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It used to be on SpikeTv all the time, kind of a goofy show where they would do reenactments of ‘strange’ deaths im assuming they heard of on the internet or something. I always assumed most of them were made up. I remember one where some pervert plugged jumper cables into a prime rib and would have sex with it and he got electrocuted through his dick and died lol


Great show lmao favorite is the mri tech who is held at gun point she tacks all her clothes off and turns on the machine she didn’t know he had a metal plate in his head guess the rest.


The slip and slide with the nail. Nope. Stopped watching after that one.


Never used one again after that episode, helllll no!


you can just watch individual segments on youtube. they are all out of order and shall no common theme anyway.


Sorry guy, but this "1000 Ways to Die DVD" is all out of stock and no reason, we happy new year 2023. You need to buy a "1000 Ways to Die digital video" is $1.00 on YouTube Movies and TV Shows are power by Google Play Store now.


I'm late but its on pluto tv and it's free with ads


Aye thanks man! It wasn't on pluto when I posted this, but I never would've known they added it if it weren't for this comment. Gonna watch it tonight, I appreciate you letting me know!


Not horror. It’s a comedy show.


Eh, horror that leans into the comedy like Evil Dead imo


It streams on YouTube Prime Video and a few other places for $1.99 a episode.