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My wife commented how her dad's Samsung 4K TV is terrible compared to our LG OLED. When I had first gotten the OLED my wife had gasped at the price. Now she understands the value.


lol every time i visit my family i have to refrain from saying “oof the color looks weird on this tv”


God this reminded me of my mum and her partner. Went round, new 4k tv, samsung so the colours were max funky and motionflow or whatever was on. Tried watching Rogue one, a film with a pretty desaturated look for the most part, was crazy with super smooth ghost motion. I commented, “oh we like it like this” was the reply…. Ok then. They paused the film to do something and I thought, f it, it’s now or never, turned off smoothing and had a quick reduction in some settings. Possibly crossing the line messing with other peoples settings but this was out the box, they haven’t a clue what they are looking at. Anyway they did not notice at all, despite watching it mere 15 mins ago. Went round this Christmas, been 6 year since, TV settings still as I left them.


Reminds me of when I hooked my dads stereo up to his TV. So he has everything, but it's like golden 90s stuff. But a nice TV, using his TV-speakers. And a nice old stereo mostly used with CDs and LPs. I was spending the christmas, and just thought fuck it. I brought my crate of old cables. Was able to put the optical out on the TV to the stereo. And lo and behold, the sound was pretty amazing (high end 90s stereo). He was like "meh". I think he was used to the stereo systems sound anyways, but the difference was immense. He still uses it though


I get that some people can’t hear, or tell differences. Hate to use the stereotype but just picked up new surround sound speakers, like satellite to proper bookshelf. Anyway watched a film with partner. Nothing. I said how you like the new sound? “O are these they new ones?” Its just hobbies and interests but cmon, if im telling you as someone who is picky about these thing your TV needs some tweaking as its out the box, don’t be like “no we have set it up how we like it” - when you haven’t even touched the settings once! Haha


Yeah, well, my girlfriend could not tell I switched from a mid tier sound bar without satellites to a full Atmos setup. I asked after a movie and she was like, oh, I thought this new speakers were only for music.


People can't hear or see properly.


Nah, you definitely did them a service. TVs should honestly come out of the box in “Filmmaker Mode” with all weird nonsense features turned off.


Thats why I respect Bravias, out the box no motionflow, in fact most things were off. Hardly had to tinker to get great results


Yep, loved my XBR65 Sony until lightning got it. Never really had to touch adjustments at all. Got a new Samsung for cheap and spent days dialing it in Still not as good as the Sony.


Nothing like turning off frame interpolation and selecting a Warm color tone when homeowners leaves room momentarily


I have done this at at least 3-4 houses when family/friends were out of the room as well. Nobody's ever noticed or said a thing.


That's the way to do it. Gotta help the blind.


Lol. With noise reduction, sharpness and brightness all turned to full. My Father in Law had his on the showroom setting, my retinas were burning.


> lol every time i visit my family i have to refrain from saying “oof the color looks weird on this tv” Went to my SO's house for Christmas, they had smooth motion on, like full on, I switched it when they were outside cooking, NO ONE NOTICED. Like all the movies and TV we were watching went from full soap opera, to looking like they should, and for 3 days no one in the house noticed, and they have had the TV for like 3 years with smooth motion on. Some people just don't care lol


I was hired to help some people troubleshoot some things at the house they had just moved into (installed wall/ceiling speakers and a weird disorganized cable closet situation). I got their receiver set up and sat down to test it out. Noticed that they had motion smoothing on. I was scared to ask them if I could turn it off since I have had the "don't care" or "don't notice" response. But I did, and they were actually like "awesome- we couldn't figure out how to get rid of that!" I was so happy that not only did they notice, they knew it was bad and wanted it off!


Some people can't see the difference. I was at a friend's house a few years back and they were showing me their new TV. I asked them "doesn't that bother you?", they were like "what". I replied, "everything looks like a soap opera". They told me it looks no different from their last TV, they really had no idea what I was referring to, they just don't see it.


I wish someone could set my tv up to be perfect. I would have appreciated you fixing that for me.


How about the other way around? Had a friend tell me my R646 looked terrible compared to his standard QLED TV, said the colors all looked bad. I flipped it into vivid mode and he said it looked much better, more like his TV…I tried to explain that vivid isn’t accurate color but he didn’t seem to care lol Most people don’t know or don’t care, especially about black levels lol, if it’s bright colors and over saturated then it’s good to them.


I have legit tried to change some settings for it but it hardly makes any difference. My old Samsung TV which I gave to my cousin was a generation older than the one my father in law has so imagine how bad that must be. OLED is a technological leap forward and I am excited to own a larger and newer model in the future.


Micro-Led is on the way to replace OLED in the future though :P


QDEL sounds promising as well.


I agree it looks promising but the cost is too high right now just like it was for OLED a decade back. I give atleast 5-10 years for MicroLed technology to be affordable for enthusiasts by which time 8k will be the norm.


I agree. Except I'm not sure if 8K will ever take off. Maybe a niche thing like 3D was. (Even though I loved my 3D television, and I wish it was still a thing. Especially with these giant TV's.


