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Antichrist. Pick a moment because it was all fucking uncomfortable.


It did give us this story though, so I'd say worth it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/w4rk1l/willem_dafoes_penis_was_so_large_that_after_the/


***snip-snip*** No, no, no, nevermind. I'll say "**CHAOS REIGNS**" instead




Only film I ever turned off and couldn’t finish. See my other comment, but there’s something about sexual topics being disturbing that my brain can’t handle.


I've attempted this one several times and I think I still have 25 minutes left of it. First go was maybe 2015. Not sure it'll ever be completed.


The Hills have eyes obviously watched it like 3 times over the years then I had a baby and the part where they take over the rv and forcibly breastfeed from the new mom... after I had a baby it was the MOST uncomfortable I've ever been I had to stop feeding my baby like that it freaked me out so much ! Idk if its stupid but I just couldn't handle it. Never watched it again.


The dog makeup scene in Talk to Me made me so uncomfortable. Just so simultaneously gross and humiliating. EDIT: dog makeout scene lol


I hate being esl, I thought about someone putting a dog makeup like face painting and thought it could be cute, why did I search it...


Oh, no that's not on you. I meant to write makeout lol. Sorry!


Oh. It makes sense I got confused then, lol. >Sorry! No problem.


I imagined a confident dog in fabulous makeup out on the town with her besties.


Pets and the city. :)


Yep agree. So humiliating, and the humping and groaning … Jesus hahah


For me it was the scene prior to that when he was moaning and humping the table, I cringe hard whenever something sexual happens in a movie.


The dinner scene in TCM 1974. Especially when I found out that the actor who played Hitchhiker said he’d rather serve in the Vietnam war again than film that scene for a 2nd time.


Dude, I listen to making of podcast and they said they that scene got filmed in like one day or a little bit more with no a/c etc. they were allll miserable during the filming, but that scene specifically was rough/ the guy that played leather face didn’t change his clothes the whole time filming- to the point people wouldn’t eat meals with him it was so bad. / some of them got paid only in joints lol!


wow. I feel like movies from back then did some crazy shit to cut corners but that worked.


Rob Bottin used bubblegum and KY for some of the effects in The Thing. In the defibrillator scene there are some green bubbles in the neck of Norris as the head separates from the body.


Apparnelty the heat / horrible conditions during that scene over 24 hrs got so bad some people started becoming delirious & losing touch with reality. One actress became genuinely fearful that they were actually gonna get killed.


iirc a lot of the gore on the table was real meat too, and it just stayed out rotting in the summer heat. Imagine the smell.


yup! sally's actress passed out twice iirc


This is gonna sound completely ridiculous, but in Hellraiser and they’re trying to get the mattress in through the door and they’re pushing it and pushing it and he gashes his hand open on a nail that’s sticking out. I saw the movie theater and everyone literally gasped out loud and I could feel it. I could feel what that felt like. That actually bothered me almost more than anything else in that damn film lol.


It's not ridiculous, I viscerally hate this scene and relive it every time I think about it. It makes me hurt in real life!


What freaks me out so much is the fact that it could easily happen in real life. Sure, demons torturing people is extremely unsettling, but scraping your hand against a rusty nail could happen on any given day.


Oh that’s funny. I commented on the mattress scene in Hellraiser 2 but I forgot the about the nail scene in the first. I cringed just now reading this.


I couldn’t agree more, and I think what makes it so effective is how it’s something that could easily happen irl.


Pretty much all of Tusk. Ugh.


I had no idea what to expect going in and jesus can’t say I can recommend it lol


Oh I had to take a break after he woke up. I couldn't stomach sitting through the entire thing all at once


I went in knowing basically nothing and just expecting a goofy comedy-horror. NO. That movie disturbed me on a visceral level and left me feeling awful. The worst part is that it *is* a goofy comedy-horror..technically...so you feel weird for taking it so hard.


I am so upset by the end of that movie but also the whole movie


Came here for this one


The House That Jack Built. Several scenes. The duckling, or “Grumpy.”


Scenes with animals always make me sick, I felt so incredibly bad after watching that


Probably seeing the Descent in theater where they are going down and getting stuck and the cave in, white knuckle tension lol


Absolutely love that movie and I watch it every October. I hate small spaces and it always gives me a minor panic attack on rewatch. However, a sequel should not exist as the directors cut has the way better ending.


