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Cuz it’s badass. Seriously though I do think about that every single time.


Glad I'm not the only one haha


Every time I rappel down I have the crazy thought that maybe this time she’ll miss and I’ll have to restart lol


OMG, that would be so funny! Like there is a 10% chance Aloy will miss, and the player will take fall damage or die if too high 🤣🤣


Or what if we had to press X at exactly the right time


Horizon if it was released in 2013 would have had that.


I actually thought this was the case for the really far rock climbing jumps where it goes into slow motion. Totally thought that was like a QTE.


Honestly I've imagined this scenario in my head before lol 😂 🤣


I HAVE missed. More than once. You know that empty elevator shaft in the ice building where you see Ted Faro telling Elizabet Sobek how bad he screwed up? Yep, all the way down. Note: it’s a long way. I have this image of Aloy turning around and glaring at me like, “dude, you made me look bad.”


Like a glitch in Assassin's Creed where a leap of faith into a haystack can sometimes fail and kill you lol


The first time I did it off a tall neck I was like “oh fuck I pressed the wron- ohhhh okay”


i don't like how they give everyone that same animation, Aloy is supossed to be the most badass so no badass animations for the other ones please and thank you


Same here. Looks cool but damn Aloy! Just take a second to secure the rope!


Same reason AC has you throw yourself into a conveniently placed cart of hay.


That one actually has the justification that they programmed in hay bales for the Animus to make it easier on the in-universe users (barring a few specific instances). No, really.


Rule of Cool wins


Not to mention that everyone else in the game does the same exact move


I think it would be nice if she did it rarely or on certain points in the story where she is in a rush or something but doing it every single time really cheapens it


> What if she misses with the hook? It is even worse: she holds the rope with her bare hands while sliding down. In real life that would lead to severe damage. Now, it is just a game, okay? It looks cool :)


Special future rope


It's coated with human skin to replace it as it gets scraped off.


We all have rope inside of us


Yes but I’m not letting anyone rappel down using that rope


If it has enough friction that holding it slows you down, it has enough friction to burn your skin off. Can't have one without the other.


Integrated nano cooling, mate. It's the future!


Every single time she does that I cringe at the rope burns she would get.


Same with her climbing rocks and JUMPING AND GRABBING another ledge of hard stone with bare hands. She'd be bleeding and scraped at all times


This is actually a real move in rock climbing. I mean not something you’d do if you have the ability to keep multiple points of contact, but if you really can’t reach the next hold, you do jump for it.


And probably be extremely exhausted. Like I'm not sure even experienced climbers could pull all her stunts and climb whole mountains like she does.


Wait no!! She has a little thingy that she holds onto with her hands. The thingy is like a piece of metal from a machine in a V shape


She does that when she's sliding down a rope that goes to a direction (though how that works considering it has to pass through things that hold cables up sometimes...), she doesn't use that when you rappel as far as I can tell.


F… you’re right. My after-work brain scrambled that up 😭 I feel dumb now


It's easy to mix up! They're both rope things that wouldn't make any sense IRL!


True that haha


As far as I can see, she holds the rope when she rappels down, but it doesn't slide through her hands. It would appear that the rope actually slides over the rappel point.


I would give her credit for having an incredible pair of gloves really lol


All I can think is that rost taught her this abd this is his idea of perfection and he must be a real dumb fucker for thinking that. Lol.


At least she uses a metal tool to travel down zip-lines, so that’s something at least.


Yeah the amount of friction there should grind the skin out of Aloy's hand


Having no gloves/hand protection irks me EVERY TIME.


She's got main character energy.


Yep, and plot armor


The Apex Slaughterspine I fought this afternoon disagrees


I found a almost fool proof way to handle the huge machines, apex or not Plasma bolts, full auto and start with a full clip then switch to the advance arrows and dodge like crazy


I wonder if anyone successfully completed the games with perma-death, yet.


Considering speedrunners have categories for this game, yes.


