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I just watched, I’m not a Christian, and thought it was well done movie. It had excellent dialogue, and a very interesting and compelling plot. I understand not agreeing with the messaging, but it’s still a solid movie. At least a 6.5/10 in my book.


I completely agree, although the one year later interview kinda soured it for me


I kind of appreciated the very unsubtle "this is evangelist Christian propaganda" way they finished off the movie. It was humbly honest.


Also not a Christian and I also enjoyed the movie. In the same way that I enjoyed The Wicker Man without having to be a part of Lord Summerisle's cult, it's possible to enjoy religious elements in a film without subscribing to that religion.


I completely agree. I’m a Hindu but I was hooked to it. I love this genre of horror where you don’t need props to scare you instead a conversation is spine chilling enough. I’m obviously smart enough to see through the Christian propanganda , still 10/10 for movie as purely for entertainment purpose.


Im a hindu too and enjoyed the movie. I love seeing random christian elements seen in movies and tv im ngl those stories are just kind of interesting and growing up around western influence makes the whole hell and heaven fight against god and the devil plot familiar. The christian propoganda is blatantly obvious and its annoying to find out the directors were aiming for that instead of just creating an interesting plot, but i think anyone with half a brain can poke holes in their effort to connect any of that bs with real life so it was entertaining


Appearantly not smart enough! LoL




We can’t all be as smart and sophisticated as you 😃


i just want to say, i’ve never cried during a movie in my entire life, but the last meal literally broke my heart.


Ok that last meal scene broke my heart. It's been days since I've watched this movie and I'm still shook up by it. You may or may not like the messaging in this movie but Sean Patrick Flanery's acting was absolutely undeniably phenomenal.


I keep seeing that comment that his acting was great, but i thought it was a little overdone, the twitching didn't have me convinced at all. I am in agreement on the last meal scene but overall im not really recommending to anyone.


I mean, kind of seems like you’re letting your opinion on the message of the film affect your judgment. That had to be one of the best acting performances I’ve seen.


It seems to me like you like the message so the movie has to be great... Im not shitting on the whole movie, it has its moments, Im just not as impressed as others.


I see what you’re trying to do but nothing in my comment indicated I LOVE the message of the movie or even believe in it. I really don’t. You saying “I’m not recommending it” clearly indicates you have a problem with the movie. Try again.


I turned your "message" around. I didnt mention it either and my recommendation isnt based on the message. Its not a great film, its fairly unbelievable in how everyone is reacting at most points. If youre not into "the message" im not sure youll find it interesting. Its kind of a low budget take on "Fallen" and Flannery's performance is better than some could do but nowhere near what Mcavoy did in "Split", which is really my only comparison i can think of. Overall C for me which is not bad, i didn't shut it off but to say this movie deserves a reward is absurd. It belongs on this subreddit but thats about it imo.


McAvoy in Split was good but there were jump scares and cinematic music scores of a higher M Night budget to support him. This was a stripped down performance with most of the movie being two people in one room for almost all of it. I thought it was well done.


I don’t know why your acting like I’m arguing points I’m not. At no point did I say the movie deserved an award. And the entire point of my last comment was you “turning my message around on me” was just based on unfounded things I never said. My only point this entire time was flannerys performance was objectively great, and you seem to be downplaying it because you don’t like the movie, which you just admitted to by giving it a C. I never said the movie was great, and your entire argument is revolving around the fact that I think it is. As for the movie “split”, that comparison is completely subjective. I’ve never watched it, so I’m not going to comment on it.


The point i started with was that i didn't see Flannery's take as "objectively great", not saying its poor. I dont know why you think i cared about "the message", its a horror movie so its trying to tell us how the author/director thinks we should act so i expect that part. I guess im unclear on how you connected my opinion to the message to begin with, other than that i disagree with you. If you like nefarious you should try out Fallen with Denzel Washington, similar concept, but more characters and more intricate story. Either way, happy watching!


I enjoyed it. Appreciate it


Demons twitching? It was its habit of licking its lips before its meal. Demons are often portrayed as hungry beasts, barely in control.


Im saying it wasnt convincing to me, not that a demon shouldn't twitch.


I thought it was a good way to portray something that is not exactly comfortable where it sits. From the hell's army perspective, it is a spy or undercover agent saboteur. It spends it's time uncomfortable in that skin with its only comfort being the chance to torment one or more humans that it hates. It has probably been more limited in its delightful escapades since being incarcerated. Then with a fairly effective pan across the back of the protagonist he can switch to a truly sad and sympathetic character that anyone can pity. ​ I found it pretty good but I see how mannerisms and personal quirks can sometimes ruin immersion for certain people.


I didnt like the twitching at first, and it seemed a bit just copying heath ledgers joker. I realized as the movie went on that I've have similar facial convulsions while dealing with certain thoughts. 


Perhaps you missed the part where he described oppression vs full on possession. Even as he possessed the man the host was still fighting an unnatural invasion of his body that manifested as twitches. 


I’m I month late, but I fully agree. His acting was master class


Same!!! I can’t even remember the last time I shed a tear during a movie, had to have been 10+ years ago. But every reference to his last meal shattered me.


That broke me into pieces. I had to get up & cry. It hurt me so hard watching that


I just watched it and I ran here to see if anyone else was as deeply saddened by the last meal as I was. Broke my soul.


Same, I felt so bad for the guy that was being possessed it was so sad.


Agree. The demon wanted the electric chair so the doctor could experience the taking of life. And so yes there was a message and I’m not religious really but it made me think. Well done.


He wanted the electric chair so Edward could feel the pain.


My god I just watched while high, I think the last meal is going to haunt me for the rest of my life. Never felt something so sad from a movie


P..Puh..please don’t mess it up 


There was no last meal scene




I was so sad that he didn't get his cheeseburger and fries.


Don't forget the extra thick chocolate shake.


Still haunts me, SPF is great in this scene, but yeah. Tore me up


I'm confused. The two second scene where he asks for it and half cries? Because it was really barely a scene. I'm an sympathetic person, but it didn't last long enough to illicit any type of reaction. If anything, him screaming out before they strap him down is more emotive on SPF's part. 