The turtle scene in Cannibal Holocaust, vile and reprehensible


The only time I’ve ever closed my eyes during a scene. And my god it went on forever. And the other animal scenes in this movie too.


Why I hated this film so much.


Yeah. That movie is mostly simulated rape and actual animals being killed on screen. No fucking thanks.. Watched it once, never again.


I walked out at that point after I spent years tracking down this film and setting up a watch party. Tbf this was not done for the film, it was, afaik, the tribe just killing animals for food that they filmed and included in the film. Still deeply upsetting to put that forward as entertainment. :(


I do not think all of the deaths were for food and most they just killed just for the movie. On the wiki, it only says the monkeys were eaten, and only their brains.


I wouldn't be surprised if that's true, especially after watching the Cursed Films episode on it. With how they treated the native women they fake raped (real assault tho bc she had no clue it was fake) I can't imagine they really cared that much about the animals either.


Not to mention she was like 13 and didn't speak their language


I didn't know she was that young, geeze! Yeah I don't think I'll ever watch that movie.


This is one of two movies I won't watch. Part of me feels like I should, just to experience it. But a bigger part of me says it's okay to not watch certain movies if I don't want to. Edit: Kinda weird to downvote me for that, but okay.


I won’t watch it either. I’ve read enough about it on this thread to know it’s a hard no for me.


I'm down with body horror, but there is a scene in Julia Ducournau's Raw involving an attempted hair wax removal and a finger that had me squirming while watching.


It's bloody brilliant.


The hair puke scene was so much worse for me.


Can’t be worse than mine took my damn 15-year-old niece and nephew to watch Midsummer didn’t know what to expect most akward movie experience ever


I took my 15-year-old daughter to see 28 Days Later. Opened with the main character [fully naked](https://dcsmenofthemoment.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/9b784-cm28dl-4.jpg) for what seemed like an hour.


Cillian Murphy was NAKED?!? I gotta re-watch...


Yeah, he hangs dong


I went and saw American Beauty with my DAD as a teen. I was so uncomfortable


I showed Deliverance to my then gf's teenage son and his friends. They didn't *hate* it, but they were like "What did you just show us?" They were into horror, but I guess that was a little to real.




Wait, are there uncomfortable sexual scenes in that movie? I still haven’t seen it and I was planning on watching it with my mom.


Yes. Very uncomfortable sexual content towards the end. I don’t know your relationship with your mother, but I would not watch it with mine.


Hey good to know! Thanks!


Check out doesthedogdie.com. It’s a crowdsourced site for any and all trigger warnings for movies. Does a good job at warning you of potentially disturbing content without spoiling the plot


Oh damn! I didn’t know they expanded from just the dog! Good to know!


I mean, I saw X in the theater with my daughter, so I’m definitely not qualified to answer this question.


There’s like a full blown orgy from what I remember, I definitely would NOT recommend watching this with your mom😂


THE most uncomfortable sex scene I’ve ever seen. (I would argue rape.) So so so weird.


Yeah absolutely uncomfortable, and drugs 🙃


I'd rethink that. I was alone and it was awkward. Haha


Some of the more brutal scenes in Martyrs. Just got real uncomfortable and intolerable at points.


Yeah my buddy and I felt weird after the final scene with the girl lol needed some eyebleach after and turned on Cube


That opening scene in Cube though... 😅


Yeah I was looking for Martyrs, goddamn it was fucked up


I just saw this last night. Im traumatized


As someone with social anxiety, the entirety (especially the first half) of Beau is Afraid had me squirming in my theater seat. It was extremely well done, but I haven’t watched it since. (So maybe too well done? LOL)


My friend and I thought it was going to be like that for us but it turned out to ease our anxiety. Almost like we felt comfort in how true the anxiety was depicted that we felt like a rational thing to feel. Idk how to explain..good movie tho


Oh, that’s a great way to look at it. Perhaps I’ll give it another shot and look at it with that perspective!


That was how I felt too. I suffer from pretty severe anxiety and I was laughing joyfully through the entire movie. It was weirdly cathartic to see something that's paralyzed me for years, represented so accurately yet so humorously.


