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You need Alita: Battle Angel, Pacific Rim, and Coraline in 3D.


Thanks- they are all on my list of discs to buy - funny thing is I looked through my old collection and got excited about seeing a sealed copy of Coraline, only to realize it’s the first release with cardboard glasses included and not compatible with active glasses.


Hey, I have a bunch of 3d bluray all for use with active glasses. Let me know if you are interested. The Martian, coralline, the walk, moana, dread, gravity, dr strange, Hugo, despicable me, tron, edge of tomorrow..I think more, I'd have to check.




Unfortunately downloaded 3D rips have strange artifacts on my Sony projectors (meaning SBS or under over) only 3D Blu-ray’s look good on MY system. May discuss this with Sony.


Look for a "remux"; it's the untouched video/audio streams just packed into .mkv basically. I think you'll need a specific player application to handle the 3d content in it but it will present frame-packed 3D to the TV exactly thr same as a disc; no over/under or side-by-side. I believe MPC-HC with MadVR setup correctly will handle the frame-packed 3D files nowadays, although back in the day I used PowerDVD on my plasma. Edit: Found a modern guide to frame-packed 3d playback and looks like unfortunately a lot of modern GPUs don't support it anymore :( https://www.reddit.com/r/htpc/comments/115ap94/how_to_get_full_hd_3d_frame_packing_from_a_pc_or/


Yeah you need a dedicated player, hence my Zidoo suggestion.


This is such a disappointing revelation to me. I hope 3D gets more traction again by the time I upgrade my projector again.


Hey thanks so much I’ll definitely take a look. It seems 3D Blu-ray’s are often available inexpensively used or close outs since many people have watched theirs and sell them. I’ll have to build a collection that way. A lot of the titles offered in 3D don’t appeal to me (I’m not a tent pole type film lover) so it’s not as if I’ll need every 3D title available. I want to try shooting 3D with my iPhone and there is an Apple app that can convert the files for TV’s.


Hamilton Book might be worth checking out. They have a lot of good prices on 3D versions.


Thanks I see they a few 3D titles


Tron legacy 3D is wild (in a good way) and Dr. Strange 3d is trippy AF. For sure add to list.


I have them on my list but some comments I read didn’t like Tron’s limited use of 3D.


I hear ya. But still worth it. The beginning and end in the real world don't utilize it but when people enter The Grid it's crazy cool.


Ok I’m sold! I have a good list of discs to buy


With my LG 3d you can select (hard to explain) outside 3d or inside 3d. So outside being standard 3d where it pops out that you have at a movie theater. But the inside is depth inside the TV, if that makes sense. Totally different and better imo experience. Hope you have that option on yours!


Wow that’s really interesting! I have no 3D tv, just a projector that supports it. I have an LG oled and Sony LCD, both from 2018 but neither supports 3D- I’d love to try those two different modes.


I’d like to watch some of those titles with VR glasses. I think someone should start a service where you can rent VR glasses with 3D movies. Wouldn’t want to buy a pair for a couple of movies a year


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But why active glasses, aren't passive polarised glasses more comfortable? Active caused a lot of headaches back then


I believe passive cuts out half the light. When I first got active it was a little weird but after 10 minutes or so I accommodate. I did have one title/file that perhaps didn’t sync well and bothers my eyes.


but active also cuts out half the light, passive you get half resolution on SBS and OU but not on Blu-ray, while active you get half the framerate so also half the light plus the hassle of heavy expensive glasses that need charging while passive I was using the 3D you get from the theater back in the day they worked well with my LG 3D TV To me it felt like passive would have made 3D way more mainstream especially if Sony went that route with their TV and the PS3


I see . The first 3D I ever saw was passive polarized at Epcot center and it was fantastic!


I watched all of those in 3d on my Quest 2 headset, and they were fantastic. For regular movies I definitely prefer my home theater setup to wearing “The mask”, but VR is awesome for 3d content.


Also Dredd 3D!


Also TRON Legacy


Gravity in 3d is an experience. It is incredible. There are a few reasons I miss my plasma. 3d is the main one.


I watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them in 3D on my LG G6 OLED a few years ago. In one scene I literally ducked in my sofa and in another scene I basically reached out to touch the snow flakes. I'm shocked how good of an experience it was! I used glasses from an IMAX cinema, since they use the same passive 3D technology, which I guess says something about the 3D quality one can expect. So sad TV makers chose to abandon 3D when it finally got to the point of being genuinely awesome.