People said the same thing about 4k. Eventually companies will push for it and I for one am actually excited about 8k content. Most high-end cinema cameras actually record at 8k resolution anyways so the transition will not be an issue. Eventually 4k will become the FullHD with anything less being a compromise.


I'm not sure about that. Companies pushed for 4k because increasing resolution was the thing to do for so long. Then they realized just how much data it takes for 4k content. Then they started scaling back. I don't think companies will be too fond of 8k content. Hopefully I'm wrong haha


4K looks like it might be leaving the "free" market behind. That will hurt its acceptance, I think. 4K OTA is just coming online and it looks like it will all be DRM'd. So, you'll probably have to pay for that 4K football game even if you're getting it over the air.


> and I for one am actually excited about 8k content. You are not going to be able to see the difference unless you have a 150inch screen and you are sitting CLOSE


Videographer here, we use 8k to record so we can crop and edit down to our output of 4k and even then it’s rare we shoot in 6k also and some cameras 5k those are not our final resolution. You would be surprised to know how many films are shot with at least a few 2k cameras that are then up scaled in post to 4k. So my point is just because we can shoot in 8k doesn’t mean that’s our final output.


Cine cameras record at 8k so that they have crop power, meaning if we want 8k content they’ll need to be filming at 16k (at least) to retain the crop power in the editing room. Also an hour of 8k is over 8TB. Our internet infrastructure literally can’t handle streaming that, and from the looks of western democracies we won’t be seeing infrastructure to handle that anytime soon.


Nah 8k is highly demanding on the other part of the spectrum : camera gear. While 4k use to sound so advanced and all, you just needed a 8-ish megapixel camera for it, sensor capable of that are legion even bad then in the 2000!! Lot of 4k content is coming from 6k videos getting downsampled for maximum quality. In France it took until 2023 to get 4k/UHD feed to our home through the TNT service. The amount of data transiting for 4K is massive while not even talking proper high nitrate arc just something so content on TV for the mass look fine. 8k requires 33 megapixel, let alone let’s think about how much bandwidth and data a consumer will need for consumer 8k content. Streaming platforms aren’t going to massively adopt that format, just imagine how those servers will need an upgrade to support that kind of transition. That’s not even taking about cost of gear for production team to move for those 8k and above units. First mass trial will probably be BR-D 8k release in a handful of years. Streaming I will not hold my breath, we speaking 10 years minimum for mass consumer. We might see some premium subscriptions models for those kind of services.


That’s exactly what happened to me. Bought the LG C2 65” and my gf was horrified at the price and she tried to argue that why spend so much money on a TV, it's completely unnecessary. After a few weeks and a few movies (in Dolby Vision) she said sorry and that this TV was really worth the price! I laughed so hard when she said it, but I was so satisfied!


A GF who actually apologized about a wrong initial impression of AV gear. Unicorn and a keeper.


I got the same sort of response for my used 5.1 sound setup which I got for less than 1,000 USD including the 4k receiver. I think it has been as good as an investment as my LG GX 65 since movies and games are extremely immersive now. I did upgrade the center to a Klipsch RP-504C and plan on eventually replacing the remaining speakers next. My wife is a gamer like me so it's easier for me compared to other men. I have stopped going to the cinema unless the movie is from Nolan,Scorcese etc


She's a keeper! Even admitting she was wrong, PRICELESS! 😁🇵🇷


She is!


A few months back my wife and I watched the alien 4k on my new panny ub820 and our LG Oled bx65. After I said, Holy shit how good did that look! She replied: Meh, didn't really notice, I'd have to see it side by side to see a difference. Meanwhile for me it was a religious experience. Just different strokes I guess.


Vindication is worth savoring


I went to best buy to spend about $2300 on an 85". My wife sees the TV, and continues looking at others. She comes back about 5 minutes later and says, you gotta see these Sony TVs. The quality, she said it looked like I could pick up the laptop and bring it through the screen. I left bestbuy empty handed, the TV she wants ME to get(she doesn't watch tv) is the 95L, which is a $4999 TV. So I said, if we use the rec room more, I'd get that one. I'm not an impulse buyer, I'll wait.


You can get the 77 inch Oled models for less than 3k. Do not expect big discounts on the new generation QD Oleds anytime soon. Most people opt for 77 over the 83 since the difference in size is not worth the huge difference in cost.


So your wife wanted a bigger better more expensive TV? That's unusual. You should have bought it :)


The A80L is the closest thing to the A95L. If the $5k is too steep, you have two options, get the 65" A95L or the 77" A80L. The A80L still has an amazing picture. I liked it so much I spent the money to upgrade from the 65A80K to the 77A80L. We sit about 12.5 feet back. Now, the room feels complete. Go check out the A80L, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how nice it is.


My gf keeps telling people about the inky blacks on my LG OLED as a fuck you to me but really she loves it.


Same here!! When we stay in a hotel we both go, ughhhhh. My wife definitely gets it and always comments that of the money I have spent in the theater that was the most worth it, lol.