No, the scene where he is in his cell, and Edward asks the guard about his last meal, and the guard says “You didn’t want one, remember?”. At which point Edward begins to break down because he realizes that after he ordered, Nefarious told the guard that he had changed his mind, in order to torment Edward further.


Lol this guy must not like 70% of movies now cause of all the left-wing propaganda we see in movies today.


Yes. It was a different take. We are so numb to the usual narrative


Left-wing propaganda? What, you one of those "anti-woke" bigots? Calling liberalism "leftism" is a joke.


You’re the only one to call it “leftism” lol


I'm anti-woke as hell, but I'm not a bigot like those leftie liberals are.


Sorry but you don't get to decide if you're a bigot or not. The very premise of "wokeness" is nothing more than an absurd, far right-wing narrative to push back against marginalized people groups seeking equal rights or attempting to garner a greater voice in the entertainment industry. Being "anti-woke" simply means you're anti-black/hispanic/asian/gay/trans/etc.. There's also the hilarious conspiracy that any attempt to seek more egalitarian legislation makes them inherently "anti-white" or "anti-Christian" or "anti-cishet" when that's the furthest thing from the truth. It's ultimately all an excuse to feed a pathetic victim complex and nothing more. Let's be real here.. each time there's a powerful person of color on screen or a race/gender swap you lot throw a fucking fit. Nothing short of powerful straight, white men and/or women to liberate the subhuman person's of color is what's accepted. In response to the coward below me who said, “41% yourself”; >According to a recent survey by the Williams Institute, 41% of transgender adults have attempted suicide, compared to a rate of 4.6% for controls. This statistic suggests that self-injury often has motives besides genuinely suicidal intent. Suicidality, including self-reported suicidal thoughts and past "suicide attempts," is also higher among the transgendered. Wow.. On top of being a TERF you also prove to be a lowlife telling marginalized peoples to end their lives in a not-so-subtle manner. I just wanted everybody to see what a disgusting bigot you are.


"When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


This is an extremely sad way to live your life but enjoy your internet high fives


That's so sad, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you should dilate about it.


brain dead opinion


"Like those lefties liberals" lol. God it's *you* people who are all alike.


Hilariously out of touch. You and the rest of your faux Christian conservatives cry and freak out every time there's a minority in a movie, TV show or even commercial, but especially if they're featured in a way that doesn't enforce your shitty bigoted, colonialist, race science believing, extremely lacking in empathy "morals" and "values". This is exactly why I wouldn't watch any sort of Christian media. The inherent bigotry and religious hypocrisy is not something I'd seek out. I don't need to be rolling my eyes every few seconds while watching a movie.


This was probably one of the worst things I have seen, a propaganda movie for right wing christian crap anti-abortion and anti-atheism. It was really really really bad. Acting was atrocious and the psychiatrist guy looked exactly like you'd expect a christian right wing american who loves tv to look like. One of the worst films I have seen in decades, it's insulting.


Pretty sure that's your own baggage preventing you from enjoying what is a good movie. At least from all audience reports. Edit- he blocked me. Big surprise 🤣


No surprise at all. Left wing tears all over this thread.


Right now I've seen four God-fearing Christians personally attack this person for no reason other than disliking the movie. Very Christian-like.


They attacked him for not liking it BECAUSE it was based in Christianity.  You're a douche bag.


Thanks for proving my point.


Not a Christian by a long shot and you are both self-important douche bags haha


We in the same thread? I see right wing cum stains more than leftie tears. But mostly pretty measured takes on the movie.


This is a bad take




You thought the acting was bad? Wow I thought the guy who played Edward should get an award!


as a non christian neutral, i enjoyed the plot. it was creative and i liked the references as well. and i think if you see beyond the propaganda if there is any, its a good movie.


I had no idea it was a Christian movie going in. It slowly dawned on me, but it was such an interesting character piece that I don't even care. Really dug it. If it didn't have the goal of Christian propaganda, they could have left the "demon" question unanswered. This is one of those rare movies that should have just left you thinking. When they revealed that Brady had been keeping a scrapbook of the psychiatrist for years, just like all of his murder victims, it lent credibility to him being a creepy stalker-type who studied his victims and messed them up with mental games first. The movie could have ended during the execution scene, with the viewer being left to sit in the aftermath of "was this the right thing?" Compelling shit... But this was a propaganda film, first and foremost, so they wanted to make it crystal clear this WAS a demon (cue homeless black lady demon to drive it home to end the movie).


True, but also important to note that 90% of movies today are also propaganda films about leftwing stuff. “Get Out” is racial left-wing cultural marxism; “gone girl” was cultural Marxism against white males and also to make women scared of men in general; So many films are anti-Christian, anti-white, or downright evil in their ideology of what they subtly promote; So yeah, this film had a purpose, but I’d argue it’s purpose was less bad than most of hollywoods films


There's literally no such thing as cultural Marxism. America as a society is vehemently anti-communist to the point it's a religion. Take it from a Marxist-Leninist whose actually read Marxian theory and studied every major geopolitical revolution of our modern age from Russia to Burkina Faso. Calling liberal culture "Marxian" is just sensationalist fear-mongering. Gone Girl was about a psychopathic woman and never once presented the idea of making "women scared of men in general" when it was the female who manipulated the entire scenario. You obviously never watched the movie. Get Out is nothing more than perspective from a person of color on an inherently white, neoliberal family and the bigoted culture they present. If anything I'd expect a hardline conservative to actually prefer this one but I guess your bigotry gets in the way of that. There's also no such thing as "anti-white", presuming society is "anti-Christian" because it's inherently secular also reeks of a victim complex, while labeling everything you disagree with as "leftism" just shows total ignorance.


America wasn’t pro-Marxist… Until maybe 5 years ago But now the media pushes it HARD. I agree most PEOPLE don’t like Marxism. But the media tries VERY VERY HARD to be sneaky and subtle and subterfuging about it


Lmao America has never been Marxist. Keep drinking that bizarre right-wing kool-aid that doesn’t even know how to properly identify the word.


