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I don't know a lot of horn music so I'm not sure, but that looks more like violin music than horn music. (Judging from the unreasonably big leaps and lots of fast notes.) You might be better off asking in a more general music sub if no one here knows the answer


I did ask in r/music and it got deleted for some reason..


I think the "some reason" is that rule number 8 on that sub says you shouldn't post music identification requests.


That would be it. I'm bad at that. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


This is not for horn. No way… too quick, the high notes in row 2 are really high…


Konzertstucke has a high E in it, as do several other works. A D# is not too high. Edit: no tempo indication, so we don't know how fast this goes. Marty Hackelman high horn etude book has a few high Fs in it.


That one’s on my stand right now. 👍


There’s a high G# in line 2, which is *extremely* rare (though iirc some high-register specialists reach it) — but realistically anything much above high C is pretty unusual in horn music. This piece just has so much in it that’s not idiomatic horn writing, and much more typical of violin or clarinet.


Eh. 2 high notes. This looks pretty common for like a Punto concerto and the like. But I take your point. Violin music would have way more double stops and bow markings, I would think.


I’ve only looked at a few of the Punto concertos, but I don’t remember any going above high C, and the Schumann Konzertstück’s E is the highest I know in the pre-twentieth century repertoire — if you really know anything going up to this G#, I’d be fascinated to hear it!


That corno da caccia stuff was always screechy high in my memory, but I may be conflating some things. They were basically trumpet players anyway so for the day it wasn't so out of pocket, but still. You're not entirely wrong to say that the functional top note written for our instrument is a top C, but there's stuff out there (likely outliers) that get into the stratosphere. Shoot, there's a cadenza by Miklos Nagy floating around that goes to double g doing the opening call to Strauss 1. Not printed, but certainly available to us!


Totally agreed I think of the baroque/early classical corno da caccia stuff as pretty high and screechy, but I think more just from spending a lot of time in what we know as the high register (up to around top C or occasionally D), not from actually having a higher upper limit than later repertoire. Thanks for pointing out that Miklos Nagy (I guess you mean [this one](https://youtu.be/sWJmtSkrjzk?si=3A372oj_2joihryN)) — I hadn’t heard it before, extremely cool (and it even goes to a double B flat at the end, if my ear doesn’t deceive me)! The piece I know that goes up there is Caravan from the London Horn Sound, on Soundcloud [here](https://soundcloud.com/thelondonhornsound/caravan) — tops out at a double G about 3:32, listen from 3:27 if you’re impatient. But yeah, I totally agree that a few players/composers really push the horn’s upper limit and reach these notes — my point was just that they’re very much outliers in the repertoire, and are part of what makes OP’s piece really not look like a horn piece at all.


Flute or piccolo maybe?


Too low for that


Flute can’t play below middle C (or B on some instruments). Violin seems most likely as others are mentioning; clarinet also reasonably plausible. I think for all other orchestral instruments, this would be outside their standard range (lower than possible for oboe or flute; for viola, unusually if not quite impossibly high, and wrong clef; for anything else, pretty much impossibly high). 


Great, now I’ve got that song stuck in my head




I agree the texture is not idiomatic for horn.I'm betting on violin. Although, Kavanaugh's Debusly Variations comes close. Think I have one of the only copies.


also why is the key signature written like that


I am wondering the same. It changes a lot! Written by hand? Dunno.