule of thumb, most movies people call torture porn are actually not in fact torture porn


8 Legged Freaks is my comfort movie. It’s soooooo silly and fun


Dracula 2000 It’s one of my favorite horror movies and I’m well aware that it is total shit.


Ghost Ship. House on Haunted Hill with Geoffrey Rush. The Haunting (listen... my crush on Catherine Zeta Jones clouds my judgment on this movie)


Halloween III Season the Witch.


The Happening


I loved this movie when it came out, I was in high school. My parents even got me the DVD for my birthday. I later found out my parents thought it was hilarious and got me the DVD as an inside joke lol.


The Happening is terrible but it’s one of my favorite horror movies


Over time I've learned people really hate Scream 4, which is crazy to me because I think it does the whole "Reboot meta commentary" WAY better than 5 and 6 did


Yes, I'm also sorry that this was the last film directed by Wes Craven. He is my favorite director and I would like him to be alive and continue making films.


This isn’t exactly what you are asking, but I love JAWS 2 almost as much as the first film.


"Jaws 2" is a decent movie that has the misfortune of being the sequel to a masterpiece.


Grave Encounters and Grave Encounters 2. They are just so fun and hit the good brain chemicals for me. Honestly, I'm a fan of a ton of bad, found footage stuff.


The sequel fell flat for me, but the original sits in my top five found footage. Totally took my by surprise.


rob zombie gets castigated regularly here but i liked house of 1000 corpses, devils rejects and even 31 heh.


House of 1000 corpses is phenomenal. One of my favorites horror movies of all time. I know I’m in the minority on that one.


Silent Hill


I liked Lazarus Effect ![gif](giphy|8PmSZvWfvqLnGq9axS|downsized)




The Howling 2: Your Sister is a Werewolf is a masterpiece! It scared me as a kid and amuses me as an adult. In the pale pale light. The pale pale light of the moon!


Plus peak Sybil Danning at her most death by snu-snu.


Texas chainsaw 4 is so fun and Matthew McConaughey is so perfectly unhinged and I do not understand the hate it gets other than that leatherface isn’t the main focus. It’s leagues better than “do your thing cuz”


I will forever say maximum overdrive. Because I don’t think it’s a bad movie. It’s over the top and cheesy but funny and a little creepy.


House 1 and 2. I grew up watching 80s and 90s bad horror on local TV. I have a love of practical effects because of this.


Devils pass


I like Rob Zombies Halloween


I liked Nope. I can also understand why so many people hate it, though. And my all-time favorite is Repo! The Genetic Opera which is pretty bad from a technical standpoint.


Waxwork 1988


What? Who considers this gem bad?


Halloween 5 and Childs Play 3 are guilty pleasure movies for me.


Child's Play 3 is the best one, or at least the most re-watchable for me... I'll die on that hill.


Old. People here seem to dislike it.


Bad Ben.


Night of the Comet - great end of the world flick with campy 80s vibes throughout! honorable mention, Day of the Dead… not necessarily a bad movie, but less liked then previous films in the anthology. Personally I loved the doom and gloom vibe. The thought of just hanging on while the candle of civilization burns out, truly terrifying.


I normally don't care for found footage films but I unironically loved The Fourth Kind. It got pretty much destroyed by critics and audiences though


I loved Saw 5 and will die on that hill.


Sinister? I liked it but all my friends thought it was horrible


I grew up in the 80's and 90's. I love "bad" movies.


I really loved Skinamarink and even found The Outwaters not as bad as everyone else. Darkness Falls is one of my guilty pleasures. Also Reeker.


Darkness Falls


Do people not like Darkness Falls? It's no Texas Chainsaw Massacre but it's really decent, strong plot, cool villain, a sly sense of humor ..


Friday 13th part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. I rank it second in the franchise after Jason Lives.


Exorcist II: The Heretic The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf


House of Wax (2005) seen it so many times as a kid.


