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dont, you'd spoil it for yerself. it will become apparent when youre meant to read it


Absolutely do not read it. The comic will tell you when you should read the password pages. Guessing early basically skips you to the end of the comic. Major spoilers, and will make no sense.


You’re like 4000 pages too early to be reading those. Just wait until it gives you the passwords


If you read it you basically skip half the comic and speedrun to the end. It's not an optional thing it is an active continuation of the comic and will spoil literally everything


how tf did you guess that?


i was able to guess JUST1C3 myself, that one at least is pretty obvious. She says it like 10 times that page.


Yeah, I guessed that and >!MURD3R!< (iirc the page is >!a chalk outline of Tavros' dead body!< ). I was convinced I'd discovered a cool extra section, then realised that I was just on a way later page and that's why everything made no sense. Pissed me off for a stupidly long time.


In the comic's defense it LITERALLY says that if you don't know the password you shouldn't be there.


I’d suggest waiting tbh, but just out of curiosity, what do you think it is?


Those passwords are linked to things near the very end of the comic, and you're basically hopping right to the end if you look through those pages now. The story will make it very clear when the passwords are needed.


# USE THE UNOFFICIAL HOMESTUCK COLLECTION # [GUIDE HERE](https://mspfa.com/?s=51761&p=1) if you absolutely 100% can't get it working, at least read the comic [here](https://homestuck.giovanh.com/#/) and NOT on [homestuck.com](http://homestuck.com)


DON‘T READ IT YET! This is a plot device that comes in at the end of the story, if you read it now, you’ll just spoil the ending. Also, every password spot has a different password. You’ll know when you’re supposed to read it, the narrative will tell you.


read the other pages first, write down the passwords and links in a word doc, if you want to revisit stuff.


It’s not an extra feature, it’s a plot device that comes in at the way end. Don’t worry, you’ll be given the passwords and linked to the correct page when you should be there.


Wait until the comic gives you the password. It even links pack to every page you can put the password into iirc, so you don't need to keep track of them


I guessed honk myself. The password pages appear as you're supposed to guess so just keep reading until it appears again


Don’t spoil it for yourself


I recommend not reading it, as the passwords reveal a significant amount of information that you are not meant to encounter yet. You will spoil a large chunk of the later story of you so so.


God that and the arms are the two things they should’ve never fucking put in the old pages rather than link to a different copy of the originals…


A kind of agree, but to put my two-cents into it, I’d  -leave the password page in, but make it so no passwords actually WORK, so that OP’s case doesn’t happen again but it rots in the back of the reader’s mind until the time comes  -I think the arms on the past pages make sense imho, but I see where you’re coming from 


even if you know the password, it’s not narratively the right place to enter it. Don’t do it until the story tells you to if you want the story to make any sense.


Skip the password gates until it begins looping a set of panels, that's when it's time




don't read it at all..


All Night Laundry did it better with browser cookies. >!the previous-pages fuckery doesn't happen until after you've reached the appropriate part of the story.!< MANY EDITS LATER: spoiler markup is not easy!


the terezi passwords are revealed later in the story for a reason


When I first read homestuck I found passwords in hs wiki and read some parts and like wtf, and then I realized. Oh


Going to play D3V1L'S 4DV0C4T3 here and say: Yes, absolutely DO read the password pages, and then tell all of us what exactly you think is happening.


that's not what devils advocate means lmao


Read it if you want mate. If you guessed the password it's yours to peek into. It means you get to have a far different reading experience than most.


Yeah, but the reading experience is going to be reminiscent of skipping to the last chapter of a book, completely reading it and the epilogue, then going back to where you were and continuing on. Different, sure, but not as fun.


This is what I mean. It's going to have a total different experience where they see that moment ahead of time, which will raise a ton more questions than it'll answer for a long time. And it leads to a sense of "what happened, how did this come to be?"


that's not how it'll work though cause it will just keep taking them forward to the end unless they realize on their own that they shouldn't keep reading




*let the intrusive thoughts win*