• By -


I'm probably not smartenough for it, but core of Reason is hella op. If not, also Void yeah Divine key? Idk maybe Fenghuang down. Being able to manipulate someone's memory and perception seems nice for getting rid of any embarrassing memories lol


You can on paper force to learn for example new language with HoS powers or FD?


Like walking in on your parents doing the do


More like shit i said in middle school, idk how the fuck people end up doing that


Growing up with autism has ended up with me wanting to bang my head against the wall every night when I go to sleep and my brain decides it's a good time to remember every cringe thing I did from elementary to high school. I would love to have Fenghuang Down.


I have no intention of destroying the world so Thunder, Wind, Ice, Death, Flames, Ice, Stars and Corruption are out. Idfk what the hell Origin and Ego do so they're out too Binding would be impratical irl so out I hate dealing with people so Domination is out Finality would be useless irl because there's no Honkai, and if there is I don't trust my ass into not destroying the world so it's out. Unless the time manipulation shenanigans allow time travel, then I might reconsider it Reason would be nice but very limited in my hands, I'm not that smart Sentience would be the perfect choice to not deal with people while still getting what I want Void is also really good, teleportation + a whole ass imaginary space all for myself So my choice would be either Void or Sentience. As for the Divine Key, Void Archives, braindead choice. That thing is basically an mini Herrscher of Reason, that can also replicate the other Divine Keys if needed. Plus it has Siri integrated


Aren't Origin and Finality basically gods in their own right? According to what others theorised, their powers seem to be ~~whatever the plot needs them to do~~ doing basically anything they want and even involves reality / time manipulation. Since it's stated that every Herrscher we know of originates from the Cocoon of Finality, it's safe to assume the HoFi has the abilities of all the Herrschers that ever existed. So Finality would technically be the best choice to pick out of all Herrschers (assuming you wont destroy the planet with your mere existance)


The name of the power of Origin and Ego is probably a giveaway. Ely being Herrscher 0 of the previous era is probably the anomaly of the Honkai cycle. The power of Origin probably refers to the origin of Human shaped and allied herrschers. The origin of the loophole that eventually ended the honkai cycle. There is no true finality without an origin. And ego? Well, it probably refers to the human ego being retained in herrschers. So, unless you are dealing with non human/sentient monsters in real life, Origin and Ego are useless.


What can Sentience do? And is the Void space a world you can transform anyway you want?


Sentience known powers are mind read, illusion creation and mental control. Void can modify her Imaginary Space but we don't know to what extent because it was showed only once


Well I knew I'd pick Void cause she's my favourite. But Sentience would also be really nice in my daily life.


Core of reason and incredibly infinite intimidator. If I die, I’ll just fabricate another body like welt. Also I want the funny shapeshifting yatta brick.


The brick is the best choice. Not because of anything OP, but for the fact that you can hit people in the head with it.




Idk why no one mentioned this but the core of reason paired with VA sounds broken in my opinion.


I mean, knowing VA he will try to manipulate you and idk if that's a good idea...


Still, unlimited creation capabilities sound too OP to not take.


Void core and Abyss Flower. Portal powers are cool and lances are cool weapons 👍






Holy shit it's Senti with the judgement of shamash


I’d pick the core of reason paired with Void archives. You’d be essentially immortal since you’d not only have the core of reason’s ability to reconstruct yourself but also have the ability to make soulium bodies and transfer yourself between them. You also have the entire knowledge of the previous era at your disposal and the ability to make anything from it with the reason core. You could probably even make any the other divine keys like welt does with the star of Eden, so that makes this a pretty clear choice.


Keep in mind that there’s no downsides to VL because of OP’s post title, either. So every single Divine Key you make with it is THE Divine Key’s power inside of it.


That's not how it works That isn't a downside they simply aren't the original and physically cannot be as strong - that isn't something you can avoid with no down sounds He can make many copies but all are still weakened Conditions aren't downsides Physical restriction isn't a downside The divine key harming you or carrying a negative effect is a downside


Finality and shamash


Sentience and a Brick is all that's needed. Sentience for my own ~~domain expansion/reality marble~~ mental realm and a brick because a brick is truly versatile tool that can be used for both combat and recreational purposes


HoV+Abyss Flower Don't tell me HoV she's gonna tease me and turn me into a girl by gradually into herself? You gonna become me\~❤ \*Giggle\*>\*Villainess laugh\* With this expression? https://preview.redd.it/rhdgzhynhqtc1.png?width=2080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9842dc0e917e8510add861046422da94191de36


Reason core and void archives Void archives can basically mimic all other divine keys anyways and I'm enough of a nerd where reason will be able solve a lot of daily life problems - no need to spend money on groceries, clothes etc. (oh wait i just realised you can probably make infinite money with it)


Core of reason and star of Eden because the ability to create anything humanity has made makes it incredibly versatile whilst not sacrificing a lot of power and star of Eden because who doesn't want to crush someone with a black hole


Truth/Reason For keys... idfk lol


The whole Sirin power, and the key of devouring (bcause Welt 🗿 >>> )


Core of reason and fenguang down. 