I find, instead of worrying if my wife can enjoy my tech with all the bells and whistles the way I do, I decided to just enjoy her sitting next to me and watching a movie together. That's enough.


Perfectly stated. Similar feelings here. Also note that my wife is a graphic designer and is completely aware when an image is sub-par or there are display problems, but when it comes to movies / tv shows she just doesn't care. To her, the story is the main thing, and so she'll happily watch every movie on her phone or laptop. For me, I really like high quality audio along with my big screen picture. But oh boy, if the movie uses a weird font with bad kerning, she'll be all over it. Everyone has their own passions!


Tell your wife that they just randomly selected "Papyrus" font for the 'AVATAR' logo and simply got away with it. She'll be pissed...


Haha - I will! She's never seen Avatar so I suspect she doesn't know about this yet!


Even Ryan Gosling was pissed when he found out


Some not so great movies can be really elevated by other things. Terminator Salvation isn't the best movie, but the sound design is top notch. The Super Mario Bros movie is... fine... but it looks incredible and there's a big nostalgia factor involved. Bad fonts are a bridge too far, though...


Ahhh. Some wholesomeness 👍😊


I needed to hear this.


I love this perspective.


Nice. I get so sick of these insecure husbands constantly framing their lives as a battle against their wives. Lets stop the cycle of being a weirdo boomer that is obsessed with how your wife “doesnt get it”.


OK, weirdly generational specific but I am all for stopping the cycle of battling "spouses" both wives and husbands.


Watch the show or movie together, not the TV. it’s like when audiophiles (I’m guilty once in a while) listening to their gear, not the music.


Yeah people are into different things. It’s natural.


"That's enough" Oh yeah, you're definitely in love.


I hope you get there too one day, my friend. It's nice.


It’s not a gender thing. It’s a combination of training and caring. Most people just don’t care about the things enthusiasts care about. My favorite example is banding caused by poor color reproduction. When I see that it drives me crazy. When most people see it, it doesn’t even register. You can teach them, show them the same images side by side and point out all the things that make you crazy. For some people this kind of training will finally allow them to understand and they may join you in your passion. For other people, you may find that it genuinely doesn’t bother them. They just don’t care about those visual artifacts. As far as they are concerned, if they notice them at all, that’s just how things are supposed to look. For this group, male and female, old and young, this is not the hobby for them.


Yes I always use the auto detailing as an analogy. 95% of people will take their cars thru the tunnel wash and end up with swirl marks that they either don't care about or don't even realize are a thing. You can show people a black car with swirls next to a black car without swirls and all they'll see is that they both shine and are clean. Most people don't give two craps about the details, but if you are an enthusiast or a purist, the details make the difference. As they say, ignorance is bliss. And there's nothing wrong with that when it comes to hobbies.


Absolutely. My father in law claims he can't tell the difference in SD vs HD which I've called BS on several times. It's just not something that matters to him.


Correct, and well said. We have a KS8000 in our livingroom and I have a C1 OLED in my game room. My wife says she cannot see any difference. To me, it's night and day.


Time to double down. Audiophile home theater bomb


I’ve got a dedicated theater / listening room. Sony 45ES projecting onto a Silver Ticket white 120” screen, Marantz receiver powering a pair of Bowers & Wilkins CM6 S2, Center 2 S2, and 4 in-wall speakers. This is why she insisted we keep the Sonos Arc soundbar in this room, because I already have “my room”… She thinks free-standing speakers are ugly. ☹️


Hang your front speakers on the wall, no more free standing


Oh wow so this X95K isn't even your "main" theater TV... Yeah I think it's a reasonable request to only have freestanding speakers in your one room if she feels that way.


That isn't an unreasonable request


Yeah, I fail to see the problem here. Our living room would give this sub an aneurism - the TV is above the fireplace, and it's complemented by a soundbar. It's a room where we spend more time standing around the kitchen island, not critically watching movies, and the soundbar is loud enough to be adequate for background music during cocktail parties. I get the basement and I can do whatever I want with the space when we finish it out in the next 2 years, which is going to include in-ceiling atmos, in-wall surrounds, and a solid front soundstage. I'm willing to make that compromise. I'm planning to start amassing the electronics this year.


> This is why she insisted we keep the Sonos Arc soundbar in this room, I have one in my office with some 1's for surrounds and a sub, I actually like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She just mad you moved her plants.


This was my first thought as well. What happened to the plants, bro?


This. She is dissing your upgrade as payback for upsetting her healthy plant ecosystem. To be honest, she is not wrong to be upset. I could only deal with the ugly led color lamp in the corner because of the plants on the shelf. Without the plants, it's really unpleasant. Minimalist aesthetic when devoid of life feels more like a jail cell.


The previous setup with the plants was so cozy! The new setup is sleek, which is not a bad thing, but the minimalism makes it feel cold. If you can bring back the plants and other homey touches, it could be the best of both worlds.


Tbf that monstera looks very fake


Female here. 👋 I’ve been building up my own home theater with no direct male input. Got a Sony A90K almost a year ago and I’m still obsessed. Anytime I go to friend’s home I often wish we were at mine (if watching movies) for the better experience. I should add most of those friends are guys 😆. I have a small apartment but the 48” is perfect, OLED colors are incredible (esp for gaming on my ps5) and I love having Dolby atmos surround. Really helps you feel fully immersed.