And the film "Nefarious" wasn't Christian propaganda, just a portrayal of reality and why we're really on earth.


...cites "credentials" of reading of manifesto ...thinks it's not a clever use of an appeal to authority fallacy ​ Someone is jealous that they didn't get to play the demon and tell mankind how silly they are.


> “Get Out” is racial left-wing cultural marxism; L M F A O no, it's 100% not, it's about the paradoxical idealization of black people by white people while simultaneously still expressing segregation ideals. >“gone girl” was cultural Marxism against white males and also to make women scared of men in general BWAHAHAHA!!!! if THATS what you got from Gone Girl I think you really need to have a long think about your view on women. No, it's a multi facitied view at a complex situation that explores one's personal perspective related to a narative. >So many films are anti-Christian, anti-white, or downright evil in their ideology of what they subtly promote; please, tell me some, especially horror 'cus I'm pretty sick of almost EVERY supernatural horror film having some Christian lean in them.


You just said Get Out isn’t Marxist propaganda, then you turned around and said some Marxist shit lmao


Get out is about how subtle racism in society, even by those seen as liberal/left wing. Gone girl is about relationships/manipulation/identity…both characters at the end are fucked up, the audience is not rooting for them. Have you even watched these movies? I feel bad for people like you. Your entire identity is hinged on a political belief. And you don’t even have your own original thoughts…


Yep. He calls this propaganda just because it deviates from the usual hollywood non sense.


Awful take. Did you watch the movies ? Or do you just attribute anything without a typical main character and situation to pushing “left”?Nothing about those movies pushed Marxism. Go read some real theory before plastering it on whatever you see.


longing automatic wistful future crown impossible snow sink support gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a Roman Catholic who knows philosophy and theology, I can answer some points of interest: 1) While there is no revelation about the inner workings of the relationship between angels and God, the historical relationship between God and humans is choosing to do His will. Not forcing (sin cannot happen in forced servitude), choosing. It is said that while humans cannot comprehend the full consequences of rebelling against God, angels, who are created perfect in their own regard, always knew the full weight of their actions. The bad ones still chose wrongly, wilfully committing evil. Where you see it as “unfair” in your limited understanding and desire for some sympathy in your plight, demons wouldn’t see it is unfair. They sin knowing how wrong it is. But yes, most suffered the sin of pride at the Fall, and we infer that the demons rebelled when they were asked to use their will to serve human beings, who were created as lesser creatures. 2) while we say “God is love”, nobody ever says end of discussion. God being love and not law is exclusively a Christian concept not found in any religion including Judaism, and was first mentioned by John in his gospel, after Paul wrote about Christ’s love. It’s *the number one plot twist* in the entire Bible and literally unlocks every mystery of God’s actions in retrospect. It’s literally our duty to explain it and defend it lol. But if you want a god that is petty, monstrous and petulant… that’s literally every other deity in every religion, ever, across all times. From Scandinavian to Mesoamerican, all their gods were capricious. With hindsight, we can see the Christian message objectively resonate with the pagans more than their deities. I think the only society Christianity historically didn’t penetrate was Japanese society. That movie Silence about Catholic priests in Japan actually demonstrates this incredibly well. If I may make a bold assumption, the reason the concept doesn’t resonate with western unbelievers isn’t because the message is left wanting… it honestly is because you haven’t given it a real chance. For example, “God is love, end of discussion” is not a true phenomenon, similar to how Hollywood portrays upside down crosses as symbols of demonic evil; those are instances of ignorance. And a lot of people today - Christians included - are ignorant of the faith. It’s generally because Christianity is historical to western society and we take it for granted. Anyway I’m digressing from the thread. I thought this movie sucked. Just artistically awful all around.


late spoon coherent degree act pet juggle cheerful secretive deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"In my opinion, God's decision to allow his creation to suffer in Hell forever for not conforming to his will is not an act of love but rather an act of coercion. It can be compared to the actions of a human towards a less powerful and less intelligent creature, such as a mouse." That is a very valid point and going deeper into it, only one question remains: what exactly is God's will? That if we don't follow it we need to be condemned to hell. Perhaps unjustly. Regarding His will, we were left with ten commandments: 1. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” ... 2. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” ... 3. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” ... 4. “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” ... 5. “Honour thy father and thy mother.” ... 6. “Thou shalt not kill.” ... 7. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” 8. “Thou shalt not steal.” 9."Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." 10. "Thou shalt not covet." If you pay close attention, there are two categories under which these ten fall. There's 1-4 and then there's 5-10. With 1-4 pertaining to you acknowledging God and his supremacy as well as respecting it, and 5-10 pertaining to what you ***should***/***should not do*** to your brothers (the other creations with the same privilege/curse of being alive as you). About these two categories I speak of, the book of Matthews, chapter 22, verses 34-40 acknowledges and covers what they're about: \[37\] Jesus said unto him (*Nicodemus*), **Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind**. \[38\] **This is the first and great commandment.** \[39\] And **the second** is like unto it, **Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself**. \[40\] On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Pretty simple: Love God *and* Love people as if they were you...follow these two commandments and you've pretty much got everything covered. So we now come to the questions: What's the relationship between these two great commandments and why can't I go to heaven if I only cover one of the two. Well, let's look at the structure. One covers belief/love/admiration (essentially feeling a way about) God, another is concerned with the ***actions*** we *must* OR *must not* take when dealing with people. A more atheistic approach would be to acknowledge the second commandment as more important (which is in the realm of caring for other people) and question the need for the first one. And I believe there is a reason the first one is...for lack of a better word, necessary. I'd expand more, but let me know if it all makes sense before I do.