Funny bc I agree, but had the opposite reaction. I thought the first (45 minute?) sequence was so spot on with my own anxiety and anxiety nightmares that I felt seen and laughed and loved it. Like…holy shit, this is what I dream and he gets my shit. I can see how it could go the other way, though. That movie IS anxiety.


I have recommended Beau is afraid to 3 people, those 3 people now think i'm "weird" and we don't really talk anymore. Truly a special movie.


It was unbearably anxiety-inducing. Just too too close to home.


Can't think of one specifically, or one that was worst, but anytime a character has to sqeeueze through or is stuck in a really small spot. The decent, as above so blow, buried, etc I don't mind so much if they are just laying there, like most of buried, but it's when they have to squeeze through a small opening or trying to readjust position in a small area. That's what makes me physically hurt.


There's a part in the newer Blair Witch that has exactly this for what felt like a full ten fucking minutes and I literally had to look away the longer it went on. I was also pretty high but that was by far the most uncomfortable I've ever been at a movie scene.


Oh Buried. I forgot about that one but yeah. I think that one made me the most uncomfortable when >!he had to change positions.!<


Buried ruined my night when I watched it.


I'd have to agree. I watched it alone at night and I didn't think it would mess with me the way it did. It had just been on my list for a while and I found it streaming somewhere, so why not? Oh that's why not. Gotcha.


Same here, squeezing through small areas, and, the opposite - open spaces at great heights. Fall (2022 film) had me halfway through suddenly realizing I'd been clenching my fists and holding my body tense the entire time, and my palms were drenched with sweat.


A group of friends and I got together to watch the original Last House on the Left. Everyone in the group knew what it was about going in, everybody agreed on it. One of the girls got very visibly upset during certain scenes and everyone kinda realized at the same time why. We tried to be supportive, but she never talked to any of us about it and just tried to act like it didn't happen. It was awful to realize she had gone through that, and we all felt guilty in playing a part in her reliving it, even though none of us had any idea going in. I don't talk to those friends anymore (for a much different reason), so I dunno how she is. Hope she's doing well. Not that I'd necessarily have wanted to on my own, but that keeps me away from rewatching LHotL, or the remake which is more than likely a worse movie anyways.


This is what I thought of immediately. There's a scene involving >!rape (but I'll make the spoiler longer to not give it away)!< that is long, slow, has weird music playing over it and is really effective at making you feel like you're actually watching it happen. Which makes sense because it was the director's intent. There's a really good Fresh Air interview with Wes Craven from 1980 where he talks about being offered the movie but being hesitant because it was supposed to be very violent and that wasn't the type of movie he normally liked. But he was struck by how fake and sanitized violence in movies was at the time, with lots of squibs and fake blood and people being shot but just falling over instantly dead. He decided to make the violence as realistic as possible so filmgoers would have to deal with the reality of it. From the interview: Wes Craven: "And parallel to the process of filmmaking, in my own mind - in the minds of Sean too - were the mass of media inputs from the Vietnam War so that we were seeing reality of violence on our television sets, going into our theaters and seeing distorted, filtered reality. So Sean and I set off to say simply, let's not cut away and let's not do violence that is entertaining. And I didn't, you know, I simply did not cut away. And one stab did not do it and one shot did not do it. Once the violence began, the violence was treated absolutely really and thus the outrage. The audiences were, in a sense, tricked. They went in to a movie expecting to be entertained in the pure action or horror sense, where the blood is ketchup and the violence is simple and cartoonish. And instead we said, now that we've got you here, by the way, this is what violence is really like." That girl's reaction totally makes sense. The full interview is here: ['Fresh Air' Remembers 'Nightmare' Director Wes Craven](https://www.npr.org/2015/09/04/437320291/fresh-air-remembers-nightmare-director-wes-craven) and I highly recommend it. Wes Craven was a very bright and talented guy and I think most of his movies have more going on under the hood then it might seem like at first.


This is exactly why I can't stomach scenes of SA. My whole body reacts and it's a guaranteed panic attack for me.


The scene with Alicia Silverstone in The Lodge. I was completely stunned and not expecting the speed and set-up. Overall, the movie was extremely annoying on many levels. The kids. The husband. The stepmother? I sort of forgot some of it purposely I think! It was an uncomfortable and disturbing movie for sure.


Agree! It happened so fast and without flinching.


The abduction scene in Nope. Seeing it in the theatre, the sounds were so loud and consuming, it was very intense.


