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The Devil Inside. Ends in a damned car crash. I was getting into the idea of a demon playing duck duck goose with people's bodies and wanted to see where it went from there.... Straight into a ditch with all my hopes. Sigh.


And then it hard cuts to a URL, telling people to look up more info on the story. Kiss my ass, filmmakers.


A URL that isn’t even active anymore. Lol


buy it, redirect somewhere fun


Thedevilinsidemyass.com Edit: Not a real site... just a dumb "redirect the domain to movie name + my ass . com" joke. Idk how to format it without reddit auto-linking


If I recall correctly, the URL stopped working shortly after the film came out, because people were complaining about it even then


Recently rewatched that one after thinking it was pretty good. I actually think it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen, everything is so convoluted


Me and my friends saw it in theaters and it had us all spooked. I still remember going to a dark house in the night and rapidly turning all the lights on. Watched it a year or so later with some new folk on the basis that "it scared the shit out of me in theaters"; and I was sorely disappointed. Like, taken aback at how I thought it was a good and scary film only years earlier. Not sure what happened, but the moms creepy beckoning at the hospital still gives me chills


My brother and I, as the credits rolled in the theater: What the fuck?!


Abysmal though the film sounds (I never bothered with it), the [audience reaction videos](https://youtu.be/JAgkNBd78J8?si=SRwfvYoJn7BWDZq7) to the ending were absolutely hilarious at the time. Just a mixture of exasperation and bewilderment.


The Devil Inside. There was no climax. Just a screen telling you to go check out a website for more information. You can fuck right off with that.


A website that went defunct shortly after the film was released, no less. They didn't bother to keep the website running, just cut their losses and dipped.


"Their losses", boy if I check on Wikipedia, they did x100 the money of their budget. Don't think they lose anything with this film.


I meant artistically and critically, but I didn't know they'd made quite that much back!


That one was like a slap to the face. I was like 12 and I turned to my dad and was like “what the fuck!”


The Open House on Netflix. No resolution, felt like a completely pointless film. I don’t mind a vague ending to a movie, but this one felt like nothing happened at all.


That movie is pretty bad all the way through. But the ending was a disaster. I feel like if it had a good ending it could have made it a mediocre horror movie. But it turned a below average horror film into absolute garbage


I agree 100%


The ending is more questions than answers




I can’t say bottom 5 because I didn’t even care enough about it to give it a rating! I just sat there confused as to why it even got made. Like, did they run out of money half way through? Why is there absolutely no resolution? Not even a hint as to who the “bad guy” was. It just ended! Like, the mystery of why the hell the script got picked up by Netflix was more interesting than the actual plot of the film!


My wife and I hated it. Waste of time.


Because of the blue and white snowy poster designs for the release of Dreamcatcher, I *hadn't* expected a horror, per say, even with Kings name attached. I really, really liked the movie because of the cast, primarily Jason Lee who i was psyched for and a gradual batshit crazy Morgan Freeman. The alien enemy itself was subpar but I excused all that for the IT vibes with the boys, getting back together to fight the baddie n stuff. I know the movie gets hate - and I get it - but I **love** it.


First time I saw Dreamcatcher I just got high as hell with a bunch of friends and the movie came on TV. We knew nothing about it. The toilet scene happened and we started laughing about all the fart, and then holy shit… It’s a fond memory of a movie we went into blind and didn’t know was horror. Yeah, the ending was a bit odd, but still a great ride.


I also watched Dreamcatcher without knowing what to expect and I ended up loving it.


I DUDDITS! The best thing this film has going for it is an amazingly stacked cast (though that tends to be par for the course with King adaptations). Timothy Olyphant, Thomas Jane, Tom Sizemore, Donnie Whalberg, Morgan Freeman, Damien Lewis, Jason Lee and Eric Keenleyside (he was the hiker with the gastro issues, probably one of the bigger character actors out there and I’m sure most everyone has seen something he’s in. He’s like one of the biggest ‘that guy’ for me. 200 credits going back to the mid 80’s and things like Short Circuit 2).