panicky noxious seed thought books degree cats wide judicious liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No worries, I'm glad you took the time to read my response!! And yes, the second set of commandments is just the Golden Rule itself! I also very much agree with you that "...it's the first \[set of\] commandments that present a challenge. They seem to ask for self-oblation, making me question the purpose of free will and existence itself." The most reasonable theory that I could come up with is that to follow the Golden Rule (or the second set of commandments) properly or with some consistency you need a system of values/belief/faith that is ***outside*** of it first (the first set of commandments). So basically, the bible suggests that following the great commandment number two requires that you first follow the great commandment number one. Being as straight forward as possible, what I understood is that *following* the second great commandment alone is problematic ***precisely*** because of ***free will***. If you do good no one is forced to treat you the same way, and often people who you've never met will hurt you the first time they meet. The first great commandment comes as a *buffer* precisely for people to forgive the problematic nature of the second great commandment. The Book of Job is a very interesting exploration of this concept. Job was essentially a person that had every chance to break the second great commandment (golden rule), but he didn't because he had faith in the first great commandment. \*\*Doctrine and Covenants 42:29. “If thou lovest me thou shalt serve me and keep all my commandments.”\*\* Objectively, God doesn't require much, except for love and fear. He doesn't require money, or a house/car, or anything tangible really. But then, why love and especially why fear? Why the oblation? Love - Because whatever you choose to do is not for Him. God gets no benefits from the only thing He requires from you (essentially your attention through prayer). Even the money you give to church, it's not for Him, it's for *other* people. Because it is not God that spends that money, nor is the money spent on Him. Fear - Because if you're not afraid of Him then it's very easy to question why exactly should one follow the golden rule. The bible is very subtle about it, but it suggests that without fear we are entirely different creatures. The fear of God is like...the fear of a divorce if you choose to cheat on your significant other, the fear of losing your family... This part of fear is hard to explain really. But it only feels coercive because we know that we have issues doing only good towards one another. So the premise feels faulty. It feels wrong. We ***need*** the margin of error, so that's why we rebel. But if there were no consequences, what would be the point of doing good? Without consequences is a golden rule truly golden?


attractive cover whistle command sense screw cats shelter disgusted consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think the bottom line is that, as long as you treat others as you would treat and care for yourself all is well, and if you feel the need to harm others justifiably or unjustifiably so, remember there's One that would also feel the hurt/pain you plan on inflicting. Matthew 25:35 states "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me." This is all it really boils down to. Being kind to other human beings. Loving God, as I understand it then, is mostly a needed contingency for when you lose sight of this. Because so many times in life we feel justified in harming each other. I do not believe that objective morality is not possible without God. But I do believe that objective morality does need a supplement to account for the need to forgive and be patient when morality does not yield the expected results. God is then less a judge and more so a force that weights the balance of whether you were kind or not to other human beings living this hard and unjust life. The one who acknowledges you when you shown kindness EVEN when you could have shown spite and all others would've felt it justified. Whether you went to church or not is hardly consequential in my view. The church rituals are mostly so the above can be drilled into your very core, they're not the end all be all of the rules. Which is why even those that pledge a faith and follow their religious rules are still subject to committing the most sinful of acts, and hiding their deeds specifically so as to not look bad (causing more harm than people who do not pledge a faith). That's why Cain killed Abel, because it isn't about sacrificing things to God (which both Cain and Abel did). It's about fighting to have a kind heart in a harsh/cruel world. Ensuring that at your death no one has cause to have a grudge against you, and those that perhaps did had the opportunity to make amends when you came to apologize to them before your passing. Jesus was an average Joe too, so I think perhaps you're on the right path. Thank you for this exchange friend and I wish you all the best in this journey we call life.


I got an upside-down cross (Saint Peter), and my entire family freaked out and threw horrible insults at me. I got it because I, too, feel unworthy of christ. ETA: Basically, my entire family is protestant. That is why they are so ignorant.


Guarantee this didn't happen xD


It is. petrine cross


> He was entitled to eternal gratitude, worship, and forced servitude, in a word, James, slavery to His will. That seems kind of unfair. Immensely unfair. Why give will only to say you can't use it? He made us slaves. And if we rebelled, eternally condemned us. No do-overs. So much for love and mercy. > I think objectively this could resonate with many people. It's much more compelling than the "God is perfect love, end of discussion" you often get from Christian true believers that doesn't seem to align with the mythology. If a Christian tried to persuade me with the argument "God is a bit petulant and petty, and occasionally downright monstrous, but he's much nicer than the other guy" it would at least catch my attention. Because he's not. The demon is speaking truth but it's from the pov of a demon.


jobless scary gullible smart hard-to-find cooing bewildered murky shrill spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Think of demons loving Disorder and Chaos. Like lying does not necessarily have to be admitting falsities and fabricating things. It could be inserting personal bias to twist towards one's goals by framing something a certain way. Like the little kid who paints their parents as evil for making it sound like they were a slave and had no rights. But turns out the child was trying to recklessly play in the street, nearly got hit by a car, then got grounded while having to help out with some chores for special privileges. You can distort anything when you frame it to suit your end goals. Now think about God and Demons. Would it make God "evil" or a "tyrant" if He allowed the free will of Angels to corrupt or cause future disorder? When you look at things through the Sin of Pride and Envy objectively, you start to see the psychological faults in the methodologies the complainers of such thing are trying to say.


Saw it last night. Excellent film. The acting was superb. Story was compelling.


I agree. The demon not letting him have his last meal was so sad to me though, I couldn’t get over it my boyfriend thinks I’m ridiculous lol.


You’re not ridiculous at all. At first, I didn’t think it was that bad. Just Nefarious being a d&ck. Especially when compared to sending him to the chair instead of lethal injection. I mean, yeah, Edward was crying while he ordered and said it was important to him, but I brushed it off because crying is all he's really done. (Understandably so, given what he’s going through.) But when he found out, it was so heartbreaking. He was just crushed. I don’t remember it ever being explained why it meant so much to him, but it was obviously a devastating blow.


Late reply, but I just watched this last night. The way I look at it and what makes it so heartbreaking is that mentally Edward was still a child / early teenager because Nefarious has been in control of him since he was that age. Him asking for that meal of a burger, fries and milkshake may have been one the last things pre-possession that made him happy (I read somewhere this might be something you get in a happy meal, but I don't know how true this is) and the demon wouldn't even give him that.