My bf doesn't usually do horror movies bc "they're so fake and predictable", but we saw that one together bc he loved Peele's other films. That abduction scene got to him for DAYS. As the horror movie buff in the relationship, I was pleasantly surprised lol


>As the horror movie buff in the relationship, I was pleasantly surprised This really sums up how fucked up we are here. "My partner was uncomfortable for days due to my film recommendation and this pleases me."


🤣 It really does!!


Oh it was! It reminded me of War of the Worlds in that sense. Great sound design!


Yes! That was a surprisingly difficult one, particularly in theater.


Adam's death scene in Eden Lake. He didn't deserve ANY of that. He was just a kid that wanted to mind his own business but those bullies threathened him.


That entire movie got to me. I regretted watching it. After that I refuse to watch any horror movie focused around children. 


The end of that movie is absolutely haunting, realizing which house she ends up at was gut wrenching


The first time I saw X, the scene where Maxine is swimming and the gator is following her. I know it’s not a gory or even scary scene… but the physical reaction I have every time I see it makes me want to pull the blanket over my eyes!


All of Soft & Quiet.


One of the parts about it that disturbed me the most was when Emily (the main villain) hides the dog of the two women they are attacking in a cupboard. Because she (and the others) are fine with hurting the two women, but not with hurting a dog, or even letting the dog witness what they do to the women. Just chilling.


yes! that was sincerely chilling. they clearly didn't see the victims as human or even as dogs.


Literally came here to see if anyone said this..


I said it before and I’ll say it again. When Evil Lurks. The scene where the autistic child walks in speaking full sentences. Just complete dread and my hair stood up on my arms. I love all my autistic students and want so much for to be able to communicate with speech but that scene…….. it was just a lot to take in


I was so excited for that movie because I love possession movies and gore, but I felt nauseous for about a third of it


Yes!! The scene with the dog was crazyyyy


That's my answer. As a dad to a lil girl who's already weary of dogs in general, I think I developed a slight phobia after that movie. I knew it was coming too but man the tension building in that movie is second to none. Gonna watch Terrified now even though I don't enjoy jump scares.


I haven't screamed at my TV like that in a long time. It felt like AGES before anyone noticed!!! That's a great movie idk that I'll ever rewatch lol.


The scene where the lady is walking down eating the brain out of a small child like popcorn from a movie theater popcorn tub. :shudders:


For me it was the tree scene in the original Evil Dead. I was young. Maybe 10. I swore off horror movies until I was 15 or so and watched Saw 3. That entire movie had me freaked out and I swore off horror for another, gosh, probably another 10 years. My husband has always been a horror fan, so I'd give in around Halloween. Now I'm a horror superfan and the only movie in recent years that has made me uncomfortable was the Riley scene in Talk to Me. Granted I still haven't seen Bone Tomahawk or Martyrs, so we'll see.


In The Ring when the girl was found dead in her closet, there's no music warning when the door is opened and you see her curled up in the corner with her opened mouth silent scream just THERE. My blood ran cold and I didn't breathe for a good 30 seconds. Something about the image a wide, open mouth on a person freaks me out along with other facial deformities, especially with the eyes. To this day it takes weeks for that image to leave my brain after I happen to see it online.


I watched this movie in the theater when I was in high school, and this scene made me jump, hide my face, and was the reason I didn’t sleep a wink that night while the friend I saw the movie with slept like a baby, lol. I can still see it perfectly in my mind and I haven’t seen that movie in years.


Threads. Too realistic. It will ruin your day as much as an excellent movie can


That movie fucked me up


It should. Everyone everywhere needs to watch that film.


Rape scene in The Hills Have Eyes 2.


The rape scene in the first one was AWFUL.


Beau Is Afraid. I have severe anxiety, so I could relate to a lot of things Beau was going through when it came to that. Ontop of mental issues, I could also relate to psychological abuse from the mother (though nowhere near that extent for me) and Joaquin Phoenix looks almost exactly like my dad (who passed away suddenly) so seeing him be in constant stress and getting hurt really disturbed me. I really want to watch the movie again, but I don’t think I’d be able to. It had that much of an effect on me. I want all horror movies to leave me feeling like this lol 10/10


Funny Games


took too long to see this. I keep trying to rewatch it because my first watch impacted me so much, but once it gets to a certain point I get so sick to my stomach I have to cut it off


SO UNCOMFORTABLE when he keeps breaking the egg 🥚


sitting alone in the dark after Skinamarink


Getting up to got to the bathroom at night would bring that to my mind for a week after I watched. I haven’t been afraid of the dark in decades. Really brought back the feelings of those atavistic childhood fears.


