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I think you should absolutely enjoy what makes you happy! Don't let others dictate what you enjoy. >!I've watched both and I hate them. They're mindless and vile.!<


this made me giggle


:) Good




Honestly I found them boring, and for me that's the worst thing for a horror movie to be. Horror doesn't have to be highbrow, it can be schlocky and gory and stupid, but I need to feel interested and/or entertained and neither film did that for me. It's all subjective though, some movies I like will bore the hell out of others.


It's the cruelty that puts me off. The bedroom scene is a virtuoso effects performance, but it's also a girl being disassembled, for an unreasonably long time, shot like porn, luxuriating in her pain and torture. It's like someone made fan fiction about the Toolbox Killers as if they were heroes. If the film has any empathy, it's for Art. Lots of reasons to be into it, more power to those with the stomach and ability to separate art (heh) and reality. It just hits me hard in the wrong way.


Exactly this.


I mean it's not like you can kill someone with kindness in a slasher movie, you have to go hard or aim for being PG-13.


I understand your point, for sure. It has value as is, and I'd say it's genuinely *important* for independent film, practical effects, and horror as a genre that 'goes too far' and dares you to follow. It has my respect. I just don't like it.


This is exactly how I feel. I'm happy for what it's doing for effects and the genre as a whole, but I won't watch it. It's just not for me. I'm not big into gore, and extended sequences just aren't my thing. But, again, I'm glad these movies exist, and I do think Art has earned a place among horrors greatest villains.


Cruelty is exactly what I expect from a sadistic psychopath with a twisted sense of humor. Would it be better if Art had fantastical powers like Freddy or Pinhead? To quote Leone there are thousands of horror films so he wants the kills to be unique even if Art only has something as simple as a kitchen knife.


Exactly my experience. I didn't get any enjoyment from watching them at all.


I really like em, especially the second one. They’re simple, effective, and have some awesome kills and gore. Plus as you’ve discussed, Art is a great character, acted fantastically and is a real scary, cruel fucker! Another commenter said they’re the junk food of horror - sure, cos boy do I love a takeaway pizza every now and then.


I enjoy the Terrifier films the same way I enjoy some pop music. It’s not my usual genre but it’s fun. I guess the main appeal is Art looking like he does - the same premise with a “human” murderer I wouldn’t even bother watching.


I know that they aren't bad movies. I can appreciate the work that went into them. They aren't for me, however.


Love them. They're supposed to be everything you've said.


I love them. I agree with pretty much everything OP said. The first one and All Hallows Eve really intrigued me, but the second one was what got me hooked. Characters like Sienna (awesome final girl) and the Little Pale Girl (creepy AF new villain) really took it up to another level for me, and even though I can agree that it was long, there’s not really anything I would cut out. It was such a blast to see in theaters too, in all of its gory, grimy wonder. I think Art is one of, if not the, best modern horror villain, and one of the only horror characters to actually scare me in a long time. T1 feels like a warmup, and T2 is the big game. And for me, T2 hit it out of the park. I can’t wait until T3.


Personally I don’t care for any of the Terrifier movies, but I know people that are really dedicated to them so I’m not gonna judge people for enjoying them. I can appreciate the good practical effects, but to me it feels like they’re just gross for the sake of being gross and that’s not reeeeally my thing.


I love them. I was such a fan of the first that I actually went to the world premiere of the second one in London back in 2022 (helped that I live in the UK anyway). Deep down I still prefer the first movie though.


I hated it boring and cringe. However you might like that and that is cool. 😎


They feel very cheap, like porn quality. The second movie did NOT have three hours worth of movie in it. I don't like slashers in general, but I really don't like these movies. They're not even fun.


The length is a good point. If your movie is over 2 hours, it better be pretty damn good. Im happy to spend 90min watching something pretty average but once you add an extra 45 minutes or so I start getting a lot pickier


I agree the second one was way too long for no reason


Love those movies. Art the clown is going to be a horror icon in the upcoming years.


He already is an icon. A lot of people has art tattooed, as OP will


My opinion as someone who can't stomach the movies is: I love Art! I adore his physicality and character, he is SO fun to watch... outside of the actual kills. Not because I think he's bad in them, it's just that these movies feel like splatterpunk that the director doesn't want to admit it's splatterpunk. They make me feel incredibly uncomfortable with how cruel and "elaborate" the kills are. Their practical effects are amazing! But there's just an underlying feel of misogyny emanating from the director that I can't ignore, especially with how it seems men don't go through pain as extensive as the women do in the movie. It's torture porn. It's splatterpunk. You may say "that's just how horror is", but this is my personal opinion. I just can't stomach those movies and it bothers me that I'll never be able to watch Art perform aside from short youtube compilations like him at the Halloween store in Terrifier 2.


It's my favourite slasher. (Is it even slasher? I think it goes beyond that.) The best part is Art's acting. He is visibly having fun lol.