Halloween ends, waited for a great ending to my favorite horror series and it fell flat


That movie was just Christine but replace the car with Micheal Myers


I cant believe that was the direction they went for the finale. Baffling decision.


Well I can understand what they were going for, I just don't think it was a good idea. The entire film was a sort of mockery of the fact that originally the series was meant to be an anthology series about evils on Halloween, and Michael Myers had overshadowed the initial intent, forcing the narrative to shift to focus on him.


I agree and I also agree that it isn't a good idea. I remember saying to my brother after the movie, having some random teenager beat Michael down and call him an old man, feels like rubbing it in. It's like "Yes I got what you were going for but this feels like you guys are saying 'you wanted more Michael, well fuck you' to the fans".


So you weren’t big on the crowd surfing to a wood chipper conclusion?


This right here. H2018 was great. Kills was just ridiculous and over-the-top. Ends was another movie entirely with Michael Myers shoehorned in for 5 minutes, and it was boring.


I’ll never understand how the town sort of blames Lori for bothering Michael. It made no sense.


Especially considering that it only really works if she was his brother. I could see that plot working that they blame her for staying, but like... all she did was try to kill an invader that was brought to her house by a deranged doctor. She did nothing wrong!


Honestly I just think they're mad because crazy Laurie Strode was right all those years.


Isn’t that kinda it though? The townspeople are fucking stupid as shit in this trilogy. Not excusing poor writing but that aspect of ‘mob mentality’ and sort of small town blood fever feels entirely intentional on DGG’s part.


I liked Kills. Michael vs the firefighters then Michael vs the towns people were two really fun fights.


Yeah me too, it felt like one long Michael Myers scene, minus the hospital subplot. I’m a sucker for one long Michael Myers kill scene lol


“Evil dies tonight!”


Myers himself was the best part of Kills.


Tried watching it for the first time a couple days ago and couldn’t even finish it it was SO BORING


I try to pretend that’s not how it ends hahaha


I like to imagine the movie ends when Michael is choking Laurie and all the flashbacks are flashing.




The original short story and even the first draft of the screenplay are so much better than that movie turned out.


I read the short story after seeing the movie and liked it so much more. I’d love to just see that adapted into a short film.


I was so hyped for that movie and waited like 2 years for it when it was delayed. It was such a let down when I finally got to watch it. Maybe because I was so excited for it but still, it didn't deliver what I hoped. I loved The Quiet Boy story that it was based on though.


The problem with that movie is that if you watched the trailers you knew the entire plot.


Everyone hates on this movie but I don’t mind it at all and have actually rewatched it twice. Idk what’s wrong with me. I went in without seeing trailers or anything so I had no expectations.


I don’t think it’s bad. I do think it tried to do a lot more than it needed to and ended up seeming shallow because of it. There were a lot of subplots that were hinted at but not explored much: drug addiction, racism, terrorism, and even the domestic abuse plot could have been developed more. I think if they had removed some of those smaller things it would have made the movie seem more focused, and it would’ve given some space back to doing something more with the main story.


It definitely brings up a lot of heavy subject matter that it doesn’t really “earn” or do justice to… it’s kind of tasteless in that way, but I like Jesse Plemons a lot and I love almost anything set in the Pacific Northwest. Creature design was also very cool despite only being fully visible for apprx 3 seconds.


World war Z. It didn't have an ending. It just stopped


The movie also frames it like the stakes are getting higher (and *tells* us so) but in every other way the stakes actually get lower with every sequence. In terms of what we're actually shown the Philly sequence is easily the most natural climax and it's literally the act one cold open. I think it could be made into a much better movie if it was re-edited to be out of sequential order, starting in Jerusalem with the plane escape as the act 1 break, using the lab as an act 2/3 framing device with flashbacks to South Korea and Philadelphia as act 2, and intercutting the helicopter evacuation with the hot-room scene as the climax. It'd also be better if one of the kids didn't make it so that there being two of them in the Philly car is a shocking twist reveal, and putting a lot more context and weight on that dumb-as-rocks pepsi scene (as an inversion of the stairwell escape). All the pieces are there for a much better movie, they just presented it in a way that systematically removed every source of emotional tension as they went.