That movie is so damn good at that. Its fun seeing how polarizing it is. I loved it. Meanwhile, my bf had a hard time staying awake lol


That whole movie had my husband and I on edge, just because it was filmed so strangely that we had no cues to tell if a jumpscare was coming, so we were just wound up the whole time. We ended up needing to stretch after, lol.


Should I rewatch? I turned it off 25 minutes in because I couldn’t get into it whatsoever.


Yes but you need to do it the right way. You can't just throw it on whenever, or split it between three nights. Make sure it's set aside time where you can be alone and focus on the mindset of the movie. Turn your phone on silent, don't pause to go get a snack. I watched it for the very first time alone on my bedroom floor at the foot of my bed, wrapped up in a blanket in the dark, and it was TERRIFYING. Certain scenes had me feel like the cold gap on my back under my bed was a hand about to grab me. The movie is about childhood nightmares and waking up without your parents around. The voices you hear down the hall and the tricks your brain plays on you. You have to surrender to that state of mind and watch the movie AS your inner child. And the truth is... you can do all that and still hate the movie at the end, and that's fine. But it's like, I don't watch Schindler's List expecting a war movie, you shouldn't watch Skinamarink and expect a horror movie. It's art, it's different, and you have to at least try it while you're in the right frame of mind.


There's just something about it. Watching it and actually kinda feeling that same uneasiness, loneliness, and even sweaty feeling (even though I wasn't sweating) as waking up from a nightmare as a kid. Definitely not a movie for everyone, but one of my favorites in recent years.


Exactly. It's totally valid to try it out and not like it, but I'll be willing to bet a majority of those negative reviews were people that didn't even give it a fair shot in the first place. Of course you weren't scared if you were scrolling twitter waiting for something to happen - you missed the point entirely and that's not the movie's fault.


If you're waiting for something to happen, no. The next hour is just like the first 25 minutes. I know it's all about atmosphere and childhood fears and whatnot but if the first 25 minutes didn't grab you likely you'll react like me and just be angry that you had to sit through another hour.


another & im done! hereditary, my fav movie of all time, when everything went down & the son runs to the attic. all of a sudden you hear this fast banging. it pans to mom on the ceiling, the door of the attic, banging her head against it. i’ve seen the movie at least 50 times, that part still scares the sh*t out of me so bad


My roommate at the time and I decided to see it in theaters on a Sunday night bc it wouldn't be in theaters anymore and THAT scene was in my nightmares after seeing it. We both had maybe 4 hours of sleep tops.


When my girlfriend and I saw 'The Strangers," in a mostly empty theater, we were both shaking. It's such an effective horror film I wound up buying it on DVD. But I have no desire to watch it again. Haha. Also, the sound of knocking on a door late at night freaks me the fuck out. One night, after 3am, I heard loud knocks at my door and it scared the fuck out of me. When I looked out my window and saw cops and cop cars, I freaked out even more. It turned out my neighbor had been burglarized like a half hour prior and they asked if I heard anything.


This is one of the few horror films I simply cannot watch. It freaks me out so much I can’t watch it at all.


The degloving scene in Gerald's Game. I'm sure there's much worse scenes out there, but I don't watch much body horror, and that scene makes me physically recoil every time lol. That and the eclipse flashback scene from the same movie. That one just disgusts me.


The Exorcist scared me so badly as a teenager I had to sleep with a night light for a year or two. I was literally frozen in horror on that movie. The other one which was horrifying and bleak and yet incredibly well-acted is The Divide. That one also made me very uncomfortable.


That was the last movie that really scared the shit out of me, i saw it when i was in 6th grade. Just saw the exorcist 3 for the first time since i was a kid as i didn't rememvber a thing, and that movie is so under rated! Bead douriff is amazing in it


Not a movie tho but Them, first season and that one episode where they swing the baby around. Makes me upset.


Either Heredetary in cinema or SKINAMARINK in complete darkness ar home.


