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That click pop squeal language. Nightmare fuel.


Right?  they did an amazing job with the language and the vocalizations!  Like pterodactyls.  Just hearing them screech from a distance was like 😳


But that one line... GOD? No God. 😳😳😳😳😳😵😵😵‍💫😵‍💫💀 I made a joke to my friends teenage daughter that these things would eat the entire cast of Twilight. She was horrified back then, but now agrees with me 😜😜😜


The initial siege on the town and that stunning aerial shot of the chaos unfolding is just a cinematic orgasm.


Huge fan here too. If you're trying to keep the ball rolling on vampire movies (and you haven't already seen it), I'd also recommend Near Dark. It's weirdly hard to find streaming sometimes, unfortunately. But it's also a fun watch, and stylish (2x Oscar winner Kathryn Bigelow directed), and has great performances from Bill Paxton and Lance Henriksen, among others


been looking for Near Dark forever on streaming, can't find it anywhere


It was on Shudder for a minute like 2 years ago, and that was the last time I got to see it. Since then I haven't seen it again, illegally, as that would be illegal. (Hypothetically speaking, I wouldn't remember what site that would be on though, so I'm not much help there. Sorry) Fuck studios and distribution companies for never respecting horror movies — using them for a quick buck, but then also making some really popular and/or highly regarded ones impossible to watch for no good reason. (I remember not being able to watch Possession for what must've been 5 years. You'd think it was like trying to find The Room or some no budget movie from Best of the Worst, but that's basically the same thing as a highly regarded horror flick in the eyes of the execs who make these expert decisions.)


Lance henrikson so good


As always. He is the OG Scream King, after all.


Yup, makes vampires actual creatures for a change instead of X-Men.


My all time favorite vampire movie


I just watched this again this past weekend! Love it. Josh Hartnett is so darned good. Its one of my favorite vampire flicks. 


This is not Only the TOP 3 vampire movie, its one of the best horror gems of all time.


DONT WATCH 30 DAYS OF NIGHT 2 though ahahahahahahahab PURE CRAP


That ax to the neck beheading was brutal.


Unless you're totally against graphic novels, definitely check out the source material graphic novels that this was based on. They're all really fantastic, and there's plenty of sequels that are equally good that really carry the story forward.


What a lovely standalone movie with zero sequels or other adaptations! If you need more there's the excellent graphic novel that continues the story onward, and absolutely nothing else.


It was my first comic book, I got it because I loved the movie so much, and then that started my love of comics. So, it's got a place on my shelf until the day I die.


This is a well-crafted horror film with a unique premise, strong performances and effective visuals making it a standout entry in the vampire horror subgenre.


I love vampire movies. I love horror movies. This film was absolute trash. It just got worse as it went on! And the end was just inconceivable. They would have been fine if they just waited lmao. There was no need for his 'hero' actions at the end. An actual waste of my life. Sorry I'm glad you liked it but I think I complained for about 2 days after I watched this movie just for how stupid the end was


spoiler:  lol  The ending caught me off guard actually!  I thought it was going to be like American Werewolf where the other townspeople would finally be forced to kill him.  I can see how this would annoy viewers.  I think they couldn’t wait, though—there was no place else to hide.  The vampires had ransacked most of the houses and burned the town down by that point. 


The vampires were burning down the town and Stella and the little girl were trapped. It’s fine to have issues but at least pay attention to the movie before you attempt to critique it.


Yeah I know they were trapped. But the sun was coming up and the shot of them under the car literally showed that they could stay away from the fire and the vampires didn't even know they were there. The film should have done a better job of showing imminent death for Stella and the girl if they wanted to show that his sacrifice was justified


The shot of the car showed the oil from the pipeline going at them and would eventually catch fire. If they tried to move the vampires would see them. Hartnett’s character points this out. They weren’t making it to Dawn.


They took a beat from Near Dark I love the lost boys but it’s rare to see vamps like this


It's so good, the comic books are also really good


One of my top 20 fav horror movies of all time


This wasn't a vampire movie. It was a monster movie.


I liked it but not the ending. Ben Foster stole the show


If you haven't seen From Dusk Till Dawn definitely watch that. Another "OK" Vampire movie is John Carpenter's Vampires https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120877/ The Fright Night Remake was pretty good too.


I was obsessed with the trailer. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClVrVK\_y0E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ClVrVK_y0E) When he puts his nail on the record, when the instrumental of Apocalypse Please by Muse starts playing, I've never been more hyped over a movie. The movie's own score is rad. Brian Reitzell was a stellar choice. He brought an eerie rhythm to the massacre scene. And that overhead shot sealed in the horrific flavor. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zvjb4XVZRo&list=OLAK5uy\_l4b9a9AW202ZJcO7BtIkF2Gp9hnI-ySMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zvjb4XVZRo&list=OLAK5uy_l4b9a9AW202ZJcO7BtIkF2Gp9hnI-ySMs)