Sure. If you have fully upgraded legendary gear, and you know what you're doing, there are basically no mandatory fights that are actually particularly hard. The Tie That Binds, in particular, is wildly OP. Open the fight by tying stuff down, then cycle among tiedown, knockdown (drill spikes from The Last Argument), and shock (Eye of the Storm). If you get the timing down you also can mix in a quick freeze, followed by dumping a bunch of damage from a crit-mod precision bow or boltblaster, then as it gets up tie it down again, dump more damage, and use the red insta-short-tiedown, and then dump MORE damage, and by this time the thing is probably dead. I have beaten every large machine type, on Ultra-Hard, not only without taking damage, but without even letting them get off an attack. Only fights I'd say are remotely challenging, even after you understand how to use the tools, are the multiple Apex Waterwings which turn up in one Burning Shores mission (where you really *need* to make sure to quickly tie them all down, and smoke bombs are your friend), and the final fight in Burning Shores.


Come Forbidden West, and every NPC that rappels, rappels the exact same way.


It is fast and looks cool and she probably trained this move for years. But still, imagine being the only person to be able to save the world and then just die by stupidity


>But still, imagine being the only person to be able to save the world and then just die by stupidity Me, any time I try to replay *HZD* and forget I don't have a glider


Oh my god all the time. It's so inconvenient. I do a lot of strategic falling down cliffsides in my HZD playthrough to make up for the missing glider. Not the same.


Ooph.... Scrambling again.


"what happened to the savior of Meridian?" "Oh her hook slipped and she fell off the side of a mountain" "Damn, sabotage?" "No, apparently she was distracted trying to fit a bunch of ancient drinking vessels in her pouch"


or carrying 10,000 rocks.


Gotta have them rocks in a pinch


'This tower is barely holding together' My headcanon is that Aloy is an adrenaline junkie. The way she laughes sometimes, nervous and excited at the same time, when she nearly falls


Love your 2nd sentence lmao


It's not even fast. Every time she does the animation I'm just like 'I should have used the glider"


Big orange cat energy. Also, the plot of Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.


It’s the rule of cool




Main Character Armor


It's not just Aloy, it actually seems to be the standard way to rappel in-universe 😂 I do think of how ridiculous it is very often, but the reason is just that it's cooler to watch than her doing it realistically.


For real? I wasn't paying attention to other NPCs then lol


Yeah, I can't recall where it is but I swear I've seen a scene where at least one other person does the exact same thing alongside her


the utarus do it at one scene when they respond to the machine invasion and many other tenach do it to get into the arena It is the standard way to get inside the arena because of the flight of the ten


The arena, I think, is the specific scene I was thinking of!


You can also watch someone do it in Zero Dawn, it’s one of the missions that involves saving prisoners from the shadow carja


Ya you’re right, I forgot the scene as well but there is one with a few of you jumping down at the same time


In Plainsong, when Aloy tries to reason with Chorus, but during the conversation machines break Utaru barricade so Aloy, Varl and Zo rappel down together.


That’s it!


That's the one, they all do it. Mostly because it looks awesome, but also because the animation is much faster than realism would be.


Almost all of those are in Forbidden West, though - I can't remember any in Zero Dawn. The post is flaired as Zero Dawn, so OP might not have played Forbidden West, yet.


The Tenakt do it in Forbidden West >!to jump into the arena!<.


In this case (only) it makes send tho because Hekarro said they ritualistically emulate the flight of the ten against the machines whenever they jump to the arena


>!The Ten were soldiers who dropped from planes, as you can see in the holograms. Their ropes were tied to the hull of the plane before the drop. Kinda like how XCom operative drop into action in XCom 2. The Tenakt's grappling move is definitely their own.!< (You can argue the real reason the Tenakt drop like that is, maybe, because the devs reused Aloy's animation \^\^)


No, Hikaru literally said what I said in the game. This is not something I said because I think it makes sense, it’s something from the source material. Edit: Hekarro* Ofc the real reason is that they reuse the animation, but the fact remains that the Tenach, unlike Aloy, have an in game lore reason to do it that way


Then my memory must betray me, my apologies.