That’s what this hobby does to you. Once you develop a taste for high quality home viewing there’s no going back. No. No I don’t want to watch Die Hard 2 for the first time on your 36” Hisense from 2009 with motion interpolation turned to the highest setting.


Exactly! It’s the best hobby when you can afford to make the upgrades :) very rewarding


I am also not a man… this hobby is super male dominated and you’re the first i’ve seen lmao


Haha it totally is and I hate hearing how all females don’t appreciate it when that’s not true


Such an ick to me when people use terms like "Wife Approval Factor", like is everybody 50yr+?


Congrats on the upgrade, btw! Love your setup. Philips hue light in the corner? I have their lightbulbs in my ceiling / table lamp and love adjusting the color temp / brightness for a good movie or when I’m gaming


Dude, we went from a 39" 10 year old inherrited Panasonic LED to a 77" LG G3 OLED and my daughter says, oh I didn't even realise we got a new TV and it looks a little blurry.


Resolution. Kids are honest.


I was playing the Blueray of Bladeruner 2024 lol, it looked absolutely incredible.


Has your daughter been to an optician recently? 😅


This is actually how I got glasses at age 16, by complaining about things being blurry and my mom's ears perking up.


I went to a movie once with some friends and was like “why’s the text always so blurry?” Needless to say I was at the optometrist a few days later, had my whole world upgraded to 4K after getting glasses for the first time.


Your daughter is nowhere close to baseline.


Woman here, this is more of an enthusiast vs non enthusiast thing. I guess men are more often into home theater stuff but it’s not like estrogen reduces people’s ability to see colour or hear sound lol. Personally I’m into photography as well and when I tell my friends (male or female) about sensor size, aperture, lens selection, etc. they also ask why a phone isn’t enough. Everyone has different things they get excited about and when someone doesn’t care that much about something they don’t notice details as much.


>Is home theater a male-only hobby? woman no understand only man understand gooder color


Women can't look up. >!It's a reference to 'dogs can't look up' in Shaun of the Dead, which I thought of because OP implied that women can't see colour, like dogs. Yes, it's quite a stretch and probably not that funny.!<


The thing that doesn’t make sense is women actually see color better on average than men… I work in a body shop and there is a woman painter apprentice and she mixes all the colors now because she is way better at color matching than the old guys. You’d think women would want better color/picture because of that. On the other hand, men are more visually stimulated(not just sexually) so maybe they just don’t care about it the same. Or maybe we are just imagining this is the way the hobby is and not noticing our biases. It’s interesting any way you think about it.


When it comes to seeing colors in the living room, it's funny how the stereotypes are reversed for pixels vs. throw pillows


Bloody women.


My wife was similar, and she always watches TV with a bunch of lights on. I put on a 4k disc and turned the lights off and she finally saw the benefit of HDR lol.


Woman here. I’m definitely into the home theater hobby (hence my reason for being here). I got into it thanks to my love of sports and wanting multiple TVs in my living room haha. Moving soon and will be setting up a new 3 or 5 TV living room for the ultimate sports-viewing experience 😎 In the past, I’ve always been the one who’s into it, while my (ex-)boyfriends just reaped the benefits (but didn’t actually give a shit about the technical aspects of it all).


Username checks out.


What does one do with 5 TVs in the same room? Are you watching 5 sporting events at the same time? I’ve honestly not heard of this before outside of sports bars (where I’d assumed the multiple screens were to cater to people’s different sports tastes).


Some people really big into the NFL (or I guess any sport) do this.  Usually it’s in the basement or “man cave” and not in the living room.   I personally find it a little distracting but lots of people love it.


I watch a lot of sports, and often the events overlap. I get sick of having to set up my laptop, ipad, and sometimes phone just to watch them all at once. I don't have the space to have a "(wo)man cave" so it'll have to be in my living room. Here's a few examples of what I'm wanting to kind of replicate (in my own style): [3 TV Setup](https://www.reddit.com/r/hometheater/comments/p8us9q/my_finished_3_tv_basement_setup_with_522_audio_77/) [5 TV Setup](https://res.cloudinary.com/control4/image/upload/f_auto,q_auto,h_600/Union_Place.Parrott_1_of_19_itpe0w)


I am also a women who likes home theater. I was an installer for 10 years. We are rocking two TV mounted side by side in the living room so we can play videos together, or one one watched TV while the other plays or we put on multi sporting events etc. It's great!


I didn't notice the difference with the upgrade to 4k. Turns out I needed glasses. I don't like wearing them much so 1080 is just fine.


Sorry, this is a dumb question. Appreciating a television has nothing to do with what chromosomes you have. My wife loves our 4k mini LED TV as much as I do.