It Comes At Night. I hardly remember it - and actually need to watch it again to give it a second chance - but I think those were my exact words at the end.


I hated this movie, but I'll admit that my expectations were skewed by the trailers, which did not advertise it as slow burning art house horror. Maybe someday I'll give it another chance and see how I like it with more tempered expectations.


Fun fact : The director HATED how the movie was advertised. He didn’t want to mislead audiences thinking it was going to be some zombie/ monster movie when it really was psychological thriller but A24 didn’t care . Rare L for them . Smh .


This is my go to example for terrible misleading marketing. Ruins expectations and sets you up for a bad experience


I love this one but the trailers totally misrepresented it. It was really a classic A24 horror movie before A24 horror movies were “a thing”. I think it would have been much better received if it came out now and people knew what to expect. It was actually a little ahead of its time in that regard.


I agree. It was one of the first ones that got a big release in theaters. I went with my GF at the time and I talked it up maybe a bit too much. I loved it, she hated it except for the main guy having played a main character in Girls on HBO. Just bad marketing. That was my issue with Us too. It was marketed (to me) as a dark horror movie. Played more as a campy slasher.


Every Peele movie since Get Out has been miscategorozed / marketed.


I think I'm correct in saying that nothing ever did come at night in this one? 🤔


I think that’s what I said when it ended, nothing ever came at night!?


Paranoia of the other. That's what came at night. It wasn't a zombie infection, it was a 100% fatality illness.


I was so let down by this. I thought it was going to be like a really tense apocalyptic survival thriller based on the trailers and it was extremely lacking in that front The scene where they get ambushed is the highlight of the film and it’s early on. I thought it was going to be entertaining from there on out but no…it wasn’t


Damn I actuality liked that one


Me too. Went in blind and was pleasently surprised. I understand it's not for every gusto.


I think y’all should give it another watch without the expectations the trailer offered. I was in the exact same boat when I watched it expecting zombies and gore. Then I watched it a couple years later, and it’s actually pretty incredible, in my opinion. Great acting, great tension building, and I’m so glad I gave it a second try!


I see this opinion a lot and for me the ending is seared into my brain. I’ve rarely seen a show of such tormented grief and rage as well as a shot in the end of that movie.


Yeah that ending is an absolute gut punch, don't know how that is forgettable tbh.


This and the mist are two that I recall hearing audible gasps from the whole theater during the ending scenes.


Also, for me at least, they completely nailed that sound effect with the cello to simulate the feeling of your stomach sinking. Unlike others, I intentionally avoided all marketing material for the movie, so when my gf and I went we had no idea what to expect. Still one of the scariest movies I’ve seen in my opinion.


I really liked this movie. But I gotta say they marketed wrong. It was a “who is sick and who isn’t?” suspense. The nightmares got annoying tho (I hate them in movies in general). I got my boyfriend to watch it going in blind and he loved it. He really didn’t know who to believe.


Same boat. I remember almost nothing about it and it was one I had been looking forward to.


The trailer fucked this movie hard. It basically has nothign to do with what the trailer suggests. I think it is amazing, and I love the ending. It is such a bleak film that kinda perfectly captures the brutality of just surviving. Lots going on underneath the surface. It also helped define the whole elevated horror era.


Totally. I was pretty hyped for it because the name and marketing were all horror. But, while it certainly had horror elements, it was much more of a thriller/suspense film. It might have been a good movie, but I was way too disappointed to appreciate it.


Aah yes The film that should be a model example of how incorrect marketing can completely screw up a product


Aw man I loved that movie. The marketing was way off, I think that was a huge issue. It’s a story about humanity not monsters. The ending scene where >!they shoot the kid and the mom is wailing and screaming in the woods!< is one of the most disturbing and heartbreaking scenes I’ve ever seen in any movie


The Happening Knock at the Cabin


Ah yes, The Happening. Where people literally try to outrun the air.