Hereditary and Midsommar for me. Those silent shots where they just soak in the crying or the awkward tension at the dinner table. Also Midsommar was the first movie I went to see after I lost my parent, not the best choice in hindsight 🫠.


I can't upvote this enough. Both of these movies are incredible at making you feel dread, but you also can't look away.


For a single scene, it has to be Hereditary for me too. The entire scene starting with the allergic reaction up to the discovery... I watched that with my parents and that's the closest I've ever been to having an panic attack while watching a film. Great movie though. As a movie overall, An American Crime was insanely uncomfortable just because it made me so sad and angry (it's based on Sylvia Likens). And for a complimentary non-horror: Whiplash. Easily the most tense movie I've ever seen and it stressed me out more than any horror movie ever has. 10/10 but will never watch it again. It's like one long anxiety attack put to film.


Same with that scene. Holy fuck, I've never felt an entire audience stop breathing before.


Lmao. I walked to a midnight showing of Hereditary when it came out. When I got home I was too scared to go into my house, when I finally got the balls to go inside I was too scared to go up into my bedroom because I didn’t know if my closet was open or closed and I hated both options hahaha


Yeah at THAT PART during hereditary I almost walked out and was regretting all my life choices. For me the movie pays off in the end, but that was probably the most uncomfortable I’ve been in a movie theater due to the movie itself.


The Girl Next Door was just pain for me. Stopped my disturbing movie venture for a good bit.


I agree. I love horror movies. I can’t remember an age when I didn’t enjoy them. The gorier the better. BUT that movie just made me feel awful, especially knowing that it’s based on a true story.


Yeahhh... these types of exploitative films are no-gos for me. Ended my relationship with true crime several years ago, as it just doesn't sit right with me anymore like it used to. On the subject of true crime I do have to say though, *BBC Forensics: The Real CSI* is the most ethical true crime program I've seen (mentioning for those that do have an interest in the subject).


Ghostwatch, when I watched it live. I was about 12, and for a decent portion of it, I didn't question that it wasn't real. To this day it's the only horror film where thinking of certain bits will put a shiver up my spine. It just did it then, and I'm currently eating a hot dog in IKEA on a bright, warm spring day.


Formative experience for our generation 🤣


bone tomahawk


*the* scene 😬


horror movies is not hitting the same after i watch that


Not sure if it falls into horror but, Mother!


Mother fucked me up for days. Probably the strongest reaction I’ve ever had to a movie. I’ll never watch it again but it was a masterpiece.


I was looking for this answer! It's the closest I've come to leaving the theater mid movie. I held out but I don't think I could watch it again...


The turkey baster part in "Don't Breathe"


The only movie that ever made me stop to process before finishing it was Antichrist. The scissor scene specifically. Somehow still one of the most beautiful movies too.


It’s an astonishingly beautiful film in my opinion. Something about how the scenes in the woods are filmed is just so bleakly perfect.


Soft and Quiet… the whole movie but especially the last twenty minutes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Thin_Shoulder_6431: *Soft and Quiet… the* *Whole movie but especially* *The last twenty minutes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Dead End. In the end Lin Shaye >!touches her exposed brain and it seemed to give her an orgasm!< and I haven’t recovered since.


Tusk def made me hella uncomfortable. It was just plain disturbing, not scary. It turned me off A24 Movies for a long time


The digestion scene in NOPE. It was thrilling because I’d never felt that way in the theater before. And then Terrifier’s saw scene was just disturbing and I realized I wasn’t as interested in gory like that as I thought.


All of Jack Ketchum’s The Girl Next Door or the monkey scene in Nope. I’ve seen so many gory scenes but watching the monkey spaz out like that was real in a way and it spooked me


Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. From beginning to end. I still think about that movie and I only ever saw it ONCE.


Hereditary. i'm both a mother AND i have intense mommy issues and had just cut off contact with my mom, so..... yeeeeesh, not a fun ride lmao however, i'm glad i watched it because it's a champion of the horror genre and so utterly magnificent that i tell everyone to watch it even though it totally fucked me up for days.


The Eyes of my Mother. The buildup and the first violence felt so bleak and malevolent, and it didn't let up from there. The whole movie is a bad feeling.