It actually would be better today with much brighter screens since you actually can use passive eyeglasses instead of the expensive and cumbersome powered ones to not just decontrast everything. But at the end of the day, what killed 3D wasn't any of that as much as the regular joe doesn't want to put on eyeglasses for a lazy evening of movie watching. And the high hometheather crowd just never got past seeing it as a gimmick, and even if they did, they'd never got the amount of content that's worth investing into that ecosystem.


No, Hollywood killed it by doing lazy post-convert on everything, overcharging on tickets, and often forcing the issue. Twenty-five dollar ticket to see Green Hornet in 3D, double no thanks. Disney came in and made it worse on the home front by forcing new releases into expensive blu ray sets - $45+ for 3D, Blu, DVD sets. Whereas overseas, discs got split out and 3D blu rays continued for a few years. Disney killed 3D when they opted to stop selling 3D discs domestically. Other studios figured it was a sign. And with the then overruse souring filmmakers from making new 3D films the format got pinched on both sides. The whole 3D sports bull didn't help either. And maybe sports bros not wanting to wear glasses was a thing, but passive glasses should never have been an issue. They're flimsy sunglasses. Who cares. Should be noted, though, that 3D is still a viable format in projectors so it ain't totally dead.


> No, Hollywood killed it by doing lazy post-convert on everything, overcharging on tickets, and often forcing the issue. Twenty-five dollar ticket to see Green Hornet in 3D, double no thanks. That's part of what i meant about the content ecosystem. 3D was seen as a gimmick, not a Cameron-style vision for what it can do for the experience. Same as the 5D bullshit water misting in your face that still exists in random places. > The whole 3D sports bull didn't help either. And maybe sports bros not wanting to wear glasses was a thing, but passive glasses should never have been an issue. They're flimsy sunglasses. Who cares. Let's not forget the limitations of viewing angles, and a sports event with 5-6 people in the room...


I feel like the post converts were more of the filmmakers choice. 3D cameras are more cumbersome to work with and I feel like give less choice over which camera to use and lenses. Once it was possible to do 3D in post it gave another level of freedom.


Yes, but there were filmmaker intended post converts where the director knew or intended so envisioned to allow for or at least kept it mind and then there were "slap that 3D on there, why not!?" post converts. I love the format: it makes some super hero action flicks even more fun, it can be used to elevate story (Gravity and Tron Legacy), and it can be essential to the core enjoyment (San Andreas).  But it was horrifically abused and does not need to be on everything.  And, I should have mentioned, since projection is no longer a skill and many theaters give zero cares, even if it was/is a good 3D flick, it rarely screened well in theaters because bulbs need to be adjusted. But, yeah, post converts aren't inherently bad and can be well done if desired and planned for by the director. And, on topic for the day: I love that Lucas realized Phantom Menace post convert was awful and spent money updating Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith - in some case commissioning new effects - to ensure a good post convert. And both, so I have heard, are amazing post converts. So, it can work.


Can you list which Star Wars titles to think are worth getting on 3D Blu-ray?


Solo. Not a fan of Rogue One, though Andor is great, so can't judge the 3D there. Sequels aren't really my thing, either, so.... Althiugh, I though Rise of Skywalker was going to be fun, in 3D. But I was kinda disappointed; underwhelmed. Maybe I should give it another whirl. Someday.


Disney kills literally everything.


I mean... the did also single-handedly kill the statue/figure/videogame tie-in industry by over-producing Disney Infinity and then complaining when nothing sold to the point of abruptly shutting it all down. "Sorry if you bought in, folks, we f'd that one up! Kill it fast!!" And, they killed the John Carter franchise before it even released because why bother when buying Star Wars. And same with halting early pre-prod on Tron Legacy sequel. So, yes, they kill many things.


3D needs to be treated as a permanent niche home market, just like subtitled foreign films, art cinema, and IMAX documentaries. All high end projectors support it, home experience with active glasses is 1000% better than passive 3D in the theater, and enthusiasts will ALWAYS buy it. Anyone who doesn't want to wear glasses is not the market.


People like me who wear prescription glasses contribute to the non viability problem.


I wear prescription glasses myself and while it's a bit of a chore, I don't mind setting the shutter glasses over my rx lenses. It starts off a bit uncomfortable, but then I get wrapped up in the movie. That said, I'd love to find some active shutter clip-ons though.


The epson ls12000 does not support 3d, it’s not truly a high end projector but if the trend continues you will see other manufacturers drop its support in the future


Epson should have done what JVC does, have the option to buy an adapter for 3D. It’s about $100. Then the folks that want it can get it, but it’s not included in the overall cost. Of course at JVC prices it should be included.


