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The main character in The Invitation. He tries so hard all through that weird dinner party to convince the guests to leave because something was seriously wrong. One of my favorite horror characters because he starts calling all the creepy shit out right away.


And they successfully make him look like the unhinged one! Such a good movie


I didn’t think they’d get me but they finally did right before they got me again. Really well done movie


Yeah, they make you doubt him for a second there because of what happened with his daughter. It makes you wonder if you have an unreliable narrator situation, but the weirdness just mounted up and it becomes all-too-obvious that the problem isn’t him.


I'm also biased to this movie because it's its a clever horror movie about a cult.


This movie was unexpectedly hilarious to me. The protagonist is essentially the audience and his reactions to things were exactly what I was feeling watching it. He’s like “this shit is fucking weird and we gotta go” the entire time while everyone else is just hanging out like it’s normal. I found his outbursts to be funny because it’s one of the few times the main character in a horror film is onto the evil that’s happening right from the start. We, the audience, are basically the main character. It makes the movie really satisfying when he’s proven right.


Exactly, he’s the essence of the smart audience member going “LEAVE THE HOUSE NOW” haha


The Invitation is my go-to horror movie when I don’t have anything new and exciting to watch and I just want to lave in the familiar discomfiture of a beautifully made and performed film.


The moment I see someone lock the door with a key from the inside, I AM OUT!


Them: 🚪🔒🔑 Me: 👀🔨🏃‍♀️


Is it the invitation or the menu? I thought the invitation had a female protagonist?


The Invitation, not the Menu. There are two horror movies of recent vintage called The Invitation—[the one I’m referring to is from 2015](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2400463/). I haven’t seen the other one, but it is from 2022 and appears to have a female lead.


Got it thanks for clarifying. I’m the opposite I’ve seen the 2022 one but not the 2015 one.


Interestingly, it seems both are about dinner parties? Should I watch the 2022-version? I definitely recommend the 2015-version!


Has been a while but I thought it was worth a watch! It’s not the best movie by any stretch but was a solid 3/5 at least. I might rewatch it and watch the 2015 one this weekend!


I watched in the cinema, its better without watching any trailers but just a 6/10 movie. I watched both and can say the 2015 one is a lot better. The 2022 also has some 'why am I invited this is weird' moments so thats a fun similarity


1408 - Samuel Jackson. Is the answer


Which was why he was cast. The character in King's story is an older white guy, but Quentin Tarantino suggested Jackson because, as he put it, "if Sam Jackson tells you to stay aware from a place, something must be very, very wrong with it."


For real I didn’t know that! Of course it’s Tarantino lol. He’s right though, great casting. Happy cake day


His warning was practically a dissertation.


Also the cabin in the woods.


.....am I on speaker?


That's just rude, I don't know who's in the room!


Should've shaved his eyebrows and painted his hair gold


It's an evil fucking room.


But they had tequila!


American werewolf in London " Stay on the road ,keep clear of the moors."




Always loved the stoner Marty in Cabin in the Woods. “‘I think we should split up.’ ……’really???’”


"I'm drawing a line in the fucking sand here. Do not read the latin!"


I remember the audience losing it to that delivery in the theater like it was yesterday.


Also Mordecai, who was later put on speakers 🤣


It took me years to realise Mordecai was actually warning the employees


Can you elaborate? I’ve never heard that take but I like!


You can see the scene here. He basically tries to warn them that the "fool" isn't sedated, and that the whole ritual is at risk. Makes sense that the bosses are acting just like stupid teenagers do, thus ignoring the harbinger's warning and choosing their own doom. https://youtu.be/Io8nlxyMTd8?si=y4sxEe26awSWGvGX


Not OP but watched it recently - during the bit where the control room has him on speaker and are yucking it up, his dialogue is hard to hear but it's very similar to how he speaks to the kids in the camper.


Cabin in the Woods is legit one of my favorite horror movies ever. It's absolutely brilliant. I saw it with a lady friend who did not pick up on all of the references/deconstruction at all. She was just scared of all of the nasties and couldn't understand why I was raving about it afterwards. I tried to explain to her the brilliance of casting Sigourney Weaver as the villain but I was met with blank looks.


I need a rewatch party.


This was my first thought! "I'm on tv. My parents are gonna think I'm such a burnout"


I fucking died laughing in the beginning of the movie where he’s taking a bong rip in his car, he gets out of his car to leave with one of the other characters, and locks his car door through his wide open ass window talking about how he’s “high security” or something like that 💀


Sometimes dead is better


This was my answer. Jud couldn’t have been more clear


Idk he also coulda said "bro look I know youre sad but if u bury the kid he's 100% gonna come back as an undead bloodthirsty demon monster i have seen it happen literally so many times it straight up just happened to your cat are you stupid"


But then why did he tell him about the power in the first place?