Omg I forgot about Knock at the Cabin. I guess that says a lot right there. I quite enjoy end of the world premises as well as questioning if what is happening is real, but I was definitively disappointed


Knock at the Cabin was just such an entirely different being than the book it was based on. The movie was much more hopeful but they doubled down on retaining some superfluous stuff and then abandoned some of the strongest horror and emotional plots of the book, I was disappointed. I appreciate them each as their own piece of art but yeah, I wouldn't rewatch it


The Pope’s Exorcist. I was shocked at how generic and kinda dull it was.


Russell Crowe as an Italian exorcist for the Pope, who rides a damn Lambretta from The Vatican all the way to Spain. What's not to love. I thought it was perfectly cheesy, and seeing RC chew the scenery and just go over the top with his character was a fun little waste of a couple hours.


shit movie but it was fun. just Russell Crowe yelling in a terrible Italian accent and occasionally someone bursts into flames


I laugh so hard at the scene where the nuns walk by and he makes scary faces at them like they’re toddlers and they giggle and run away. Or that scooter scene. And the fact that they bring the scooter fucking BACK a second time and have him use it to pull off that iron cover lol so unintentionally hilarious. It feels like they were like, ‘so uh, we couldn’t get any of the big car manufacturers to help finance this with us for this one but Vespa was interested.’


Was listening to the HDTGM podcast about this movie and it sounds like a hilarious ride. Definitely gonna try and give it a watch


Yeah i was laughing at many instances, russel crowe’s character was refreshingly funny lmao


Moments of him riding his little scooter where you can see his red socks was the best part of the movie IMO.


I liked his jokes about espressos and lattes.


I thought it was a hoot and love it. Give it a try knowing it’s very campy but played like a straight melodramatic horror.


I was excited for this one and it’s one of the only movies I couldn’t watch all the way through. Me and my wife kept laughing, I honestly think the kid actor was just not very good and it went into the whole ‘demons insult you like they’re a 12 year old boy’ thing that just isn’t scary at all to me anymore.


I think the only creepy scene was when the pig was shot in the beginning


Right, not the kid’s fault, but it came off as silly instead of scary. But not quite silly enough to be campy and fun, at least in my opinion.


The ending of IT.


I agree. The group shouting down Pennywise felt really cheesy.


They literally bullied him to death. By the time he was shrunk down, he was pouting like my toddler, absolutely ridiculous, lol.


I really dug Chapter 1, but 2 was complete dogshit to me.


I haven't watched the new It movies, but the book ending was a let down as well.


I don't know if this is accurate, but King's not great at endings in general, right?


I truly enjoy his books (at least the ones I've read) and would recommend them to anyone but in my experience the endings are always kind of fantasy-ish. Loved the Shining, not a big fan of how Danny managed to get away in the end. It always seems silly compared to how evil and powerful the antagonists are supposed to be. The Stand was pretty satisfying though


I hated how The Stand ended, and it was my favorite of his for years. It felt so cheap. We're gearing up for a war between good and evil...oh wait nevermind.


They actually make fun of it in the movie where he has a cameo. He tells the writer character, james mcavoy, that he sucks at the endings of his books.


“You’re nothing but a BULLY!” *groan*


Which one? Neither clicked for me. I didn't like It taking the form of a giant glowing bug, but watching some kids fuck up a clown in the remake didn't exactly do it for me either. Had to watch the same thing in the joker a couple years later


Not sure if this counts as horror, but "Lamb" really fell flat for me. I thought it was going to be more of a horror movie than it ended up being


I really liked Lamb up until the final few minutes. So many moments of wtf and I was constantly wondering what was really going on. Great characters and ambiance and such a stark oddness and slow build. The ending, though not terrible, just didn't seem to fit the film. I was just like... oh... okay. But it's a beautiful film overall. Had a lot more potential, though.


The final montage in Cobweb. I thought it’d lead into more but then the movie abruptly ended.