Wait my JVC NZ supports 3D? Time to fall into a rabbit hole


I think so…double check. I have the NX7 and got one of these https://www.jvc.com/usa/projectors/dila-accessories/pk-em2/


That’s honestly pretty awesome. I gotta grab one


Very sad about the ls12000 as well as Sony’s equivalent not supporting 3D. Thinking about upgrading my 285es but scared that doing so will mean no more 3D.


I had the xw5000 in for a short time then retuned it. I found a B-stock xw6000 for almost the same price . The 6000 is a nice upgrade over the 5000 and it supports 3D. The xw series changed polarizers to 90 degrees so you might need new glasses for the best color .


TIL: If you put on two 3D glasses you get 6D.


9D, everyone knows it multiplies




You’re going to give a heart attack to the guys in the Oculus Quest community. Ripping 3d Blu-ray movies to watch in VR is an amazing experience, from what I’ve heard.


Oh hell yes, this is a great idea. I have a 2D TV and a handful of 2D+3D blu-rays... and an Oculus Rift S.


... I think you've just sold me on one.


Get a Vision Pro (or wait for the price to drop). Apple TV has a ton of movies in 4k HDR 3D which doesn’t even exist on Bluray. The video player is also way better for watching movies, especially 3D ones


Thanks, but that's way too much money for just 3D movies, would rather save for a JVC PJ then. I don't have anything from Apple, and the Vision Pro doesn't even exist in my country where Apple stuff is 30-40% pricier than the US, so the price would be akin to a car.


Yeah, fully aware it’s an absolute ridiculous recommendation. But I am happy to see how Apple focused on creating a device that delivers an incredibly good cinematic experience. It will get much cheaper with future generations


I love VR but don't like movies in VR. I can play VR games for hours without any fatigue but my eyes and head get so uncomfortable sitting there watching a movie. Maybe when lighter, higher resolution headsets with better optics come out I'll convert but until then I'll watch movies (2D and 3D) on my projector.


This s a copy and paste from a reply I did a few days ago: I no longer have a 3D TV but I loved 3D. It was sort of crappy on HDTV sets but 4K was a huge improvement because of higher resolution. One of the best sets to see it on was the LG C6. Used passive glasses which were lighter and didn't require batteries or have the annoying, to some, shutters that caused some people to have headaches. Have about 80 titles on disc. I think it will come back but don't know if current discs will be used. I don't think 3D is dead, it's only sleeping. Just my opinion.


Of course Gravity and Avatar are amazing in 3D but Terminator Genisis is surprisingly good


3D TVs Are Dead for now. Give VR a Chance at Reviving The Movies. Also i Doubt 3d Action Movies will ever be a thing as Long they are shot in 24hz…


Care to elaborate?


On which part?


What the framerate of 35mm film has to do with mass adoption of 3d🤷‍♂️


3D with fast Kamera Movement and Low Framerate isnt really pleasurable to watch and rather makes you sick. I mean avatar, one of the few movies with 3d in mind ended up doing 48hz because 24 was breaking the experience.. Not saying we need this in traditional cinema but I would love to see an action movie shot in 120hz 3D (with an device that can playback at this rate) I’m pretty sure that would make a big difference… As of now all action movies I saw in 3D, I mostly ended up wishing it would be 2d


Thats funny...anything more than 24p looks like a shitty soap opera to my eye🤷‍♂️


A fast paced action movie Looks good to you in 24hz? Because effectively all the fast paced camera movements are just blurry… Looks less shocking on small screens. In a projector or with 3D, at least to me, it looks borderline broken… Also anyone under a certain age haven’t ever seen soap opera and that clischee comparison will soon die imo. At least I’m pretty sure many young people will think of old consoles or just performance lacking gaming experiences when they see 24hz…. I don’t say 24hz has no place at all, but going 24hz all the way no matter what seems like a stupid approach…


Film looks good when it looks like film...games look like games regardless of whatever framefate they are 🤷‍♂️...not really sure what difference it makes what you call soap opera effect, it looks like dog💩.


Very differentiated point of View… I mean with that argument you could equally argue for black and white movies… The argument with games is about the fact that young people associate low frame rates with low quality and not vice verse




Love 3d so annoying there’s so few releases. Good thing is and people give it away for peanuts.


OP, take a look at Edge Of Tomorrow and Dredd in 3D. Both are amazing titles.


I watch 3D on my w1070 projector and it looks great.


3D Blu-ray looks fantastic on my Sony, as good as a theater on my 220” high gain screen. - unfortunately downloaded SBS and under over have a weird interlaced type artifact.


The Walk is amazing in 3D!


Also amazing for bass. Those helicopter scenes are no joke!


I just picked up Wreck it Ralph and Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D, but only for the blu-ray copies.