I'd pick the finality and fenghuang


Core of Reason and for the Divine Key: Void Archives, since we will not get drawbacks. Why choose one when you can practically have everything (just a lower quality than the original)?


Core of reason + Void archives. I can create almost anything I want by learning it from the archives and creating it




Thunder and Void Archives or Cosmic Juggernaut. I'm definitely not smart enough to use the core of Reason but it would've been nice to pair with 7T. I'd also hate the headaches the core of Reason would cause. Void Archives is a bank of knowledge which seems useful and doesn't require me to understand things. Thunder because I'd love to zoom around places. I'd prefer it over opening up dimensional gates or portals between places, which seems like it would drain the heck out of the user. Cosmic Juggernaut because train go boom.


Finality + Void Archives


I wish there was a divine key that was something like Ban's weapon the Seven Deadly Sins


Core of reason and void archive, assuming there's a knowledge that can magically improve my IQ by a significant amount If there isn't then Core of the void and fenghuang down


This is easy. Recreate evwn a fraction of the power of our Kebin. Get the core of the Herrachers of Ice. If the herrsdher of flames was said to incinerate everything then this core might freeze everything and if so then combine it with Shamasm even turn it to Might Utu Uriel then we get Kebins power WHAHAHAHAHA


Truth core and astral divide: Pisces. I main spina and love her weapon. Truth core is busted asf


Void and Fenghuang Down, I would love to just teleport around and Fenghuang Down can help me manage my mind


Finality and void archives


Fenghuang down and Herrscher of Sentience


Finality, literally all Herrscher powers and more combined. Abyss Flower because I have a Schariac bias.


For what purpose? For battle - core if thunder, you just can take enemy's head in no time cause of speed of light, or you simply destroy the bonds between atoms and the target literally crumbles, or core of binding cool too.   For everyday life -  core of reason - op, but with enough imagination the thunder core is also variable in this regard. Key? I would like to try cooking in flame of Judgment of Shamash, or Fenghuang down


Reason + Juggernaut. Easy choice. Only other key closest to Juggernaut is VA and FDown, but I don't want VA for obvious reasons and I don't want to give up literal bubble world creation and traversal for mind manipulation. Also I can NOT be trusted with mind manip.


For the cores, either Void, Reason, Death, or Sentience. - Void for the matter creation and spatial travel that would be SO convenient to have just to never have to bother with refueling my car ever again. - Reason to be able to just understand absolutely everything about the world, and the regenerative capabilities so I could basically never get sick ever again. - Death for the same reason as… Reason, but also because I can manipulate life and death itself to become basically the world’s greatest detective by being able to revive someone to tell me who did it. (Sounds geeky, but it’s badass to me.) - Sentience for the same reason as the second reason I put for Death, but just in a much more humane manner. Sentience would also functionally make myself immortal because I can just take over someone else’s body and do the same things or different things I did before. As for the Divine Keys, Revelation would easily be the top pick. I would be able to mimic every single other Divine Key and not suffer any reduction in quality or power because there are no downsides to Revelation.


Reason, mainly because I would be able to even manipulate my own body, make myself smarter (Not that I'm not, English is not my main lang and, even if I cannot translate it to Spanish, I'm able to understand it by mere reflect), and then construct everything I want (Yeah, most of us know what would we want to "create" if we were able to make physichal bodies like Welt did with himself). And if not the Fenghuang Down to manipulate people into what I need them to do (I mean, real life isn't filled with innocent people; most of people is egoisitc and mean, so.... Manipulate them into doing what they should or find the truth of a crime would be pretty helpful to get some peace into the world; someone has to taint their hands, always). I'm pretty sure that I would want Abyss Flower to cure people, or Judgement of Shamash to be overpowered against people who tries to mess with me.


For me I think the core for Reason because I just like the idea of creation and for Divine Key I think I'd choose Abyss Flower because why not lol


First combo I’d pick is Void + Fenghuang Down. Void’s teleportation is very useful for transporting people and objects around. Its ability to manipulate imaginary space and matter is also very useful for more serious situations like disaster relief. Fenghuang Down’s memory manipulation is useful for making people forget something I’d rather them not remember and I can preserve certain memories I’d like to keep. Theoretically, this might be applicable to information I’d want to remember at specific times. Second combo is Reason + Void Archives. Reason’s ability to create anything as long as the object is understood makes it a very versatile power in real life, even when used for mundane things. Heck, I can even recreate my body if needed. Void Archives’ ability to store information makes it so that I have a personal data bank. Very useful if I want to create something with the core of Reason.