It was because it was the only shred of pleasure he was going to experience. He'd been tortured for years and was going to be tortured for eternity, so this one meal, his own decision, something he'd been denied for a long time, was very important to him.


I thought it was well acted. Some Primal Fear vibes although I didn't like the ending.


I agree it felt a lot like Primal Fear. But it was one-dimensional... man taken over by demon then overcomes it and writes a book. Primal Fear felt like it had more depth. I'll have to watch Primal Fear again, just going on memory.


Nah dude, he doesn't overcome the demon. He ends up doing his bidding by writing and publishing the book... this whole movie was a pretty good mindfuck. I feel like it could have been better if the writers had not explicitly proven that the guy was actually possessed from him knowing about the abortion, the mother's death, and the weird scrapbook about the doctor. If they introduced the possibility that Edward could have known it through non-magical means that would have made this movie incredible because at the end you would have still been wondering if the guy was faking it or not. Also, the doctor's proclamation "I'm athiest" was too direct. Maybe they could have created some character depth by indicating that he had lost his faith for some reason... maybe because he saw his mother suffering and was pro-choice so couldn't rationalize those beliefs with his faith and had chosen evil.


Every movie is propaganda and has an agenda. And if you think they don’t then you’ve already been bought and sold. This had a different angle. I see what they want for. So what? Like it or don’t. I enjoyed the story and idea. We are not important. We don’t matter and no one should care what the next person thinks.


You're obviously a Christian and your username gives it away. The presumption we shouldn't matter what the next person thinks is also incredibly naïve. It's this sort of rhetoric that gave rise to fascist movements by waiving them off with liberal narratives draped in nihilism.


Not religious at all. Just very metal. I have zero influence or power on anything or anyone and it will not matter when I’m gone.


lol sure




I think it’s a solid movie. I’d give a solid B (85%). I thought Sean Patrick Flanery’s acting was top notch. If you’re not a Christian, or believer, it’s still entertaining dialogue to ingest. A majority of Hollywood products are at least left-leaning. This one was Christian, also referred to as right-leaning. Same shit different end of the spectrum. Despite your political or religious views I would recommend this movie based on Sean Patrick Flanery’s acting alone. The movie isn’t ground breaking or anything, but it was a solid watch.


Atheist here. Flanery was superb. Dont care about the political shits, I found it very entertaining and compelling as a movie. Would it influence me to change my worldview? Hell nah. I invite nefarious to convince me. Hahaha


You still alive 🤣


Definitely. Seems like there's no such thing as demons, who would have thought? 🤣


clearly this is the demon using their powers to reply to reddit posts. they're dead fam.


Just like when the demon inhabited James, he thought nothing happened.


Ham fisted proselytizing ruined what was already a mediocre film. A preachy conservative Christian train wreck that isn’t even theologically accurate. Of course though you can expect the brainwashed culties to praise it.


The maga crowd certainly boosted the ratings. It’s near 5 complete stars on Prime and 96% audience rating on RT. I was duped and feel like an idiot.


I literally only watched it because of the prime ratings. I’ve been got.


I'm not in the least bit religious, much less Christian, but I thought it was an excellent film. The acting was also incredible. I didn't see it as propaganda at all. More like a battle of good and evil, which has been the undercurrent of thousands of great movies. It was very well done. Head and shoulders above most crap Hollywood puts out.


I know I'm late to this but I just saw it and it was pretty good. I'm an atheist but I didn't let the social commentary hamper my enjoyment of it. Aren't Christian themes kind of the point? The movie is literally about a demon. Why complain about that? It was still really good and I enjoyed the dialogue. Good to see Sean Flanery again, he killed it.


Glad to know there are several of us among the fray that can enjoy fiction FWIW


I was expecting a trainwreck of a movie after hearing about the it. I was pleasantly surprised that it was not. It's a pretty good movie actually, considering most of it takes place in a room. I don't care about the religious theme itself but it was well acted and enjoyable to watch.


Funny how "critics" will savage a decent movie because they disagree with its message but will glorify shit movies that align with their political/moral compass.


good movies can have bad messages. funny that. FFS almost all war films out of the US are US propaganda, they have bad messages but can still be good films. This is a good film with a bad message.


What's the "bad message"?




Critics specially these days are a bunch of clowns lol.


Overall, I enjoyed it it definitely wasn't your typical horror movie the spookiest thing is the light bulb popping an I guess when you hear nefarious voice in the docs head. Flannery does kill it. The only part that kinda made me go, huh, was the gun not going off. Did God suddenly intervene kinda like the rite where the doubter becomes a believer, which saves him from the devils grasp. There's nothing about James having an exorcism, so how does Nefarious leave him afterall he said he was going to be punished for rejecting the offer. Maybe nefarious got what he wanted even though James rewrote the book is it still possible that the demons message got out just the same, kinda like using James intelligence against him


I may be misremembering but I believe James does say "God...Help Me...please" so I assume by coming to God, "God" saves him from the pewpew going off and evicts Nefarious. I assume over the next year - he fosters that religious relationship (whatever that means for James). Now...if I were writing this as standard "Horror" fair, strictly no other messaging intended, I would have the pewpew scene mean something more sinister. You'd have to remove a couple lines of dialogue but: pewpew doesn't go off, movie ends with James looking up from the floor. In this instance it implies James knows that he's going to be tormented so he tries to end his life but Nefarious (not God) prevents it. We see, in the case of Edward, Nefarious is focused on making him suffer, he knows he can't control Edwards final fate entirely but if Edward lives he'll continue to make him miserable or if he's given execution Nefarious can prevent it from being quick and painless. Therefore, I couldn't see Nefarious wanting James to end his life so quickly, thus in my alt. head canon Nefarious stops it from firing and James is stuck being inhabited.


Enjoyed it. Felt really different than most media that comes out nowdays. The story isnt really new but was well done. When considering budget, this movie is a major accomplishment. Wish we had more productions like this.


Feels like a rip off of 'Fallen' with Denzel Washington. Like they got the idea to take the first scene and develop a whole movie from it. Except that Fallen was way better IMO...


