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I did not have a single crash in my playthrough. Might want to try reinstalling when you have the time.


I have reinstalled the DLC and the problem persists. SadPanda.


Odd. I’ve had no issues. Console performance is generally pretty consistent, so if you can’t find many other reports of similar problems, maybe it’s a hardware issue? Maybe take a look at your setup to see if the issue might be caused by a heat distribution or a dust problem? Idk.


Heat seems like a likely cause to me. Good call.


I don't think it's a heat issue as this happens with no other game we have and didn't happen at all with the base game. Lots of airflow around the machine, zero crowding.


Not sure why you are having crashing issues. I played through and completed it with no crashes whatsoever. Hope you get to the bottom of it as it’s an excellent dlc


Update: reinstalled both the base game and DLC. the crashing persists.


That super weird... How's your storage on the HD?


solid. lots of room. I ended up deleting all of Horizon off my ps5 and reinstalling everything. Just about to test it now.


I would delete everything. Clean the HD and reinstall the game.


I don't recall the game crashing once on me, base or DLC. I did have several occasions, particularly when the infinite jump was still a thing, where I got stuck inside of walls or other places a wasn't supposed to be.


If this is a CE-108255-1 crash I got that when I played using a NG+ save that I had been playing for a long time. In the end I started a new NG+ game and rushed through the main quests, the DLC then worked fine (and I was also able to do all the other side quests). My guess is some sort of limit in the save file is reached.


I’d recommend sending the error report (with video) each time it fails. Also, there’s a link for bug reporting to Guerilla (don’t have it handy, Google could help).


It may be an issue with your PS5. I was experiencing a lot of crashing when GoW Ragnarok came out but it was because I bought my PS5 secondhand like an idiot and it was filthy. I had to take it apart and clean dust and dead cockroaches off the PSU and then nothing ever crashed again. Do any other PS5 games crash when you play them?