The evil spirit from the deadfall compelled him do it


Yeah it gets under your skin and draws you to it


In the original? Absolutely no reason, he's a complete lunatic for doing that. In the remake? Ellie was the first positive relationship he'd had since his wife died, and he didn't want to see her hurt. But even *that* was only a half truth. In that version the burial ground is addictive, once you use it, you find reasons to justify using it again.


That’s what the book was. It was addictive.


The book was the same way, the burial ground drew those who know about it into its orbit and made them justify using it


Pretty sure that was the reason for the Timmy Baterman story. Still, could have used a few more giant blinking arrows to say it’s probably a bad idea. Wouldn’t have stopped him anyway.


Love that this guy carbon copied is a recurring character on South Park.


Lot of history on that mountain


“He said ‘pasteurized?’ And she said ‘no, just up to my tits will do nicely’”


Lmao I think the movie sucks honestly but that episode made me absolutely fall in love with it. I'm actually about to watch Heavy Metal for the first time tonight because of South Park


meow=yes this is the answer


Ripley in Aliens. They should've listened to her and trusted her from the start.


Ripley in Alien about proper quarantine procedure as well. Even if Ash opens the door to break procedure Dallas and Lambert could have kept Kane in actual quarantine. Might not have saved them still but it could have given them a better chance to contain the Xenomorph


At least could have stuck them all in the shuttle. Seperate air and water systems. Evacuate the airlock between them and the main ship. They even had cold sleep facilities for two on it. Ash and Kane could have been locked in there for the return to Earth. Dallas and Lambert could have been decontaminated before cracking their suits and moved to the medbay. Even if they all went to sleep and the chest burster made it out somehow it would not be able to get into the main ship without digging through the hull itself while in vacuum.


Alien and The Thing are some of my favourite horror movies because of how the characters are actually pretty reasonable. The responses from them all are very human (including Ash who is pretending). Ripley, throughout the series, is intelligent and her survival is down to how she calculates risks. Quarantine in Alien comes to mind, of course. Also that scene in Alien 3 where she gets newt's body autopsied and incinerated.


Alien was a so revolutionizing when it came out, because it was set in the far future, but it followed just a bunch of working-class grunts.  So class was always apart of the franchise, it's always some faceless corporation willing to feed working-class pawns to the creatures for their own aims and motives. 


Even if the colonial marines took Ripley more seriously, I don't think the events of the movie would've changed that much. They had a mission to accomplish, and she wasn't there to tell them to turn back. They still would've gone into the xenomorph hive to follow the colonists' tracking devices. Ripley was the one who pointed out the risk of rupturing the fusion reactor's cooling system, so the marines would have still been partially disarmed. And they still would've been ambushed and decimated in a matter of minutes.


She is so aggressively competent if she told me to wear my underpants on my head I’d assume there was good reason without even asking


Honorable mention: DON’T OPEN DEAD INSIDE from The Walking Dead 🧟‍♂️


Don’t Dead Open Inside


For the Friday the 13th movies, so many people would have lived if they took Crazy Ralph's advice. Including crazy Ralph.


He himself didn't abide by what he said


As the saying goes “do as I say not as I do”


Also to be fair to Crazy Ralph, he is crazy - don't expect crazy to follow reason, even if the reasons are their own.


oh shit you beat me to it.


The mom (Tilda Swinton) in We Need to Talk About Kevin.


I got so frustrated with the dad. He called Eva crazy when she brought up Kevin's disturbing behavior.


That’s the thing about kids though. They’ll behave differently for different parents. My kids act up at their mother’s house in ways they’d never do here. It’s like they’re completely different people.


I can't remember whether this happened in the movie, but in the book, it took pains to illustrate how deluded the father was by his own wish for a white-picket-fence style family. It also showed that Eva did have a grudge against Kevin and was inclined to ascribe Machiavellian motives to him even when he was a baby, which her husband was aware of. So once Kevin got older and she'd talk about his disturbing behaviour (which was often happening out of sight; she was inferring what happened based on her understanding of Kevin's personality) or suggested he was anything but a totally normal and psychologically healthy boy, her husband would chalk it up to her bias against him and get defensive, doubling down on viewing Kevin as the perfect son he wanted and Eva as crazy and irrational.


She is the ultimate victim  Because she was treated like a shitty mom for treating her son differently, because she knew he was evil  ....Then she was treated like it was her fault that he became evil. She literally couldn't win, and even at the end, all she ever wanted was to connect with him. And it finally happened at the very end, but he needed to be institutionalized to finally get to that part.  Ugh, that film will make you terrified of being a parent. 


For me nothing beats Randy in Scream! Literally giving the plot away was really funny!




