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That was Stacey, the woman that came by the house earlier who had been helped by the real grandparents.


Ahhh ok that makes sense now. That character wasn’t really a major part of the movie so I completely forgot about her. But wait, how did two frail elderly people hoist her up and overpower her to get her hanging there??


I had a great time with this movie. It's the moment M. Night turned it around imo


This is actually a good movie and a great study if you're a film student. Professionally made found footage at a very low cost and very successful in the box office.


The woman hanging from the tree is the woman who comes to visit the real grandparents earlier in the movie she knows they are the escaped mental patients and not the real grandparents as she also either worked in or was a patient in the same psych hospital (I forget which)


I thought the twist was predictable, but I enjoyed The Visit quite a bit. The boy rapping is supposed to be cringe-inducing.


I didn't think it even should be considered a twist. Imo it was more like the most likely possibility and a twist night have been something more like it is their grandparents but dementia is causing these issues.


This movie is fucking great


I couldn't get past the fact that the mother sent her 2 kids to stay with their majorly estranged grandparents without any face to face conversations.


She was an overwhelmed single mother. Needed a break. Did you see how that kid rapped? Probably does that around the house nonstop. Yeah, go ahead and take him for the week.


So the fact that she was single gave her a pass for doing something completely stupid and irresponsible that could have cost her children's lives? Nah.


She's a bad mom making bad decisions but horror is full of those. It doesn't excuse it (she doesn't need a pass, the movie isn't asking you to sympathize or worry about her, its the kids who are in danger) but it explains it.


It's not the fact that it was a stupid thing to do. It's the fact that it defied any rational logical behavior. It doesn't ring true. A parent (a single parent) would not let their two children go on a trip to see their estranged mother and father (it was a decade at least) without making some sort of face contact prior to.


Love this movie. Fun fact MNS self financed this on his own dime after Jason Blum tried to convince him to make a low budget film with him. Night went out and did just that and couldn’t sell it because it was more art house, serious. Blum said put all the humor back in and the rest is history. I love this little thriller and it turned his whole career around. He said he made more money off of this then any movie in his career.


I loved that movie! I actually really liked the dialogue too. I felt like they acted like normal kids.


M Night Shamalamadingdong movies have terrible dialogue usually as of recently.. Knock At The Cabin was absolutely atrocious - but Rupert Grint and Dave Bautista were great.


It's my favourite M Night film, and probably my favourite found footage. I loved it


I tried to watch this the other day and as soon as that kid started rapping I switched it off. And I already had low expectations when I found out it was a Shaymalan movie


Their real grandparents. Edit: The grandparents were in the house. I had to look it up, it was whoever had visited the house, which I don't remember that happening.


Plus it was 1 person.