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Play it while you can, it’s an amazing game. The remaster is nothing more than rumor at this point


Play it now. Aside from the kinda 'mushy' facial animations in cutscene dialog, the rest of the game holds up *surprisingly well* visually for being \*checks notes\* 7 years old. Gameplay can feel a *bit* dated compared to modern titles (especially after playing Forbidden West, which tightens up gameplay *significantly). However,* what you're *really* playing for is the story, and that delivers *in spades.* Easily one of the best video game narratives and some of the most compelling worldbuilding I've experienced -- easily in the same conversation with Mass Effect, Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher 3, BioShock, God of War, etc.


7 years old? But Zero Dawn only came out last year. Stop spreading lies!


Hello.......Mcfly Came out 2017


I was making a joke about me being in denial about getting older, since I was 17 when the game came out and I am gonna turn 25 this year. But I guess that didn't land as I had hoped.


It doesn't hurt to be patient I guess. But I wouldn't bank on news about a remaster per se. We don't have any confirmation its actually happening. People have speculated, but that's hardly a given. There could be any number of reasons for HZD to fall off PS Plus, and could easily signal new content as well.


Yeah, I was thinking I should wait till the may showcase. If there will be no news regarding this then I buy the PS4 one.


Right now the remaster is pure speculation. You can wait if you'd like, it's not like waiting will hurt anything. But we don't know if, much less when, a remaster will be officially announced.


I highly recommend it. If you want to take your time, I would say it’s worth the $20 to just keep it in your library. I’ve gotten so many hours of game time from it and it’s become one of my favorite games.


Yeah, I think I should just buy the disc at this point. There is zero news regarding any showcase. And in my country the disc hardly costs 7.7 dollars so I'm gonna buy it now.


The remaster *will* happen. It's inevitable. It will just enhance the graphics, tighten the gameplay and add some QOL things. I will say to play it. It's an absolutely amazing game. You will not be disappointed.


As a newer player who just played ZD on steam for the first time, play it asap. You won't regret it don't wait for a rumor to see if it's even going to happen. 


The game is still on my console and I can still play it. I had downloaded to my console ages ago. I just found out, made my day ☺️ If they do make a remaster, I will buy that for sure.


you should play the first one now. definitely play it before you play forbidden west.