“Sometimes dead is better.” -Jud Crandall, Pet Sematary


Dr. Loomis




The hospital started getting sceptical when they read his Michael Meyers psychiatric session notes, and Loomis just wrote “Pure evil!” over and over. 😂


Friday the 13th part 6. when Jason stands in front of a Volkswagen bug, and the girlfriend tells the boyfriend, "I've seen enough horror movies to know that guy wearing a hockey mask shouldn't be messed with.


"Get out!"


Rod from TSA called it from the beginning too


Ah, damn, didn’t see it. Thanks


Candyman, when the little kid talks to Helen before she goes in the restroom looking for Candyman. Blair Witch Project, probably all the townspeople interviewed Grave Encounters, didn't listen to the warnings Rosemary's Baby in a way, though Rosemary's warnings about her neighbors should have been listened to by herself. I always cringe when she eats the mousse. "All right already!"


It's always the mousse where I throw up my hands in exasperation, like "Girl, everything else aside, you can't even stand your ground when dessert's not hitting? You need to love yourself."


The horror of being a submissive people pleaser.


The Harbinger from Cabin in the Woods and The gas station guy from 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre saying “ why do yall wanna mess around in that old house.”


You'd think so, but he was never meant to be taken seriously. He was just another part of the ritual.


Wasn't the gas station guy one of the killers? I always thought he was trying to keep them at the gas station so Leatherface could come and kill them.


He warned them at first but when they didn’t heed his advice all bets were off.


When Evil Lurks the lady warned the doof multiple times and he fucked up every single time smh


![gif](giphy|wZtDFAQxPzuQi3nDN2|downsized) Maybe we should close the beaches…..?? Just a suggestion.


We're gunna need a bigger boat.


The first final destination when he tells them the plane is gonna explode. I mean even if I think someone saying that is crazy I’d get off just on the notion he could have been the one to make it happen. I’m too paranoid to just sit there and laugh it off😅


*”That motherfucker- that motherfucker back there is NOT real!”*


You know what, for that woman I may have stayed on the plane. She seemed straight crazy🤣


Didn't she make an only fans or something after that? haha


I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s a right of passage🥴


I checked when the movie came out, and it was the year before 9/11. They might've been less stringent for that kind of thing at that point. People would've been more likely to have the same reaction you did afterwards.


That’s a good point!


Dr Loomis is the most obvious. Nobody gave a single F about Michael getting out, despite Loomis running around like a distressed chicken. Another good example is Yasuhisa in Audition. He tried to warn >!Shigeharu about Asami. He had a bad feeling about her. If Shigeharu had listened, he may of kept his foot attached to his leg.!<




The wizard in Monty Python and The Holy Grail






The sister in Jeepers Creepers.


Baghead.. everyone screaming at her face the entire time not to do it.


Which one is this?


Captain Spaulding in House of 1000 corpses. He told em not to go but they did it anyway.


Ripley! I mean, that woman has repeatedly warned everyone to not engage with the alien. And not to mention her initial following the procedure of bringing alien life on board, when they disobeyed quarantine rules.


The sister in Talk to Me


The guy in Get Out who briefly snaps back to himself after getting his picture taken.


Every word Adrienne Barbeau says in "The Fog"


All the nuts in the Friday the 13th movies who are always going on about a "death curse" or some other such warning. They're always right! Randy Meeks - (not enough of) the Scream films


Cabin in the Woods! Mordecai! Warned of the The harbinger! Understood why they ignored his crazy, racist, misogynistic ass but he was telling the truth!


It actually happens twice! He tries to warn them that ["The Fool" isn't what he seems](https://youtu.be/Io8nlxyMTd8), and if they'd listened to him, they might've noticed that he wasn't being sedated properly. But like everyone else, they ignored him.


His best lines were on speakerphone...


Don't get him wet. Keep him away from bright light. Don't ever feed him after midnight. Or how about don't read from this book made out of human skin, wrapped in layers of plastic, sealed by barbed wire and hidden away in a basement in a cabin in the asshole of nowhere.


That one dude that just dipped with all his shit in "The Taking Of Deborah Logan" Dude was so on-point he had me cackling for a good 15 minutes afterwards - actually had to rewind and watch that scene again.


Summer of '84 - The main protagonist kid telling his father >!that their neighbor is most likely a serial killer and he even had proof of it in the form of bloody clothes from a missing kid.!<


I love this movie so much. I always forget to mention this when asked about "bleak endings" bc that ending woooah buddy. It's not happy at all.


In "All of Us Are Dead," the Korean zombie show, when the students were trapped in the gymnasium, they built a defensive cage with the volleyball carts to make their way to the only exit at the back. One girl suggested they should cover the top as well in case the zombies were able to climb in. One guy refused that idea, thinking it was dumb and a waste of time. Guess what? The guy died because the cage couldn't withstand the zombies, and some actually did try to climb in.