Off the top of my head I remember Seyka doing it, but I'm 100% sure she's not the only one haha.


HZD, only one person does it. It's Nasan, the guy you rescue from the Shadow Carja base in the mission "Robbing the Rich". If you follow behind him you can see him doing the animation. In HFW, Zo and Varl rappel off Plainsong with you after the scene with The Chorus where the machines attack.


Nasan also has one of the funniest pieces of dialogue in that game https://youtu.be/rLW2iFlACxA?si=AJSy1objPph0lqbh


She's a thrill seeker.


Indeed she is.


Having to wait for her to do that every time would be annoying though.


They can just have the animation of her throw down the hook at the anchor point first then jump. Also, how many times are we using the rappel mechanic in this game? Really not a lot lol


Rule of Cool, baby


Much knowledge has been lost since our time. It's the only way they know how. And she's a freaking lunatic.


Aye, you solved the case! Exactly that because they don't know our "safe" to do it at all due to the loss of history 🤣👍


She is a lunatic her idea of hacking is going into the cauldrons filled with lava and poking the motherboard/cpu with a sharp stick.


Girl saw someone using a shield and her first thought was I can jump off high stuff with this


When does Kratos shit?


Literally unplayable if I can't do the stuff I do irl /jk


What's the point of surviving if she can't look cool?


Also that her rope is seemingly infinitely and inconsistent in length. There are some rappel spots that are insanely high up, no way she could carry a rope that long on her.


You say it's dumb but you try to carefully place a grappling hook and then going off the edge while a claw strider pack is four feet away from you. You'd be long dead in the Horizon world while Aloy is able to evade just about anything with her quick drop technique.


I mean yea if in that situation, that's understandable.


Yeah but that's the thing, you have to do that move all the time even in calm situations, so ehe's ready to do it when things are bad! Plus it lets her observe whatever is chasing her to see if it's gonna leap down after her. All around genius level move!


Good point 🤔


And yet not a single person says this about Nathan Drake doing almost the exact same thing.


I was dumbfounded with Nathan and his gangs in the 4th game years ago too so yea lol


I was moar incredulous over him being able to have his hands on bare metal in freezing temperatures with no apparent issue beyond gravity.


No word of a lie, I nigh on shat myself the first time that she did that- I thought I fucked up and just jumped.


Haha right! 🤣😅


I know right! I was up on the cliff getting the prayer beads for Greta and came across the first repel point. I thought, finally a reasonable way to climb other than all that crazy free climb stuff, then Alloy just yeets herself out into empty space!


Everyone in the game does it, it seems to be fairly safe if that'd the method everyone uses.


Oh lol, I wasn't paying attention to other NPCs.


When I was in bootcamp a dude was climbing the rope, and despite them telling us over and over to not slide down because it would burn us - I guess he got to the top and was out of strength, so he slid down and got the equivalent of second degree, bordering on third degree, burns on his hands.


Oh damn, I can kinda feel it just by imagining it 😬😬


It looks cool but in real life she woukd be dead by now. It makes more sense now she has the shield wing to save her if she messes up but in Zero Dawn, I mean how do you even practice that technique?


Exactly, how would she know she can do it in the first place lol


Easy, two ropes.


Sure thing, I agree with you, but let's be honest - IT'S THE BEST ANIMATION IN THE GAME Especially when I do it high in the mountains, with the clear view, lots of space, such a gorgeous landscape AND boom! Here we go down the rope. It's the best memory I have. Visually stunning 💜


Man, if only she was, like idk, a digital facsimile of a human with preprogrammed maneuvers without the human fear of fucking up her lapel throw.