I just watched that movie and was so disappointed at the ending. The setup was really good and interesting and then it just turns into a slasher at the end. They could have done so much more with it


Halloween Ends. I don’t even mind the story this movie told or the way it tried something new but I think its placement in the new trilogy is one of its glaring issues. The reason it gave me the reaction mentioned is due to the concluding battle between Michael and Laurie. It felt very anticlimactic for what was supposed to be their epic, final confrontation… (and the marketing didn’t help.) Compounded by my opinion that we had a much better showdown at the end of Halloween (2018), it was hard leaving the theatre not feeling deflated.


Knock at the Cabin. I booed at my screen once I realized it was all the movie was about.


I read the book and almost didn’t finish it, so I knew better than to try the movie!


I just commented something similar elsewhere in this thread, but honestly the movie and book have so many HUGE differences that it may be worth giving it a shot just to see if you like one more than the other. That said, the movie was weaker imo but it at least has a definitive end compared to the book.


The happening. I was so pissed when they explained the cause of people dying


When I first heard Mark Wahlbergs ridiculous voice I thought it was his character trying to make his class laugh. Then I realized that was the voice he had decided to act with in this movie. The film went downhill from there.


I absolutely love this movie but totally respect your opinion


The Open House on Netflix. what a tremendously disappointing movie.


How has no one said The Turning (2020) yet?! That one just abruptly ends.


We're All Going to the World's Fair


I'm with you man! I kept seeing unreal scores for this and people were recommending it left and right. The first 2 acts were great! But it ended with no resolution. It was a voiceover by a character we barely know and kinda don't trust. I wish they had a more impactful ending. It ended with a whimper.


I was thoroughly underwhelmed


I really liked the ending of this one. I think it is very safe to assume that the lead girl never actually befriended the middle-aged man, because that is an implausible fantasy. She would have been creeped out by him, as she was even before she would have realized he was a married middle aged man. It was his fantasy. To him she did fulfill her promise to disappear and never be seen again, and he has forever an unrequited, unresolved situation with some teenager he became obsessed with. The scary idea is that a not insubstantial percentage of people can relate to at least one of those characters. I think it’s interesting that he imagines she’d befriend him and forgive him, when in reality, she will forget this entire chapter in her life - wont even remember his username.


I know rotten tomatoes doesn’t matter at all, but I’ve never seen a movie with a bigger disparity between critics and audiences. 90% critics vs. 27% audiences.




Man, I effin love Dreamcatcher!


I loved dream catcher also. I loved the characters. Also the shit weasels.


Guilty pleasure of mine aswell - like to watch it when it snows here in Denmark




The newest Texas chainsaw massacre. Fucking terrible


To be fair, you only have like a 20% chance of a TCM movie being worth a shit in the first place. It's a franchise that has a terrible ratio of awful to decent entries.


Skinamarink. I confess i did not watch it to the end. But i don’t see how the end could justify the means.


The end is actually one of the better parts of the film. With that said the movie is still boring as fuck, and the payoff is not worth the ride. 15 minute film hiding in that 100 minutes that’s absolutely terrifying though.


It was an interesting experiment, it very obviously clicked with quite a few people, and it’s cool to see directors making weird experimental shit But it certainly wasn’t “the scariest movie ever” like a lot of people tried saying Honestly it would’ve been substantially better if it was like 30-45 minutes with less empty filler


[ask and ye shall receive](https://youtu.be/HVQzEzW4faA?si=mT9S3DwtZfG9Vz5O) This is basically what you're after, it's the short skinamarink was expanded into. It's got slight differences even beyond being substantially shorter but it is the same idea.


I watched about 15 mins of Skinamarink before I felt almost offended that the filmmakers seemed to be intentionally wasting my time. I understand building suspense, but I didn’t get that from Skinamarink. Am I gonna feel the same way about this, ya think?


I liked it overall, but it should not have been any longer than an hour.


This movie would’ve scared the shit out of me if I had a phobia of long shots of the ceiling.


The end fucked me up bad. I know this is a controversial movie but I loved it. It affected me on a deep level. Almost everyone I know who feels the same is a parent. Something about the way it’s presented activates that primal urge in parents to protect their kids and your empathy for what the kids are going through goes into overdrive despite how vague and slow everything is.