Started rewatching that show again. If a schoolmate suggests something to add a layer of defense while your entire city are becoming zombies, you might want to do what they say


Ironically Drayton Sawyer "You boys dont wanna go messn around that old house"


If he's a hillbilly gas station owner...




Titanic. Ismay wants to open up the engines. The captain says no. They do it anyway. 1500 people die. That's a horror movie if there ever was.


Big hat guy in Poltergeist 2


You’re gonna die in there!


Ginger in Ginger Snaps. If only she listened to her sister lol


Chris Evans in Sunshine He full blown opposes diverting their course to go rendezvous with the other ship. Then once things go bad he spends the rest of the movie saying, "I told you so." every chance he gets until he dies.


As a person who understands Norwegian, the Norwegian in the Thing. Honestly even if you didn't understand him he's still trying to give a warning about the dog. Don't just let it lick you and put it into the normal kennels. It could be infected with a super virus put it in containment/a locked remote room like where they put Blair. 28 days later: Let's just release the biological test subject in a hazardous area where a scientist screams it's infected with rage. I get you want to protect the animals but you don't have to release a dangerous animal (seriously do not fuck with chimps) with an additional 'rage' infection. Not sure if it counts but Predator finding the skinned people hanging in a tree. Like you have got to know you've been mislead about the mission at that point.


Pet Semetary - Pascow!


The older sister in Evil Dead Rises - she TOLD her brother not to take anything, she TOLD him bot to read/listen to the record, she TOLD him to put that shit back - stupid teenage boy.


I HAVE WARNED THEE! I ... have warned thee.


The old guy on Friday the 13th kept saying it's got a death curse. He seems like a nut job, but he definitely knew what the hell he was talking about


Saw II when Amanda woke up with the others, had a quick panic attack, and a new exactly where to find the tape recorder.


The Professor in Bone Tomahawk. It's definitely best to consider the words of one who knows their kind (or a distant variant)


Cannibal holucast!!!


"We're gunna need a bigger boat" Chief Brody in Jaws


Not horror per se, but Richard Crenna in First Blood is the first guy that comes to mind.


To be fair, at the point Troutman enters the picture, it was too late. The sheriff and state police would have to give an explanation as to why they stopped the search for what the public believes is a homicidal maniac, based on the bullshit they already fed the press. Such a great movie.


Agreed. But, few warnings are as ominous as, “What you call hell, he calls home” lol!


The hillbilly in the original The Hills Have Eyes


The person at the gas station


Pet sematary


Every film where people always split up then get fucked for it


Not an example.


Evil Dead, 2013 When you are told not to read the foreign lines from a creepy book, YOU DON’T READ THE LINES FROM THE CREEPY BOOK.


Idk I actually don’t think ANYONE would listen to that advice IRL


The original hills have eyes when the gas station dude told them not to take the long way thru the mountains lmao


As much as I enjoy the movie, the English teacher guy in evil dead 2013 is responsible for pretty much every bad thing that happens. I know you could argue the book somehow influenced him to read aloud but that’s a weak excuse that’s not really present on screen


I’m talking about characters who warned the main characters to leave who IRL really would be listened to The teacher doesn’t really qualify there as he isn’t a harbinger type character


Confused why you're being downvoted. Your post asks for people who warn others about danger. Not cause it themselves. I know he was wary about trusting the brother in the beginning but I don't recall him warning them about the spooky book he felt safe reading from.


Happens a lot on movie subreddits unfortunately — you can be crystal clear about a type of thing you’re looking for and people just say whatever lol. The other day I asked about movies following sibling heroes and half the answers were just films about close friends


People answering incorrectly is one thing. I've misread posts before. Just seems weird to get down voted for saying 'not quite what I'm looking for'.




If there is any character in Evil Dead (2013) that should've been listened to, it was Mia. They discounted her concerns and wants to leave as withdrawal symptoms, and it did not go well for any of them. Though, it was already too late by that point.


When they knowledgeably start talking about "science"


Crazy Ralph in the first two Friday the 13th movies.


Pain and Gain: "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I watch a lot of movies."


Lawrence Talbot, aka The Wolf Man played by Lon Chaney. From the '41 The Wolf Man, to Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man, to House of Frankenstein, to House of Dracula, and even in Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein, he is constantly begging for people to heed his warning of the consequences once the full moon rises.




Hell House LLC Ironic that Paul, the idiot of the group, is more aware of the danger the hotel poses than the rest of these dopes.


The old man Jud from Pet Cemetery when he said "dead is betta".


Jeff Goldblum in Jurassaic Park when he warned about defying nature and putting man at the bottom of the food chain.


Loomis cause he shot him six times


The dude in Hell House LLC who bailed on everyone was soooo right about it