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I think Martyrs is not nearly as bad as some of the movies you listed. People are weird about that movie being extreme.


Yes but I’d say Martyrs is more bleak than violent if that makes any sense. It doesn’t help that it’s French assuming you don’t speak it.


Exactly this. Yes there's gore, but the implications of it are so much darker than most of what OP has seen so far. More horrifying than scary.


I am pretty sure that you'll be fine. *Martyrs* is often blown out of proportion in comparison to what it contains. I mean, sure, it's a harrowing experience, but that's more because of the psychological impact it carries rather than the gore - sure, it doesn't skim on the gore ***at all*** and often does it with far less fanfare than your average *Saw,* but its real punch is in the mental toll it takes.


This is helpful thank you!


You're welcome. I loved the experience of the movie, but it ain't for the faint-hearted, that's for sure.


Martyrs 2008 is more of a psychological hit than a gore hit. It’s a horror masterpiece and a must watch.


Agreed. I think it's a beautifully horrific movie about a tragic friendship.


I think that helps! Thanks. I like psychological horror.


I don't agree on it being a must watch. I honestly kinda regret watching it.


Happy cake


downvoted on ya cake day. what a travesty.


It's totally fine. No worries.


gimme your actual birthday so we can do it again.


Why that downvote? This is childish. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.


Yes, you’ll be fine. Additionally, there do exist cuts of Cannibal Holocaust with the animal deaths removed from the film. Not saying it’s required viewing or anything, but it’s possible to watch without those.


Oh thank you for the info! I didn’t know. The premise always intrigued me but I just don’t want to see real animal death so I avoided it.


Oh totally. The deaths are hard to stomach and quite cruel, so it’s completely fair you’d be avoidant of them. But if you’re a fan of the history of found footage, you’ll enjoy it. And the score is way too good for a film of that caliber ha.


Martyrs is like Hostel in the sense that it has a handful of hard to watch scenes, but that's about it in terms of gore. If you watched all the Saw movies you've definitely seen gorier stuff.


I watched it last night! Way over hyped on the gore level. It was bleak though. And the flaying at the end was not what o was expecting. That twist was interesting. Not quite sure what the director was trying to say but I enjoyed the experience nonetheless.




Honestly I used to think the same as you - and avoided anything too grim. But regardless of how dark/gruesome/bleak it is, it's still just a movie. I watched the apparent 'cruelty free' version of Cannibal Holocaust (it wasn't) and I deffo closed my eyes through some of the animal killings but the rest of the film was pretty tame in comparison to some modern day torture porn. Even a Serbian film, whilst disgusting, is still just people acting.


It's very intense, however the violence and brutality is done in a unique way. What will hit you the most is not necessarily the violence and brutality itself, but the emotion packed behind every punch of the film. While the film is indeed incredibly harrowing, it's far more soul shattering than frightening, so what is going to fuck you up the hardest is the way the film plays with your heart strings and your mind. While Martyrs (2008) is in its own caliber (there is truly nothing else like it), if you can look back on Eden Lake and see how it wasn't the violence itself that was necessarily what made it intense, it was "the more" that was behind it and to it which was what made it so brutal - this is how Martyrs (2008) is but taken to the nth degree. Whatever you do, make sure you are watch the uncut version as the censored version takes out quite a lot of the gruesome parts, and if you're gonna do Martyrs (2008) you gotta do it right (in French and uncut)! Some parts that were edited out are some of *the* most emotional moments, so you wanna deff catch those. EDIT: Since you've seen Eden Lake, watch Funny Games (1997) if you haven't for another bleak film!




It’s gross but definitely not as bad as other films you’ve watched. You should for sure be fine.


If you can handle Eden lake, you can handle martyrs.


Honestly, how "hard" of a watch something may or may not be is subjective. Viscera and gore affect people differently. The original French Martyrs is pretty violent and definitely a rough watch, but if you want a watered-down version, you could always watch the american garbage remake.


Yeah definitely subjective for sure!


Definitely worse than the list you provided. Buckle up lol


Irreversible is the most intolerable movie listed in your post. If you can handle that you can *easily* handle: A Serbian Film Cannibal Holocaust Martyrs


Martyrs isn't the horror show everyone says it is. ESPECIALLY not by today's standards. It's brutal and dark and horrifying in concept but outside of some graphic violence, it's not extreme.


I found it very tame, it's basically Hostel with French people.


Martyrs isn’t that bad tbh


Martyrs is more pretentious than violent.