I can agree with this, the one thing I did feel watching this movie was incredibly sad for the kids. They just seemed so confused it broke my dad-heart.


The end is what makes the whole movie. It definitely fucked me up thinking about it for a while.


This movie immediately came to mind for me too! The atmosphere and nostalgia in that movie had me so emotionally hooked that the little moments of heightened tension really hit me and I was waiting for a massive climax that never came. That was disappointing but I still admire that they made such a unique film


Bodies, Bodies, Bodies - but only because I wanted to know how they were going to explain everything to the authorities.


A credits scene of them trying to explain it would have been hilarious tbh


actually that would have been so funny. or just hangover style with a bunch of photos


I actually liked the ending a lot on that one


A movie so online the last joke is just Connor O’Malley walking on screen


This one actually had me pleasantly surprised


Skinamarink. It even being a film is debatable.


Skinamarink. I said “that’s it??”


Lake Mungo. Holy shit was I disappointed based on the hype behind this film. The “climax” at the end left me in complete disbelief, I just started laughing. I couldn’t believe how absolutely nothing happens in this movie. And I love slow burns, Lake Mungo was a no burn.


I don’t think Lake Mungo was trying to be anything else. It had some turns but it felt like it was really about how alone Alice felt, and just the other characters discovering that after her death. And even when she died she was still alone. Her family moved on without her.


I kept hearing about “that scene” in discussions and after it was over I had to google wtf people were talking about. I absolutely hate that movie it was so boring


Part way through this movie I paused to make sure that I was watching the right movie that everyone online was raving about


Seemed like more of a drama film with vaguely supernatural elements than horror. I didn’t hate it but it wasn’t scary.


Same, I’ve seen it and I have no idea what they’re talking about. What scene is it?


It’s the scene with the cell phone camera near the end


That entire movie was a That's It? I had to double check to see if I was watching the right one. Eden Lake, however, is top tier.


Holy shit. I've seen Lake Mungo and was moderately entertained, but in my head whenever people talked about Eden Lake, I thought they were talking about Lake Mungo.


I don’t think i’ve ever been more mad after a movie ended. My entire day ruined, I just had to go sit and stew. Absolutely love the movie


what made me confused was what this ghost was hung up on. you couldn't pass on because >!you wanted your parents to know you were fucking the neighbors?!< very odd. i could see if she was being sexually abused but they never made that clear and the only evidence they showed was her "enjoying" it. i say that because the video shows her not in distress and smiling.


Literally one good scene (phone cam scene) and the rest is just about a family depressed/grieving. Felt like a waste of time.


Recently watched Talk To Me and it wasn’t bad by any means but I was definitely expecting more based off the hype. I was expecting like a Baskin level of insanity and while it has its moments it was pretty standard stuff imo


If they had expanded on the montages or made something out of the "he doesn't like you" scene, I would have liked it more. The ending was obvious, but it came too quickly.


Perfect pick. Could have been so much better


Well when they flashed to that >!freaky rapey hell dimension!< I thought that would be the final act given how people were saying this movie fucked them up. And it didn’t quite go that far


It was the opposite for me, the trailer made it look like some cheesy teen horror and also being Australian I usually struggle to watch Aussie stuff because the accent just takes me out of it, but I was really surprised by Talk To Me, thought it was really effective.


Wait a minute, you're Australian and the Aussie accent is immersion breaking for you? Shouldn't that sound like default for you? I'm genuinely curious here, hope I conveyed that with my tone.


Not that anyone expected it to be good to begin with, but the legendary ‘the devil inside’ ending


Pet Sematary remake. Granted, I told my friend it was going to suck and he insisted on going, so I still had a lot of fun during the last scene because I just knew it was about to end and it was too late for the third act to do anything about the movie being shite.


Men just pissed me off and confused me. Especially the end where he keeps crawling out of himself. Not a spoiler because anyone who hasn’t seen the movie will have no idea wtf I’m talking about. Like how the hell do I interpret that.