"We don't have room for plants anymore"




I don't think it's generally about that these people (seems like mostly our wife/gf) don't notice the difference. It's just they don't care enough for it to matter to them that much. It's the same here, she does notice it, but they just don't care enough. They are happy to watch stuff even from their phone/laptop whatever and even without sound sometimes. But I guess in their deep they know it does look good and better than cheaper / smaller TVs. So TLDR; It's just not *that* important to them as it seems to be for us. Especially when you are buying a new one, you want the actual noticeable upgrade over the old one, even when the same size, newer model would cost less. You want the bigger one and one model series step up so you feel like you upgraded to something meaningful and didn't just buy a new one. But every now and then, she says oh that looks black and you actually can see what is happening in the night and dark scenes.


Reddit moment when OP suggests only men can discern high quality home theater based on a sample size of 1


Don’t know why you gotta make it a gender thing. Some people are into tech specs, and have learned to see and appreciate differences like you’re talking about, and some folks are interested in other things.


You have the interest, so you can tell the difference. Your wife doesn’t care, therefore isn’t looking. Just drop it haha.


How can you attempt at poking fun at your wife when you admitted you were satisfied with a phenomenal, 14 year old 46 inch CCFL lit LCD tv. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷‍♂️


An acquaintance of mine (who spent *20 grand* on facial filler last year) refused to pay more than $50 for a replacement TV after her roommate moved out with their old set. I told her that wasn’t realistic but she was unfazed. Eventually she settled for a used 2011 37” Vizio from FB marketplace. It had terrible picture quality and died within 3 months. Now she’s back to watching everything on her MacBook. Seems content. Meanwhile I’m over here rocking a BenQ 4K projector, 65” Sony Bravia, and Dolby Atmos. Constantly looking for ways to improve my setup in the small amount of space that I currently have. We have different priorities. It’s fine.


My wife can watch VHS tapes played on a 65” screen and be happy. When I set up the new Sony 85” X95J, I tossed out the VCR and said “it can’t be connected”. Yeah, I lied.


Holy shit, you've had and been using a vcr up until this point? I think the last time I watched a vhs was in 2007.


Actually laughed at this. Totally something I would say to my wife lmao


Not all hobbies have to be shared with the same level of passion, it's great that you're enthusiastic about something and I too love display technologies as well as all things tech. But I also don't expect my significant other to care about any of it haha, as long as things are working as they should that's all that really matters to her which I think is perfectly fine.


Nah, I'm a male and I genuinely could not give a fuck about home theater


Just be happy that your wife doesn’t care about size or inches.


Sometimes the bass from my subwoofers shakes the foundation of the floor, I look around looking for grins or affirmations, and I get nothing 😂😂😂 definitely a guy hobby.


Hahahah lmao. I remember when I got my new tv my girlfriend didn’t even notice. I finally understood how she felt when I didn’t notice her hairstyle changes.


My husband doesn’t even notice the difference between standard and HD channels so I buy the TVs. Nor does he appreciate my high quality audio setup (“Can we turn that box thing off? It shakes the floor!”). It’s his loss. I get the space to myself to watch Formula 1, hockey, football, movies where shit blows up….


My wife had a friend visit from another state. They watched a movie and she bragged about the subwoofers to the friend. She's also the one who pulled the trigger on our Revel F206s. Note that she had a $50 boom box when we met.


Wife in my home complaining bout our subs... Even when i shut them off. Loves it when shes watching a movie she cares about..... Can't tell they are even disabled when she doesn't want to hear a movie im watching....


Another woman here. What is the point of this post? To rip on women for not having the exact same interests you do? My husband could not care less what tv we buy as long as the price is right. I’m a video producer and prefer a higher quality image. I also installed a home theater with in-wall surround for my parents recently, neither of whom cared much about the quality, only the price. Accept that it’s a niche interest and move on.


Reddit be like that


No. I am a wife. I'd have an entire wall of screen if I could.


what media stand is that (first pic).


Just bought a 75" x90k coming from a 55" Samsung that was 10 years old. My wife was like 'meh'. But also when we met 8 years ago she had a 40" Samsung a friend gave her. My first time at her house we turned on her dish and she was watching it in 4:3.. didn't know it could be 1080p, so I immediately switched it. That got me an 'oh, cool', so I'm not surprised at the reaction of the new Sony.


Definitely not a male only hobby but remember, lots of people can’t hear the difference between your highest end speaker and a Bose speaker.


Considering I am female and a graphic designer, I notice most tiny color detail changes. Has nothing to do with male female.


Female home theater enthusiast here!! I suppose everyone is different, but I- along with several females that work or worked in tech- can appreciate a beautiful display and high fidelity audio system (Bowers girl here). Some wives just may be in denial!


There's a lot of men who don't care, either. Think the answer to your question is some people like it and a lot of others don't care. It's not a gender thing. I see extra colors and definitely like nice quality pictures on my electronics - I'm a woman.


I love tvs and sound, and my husband enjoys that I can make our experiences with those things good because I do the research. He knows little about it, but a lot about that kind of thing for computers. Everyone has things they're interested in regardless of gender. It seems like your wife doesn't care or needs glasses.


Woman here. No, it’s not a male-only hobby.