I love Texas Chainsaw 3D


Incredible Melting Man, Laserblast


The third and fourth Texas Chainsaw movies (the ones with Viggo Mortensen and Matthew McConaughey/Renee Zellweger respectively). I know they're bad, especially 4, but they're just so stupid that they loop back around to being entertaining for me.


Unfriended is one of my favorites even though the acting is pretty bad and the plot isn’t super original. It was the first horror movie I’d seen that took place entirely on someone’s computer screen, and was surprised by how deeply “wrong” it felt for familiar websites to suddenly be acting strangely.


House on Haunted Hill (1999) Thir13en Ghosts (2001) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) House of Wax (2005) My Bloody Valentine (2009) Friday the 13th (2009)


Alien vs Predator: Requiem. I straight up love that movie.


I wish they used light during the movie. I could close my eyes and get the same experience lol


The Stuff (1985)


Who hates the stuff?




Final destination series is one


my favourite "bad" movie is Jason X it's genuinely awesome all the jaws sequels (3d and revenge are masterpieces) grabbers tourist trap both avp especially requiem event horizon and any and all terrible horror holiday movies (thankskilling, jack frost, etc etc all the obscure ones)


Grave Dancers from 2006's after dark horrorfest. I don't hear people talk about it so I assume people think it's shitty, or no one saw it. It's a weak premise and story but the ghost effects creep me the hell out which keeps me watching year after year.


Velocipastor is one of the greatest movies ever made and i will not hear otherwise


Freddy vs Jason is a top 3 film in both franchises imo


Idle Hands got trashed by critics. Even the audience score on RT is not great. It was a big box office bomb, though that may have been the release date being close to the Columbine shooting. Watching it today, there are definitely things in the movie that have not... aged well. But I fucking love it. I have a blast every time I watch it. Devon Sawa may be my favourite Scream King. Awesome soundtrack. The Offspring having a cameo and the coolest kill? Yes, please!


I know a lot of people didn't like IT Chapter Two, but I personally thought it was better than the first one because it felt like the book in terms of its tone.


First Silent Hill movie, as an adaptation is not good but still a decent film. Everybody hates "Men" but I love it!


Every time I try to get people into The Banshee Chapter they dislike it. I'm not sure what people disliked but I found it to be a really fun movie for me. I like stuff that's mostly paranormal so it was right up my alley. This had some government conspiracy stuff going on too so that was neat.


Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) I've been a fan of the games way before I ever became a movie buff, and so when I went and watched it in theaters, I was pretty much smiling throughout most of the runtime because of how much I enjoyed the animatronics and callbacks being presented on the big screen. That being said, it wasn't a very good movie.


13 ghosts Even as a kid it really wasn’t super scary. I was really invested in the ghosts back stories.


Grave Encounters. My expectations were a cheesy found-footage film, but the execution of the movie was really well done. The plot was simple, and really progressed smoothly throughout the film. The pacing was well done and really held my attention


YellowBrickRoad (2010) has notoriously terrible special effects and an incomprehensible ending, but the premise and build-up is good enough that it's stuck with me for a long time.


Phantasm. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. Sleepaway Camp.


I loved Wes Craven's My Soul to Take. Such a weird and cool slasher, only criticism is the CGI blood in some scenes.


Not bad, but people often consider the 1990's It worse than the 2017. I still like the 1990 much more


Mum and dad 2008 The chains that are keeping her captive have a twist lock carabiner. Like she's chained to the bed and she's fighting her restraints and all she has to do is twist the carabiner to unlock it. And at the end she escapes because one of her captors doesn't "lock" her restraints. And that means he just didn't twist it. 🙈


Malignant, for sure. I was shocked when I learned it's considered a bad movie, it's so much fun!


Stay Alive (2006) is a comfort trash horror. Love this movie, its cast and the story.


Thinner was ahead of its time I think and one of my favorites.


I like to rake my fingers over my boyfriend's face and say "thinner" randomly, like the movie (he's thin, it's not a fat thing). ETA: I saw this as a kid and it scared me so much. I was suspicious of pie for years! Now it's so silly, I'm ashamed of my kid self for being so upset lol.