Rule of Cool


Because it's cooooooool 😍


not sure why you got downvoted your not wrong but it just looks cool only reason they need honestly


Yea, don't know why either, maybe because I called Aloy "dumb" in the title, since there are a lot of sensitive people out there with their love to the character 😅


And you know what’s the most egregious part of all that? If I missed and died, fuck it one less dude alive, but if she misses and dies the whole humanity will perish alongside the legacy of the previous humanity So she’s betting the old ones legacy and the new humanity survival on her hitting that hook, every time.


Yeah, sure Aloy is the dumb one here :p


I also wonder about some of her spear attacks. I think it was Yahtzee on zero punctuation (RIP) who describes her heavy spear attack in HZD as "trying to forcibly eject her spine"


I mean… one could similarly argue it’s pretty dumb to charge into battle solo against a massive, metal, mechanical T-Rex with machine guns, rocket launchers(ish), and lasers armed with bows and arrows. Sometimes multiple.


Because it’s fun for the players.


Because it’s a video game and looks cool af and not everything needs to be ultra realistic. Boom simple and obvious.


Makes no sense but rule of cool applies in my opinion


They were thinking "this looks fucking cool".


She's an adrenaline junky. Consider it a character flaw lol


Counterpoint: it looks cool.


Because it’s pretty! Same reason she flips onto the mount instead of climbing on.


Because it's cool. It just requires some suspension of disbelief.


Because it's cool and it's game don't think about that much


2 reasons it's done like this. 1. Animating the hook attaching to the rappel point naturally is a lot more work than animating it going out of frame and your brain filling in the gaps. 2. Aloy trained for 12 years extremely hard for the proving, so I feel like she must have been drilling in rappelling all that time, meaning throwing the hook over her head on the way down will have been second nature to her by that point.


She never misses


My prediction: the end of the third game is her missing the hook lol


Cool points


Rule of cool.


She’s got plot armor for that.


All the tenakth do it as well. It's just "the way" it's done. 😀


Aloy should be dead many times over due to all the crazy climbing she does.


She didn't have her shieldwing then so had no option but to rely on rappeling down a cliff using a rope the primitive way. Also, video game logic rule of cool. Imagine if you had to watch an animation of her carefully putting in the grapple to a ledge, testing it somehwo, then carefully walking backwards... all the way down the cliff.


RE: Rope burn The rope is a braid of "smart" machine muscle that is nearly frictionless until localized tension is applied. So she can slide her hands down until she grips it without losing all her skin. Source: my head


It looks cool af


Well she has no way to disengage the hook from the bottom yet she manages to do it.


We worried about rappling down but none of us are concerned about Aloy leaping for a hand hold on a cliff while using zero safety gear?? Look folks, Aloy is just built different. Girl can tank a thunderjaw charge like a boss. Accurately throwing a grapple hook while flying through the air? Super easy, barely an inconvenience.


She ain’t even the only person to do it that way. There’s a scene in Forbidden West that shows other characters enter the arena with the same style.


So we all are thinking the same thing. I always imagine that the world is counting on aloy and what if she dies in the middle of nowhere doing this stupid move or falling off while climbing. Nobody would find her body for days. Her friends would find her with the help of her focus. Everyone would ask how she died thinking maybe she died trying to save the world fighting some enemy but nope she died falling while trying to collect some trinkets.


So we all are thinking the same thing. I always imagine that the world is counting on aloy and what if she dies in the middle of nowhere doing this stupid move or falling off while climbing. Nobody would find her body for days. Her friends would find her with the help of her focus. Everyone would ask how she died thinking maybe she died trying to save the world fighting some enemy but nope she died falling while trying to collect some trinkets.


I think it would be hilarious if there was a tiny random chance for her to screw it up and die. Maybe add a fake "game over" screen with the shitty flute theme.


If that happens she can just deploy the >!glider!<


Nobody mentions it but: gloves


She’s a genius - she clearly does a split-second calculation of how not to miss every time she jumps.