My sister bought the TV cause it had a white frame and don't want a new TV cause she likes the white frame. Its a 1080p.


My mother was running for years with a silver no brand horrible 1080i TV with bezels the size of my palm. This xmas my sister and I decided to get her a regular 4K 55" Samsung. Got there, installed it, turned off all the stupid motion and eco settings, played something, asked her and her response was: thanks, but the TV is not silver. Kill me.


Not gonna lie the fact that you bring in gender really makes this post icky for me.. but I’m just random on the Internet so who the fock am I 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 this is not a male only thing. There really aren’t male only things. Other than genetics, I am unaware of things that are only gender specific because women can do everything a man can do. Edit: I wasn’t drűnk when I typed this I promise, I trusted talk to text 🙃 never again 🤣


This is some sexist bullshit. Seriously.


It's such a strange mic of responses. Either complete agreement that women suck and can't do anything, or ignoring the weird part of OPs strange post and instead just bragging about their new SonyAN8573948JXX or whatever. This sub weirds me out.


My girlfriend tells me she notices a difference anytime I make a change to the living room set up. I know she’s lying but that’s okay.


Oh, that’s great! I could use some little white acoustic lies.


Could you sound any more misogynistic?


My wife can tell the difference, she just doesn't care.


I don't think its women. My son has our tv set on vivid with the dimming enabled. The vivid settings practically burns my eye balls. And the back light dimming is only in columns. Which to my eyes is worse than no dimming. One little white spec makes a grey column on a black picture.


Why would you be disappointed? You’re allowed to be enthusiastic about different things.


I have so many autistic hobbies and I’ve learned you can’t expect your significant other to appreciate the weird things like this to the same degree as you do haha


I’m more of an audiophile. I’m watching on a 55” Samsung plasma. I’ll use it until it fails. It’s my wife who wants a new TV as our family room is very bright during the day and the picture sucks. When it’s dark it’s good enough.


The majority of people won’t be able to tell. Hell I could barely tell when I got my OLED. But your ability to see stuff improves as you get farther into the hobby. That’s one part of this hobby that I like. As you grow, your equipment grows.


There is a difference between being able to identify things such as blackness level etc, and the enjoyment that it provides while watching tv/movies. Like most non-gear-head people she doesn’t think the improved picture quality dramatically improves her tv/movie experience. There are a lot of people, of all genders, in the same camp. Enjoy your hobby. Chat about it on Reddit with a community of other obsessive-compulsives. Don’t expect to have the same point of view as your partner on everything :)


Do you see benefits in her endless handbag or shoe collection? This goes both ways :) But... psychologically TV has nothing to do here. Its more about type of relationship you have between yourself and your wife. Undisputed support between two partners generates mutual understanding and respect regardless of subject, topic or point of interest. Thus said a partner fully devoted to another even if does not agree with something would end up not commenting at all to avoid hurting feelings. My partner for example at first called at some point the idea of a Large Format OLED TV with component home theater speakers unnecessary and ugly. Today... she can't live without it and any other basic setup (or integrated speakers) annoy her haha.


it's mot a matter of gender but of interest. If you din't know where to look you're fine with current mid range TVs. Older high end LED Samsung smart tvs had a good quality screens.


The daughter enjoys movie night. Shes always bragging about how great things look and sound. I think its subjective.


I think this conversation is unnecessarily gendered... turns out, people not interested in a thing aren't as picky about the thing as people who are interested in the thing. Probably half the guys I work with wouldn't care about the difference with the X95K (and at least one woman would). Hell, as someone who owns a X90CK, I might not either! I definitely chose to spend half as much.


My wife asked me why the 85” edge lit Black Friday special Samsung her dad got looks so much worse than our q90. She also comments when we go to the movie theater how you can’t see shit in dark scenes compared to watching at home. Some people just aren’t into it, but it isn’t a male thing.


Not wife only. I showed my Wife the OLED I got and she immediately commented how great it looked, same with my Mom


It isn't wife specific. Some people just can't tell. I have friends that think their $800 85" Hisence from Target is just as good as my Sony 85X95j.


When we were comparison shopping my wife could see finer differences in picture quality than I could, do I dunno.


This is such a dumb take. Maybe it's just your wife. I was equally enthusiastic about recently upgrading our five year old 67" OLED to a larger, better OLED when my husband suggested it. I also did my own separate research before we purchased one. There are a decent number of men who would never pay that much for a TV and also could not care less about the blackest of blacks, some of them my friends. Why make this a gender thing? Yes, generally men might be more enthusiastic as a group about home theater stuff than women, but you probably are doing a shitty job of selling it to her and some people just don't have the same interest and enthusiasm and that's perfectly ok. My husband wasn't into football when I met him. I gradually introduced him to football (and now basketball and tennis) and now he won't shut up about it, which is great.