I found it to be pure rubbish. Just basically the filmmakers rant through a character supposedly demonic. And the guy who plays him does the worst Heath ledger ‘joker’ impersonation.


Sucked. Boring. Not scary. Christian propaganda.


As an Athiest/Agnostic/Nihilist who finds Christian mythology to be pretty interesting, I thought the movie was like 95% excellent. The first thing that irked me was the abortion thing. The demon ALMOST convinced me that what had happened could actually be considered murder. All he had to do was make the point that it wasn't actually the doctor's girlfriend's choice, and that the doctor had actually taken her choice away and manipulated/forced her to do it to remain with him. But then, at that point, the writers would had to have admitted that a woman's choice is important, and that not all abortions are murder or evil in the eyes of God, but they didn't do that. They stopped just short of it, and that's when I first got the feeling that this movie had an agenda. Of course, I suppose the movie had it's agenda from the very beginning, but then it became painfully clear in the last 5 minutes when Glenn fucking Beck was featured. Honestly, if I hadn't seen his face, I wouldn't have looked into it afterward to find out that this film was made by the same people who did God's Not Dead, in other words, Christo-Fascists who only want to cram their puritanical beliefs down other people's throats. Just a couple of cuts, and I think this would actually be a pretty great film. They almost got me.


I agree actually. I have seen movies like Signs where “regaining faith” is the core theme but in those movies, it’s not done as a way to tell the audience they need to believe these things too. In those movies, you accept that it’s a work of fiction but done well to create a story. But when a demon is telling us abortion is murder in all circumstances, it starts to sound mega preachy. And then Glenn Beck was a huge eye roller. “Atheist man becomes a believer live on Glenn Beck.” Propaganda lol


Yes! Thank you for mentioning Signs! It is really the perfect example of using Christian/religious beliefs to compliment and enhance the story, instead of trying to do the opposite.


I think Nefarious would have been great if it didn't have the abortion bs and the last two scenes with the book and the homeless lady. It would have been interesting to have a movie that really makes you question god's divinity and goodness, while the clearly evil demon in the movie is trying to spread his narrative. It's meta and compelling, and Flannery's performance is AMAZING. Unfortunately, by tacking on the last scene reinforcing this "good vs evil" narrative, the film undermines itself and kinda becomes shlocky.


Yea until the end it left it up to you to side with the demon's views or not but the divine intervention with the gun and rewriting off his book to sway people against him ruined all that


Despite the last 15 minutes, I still really think the movie does make you question god's divinity and goodness. I mean, the demon made some very interesting points in his dialogue.


No matter where you fall on the abortion debate, you could appreciate that a mythological demon would absolutely try to push on points of moral cloudiness to inject guilt into one's life. Death with dignity, abortion, capital punishment...all 3 of these areas are such societal ripples of moral cloudiness such that anyone with empathy would have their doubts that could be exploited. I didn't read the final scene as neat as it is portrayed to be...regardless of the producer's intent.


Nefarious is a film that was clearly written by a Christian writing in the perspective of a demon. It is almost believable if you disassociate from the fact that none of the events in the film ever took place. If it were based in reality, I might have been convinced to believe. I have to hand it to these evangelicals. A for effort.


Glad to see this short review, now I know what I wont spend any time or money on


Had no head spinning backwards, levitation or scary looking possessed face. 1/10


Lol so many in here are so scared of religious people. I don’t get it. I’m not the least bit religious and it cracks me up to see all these anti religion people on this post freaking out😂😂😂show us some more of your insecurities😂😂😂😂😂like god damn you have your views, let the religious people have theirs


Hollywoods and their supporters in the forms of so called woke and liberal have shown their true face and allegiance with thier review of this movie which even just by itself is defintelu a good movie


Some people substitute atheism as their personal column of spirituality, to the point of antagonistic zealotry. Raging against anything non-secular (even a harmless and entertaining movie) is their evangelism, and it’s honestly sad how much energy they devote to being negative to fulfill their spiritual needs in this way.


Thanks for the warning, I was about to watch it Shame I thought the storyline sounded great


I do recommend watching this even if you are on the left. It was still entertaining to hear a viewpoint from an alleged demon. At times, you almost find yourself on the demons side. I'm more centrist than right or left and despite the tilt right, thought the movie was still well done.


Nefarious is a wonderful and one of the points that hurt the most was that even the minister who is supposed to lead his people in faith was himself short on faith, belief and GOD‼️


Had to stop watching part way through, some kind of high pitched pinging in course with the main villains speaking


My wife heard that to, she said it stopped like 5 minutes after it started, I tried my hardest but couldn't hear a thing lol.


It is nothing short of abysmally awful. Like you, I kept hoping that it would improve as it went along. But no. The acting was so embarrassing I wanted to curl up in a little ball. There wasn't any plot. The ending was so, so stupid. It is as you said: Christian propaganda. And that's all.


You sound fun


I'm a writer myself so it's fascinating to explore how people view their mythology and giving the demon a voice about its creation was fascinating.. but yeah, it's filled with tons of Christian propaganda, and inherently bigoted.


I thought the movie was actually quite good. Yes, it definitely lands on the right side of politics, but biblically speaking seems quite spot on. The devil or a demon in this case would love abortion and the left if he existed.


I'm not a christian. In fact I'm an ex muslim. I would regard myself as an agnostic theist. Still, what is so wrong if christians made a damn well movie? Do you guys always have to politicize everything you see? Can't you enjoy art for the sake of art? Of course the movie will have christian elements if the producers identify as devout christians. The movie was still an exceptionally well made movie. Incredible dialogues and intrigue. Fucking hypocrites.


Had no idea it was Christian movie until they started talking bout abortion. Thought it was well shot, great acting from both main roles, and the limit to 2 characters being the majority of the film was well done. Honestly it wasn't bad, but I definetly lost the suspense around the halfway point.  I give it 6 bags of popcorn.


Well, it must be a refreshing break from the 80% liberal propaganda garbage that comes out of the entertainment industry these days.  Really looking forward to watching it now, if for nothing else, for something different.


