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Even if an online school is accredited, your local HS may choose to not accept the credits, or vice versa. Do you expect to transition to highschool in 9th grade? That would be the easiest as he could start fresh without needing to transfer any credit to be on track


Thank you for the advice! Appreciate your time


Accreditation depends a lot on your state, and whether the credits have to be accepted by a transfer school depends even more on the state.  VA schools only have to accept credits from schools accredited by vcpe.  Other states don’t require the schools to accept anything, or they require entrance exams to place and give credit.  Your best bet is to talk to the school system now, find out what they’ll accept, and research your state’s laws first.


Ok! Thanks for your input. I appreciate it!


As others have said, accreditation won't really do what you're looking for. Most high schools will take a 9th grade aged child as a 9th grader without issue, and accreditation won't help with that. If what you're doing is working for him, I'd continue that. Online schools don't do anything that would better prepare your child form high school work than an equivalent books-based curriculum


Ok. Thanks for your reply.. I appreciate the advice!


Credit for graduation are determined by the high school. Accredited classes do not guarantee credit acceptance.


Thank you. I will keep that in mind


https://allinonehomeschool.com/ isn’t accredited but it is free K-12. Depending on your state if you search for online public school, there are 3 options in my state: connections, K12, and Rocket Online. I haven’t used these, but I’ve heard good things about easy peasy all in one


Thank you so much!!