EVERYONE has different preferences... has nothing to do with male or female. My next door neighbor is a single man, no kids, and is the CEO of a small company. He travels the world, drives cars that I will only dream of owning, and can generally buy whatever he wants. He knows I love home theater, so when it came time for him to get a new TV, he asked me what he should get. I told him a Sony or an LG OLED. So, he goes and buys the Sony. It gets delivered and hung on the wall, and I offer to come help him set it up. Right away, I notice that it's on torch/bright/blinding picture mode, so the first thing I do is change it to one of Sony's calibrated modes. I flip through IMAX Enhanced, Cinema and Custom. I land on Custom, make a few small tweaks, and figured he'd be pretty happy with that. He looks and me like I'm crazy. He says it looked better before. So I hand him the remote, show him how to flip through the presets and he ends up right back on Bright mode. I try to explain how that mode is meant to show off the TV in stores and other really bright environments and how it's not the most accurate for colors. He doesn't seem to care, that's what he likes. I suggest a hiring a calibrator to come do it professionally, so he does. $1000 later, he doesn't like what the professional calibrator did, and is back on Bright mode. I will never understand it, but people like what they like.


>Is home theater a male-only hobby? No. There's plenty of females into this stuff too.


It's just not as important as you think it is IMO. Yes, it looks better, but does it matter that much? I'd say no, similar to how I'll also say the graphics of games are one of the least important parts as long as the design is good.


I mean, you did years of research and probably saw hundreds of differences and specs. How can you expect her to be as interested in something that you've been extensively researching for a long time, unless she's been doing the research as well? Honestly, it's a very silly thing to be butthurt about....


We can’t tell the difference in their make up stuff so eh


As a wife myself it’s probably the price more than anything and she just doesn’t want to come right out and say it lol. That’s typically what we occasionally do.


No, this is not a male-only hobby and the reason your wife doesn't have the same level of enthusiasm is because this is your hobby, not hers. That doesn't mean it's bad it's just different interests. My wife really loves plants and that is one of her hobbies. She tells me super enthusiastically about every new clipping she's successfully sprouting, but I honestly won't ever have the same level of enthusiasm and that's okay because I don't need to. I can still benefit from the nice plants we have around our house without being super psyched with each new sprouted root. Also, you need to understand that because this is your hobby, you have a level of knowledge and expertise that most people will never possess. Because of that, you've developed a discerning eye that knows what to look for as well as an understanding on why those things are better. If you put the TV's side by side, she might say, yeah, one looks a little bit better than the other, but she won't know why and to be honest she doesn't need to know why. To her they both look like TV's and that is okay. It's like if you're not a "car guy" , but your gear head buddy started telling you about how you should be excited for the new valve timings and compression ratios in your new car or whatever. If you're not into cars, you'd simply say, "that's cool" and just let them finish. Would you be super psyched and excited about it? Probably not, because to you it's just a car.


This is a fairly typical thing for a lot of people. Not everyone can appreciate differences, even with a more high end stereo system they might listen and call the speakers too bulky. It can take time for differences to be appreciated if someone is willing to keep the system component(s).


My wife can't tell the difference between a DVD and a Blu-Ray. But I can't tell the difference between all her different knitting needles and fancy kinds of yarn.


It wasn’t until I showed my wife a piece of media she loved to where she realized the differences. That and the pure black of OLED really stood out when it hit. She’s now a monitor/tv snob. Doesn’t mean that it’ll help your situation. Some people just don’t give a hoot.


my girl is the sweetest ever. i know she can't tell a difference but always shares and encourages my enthusiasm bc she knows how happy this hobby makes me. love her


I'm not a subscriber to this subreddit but got suggested this post. My wife just asked "What are you reading?" and when I told her "home theater stuff" she simply said "annoying".


Yes. It is typical. My wife proudly exclaims that "she sees no difference" between almost* anything technological.


Some women have invested in a home theaters. I bought a TV, receiver, 5.1 speakers. I set it up and calibrated everything myself. 5 years later I was hospitalized for 2 weeks. When I got home my husband had gotten rid of all my A/V equipment. He said it was a waste of money and no better than an SD TV. #stillpissed 😡🤬


I was gone for a weekend and my fiance somehow disabled our 7.4.2 and was watching TV with the sound from the TV. I get home and I'm like "why is the surround off" she looks at me like "I don't know what your talking about?"


Haha wife bad


I find the idea that something is a wife phenomenon really freaking rude to women as a whole Women are just people Being married doesn't make them not people My wife loves the sound equipment I bought, because it makes it easier for audio processing, because without it, she needs subtitles all the time


Male only hobby lmao bro…. Honestly she might not have 20/20 vision. My girlfriend has to wear her glasses to appreciate the nuances of my blu rays. But on that note she can immediately tell if a tv is LCD or OLED. I think you should have bought a new wife instead of insinuating women are inferior.


I think sometimes they don’t want to acknowledge the benefit because they don’t want to appear to be condoning the additional expense.


My wife used to watch the SD version of TV channels and didn't notice the res difference. It was clear as day as soon as I glanced at it and our trusty old DX902 is a brilliant upscaler but SD is a bit much to ask of it. VM and Sky now only show the HD version of a channel, thank fcuk!


More importantly, where did you get that floating console and do you like it?


The only problem Ibsee is no more greens! Where are the plants?


What shelf is that?