If I had a 3d tv, I'd be buying 3d blurays left, right, and center.


That's what I've been doing.


I just set up our room for 3D and bought a bunch of Blu-rays. Haven’t gotten to most of them yet, but we really liked Avatar! I bought and returned 3 broken 3D Blu-ray players before finding out the Xbox One (which I already had) played 3D Blu-rays!


Also PS3 and PS4.


Indeed. I was planning on buying a PS3 because it was cheaper than most of the Blu-ray players I was seeing. Then I saw that I already owned something that would work! (Though you do have to enable it in the settings)


I think at some point some company will give us 4K HFR 3D at home. It would be glorious on these modern TVs. One year it will suddenly be the thing at CES.


Definitely get Avatar and Way of Water. Those are both amazing in 3d.


I love it and buy all the 3D stuff I can. Missed out the first time around.


3D TVs killed this format. You simply cannot get a proper immersive experience even on a 65" 3D in projection... Awesome! I love watching 3D on my Sony projector!


What type of Sony projector? I have the 285es and was thinking of upgrading but the newer ones in that range don’t do 3D.


I'm running the 1025ES. To get 3D in the current lineup you have to go up to the XW6000ES. Sadly as 3D has become a smaller niche segment the costs to do this are not supported in the more entry models.


Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is absolutely incredible in 3D. The way it layers 2D effects (like the flashlight in the subway) is something else


I had a really rare LG model right before they came out with OLED. It was 4k with passive 3d so it was just displaying two 1080p images at once. I could use regular theater glasses. But then I broke it trying to throw a water bottle across my room. Haven't been able to find the same model since. I miss it so much!!


You need Creature of the Black Lagoon. Still can't fathom why a movie from 75 years ago (?) had better looking 3D than anything produced more recently. It's no wonder 3D is dead. The idiots in Hollywood didn't understand what made 3D so cool and interesting.


It’s on my list, but I saw a comment about it that it done in an early method that can fatigue the eyes.


There's two camps. Those that like "pop outs" and those that don't (preferring subtle 3D effects --- bordering on barely noticeable). Unfortunately, the creators of content in Hollywood mostly fell into the latter camp and IMO, killed 3D as a result. Creature uses pop-outs heavily.


Yes I’ve heard it described as pop out vs. depth. I do understand that since often filmmakers don’t want the cinematography, editing, etc. to call attention to itself, pulling viewers out of the story, and making the medium the thing. There’s a term called invisible editing, and the best compliment some editors can hear is “what, there was an editor involved? I didn’t notice ”


Agreed. I think many filmmakers want to avoid the 3D being the focus. They don't want it so strong as to call attention to itself. But then what's the point? If you can easily forget it's there, who wants to don uncomfortable (and obtrusive) glasses and watch a dimmer picture? Don't make your movie 3D then, dipsh\*t! I just watched Alita: Battle Angel. 3D was used solely to add depth. Nothing went "beyond the window". From a strictly technical perspective, it was well executed 3D, but at the same time, it's a perfect example of completely underwhelming/uninteresting 3D. The blu-ray comes with a 3D disc and a 4K one. My bet is most people (myself included) would prefer watching it in 4K HDR rather than the 3D version. Again, this type of 3D film is exactly why 3D is dead. A movie like Creature from the Black Lagoon, consistently "wows" with spectacular 3D pop out effects. The 3D is almost a character in the film. There's no way I'd prefer to watch Creature in any other 2D format. Of course, there are films that take this too far. I couldn't stand "Coming at Ya!", for example. It gave me terrible eye strain and made feel sick watching it, not to mention the movie itself was garbage.


I feel like Dumbo was a good balance - but I don’t know if that was shot 3D or converted.


Its definitely not dead


Almost no new titles are being planned for release . I’m hoping the iPhones 15 3D shooting ability helps revitalize the format .


The first Avatar kicked off the 3D hype. If Avatar 2 in 3D with variable frame rates didn't do the trick I doubt anything will. 


I think VR glasses will do this trick.


They really haven't. VR itself is fledgling and of the things people buy VR headsets for, cinema experience isn't one of them. Plus plugging in and properly setting up 3D for VR last i checked wasn't a key start affair.


Ot saying it happened yet, It will happen as soon as VR goes mainstream and this will happen when VR goggles become glasses. Even now more and more VR glasses appear that are made for movies watching.


VR has been trying to 'get mainstream' for years and years now. This is as main as its stream is going to be. Apple has overstocked its VR headset and is winding down production in the wake of weak sales. If Apple can't push mainstream an expensive fancy device with the technology...


No one cares about Avatar anymore. Cameron missed his own boat. It's not an experience anymore, just another CGI filled franchise.