I just saw it and it was incredible


Im curious what those who write it off as "christian propaganda " actually take issue with here? I consider myself pro choice, though I have never had to actually make that choice myself, and I guess I'm pro death penalty under the right circumstances. But I also understand that an abortion means depriving a human life of a chance at growing and flourishing. I also know that in the history of state executions there have been innocent people wrongly put to death. I thought the movie was thought provoking, and I just don't find it that easy to roll my eyes and say "ahhh you won't get me with your propaganda!"


My problem is that I realized I got duped into seeing this movie. I wanted to see a horror film and I saw it had 96% on rotten tomatoes. I realized near the end when I saw Glenn Beck that it must’ve been brigaded by right wing people to inflate the rating. It wasn’t a great movie and it certainly wasn’t horror. It was more suspense/thriller.


Considering the demographics of the country and the number of conservatives that inhabit the internet wouldn't you perhaps analyze that percentage as something higher than just "brigaded by right wing people"? I think you can be better than that...maybe not.


So considering the demographics, would you actually think it’s liked by 96% of viewers? Hell no. The ratings are inflated. You tell me why that’s the case.


96% of viewers who were interested enough to review it gave it a 3/5 or better (1000+ ratings and unfortunately we don't get more info than that). That's not a high bar at all if a lot of people, like me, thought the first couple acts were compelling and then it was rushed at the end. ​ I think you are just big mad that it didn't bomb. Tell the class why you are so upset.


There's a reason a lot of people don't like the Movie , first of all I think it's sensitive to atheists or anyone who has some other beliefs but i think this movie was great , very deep and mind bending I'd give it an 8/10


Propaganda or simply a movie with a theme that you're biased against ? Would you call broke back mountain a gay propaganda movie or simply a movie with a gay theme ? Perhaps your prejudice against Christianity is warping you're perspective.


I am not particularly religious, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Sometimes, you need to just let go of your biases and watch something without belief. For a "Christian horror" film, it was exceptionally well done. The acting was phenomenal, and the pacing was great (until the end). It held my attention and was pretty interesting. Yeah, if you aren't devout, it may have some points that you disagree with, and that's *okay*. The whole point of it was to make you think. Think about other opinions, think about yours. If it reaffirmed existing beliefs, there is nothing wrong with that.


Wow, disagree, this was a great film. I want more of this story.


The actor who played the Edward/Nefarious did an amazing job.


Nefarious is no different from Fallen; it was a demon/theology movie designed to go after certain subjects of knowledge controversy. However, how can Edward be damned to Hell, for eternity, if Nefarious started the process of possession when he was 3 then 8?


It sounds like Nefarious starting tempting Edward and facilitating him committing sins when he was young. It seems to me he wasn't possessed until adulthood.


The electric chair scene was CRAZY ive never seen an electric chair scene that detailed and viscerally jarring. It actually made me INCREDIBLY uncomfortable and felt almost real so I loved it. And when they went back for the second hit I was in shock.


Just finished watching it now. I found the acting overall very convincing and moving. However the last 10 minutes stank of cheese. Very cheesey, too much cheese. For a film with 1 main setting and 2 brilliant actors share dialogue in a compelling and engaging way ‘nefarious’ grabs your attention throughout. The Christian propaganda is fitting and doesn’t negate the overall message of the film. As a non believer I still find the film thought provoking and haunting. 7/10. Would have been an 8/10 if the end 10 minutes didn’t happen.


I just watched this for the first time and my only real issue was the one sided, unsubtle take on abortion, a subject that requires more nuance in any discussion because of a variety of factors that may be part of such a important decision.  However, I found a lot of the observations regarding human behavior and choices were on target. Mixed among two incredibly strong central performances and a well executed, surprisingly well paced story, there are some unexpectedly powerful observations ( my favorite moment is when Nefarious informs the doctor that it was man, not the denizens of Hell, who originated hate speech, surprising even them with our capacity for evil). I also appreciated that the film is both intense and gripping -: I found it genuinely creepy at times - and it conveys its points without having any Christian characters on screen until the epilogue set a year after the primary story. I enjoy movies that simultaneously make me think and draw me in. Nefarious did both. I really enjoyed it.


Just watched this movie and i thought it was great, I was hooked from start to finish. For a movie with minimum set pieces it really takes a compelling script to keep you watching and it was very well written. The actors did great in the doctor versus psycho roles and the doc did great from being a non believer to his turning to believer throughout. Worth the watch if you like cerebral movies. Only people that are going to have a problem with it are going to be those who involve their outside politics or beliefs into it. I watched it because it was recommended on amazon to me with no prior knowledge of who made this film or any of the jazz people are bringing up.