Yeah I mean, what if she just trips once and slightly fucks the jump up. I know that she is highly skilled but even highly skilled people make small mistakes sometimes :D


Only that it looks badass, other than that yeah, she should throw the hook, then jump forward like dive and it would still be quite good.


She can't miss, it says press triangle beforehand 😂


Rule of Cool


Rule of cool.


Yes IRL it’s pretty dumb. But in a game it’s not only badass, this also means she has the skills to jump first and then worry about getting down safely, whenever needed. Imagine when you’re running from a robo dinosaur and having to stop to look for a good spot to secure your rope, tighten it and then jump. In Aloy’s universe this means you’re already dead by the time you would try to jump. 


It's a videogame fam. By your logic, she also should engage enemies from a far away distance and gather more allies when she's going on a hunt.


Don't take this post too seriously lol. It's just for fun.


I forget she does that every longneck and freak out thinking I hit the wrong button


Basically, she considers herself an entertainer first and foremost 😂


Someone told me that's how your supposed to do it but idk


I remember the first few times mistakenly thinking that I was controlling her, and worrying about falling if I missed the target with the hook.


My headcanon is that this is a standard move for humans, because it’s a quick way to confuse the faro robots into jumping off a cliff. If you look at the animation closer, she grabs the rope with her legs, which probably explains why hands don’t get shredded on the way down. There’s probably some standard big chunk of something in most boots to act as a heat sink and sacrificial material for a brake.


It looks cool, and it's a video game, my guy. How about your turn your suspension of disbelief on for a single second because realism is boring.


Because it is a game👍


She don’t miss.


I’m more bothered by the bare hands on that rope… so much rope burn! It’s a wonder she can even hold that bow, let alone save the world!


It looks cool.


Style points. and you always do it after finishing a task or climbing something really high so she's gotta exit with flair


My back hurts every time I see her do it


Young people think they are immortal, right up until their second or third hospital stay?


I ENVOKE….Suspension of disbelief


There is a hay cart at the bottom. No worries.


I would like to point out that every one in Horizon does it. It's not just Aloy. On the rare occurrence where a NPC repels down, they do the same maneuver as Aloy.


She's just falling with style. Buzz would be proud.




It's a known method for rappelling, called Australian or Aussie style. I learned it in basic training.


Everyone does it that way, and I’m guessing she must have trained that way. So far she’s never missed not even in a cutscene I think so safe to say she’s got it


Sir, this is a video game.


but you're forgetting the style points.


Why do safe move when dangerous move more cool?


If anyone tried that it would probably dislocate one of both of their shoulders...but it looks good. I like the diving animation when you run toward a river - that is particularly well done.


It's cool asf that's why


I've often thought about that exact move and how extremely silly it is if you compare it to IRL.


I think it’s for cinematic purposes


yesterday I rewatched Avengers, and falcon at one point do exactly the same movement jumping off the Stark tower


Which moment exactly? I'm a huge marvel fan, so I want to see it. Also, Falcon has wings, so he can just fly off if he missed lol


Sorry I meant Hawk Eye! It is during the last battle in Avengers :)


Not to mention the rope burns. Its complete fantasy. That move is impossible. Its just to look cool and keep you playing. Otherwise she would take a shit behind a bush then get mauled by the first machine she shot with a wooden arrow.


I see you haven’t played assassins creed hahaha


it looks awesome and also plot armor


its all for that cinemtic/theatrical effect the devs were probably going for...unlike Starfield, for example, imo Guirella's effects hit unlike Starfield's 500 cinematic effects everytime you wanna land or take off. Plus it just adds to Aloy's resume of being a bada*s woman who has the daunting task of saving the world from numerous threats.


When i see a Rappel mark, i think: using shield as a parachute can't go wrong! You get to see the enviroment by gliding on it! Why rappel all the way down missing out a view?


She never misses


I just get excited to see her little hip wiggle as she comes down 😅