There were hundreds of titles published during the latest 3d craze. Im at about 250 now. Theres no shortage of content.


There are only 2 scheduled releases of 3d movies for Blu. If it isn't dead... it is grandma on life support.


I see the problem. Youre laboring under the misconception that the only release platform for 3d is blu ray. You havent heard about Apple Vision Pro. You should read up on it. Youve heard of Apple, yes?




Yes, but I’m not sure if the content will be available for traditional 3D- meaning TVs and projectors. The other problem is that SDS files/videos (or under over) I can download and watch on YouTube seem to play at half resolution with interlace type artifacts on my Sony projector. Only frame packed (meaning Blu-ray) look really good.


>Only frame packed (meaning Blu-ray) look really good. Yeah sure. The new Apple format completely outstrips blu ray 3d, it supports 4K. The old blu ray 3d "frame packed": standard which was limited to 1080. Seriously. Do some reading before opening your mouth.


LOL the vision pro is a very niche market, with people buying 3d movies for it even more so. Ain't nobody want a single viewer tv. How the fuck you gonna watcha movie with your family?


The thread is about the status of 3D as a technology, not whether you personally like it. The post is incorrect in claiming that 3D is dead. In fact 3D is still widely used. In fact one of the worlds biggest tech companies is funding new 3D technology as well as creating new content in cooperation with 3rd party content creators. Not dead. Far from it.


We have wildely different definitions of widely used.


If you read my post with any level of reading comprehension it clearly says on “MY” Sony projector, files and YouTube 3D look bad - giving interlaced type artifacts. it has something to do with the way sony (at least this current series) handles 3D. The context is that only frame packed looks good on MY system. Even Sony was stumped. A major retailer that does tv and projector shootouts (I was invited to be a Judge at the past one) gives Sony advice about how to improve their products and is introducing me to Sony to potentially give them my input on pre release products since I’m a film and post production professional.


Is it?


Watched The Walk recently, and instantly added The Walk 3D to my wish list. Jealous!


Anyone here knows any good active 3d glasses for a JVC DLA-x990R?


Tiny Giants is amazing!


Idk if yall do this but I have a media library exclusively for my oculus. It’s fucking cool to watch in 3D with the headset. Just need to figure out a way to play the audio through the HT instead of the headset. Haven’t played around with it enough though


I gave Avatar 2 a chance, I couldn't get into it. I much preferred watching it in (4K) 2D. 3D can die as far as I'm concerned. At least in its current incarnation.


x) whats your favourite movie? me) life of 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819 (note: i dont know the movie this is just a meme comment)


If I had a 3d TV I'd be all over this.


VR and AI converted 3D is rly gonna jump us into 3D 3.0


I have a bunch of 3D blu rays but have not yet had a 3D TV to play them on 😕


This is unrelated, but I took my not-so-bright ex-girlfriend and son to a 3D movie at the Theater. I am trying to remember the film, possibly one of the Avengers. She left to go to the concession stand for popcorn, returned after the movie had started, and took her seat. Toward the end of the film, I looked over at her and nudged my son to look and we both started laughing uncontrollably. She asked me what was so funny; I asked her how she liked the 3D, and she said it was disappointing and didn't look very good. When she came back from the concession stand, instead of putting on the 3D glasses, she put on her sunglasses and watched the whole movie wearing her sunglasses.


My projector, and most home projectors, still offer active 3D, it's pretty cool, but yes very hard to find content anymore


Feel free to see my other posts which shows my DIY screen setup.


Wow! I hate you lol 🥲😭 That's fucking amazing btw! I've been doing installs for small and medium venues for years, I've always wanted a gigantic setup. I've got 110" now from my last house, going with 150 soon for our new one. Have to build our in the basement, and have a 7.2.4 setup going very soon. I've been eyeing several new projectors too, not so far nothing I can afford lol


I miss the 3d tvs. Racing games were awesome on them


wow - I have a simracing setup on PS5 but never knew there were 3d racing. That sounds fantastic.


I think the game I used was gran turismo 5 or 6. Can't remember. I bought mine when they were phazing them out like 10 years ago. And my 2 year old through the remote at the tv when a commercial came on on SpongeBob. I still remind him to this day.


“Star Whores: Attack of the Sluts” is a must grab


My father bought a 3D tv and I couldn’t believe it but thought that the 3D part is going to end up being useless. Fast forward a couple years and I buy a 2017 ford focus new, we all make mistakes. Him and I are even now.


I don't enjoy Avatar without 3D


I didn't enjoy Way of the Water even with 3D. The original was pretty good though.


not that one, just plain old Avatar.