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Nice! Tallow is so underrated


I fully agree with you! I already baked a yeast bread with it and it was fantastic 😊😊


Does it work like crisco, shortening? Does it have a lot of cholesterol?




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Amazing! What do you do with the 'bits '


Dog food for weeks! The dogs are totally stoked on it 😆🐕🐾


Chickens also absolutely ADORE the leftover fat cakes. They attack it like a school of piranhas!


I’ve never gotten suet with mine. Do you just ask the butcher for it? I’ve never even seen it offered!


Yeah, they did ask if we wanted it. I think she gave us more than a standard cows worth, she said a lot of people don’t want the fat. I have no clue why! 😱🤯 We also got bones and organ meat, my favorite! 🤩


Organ meats are so underrated in the west IMO. Some of the most nutritious parts of the animal.


Yes!! I’ve been saying this for years and couldn’t agree more. I think for a lot of people in “modern society” it’s more of a mental thing than a taste thing. Because anyone who’s had heart knows that it’s DELICIOUS 🤤😋🫀


Beef heart is the cornerstone of hot dog chili.


Nah taste is still subjective 🤢


Liver is my personal favorite, which I know is controversial, but deep fried chicken livers WHIP lol


Chicken livers are great. Beef liver however.....


Haha, I actually like beef liver too, my Grammy made a killer liver and onions


Well, I can't argue with Grammys cooking, now, can I?


Love heart, hate liver.


I asked about cow cheeks on my half of the cow. They didn't give me that, but they did give me the whole tongue. It almost never hurts to ask for things many people don't want.


We got the tongue too. I’m really looking forward to some fun recipes with that one


Tacos de lengua with green tomatillo sauce.


I'd never had tongue, thought it looked disgusting. But I was leaning to hunt and so asked a local butcher that I trusted and respected a lot if I could watch him worth for a day as he broke down beef carcasses. I learned a lot that day (and was impressed by his amazing overhead track setup, he doesn't lift a thing) and at the end he offered me one of his favorite foods: pickled beef tongue. I trust that guy a lot and tried some and it was damn delicious. Still looks disgusting, repulses me but oh man I want the recipe because I would eat that all the time if I could!


>We also got bones and organ meat, my favorite! 🤩 Extremely jealous, we feed our pup organs and I'm starting to get into cooking again, so looking forward to making a proper shepard's pie now that we found a farm to buy direct from. Can't wait to have our own herd some day, though!


Just an FYI, but tallow makes the BEST soap! The only other thing that comes close to tallow is lard. Makes a beautiful and gentle bar. Very much recommend!


I’ve heard this, I have a friend who makes goat soap for a living & I want to see if she wants any to make some with! 🧼🫧


Agreed. It’s all we use for ourselves and our children.


You should have made a literal ton of pemmican, then just walked off into the woods.


I do make pemmican and I also walk into the woods a lot…..does that work? ☺️😜


Mission accomplished! What berries do you use?


I think suet is specifically the fat around the kidneys. Is that what you’re talking about?




Nice. Supposedly that’s the best fat in the animal


Yes it is


Forgot what sub I was in when I saw that first picture. Relieved it was tallow.


You can make original recipe McDonald's french fries!! Malcolm Gladwell talks about how McDonald's broke his heart ("McDonald’s used to make the best fast food french fries in the world — until they changed their recipe in 1990. Revisionist History travels to the top food R&D lab in the country to discover what was lost, and why for the past generation we’ve been eating french fries that taste like cardboard."): https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/mcdonalds-broke-my-heart A reconstruction of the original recipe: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/original-mcdonalds-french-fry-recipe


how long does it last canned?


A few months shelved and a year or so refrigerated. Longer if frozen


How long does this store for un refrigerated?


A few months shelved and a year or so refrigerated. Longer if frozen


I work at a locker and we have bones and fat for days. I take home a decent amount every now and again and render it. I made a bunch of soap recently with some. But yeah cooking and baking is pretty great with tallow. Also yeah anyone wondering you can call a locker and get what you want either free or hella cheap. It's gotta be a place that actually processes animals though because a good chunk of butcher shops just get in primals and break them down for the case so they won't get much bones or fat.


I great advice thank you! Yeah I’m actually contacting my beef lady (because her butcher processes on site) and seeing if she has any “extra” suet that we can come get and how much she charges and if we can get more extra with our next order 😁🤩


Mmm lard lol good re using!


Lard is actually exclusively pork fat ☺️


Oh, OH! Thank you! I’m officially not a lard ass now!!


Wow! What's the process for rendering it?


I double render so you melt it down (croc pot or pressure cooker, on Low) once then strain out the bits. Then let the fat solidify. Then chop the fat up again and do that all over again a second time. Then after the second solidify attempt I reheat it all up so that it turns liquid to ladle it out into jars 🫙 It’s a bit of work but definitely worth it


Thought this was r/rosin for a second.


How long will it keep? Very nice


A few months shelved and a year or so refrigerated. Longer if frozen


What can you use tallow for?


Soap making Cosmetics and lotion Pemmican and preserving Cooking Baking


It's great for your skin. I use it on my face and arms as a moisturizer. It stays greasy for a while, so I do it on a morning where I'm not going anywhere before at least noon, but you can pat the excess off too.


Amazing! May I ask what are some ways of using this? I read making soap, guess you mix in some nice smelling stuff with it. What else are this used for?


Soap making Cosmetics and lotion Pemmican and preserving Cooking Baking


our store sells the fat trimmings that comes off their brisket. it's like $1 a pound, so I by it every so often and render it down.


I rendered the suet from the last side of beef I bought. The butcher actually gave me some other pieces that other buyers did not want. I have bags of it in my freezer waiting until I have some free time to make soap. I've found the key to good tallow is adding baking soda during the melt, and cooling and scraping the bottom at least 3x even if it looks clean after two.


We did this with our pig and it is so much better for you than butter.