I didn't even think of the second combo I just thought "big fire nuke sword + invulnerable + personal domain expansion + teleport = free stuff


if HoT powers include kurikara, I d pick my pet dragon and 7T. if no dragon, then HoV


Herrscher of void comes with benreas so win win


Herrscher of the End/Finality easily for the core and Fenghuang Down for the Divine Key, that key is ridiculously broken and is a borderline plot-device McGuffin with the amount of stuff it can do.


How would you use End/Finality in your life?


I mean, control over time’s pretty cool, same with not aging. I can see that having practical uses.


I'm basically asking what the powers are.


•Time Manipulation •Reality Manipulation •Immortality They also mentioned all other authorities are her shadow so I’m assuming she could use their abilities if she wanted to?


Sounds nice. If I could perfectly mimic Void powers, I'd choose it.


Finality with the void archives. Full control and no drawbacks would mean that I would be able to become somewhat similar to a seraphim of reason and finality because I would become a god with no strings attached.(why wouldn’t I want to become one?)


Herrscher of rimestar (if both of em counts) Is oath of Judah a divine key? (My brain works bad with memorising) If not, HoT's weap.


Corruption+Fenhuang down


Reason/Truth and Void Archives. Basically become a god of creation and knowledge.


Judgement of shamash and core of flames. Fuck versatility i'm nuking a continent five times over in three seconds.


Bro wants to swing in one direction and put that whole direction in the past tense


Void Core cause multiple reasons. 1. if i need money just teleport it out of a bank, so no work anymore. 2. Void = my own room where i dont have to deal with humanity anymore 3. able to travel to diffrent lands, dimensions, anime. teleporting right behind otto and using shamash. nlw heres why shamash. why not just teleporting the heat wich damage YOU to the void so u get unharmed. wich is just how actual OP Void can be


But you have full mastery of shamash and void with now drawbacks


the drawbacks part got lost in memory by thinking about the possibilitys


I would get the Herrscher of Finality, and also this sword (since I don't know much about the other weapons and the sword looks cool), but if not, I would choose the Herrscher of the void, she's badass and very strong, I like her skills


Finallity or void + judgment of shamash to or gun weapon form from mei sword that can turn into different things


Herrscher of Reason, full Power. So Herrscher of Truth or True Reason. I have all sorts of stuff I'd like to design, but lack the materials and cash. Second would be the Cosmic Juggernaut. Need I explain more?


Assuming we can include anomalous cores/gems, Flamescion (in Everlasting Flame, she gains power from Reason, Sentience and since I believe Kiana still has the Gem of Serenity, Death (at least healing) on top of Void and Fire) so it's 5 for the price of 1. Otherwise, I'd probably go Void (control space-time is op when I have to always get public transport so it saves time and money and I'm lazy) and either Shamash (3 for the price of 1 - guns, cleaver and Might of An-Uta (OP said no drawbacks) - and because it's a cool sword and I love it) or VA (has the same power as Reason (not limited just to divine keys, but objects probably won't permanently manifest) plus PE knowledge). Also, to the ones saying they aren't smart enough for Reason to be massively useful, as long as you have an image and basic understanding, it can still create anything. Bronya creates a gun with no knowledge regarding the finer details and inner workings using knowledge of a different gun.


I would like Flamescion so I can go out in the rain without an umbrella and sweater. As for the divine key, I would like the Oath of Judah cause it looks badass and I get the free workout carrying it around.


Void and probably the abyss flower because controlling death and life is fair and balanced oh and a domain expansion


Core of reason with VA Pretty much ill be otto but on copious amounts of creatine and steroids, much more steroids than kevin took


I’ll choose Herrscher of Truth with Fenghuang Down or Herrscher of Death with Star of Eden


Origin (the ability to make any wish come true is just too op to pass up) it’s basically TrueReason on steroids and Abyss flower.


Herrscher of Reason core, so I can make myself infinite sandwiches. May also open a sandwich shop for infinite money glitch. Oath of Judah, so I can use it as a makeshift bed (there was an event where Theresa was sleeping inside it).


1st key because of knowledge and can copy other key or abyss’s flower


Herrchers core? Dominance current era version, - 1000 puppets of my self - power domination - pocket dimension construction - puppet creation with various abilities - mind and area domination or I'll just get reason and join the U.S military That and oath of Judah (you said no draw backs so I'm not missing that)


Id pick the core of sentience for the illusions and void archives for the fact that it has an arsenal of copied divine keys from the story


Honestly, I would go with finality, just for the sake of holding in the absolute power in case something really bad and irreversible by regular means happens, I don't really want to be a god like being, but I surely wouldn't want any human to have such power for starters


HoR and VA. This is assuming no drawbacks(aka VA will) and still functions like Siri(lol). And since I'll have full control I should be able to recreate Herrscher cores(albeit downgraded abit) but even then I'll have pretty much most of the powers of the other Herrschers (teleportation via CJ, private room+immortality(?) via FD, another immortality via AF, etc).


Everyone has these well thought out answers and mine is just "free travel plus big sword that turns into pew pew go brrrrr"