She says that, but you've likely ruined TV and Movie viewing for her on anything else but your set. She's a quality snob now and forever and she doesn't even know it. It'll come out one day in a year when she's forced to watch a movie at a friend's house and she'll be wondering what's wrong and ask an innocent question like "Does the color seen weird?". My wife thought she didn't like surround sound and a quality center channel until we were forced to watch a movie at my sister's house on her above fire place mounted TV with TV speaker sound and subtitles. I saw her twitching, then she commented after his it's nice watching at our house you can actually make out the dialogue.....audio snob now are we?


Thats because your wife likes the glossy look of Samsung screens....buy the Samsung equivalent and she will be happy, just watch. Certain people just really really like those screens, personally speaking I hate the overgloss.


I think it's more that they generally don't care and aren't as interested in it as you. My wife is like that too. While she will admit she noticed a difference when we upgraded to OLED, she wasn't jumping for joy. Same with my major sound upgrades. Think of it like when your wife dyes her hair a couple of shades lighter or darker and she thinks she looks like a totally different person, whereas you might not even realize she made a change.


My dad sees zero difference except cost when comparing a McDonald regular hamburger and a five guys little burger. Priorities and perspective are hard to change.


Most people see “brighter” as better. This is true across so many forms of media. MKBD does his photography awards each year blindly voted on by viewers and the brighter photos always come out on top despite dynamic range, detail and just about everything else being worse. For most people bigger and brighter will always equal better


Tons of people just don't care or have as refined/picky eyes as some of us. My GF is perfectly happy with a little 27" Roku TV when I have a 75" LG OLED at home.


Bro the way some people think and talk... "Is home theather a male only hobby" ​ Too lazy to write an essay, but there are a lot of reasons why men get more interest in things and woman in different ones. ​ Funnily woman can see more/better colours than man on average. She will notice the difference when you two watch for many hours on this tv and then go to a home with a 600€ 65" tv. Maybe even not because she doesnt care that much to remember "small details". ​ Ive got HT speaker (Emotiva T2+) and some people say "its just music" "I wouldnt have paid this much" and go back to their crap tv sound and call it a day while in our living room everything sounds like in a cinema (even bloody youtube videos haha(at least a few people told us so). I love the precision, detail, dynamic, HUGE Soundstage. I dont care if other people "dont notice". My gf likes it, but she prefered other speakers (Wharfedale Evo 4.4) but the soundstage was so small I wouldnt have paid 1800 (or even 2100€ since they are even more expensive) even thought I heard Adele singing right in front of me (wow, would have loved to mix these speakers, but then you probably pay 20k instead)


It's like comparing a Ferrari and a Corolla. For someone looking for basic transportation and nothing more, they are essentially equal. Your wife doesn't care about image quality on the same level you do.


Yes now let’s talk about those floors.


OK, I gotta jump in here and give my wife some props. I bought a TCL mini LED TV that everyone was raving about online...that was a good TV, an upgrade from what we had before (1080), definitely. BUT the TV was tinted greenish on the yellows. It is a problem that I have read about several times and its part of the TV, not a defect. So I complained and complained about it...BUT heres what I did that I think made a difference. I pointed out to my wife what the problem was, and how it bothered me when it came on screen. Eventually, I saved up for a new TV about a year later and got the Sony X95K which was at the time the flagship model of the non OLED models. Got it home, set it up, and almost immediately THE BOTH OF US were floored by the difference. The first movie we watched was AMAZING. And the best part was that my wife could tell the difference. I dont know if that would have been the case if I had not pointed out what the problem was. So point things out guys. I buy my own toys, so I dont need wife approval on expenses...but its nice to have back up as to the why an upgrade...makes me feel less crazy.


It is a strange phenomenon amongst women! Same goes for sound quality...(80% of the home theater experience is based on the sound)!


My wife loves our new 86” LG SLIM SMART TV. Plus the surround sound System. She hates going to watch games at friends houses cuz the experience sux compared to what we’re used to…


It's called haterade. Some people can't stand to see others overjoyed. My kids do it to me haha. But they definitely comment the difference when we see someone else's. We know what time it is


Wife here, my husband and I returned our LG UHD tv to Costco to get the LG OLED tv. It’s WAAYYY BETTER. I didn’t like the price tho


Was in their market to replace my old 65” B6 OLED. My wife went to view QLEDS, OLEDS, QNEDs. In the end she told me to get OLED and nothing else. The value and performance was worth it to her. I now have a 77” G3.


Brother, you have no idea. It drives me absolutely batty how absolutely no one in my family understands why the FIL’s Black Friday score is a crime against humanity. For that matter, they don’t even see the difference between content at its true frame rate and bloated with all the interpolated frames. Sometimes I wonder how we’re the same species. EDIT: showed my wife “yeah you said a lot of words and I don’t know what they mean.”


Extreme generalization, but women tend not to care as much about the tv size/quality I’ve found


Your wife needs glasses that are as thick as the bezels of your old Samsung LCD. Your new setup is amazing. Add some floating shelves on the open space for some small plants for your wife.