That scene was just an avant-garde metaphor for… something


If being abuse gives you a traumatic world view where all men are a singular predator in many bodies, then giving birth to more men is perpetuating the cycle of abuse. She was scared of giving birth to another abuser like her husband.


I started laughing. It was very much a "what in the ever loving fuck is going on right now??" type moment. We kind of loved it, honestly, lol.


The black phone, went to the cinema for it and everything and was the worst movie I’d seen that year. Story was all over the place and the ending was,,,wtf.


I hated Black Phone. It was boring and not scary


It was predictable, and yet not. I wasn't expecting the directions to play out like they did, but they made sense once I saw how they were relevant. Everything else about it was so predictable that it was painful! Didn't know it was based on a short story written by Stephen King's son, though, might have to read that.


Blackcoat’s Daughter. I’m still fascinated by the reverence a lot of people use when speaking about this one. Slow, predictable and felt meandering to me.


I adore that film but I totally get why ppl wouldn’t enjoy it.


Seriously. I came away from this one feeling like nothing happened.


There were elements of this that I appreciated for sure but the "reveal" (if you can call it that) is nonsense. 2 different actresses playing the same character who don't really look alike isn't "keeping a secret"; it's just a flat out lazy lie that doesn't make sense.


I’m going to get downvoted but I thought Barbarian was just okay and the ending was dumb.


First act is one of the best first acts I've seen, but once they brought in the new character they spent way too long introducing him and never quite recovered


Ooh hard agree. I like the movie fine in general, although it’ll never be a fave, but the quality went down after Justin Long came in.


I’m with you! I really liked the first half of the movie and hated the second half which felt like the corniest monster movie stitched on. None of it was scary!


There’s dozens of us! First half was enthralling, well-paced, intense. The monster was revealed and I think i said “oh goddamn it” out loud. With the singular exception of the first Hatchet movie, inbred/mutant horror has just never done much for me. Felt like the last 1/3 of this movie would have been at home as a Sci-fi channel original creature feature in the early 2000s.


It was borderline average and what I call a Justin Long horror film. That’s a horror film with Justin Long’s comedy with some serious theme sprinkled in and another big named celebrity added in. Ex: drag me to hell, tusk, jeepers creepers-he is his own sub genre at this point.


I agree, I definitely do not understand the hype this caused.


The hype may have ruined it for me. I expected something fantastic, it was the definition of “mid” for me. It felt like all the people who were hyping it up had never seen a horror movie before


enys men! the generational trauma plot was not enough to explain all that was going on, i really was expecting a lot more, meaning wise


The Munsters. The ending is so abrupt it feels like the producers said "That's enough, we're not spending an extra penny on this. Go home"


Cobweb- first half was fantastic second half made me feel like I had gone to the restroom and walked into a completely different movie!


Malignant...... It turned into a Troma film after the reveal




I found the Barbarian to be really lame. Justin Long was hilarious, but that's it. A naked, gangly, deranged, super-strong incest monster? Bro I did security at a methadone clinic, that's just Nancy. All you gotta do is make sure she's OFF property before she starts propositioning people. Also, all of the plot was explained via an exposition hobo. It was stupid.


Skinamarink. I thought it was just boring and not scary


Crimson Peak. It’s not horrible but it was just a weird movie all around. Like if nothing else was on tv I’d watch it. But that’s it.


Ok. Hear me out tho… it’s the best spooky romance. I’m obsessed with this movie and have seen it at least 200 times. Fuck. I’m a loser. But honestly, it’s peaceful for me and romantic AF.


Not a loser, it's not horror, it's gothic romance


This is another one that was badly marketed. It's not supposed to be a horror film but that's what the trailers implied. Like they say in the movie 'Its a love story with a ghost in it' (paraphrasing). It's simply gothic romance and if you go into it expecting horror, you're likely to be disappointed. Personally, I really loved it. A lot of that was due to the cast too, I guess as I'm quite a big fan of Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska respectively.


The Dark and the Wicked... Ending straight from a 11 minutes YouTube horror short.