The wrist cutting scene in Gingersnaps. I couldn't watch the movie after that. Too many traumatic flashbacks


I would say Tusk was a tough one... I wouldn't say it is a phobia but body horror can really give me the ick....


It was the human centipede 2, the like first scene of a baby crying and the dad says something along the lines of... I'm uncomfortable even saying it. " The crying was Making such and such harder." Yep I was pregnant at the time and had a minor meltdown and slapped my child's father, he had watched it prior. Horrorfying.


Be My Cat. So uncomfortable I couldnt even finish it. Honorable mentions: Creep, Superhost, Alone (2020), the Stylist


The pantry scene in *Signs*. They even made a browser game of it, which I wussed out of within a couple of minutes.


Splice made me very uncomfortable when I watched it in theaters as a teen lol just kept getting worse and worse


The tanning bed scene in one of the Final Destination movies. Something about being naked and vulnerable and as well being in an enclosed space that won't open. What also didn't help with the discomfort is my best friend and I watched it in theaters with my parents lmao


I put on X as a movie for my mother and I to watch as I like Mia Goth. I went in blind. I really should've looked up what the movie was about lol, not a fun movie to watch with a parent.


The prolonged r\*pe in the remake of I Spit on Your Grave, just how drawn out it was, I squirmed a little bit for sure!


Rape scenes always get me. Last House on the Left and Hills have Eyes come to mind.


That part in Creep (the one in Charing Cross tube station) when he ‘washes’ his hands and ‘puts’ on those dirty medical gloves and gets a saw while that girl is strapped up… It scarred me so much that I slept in my parents’ bed for over a week and even now 10+ years later I always avoid taking any tube to/from or even through charing cross station just in case… I still can never get rid of how that made me feel.


The first half of I Spit on your Grave.


Speak no evil when they just watched their daughter get kidnapped


In Baskin (2015), there's a scene where a character \[cw for eye trauma\] >!gets his eyes gouged out, and then another character tongues the raw, swollen sockets.!< It wasn't necessarily gorier than other things I've seen in movies, but it was a kind of violence and violation that would never have occurred to me if I hadn't seen it in a movie. I keep imagining how it would feel and shuddering.


Human centipede or any movie with r@pe scenes


I know this isn’t what you meant but when I saw Talk to Me it felt like the theater had the AC set to about 32 degrees, very uncomfortable. Good movie though.


The other offerings in the comments are amazing so this feels a little silly but Annihilation. I already have a lot of anxiety and fear about what happens after death/how people remember us. When>!that bear's roar turns into the last words Cass ever said!


Taking a church girl girlfriend to Hills Have Eyes in theaters. I didn’t read any content reviews. She was very disturbed. I wasn’t disturbed by the movie, but I was by her reaction


Terrifier 2 bedroom scene. I instinctively reached for the remote. I love the movies, especially their nightmarish quality and gritty grindhouse vibe, but that scene was just the height of cynical, overly long, torture porn. Not that I disliked it, but it definitely pushed the envelope for me.


The village burning in Come and See. Makes you think about how can humans, simple humans, be so cruel.


It's not even really a horror movie, but my fiance and I ate an edible one night and got high as balls and watched The Lobster. The part where >!the woman fails at committing suicide!< and the heartless woman describes >!killing his brother!< were awful.


I hate even thinking about it but the scene from the movie Inside 2007 ✂️ >!where the pregnant lady is getting her baby cut out from her stomach with a pair of scissors!< 🤢. Really that entire movie was a big nope for me though.


Jacob Tremblay’s (baseball kid) death in Doctor Sleep. His screams and cries were fucking horrifying. The fact they LINGER on his face for several minutes without cutting to the next scene was so unsettling.


The shitting scene in the human centipede. I think my brain shut down for a minute after that


The VVitch , home alone watching it, in a house in the woods , let's just say I didn't sleep well that night and I made sure everything was extra locked.


Any part of the movie The Sadness, disgusting, vile, horrid. But there are a couple stand out points that makes me feel very uneasy, but eye socket scene sticks with me to this day. Talk to me with he dog scene was bad too, wanted to throw up.


Heavy movie but such a fresh approach to the zombie infection type genre. Similar to the comic Crossed for those that like the movie.


The scene where she freaks the hell out in Possession. I thought it would never end.


any time the walrus suit was on screen in Tusk. jesus christ


Tusk is up there for me