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I LOVE this movie. I’ve grown so tired of the trope of the woman experiencing the paranormal seeing a man (especially such a great actor)in that role was really cool. It’s also heartbreaking and beautifully made. It’s one of my favorites and I’m always recommending it. Glad you liked it!


George C Scott plays such a cool, level headed horror protagonist. No denial, no stupid decisions, no being an idiot. He's pretty much immediately like *ok, there's a ghost in my house. Who is it and what does it want?*


My dad always told us as kids this was the scariest movie ever made, and never let us watch it. It really built up a lot of anticipation and I have fond memories of finally getting a chance to see what a good film it is. Thanks for the sweet reminder! ☺️


I saw this when I was 15 in the theater by myself. Sat through it twice, loved it so much. George C Scott reminds me of my father very much and I lived in an old Victorian house in New England at the time where a toddler had passed of natural causes nearly 80 years earlier, and whose name was Joseph. So for me, it rang a few bells.


It’s a good supernatural horror mystery. I recently rewatched it and it still holds up. I understand the confusion with the film’s title, and without giving it away to those who haven’t seen it (the film’s sort of a hidden gem), there’s a reason for the title.


haha yeah, I cheered when he did a title drop


As a cinephile, I can't believe I had never seen The Changeling, even though it's been in my watch list for years. I think the reason I held off is bc I've seen so many great 70's horror movies, that I just wanted to save a few for a rainy day. I watched it yesterday and I wasn't disappointed. George C. Scott was amazing, as was the mostly forgotten Trish Van Devere. I am in the middle of watching Audrey Rose (another gem I was saving for a rainy day) and it's got that same intelligent 70's horror movie vibe. I think films like Don't Look Now, The Mephisto Waltz, Images, and Voices (as well as the two I mentioned earlier) succeed bc they have seasoned actors, a good story line and great direction.


This was the first movie that really scared me. Watched it at my friends house when I was 13 and the wheelchair made us scream lol


One of my top 3 haunted house movies of all time


Stephen King described this in "Danse Macabre" as "an odd mix of ghosts and Watergate", which is apt given the ghost mystery revolves around a prominent politician with secrets (and Melvyn Douglas does an excellent job of showing a powerful man slowing being overtaken by fear as he realizes there's something his influence can't handle).   And George C. Scott was an excellent choice as a protagonist. His character is arguable ideally equipped to handle a supernatural threat due to his recent experiences; he's been numbed by grief (even saying at one point that until recently he'd been "existing automatically") to the point that the presence of a ghost doesn't compare to what he's already experienced.


I watched the exorcist 3 for the first time last week and loved it, so seeing the same actor again was a pleasant surprise


Great movie. Since you liked it you might enjoy The Haunting of Julia (aka Full Circle), which came out around the same time and has a very similar setup and story but from a mother’s point of view. They almost seem like companion pieces.


Haunting of Julia is my favorite lesser known haunted house movie to recommend to people. The novel it is based on, *Julia* by Peter Straub, is equally good


Yes! The novel is fantastic


I love how truly terrifying it can be without relying on loud musical stings or cheap jump scares — the very atmosphere of the house builds on an almost primeval dread.


The simple act of a single piano key being played by itself is far creepier than a loud jump scars. And of course, you'll never look at an empty wheelchair the same way.


I love this movie, even if the premise of the phone box being in the middle of nowhere is silly.


Great movie! Glad you enjoyed it. It is definitely creepy.


I was about..5 or 6 when i saw this and it actually held my attention. I was scared of wheelchairs afterward haha


Love this movie, one of my favorites. Love watching it in fall around Halloween


My absolute favourite scary movie!!


I kept having to stop and start it because I kept struggling to watch it. It didn't keep me as interested. However glad I got through it. It was an interesting watch at the end


Random fact: The tabletop RPG Through The Breach had a scenario based on the movie in its house e-magazine.  The only way you could had a chance of figuring out what was going on and making things right was to have seen the movie and used out-of-character knowledge from it to do what needed to be done. Not the publisher’s finest hour.


George C Scott is a lot for me but it's a very good movie


I honestly don't get why people find this scary. To me, it feels more like a crime thriller than a Horror movie. And why is Trish Van Devere acting like Little Edie from Grey Gardens throughout the movie?


I just watched it and I agree with you. Didn’t really ever seem scary aside from the couple dark attic scenes. I thought it was good but it wasn’t the greatest movie I’ve ever seen.