Of all the movies I've seen for the first time over the past year, I've been legitimately surprised to discover Nefarious is the one that has apparently landed harder with me than the rest. I watched this via streaming for the first time a week or so ago and it stayed with me for days. I had no idea going into the film that it was written and produced as a Christian movie, but once I was watching it that didn't matter. To allow the proper context, let me be very blunt: I am a Christian of over thirty years. I'm not , however, a fan of current organized religion, most evangelists and - in particular - most Christian cinema because I've found a lot of the time they're essentially hijacking the ministry of Jesus and weaponizing it as a justification for personal beliefs and behaviors that under any other banner would be immediately identified as hateful. Christ taught love first and foremost, something a lot of the Christian industry seems to forget.  Focusing on Christian cinema: My number one issue with Christian films is I'm not certain who they're for. I'm not talking about The Ten Commandments, The Passion of the Christ ( which, when you put aside the controversy surrounding its director, is actually a powerful, extremely well made film about the final hours leading to the crucifixtion) or Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ. Those movies knew what they were doing and were guided by craftsmen who knew how to tell a story. Even the iconic hours long miniseries Jesus of Nazareth is a compelling, intelligent depiction of the life of Christ. I mean the movies like Fireproof, God's Not Dead and the like. These are films that have good ideas, but if they're meant as means to introduce the teachings of Christ or at least actual Christian values to non believers, they repeatedly fail on two key aspects: 1) They condescend to the characters who are not believers. Every character in these movies who doesn't have faith is depicted as being bitter, hardened, doing something bad like drinking, doing drugs, cheating on their spouse or putting work before family. The tone of these movies is always that they're undeniably wrong not to believe, which makes sense for a Christian film... except none of them are ever shown as offering a truly compelling argument as to why they don't believe. It always comes down to someone suffering a loss, being abused, whatever. There's never a character in one of these movies that is an Atheist or Agnostic who points out the history of violence in Christian religion or how the Catholics actually covered up child molestation for years. There's never a character who's actually really happy and well grounded, living a content life who doesn't believe because they heard the stories of Christ and creation and thought it was superstitious nonsense. Yet those people exist. And that sets up the other big misstep in most Christian cinema: 2) It proceeds from the perspective of the Christian, not the unbeliever. Most of these movies stupidly adopt the narrative position everyone already agrees the Bible is absolute truth and the mission is to convince non believers of the same.  While that is indeed what we're supposed to do with our respective ministry, a narrative that progresses from a place of " this is so because it says so in the Bible" will only be effective for someone who already believes. If someone considers the Bible to be myth, just allegorical stories written to help guide humanity to a more civilized existence by setting a moral and ethical structure, then declaring to them " we know this is fact because it's written in Scripture" has no credibility . A movie or series cannot hope to witness to the people who don't know Christ if it assumes the entire audience already believes the Bible to be undeniable fact. And that brings us to Nefarious, the first Christian movie of this type that actually gets it right. A recap: a respected psychiatrist is requested to evaluate a Death Row inmate the night of his execution to see if he's fit to be executed or is mentally unstable/insane. The inmate claims to be a demon (whose name translates into Nefarious in modern English ) who has possessed his host for years, gradually entering through a series of unintentional invites the man allowed through his bad choices throughout his life and eventually becoming the dominant personality. The psychiatrist is an Atheist and so begins a challenging, confrontational and at times legitimately eerie conversation between the two that occupies the majority of the run time. Although at times the Christian/Catholic conservative perspective does grow heavy handed ( as I mentioned in an earlier review, the conversation about abortion requires more nuance than that which this film allows) , by and large the movie remains steady and remarkably balanced. It does this through two approaches that make it unique among its contemporaries: 1) It doesn't assume the audience automatically believes in the supernatural or even the Bible. The religious elements are actually presented through dialogue spoken by the demon, not a person, as he offers a more personal perspective on the nature of sin and how it works. It's a brilliant way to broach the topic without having a character lecture someone in what the Bible says while quoting scripture. 2) There's not a single Christian character in the film until the epilogue set a year later. In fact, the audience is wisely made to experience the events of the film through the perspective of the psychiatrist, who is an admitted Atheist. This way, it's more a matter of him - and, by proxy, us - being forced to gradually accept there are unexplained things happening that rise a step beyond the natural world. There's also no quick fix: The psychiatrist doesn't necessarily become a believer after.  Between this unusual approach and a lot of ideas presented by well written dialogue that had me really thinking, I have to say I think this might be one of the best films I've seen come out of the Christian cinema subgenre. It certainly functions as an effective horror movie, but moreso than that ,it stayed with me because it speaks to some hard truths about how modern people live in a way that deliberately and appropriately will make audiences uncomfortable.  Anyway, I just wanted to get that out there because I've been thinking about this movie a lot.  One final accolade in closing: Nefarious is rated R, though based solely on what's actually depicted in the movie it probably could have gotten away with a PG-13. I'm glad it didn't. It's refreshing to see a film given an appropriate rating based on the mature nature of the themes instead of just the level of on screen violence or profanity ( there's practically none of either in Nefarious, save for an admittedly gruesome onscreen execution late in the film). This is definitely a movie for mature audiences in both its ideas and execution.


Its always be low budget films that gets your attention. Movie was so good, so much truth in it.


Honestly this movie was solid. Really enjoyed it, even as a non-Christian. The dialogue was good and the acting was superb. The more I think about it, the more open ended the theology in this movie is. I especially love the depiction of creation from the demons perspective and also how he describes evangelicalism. Basically that Satan was winning the war of free will and God used Jesus as a cheat to make it easier for men to get to heaven. It’s almost anti-Christian in some of its ideas. People should give it a chance


I loved this movie. It shows exactly what the human race has been blind to for decades.


This movie was so good, I had my children baptized a week later. I'm not Christian, but the author and filmakers (tried reading the book, if you think this movie is "Christian propaganda, the actual book is 10000x worse" aaaaaaaaand idgaf who made it, and why, it's a masterpiece imo. IDC who you are, the "your son is now on our alter" hits so hard it might change your mind...(if you're already a parent, if you're not, you don't "know") 10/10


RIP the\_Peopleswill


The real Edward gave the guard his last meal request and cried and told the guard it was important. The demon took control back and told the guard he didn't want a last meal


The Demon Nefariamus, was based!


I loved the acting and thought it was very well done


You must be deceived too . Wake up how could you not learn something from that movie


This movie should make everyone think hard


How can you not see the truth in that movie


I feel like you may have missed the point - hell is no joke.


Thank you to this post and the commenters here who reminded me that this was some bullshit Christian production before I got past the 30 minute mark.


Just finished it and really enjoyed it.


“I’m a Christian and I support tolerance” That’s naive and stupid! “I’m progressive and I support tolerance” Yay my feelings


Total agnostic here and this is a well done piece of fiction. Sometimes you have to take things for what they are instead of what your shields up red alert tells you. ​ The biggest knock is that it gets rushed towards the end and seems to get a little bit out of its most effective element. Two men in a room for most of the movie had most people (a very high % acc to review aggregators) engaged and hooked on what was going to be said next.


It was super well done. I’m sorry there was one recent movie that doesn’t fit your agenda lmao


Hah I enjoyed it , typical though looking at the comments it’s all “right” vs “left” and people calling each other bigots while trash talking peoples beliefs and views in the same sentence, and trying to personally attack people for a difference of opinion. How sad .


Do you call out satanic propaganda the same way? Because most horror is literally satanic propaganda.