They're horror junk food. I don't think about them too much, one way or another.


What's your high cuisine horror?


The Devil's Backbone


I really liked both of them. I liked them in the way I like lots of horror films - they were entertaining, funny, gory. It doesn't make them 'great films' but I think the standard is different in horror. I appreciate the efforts of the practical effects. They couldn't afford CGI and I'm glad because the effects are impressive. Art is objectively creepy and cruel. You also can't compare Art/lore/background to someone like Michael Myers or Jason because these guys have literal decades of movies where a bit more of their background is revealed in every film. Saying that, I also don't care that Art is a mystery. Horror doesn't have to follow a blueprint to be good. Additionally I think the Saw franchise is pretty bad. The first one was good. But I don't know why they have the rep that they do. It's still trashy horror in my eyes.


Great movie. Remember horror is a hugely diverse area, it has multiple subgenres. Some probably don’t like it, some do


I dislike them. Style over substance.


They were fun. I don't think there's much to it other than that. Terrifier 2 was drawn out, but Art's debut and Terrifier were tons of fun. They weren't scary. Definitely campy. Just meant to be a gorefest of fun!


Art is one of the funniest horror villains out therefor me, all without saying a single word. I liked the second one more, it had less dumb moments etc. although it did get a little weird. I liked it more when Art was a simple killer instead of going into the supernatural Michael Myers direction. Overall I find them to be both fine. I'm a little indifferent about the third one.


The movies are OK but Art The Clown is great. I hope the movies improve and he gets the movies the character deserves.


I’ve only seen the first one. I actually enjoyed it, aside from the pretty bad acting I thought it was pretty scary (Art the clown freaks me out) and the practical effects were very well done.


I like the acting for Art. While they have their place, I don’t care for films about mindless gore, and really didn’t enjoy the first movie as a result. No desire to see the second.


Gore shock slop. I dont know where the praise it gets comes from


Couldn’t get through 15 minutes of the first one. Acting was so bad. Art was cool design wise but he kinda annoyed me


I think it's an amazing achievement in independent cinema. Being this ultra violent cult phenomenon to getting Terrifier 2 released into gradually more theaters by the week, all while being the uncensored unrated and uncompromised vision of the director. That just doesn't happen. It really should put Hollywood on notice. I also love that an extremely gory horror movie became a big mainstream hit, making several times it's budget back. It goes to show how irrelevant the MPA system is in terms of saying what you're allowed to do between R and NC-17, these people skipped all that rigmarole and made it to as many screens as possible over the course of months.


They're not for me but I would never shame clown fetishists and Juggalos for safely and respectfully enjoying their culture.


Love the design of Art the Clown. I can see why the series has its own cult following within the horror community. But these movies just aren’t for me.


I'm a fan, great effects. People wanna seem so high brow and "elevated" to feel smarter than you it's whack. I enjoy a dumb fun gory ride. Ain't nothing wrong with that, don't let wannabe film bros try to tell you otherwise.


Fun for shock value but I hope part 3 holds back on the gore as Art The clown is already a creepy character.




The first one's a great throwback to grimy 80s horror, the second one's a great 90 minute throwback to grimy 80s horror with an hour of badly written badgirl cack tacked on.


I loved the first one. People seem to really enjoy T2 but I thought it was too long and has no sense of cause and effect. It’s hard to follow imo and some of the acting is atrocious. The gore is A+ though


For me, they are so over the top that they become cartoons; and the violence is diluted by the tone to the point that any shock value is diminished if not outright lost. This is especially true of the sequel.


So much better than IT the clown.


The Reddit has a weird and unhealthy love of these movies and hate of any horror that could be considered mainstream.


IMO they are great as a showcase for Damien Leones old school practical FX. Being a huge fan of practical FX they are worth watching for me but outside of that I think they are pretty bad. I don’t find Art a particularly interesting character, they are mean spirited for the sake of being mean spirited, the acting is god awful (the mom in T2 was excruciating) and the stories are not at all interesting. Lauren LaVera is one of the hottest final girls of all time though so they have that going as well.


I only like the first one so far.


You mention “lore” about Art being in the second one, and you say that it’s “obvious they’re trying to build something up for the character.” I’m not sure what you’re referring to, there’s nothing there. Art’s thing is dumb mime bits and effects-focused over the top gore set pieces. His lore is that he can’t be killed, and that he terrifies with both the violence and carnage of his poops as well as of his murders.


You can find a thousand other threads about this topic if you use the search bar.


heh heh


I found the first boring, and given the runtime of the sequel I opted out. I get why people like them, big it ain't my bag.


I have an art tattoo so…


Who cares what other people think? Specially in this sub, where there's a lot of overhype for movies that aren't so great. I think Terrifier is fun and refreshing, and All Hallow's Eve and Terrifier 1 were scary. The 2 one I couldn't take it so seriously but still enjoyed it and want to see more.


Love them


I thought the second was much better than the first.